
理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍

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理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍 商品图0
理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍 商品图1
理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍 商品缩略图0 理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍 商品缩略图1


书名:Richard III  理查三世
作者:William Shakespeare威廉·莎士比亚
出版社名称:Signet Classics
商品尺寸:10.6 x1.8 x 17.3 cm
页数:336 (以实物为准)

理查三世(Richard III,1452年10月2日~1485年8月22日)是1483-1485年在位的英格兰国王,约克王朝的末代国王,也是金雀花王朝的zui后一位国王。 他是爱德华四世之弟,1483年摄政(爱德华四世遗诏封理查为护国公lord protector,享有摄政权)。传闻其杀害侄子爱德华五世即位(英国史学界至今对“塔中王子”的下落存争议,无定论说明理查是元凶),镇压了要求王位继承权的白金汉公爵叛乱。但在和里士满伯爵亨利·都铎的交战中,由于部下威廉·斯坦利叛变而失利被杀。莎士比亚等剧作家将其刻画为“驼背的暴君”。但理查三世在位期间成就斐然,建立了一套完善的法律援助体系和保释制度,援助大学、教堂,建立的北方议会等,在当时的地区享有广泛的爱戴。

英国剧作家威廉·莎士比亚于1591年出版历史剧Richard III《理查三世》,这是莎士比亚第二长的剧本,长度仅次于《哈姆雷特》。该作品用严谨的写作风格,逼真地再现了暴君理查三世短暂的执政历史。1955年,根据该剧改编的同名电影上映。该片由劳伦斯·奥利弗执导,劳伦斯·奥利弗、塞德里克·哈德威克等主演。获得第6届柏林国际电影节、第14届美国金球奖、第9届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖等多个奖项。

本书为Signet Classics推出的英文原版修订版,对莎士比亚生平作了介绍,同时提供序言、评论、注释等。内容完整无删减,书本小巧便携,适合英语学习者及对经典英国文学作品、莎士比亚系列作品感兴趣的读者。

William Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy follows the bloody path of the “rudely stamped” Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who uses his murderous guile to achieve the throne of England. 

This revised Signet Classics edition includes unique features such as: 

- An overview of Shakespeare’s life, world, and theater
- A special introduction to the play by the editor
- Selections from the source from which Shakespeare derived Richard III
- Dramatic criticism
- A comprehensive stage and screen history of notable actors, directors, and productions
- Text, notes, and commentaries printed in the clearest, most readable text
- And more... 


William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a poet, playwright, and actor who is widely regarded as one of the most influential writers in the history of the English language. Often referred to as the Bard of Avon, Shakespeare’s vast body of work includes comedic, tragic, and historical plays; poems; and 154 sonnets. His dramatic works have been translated into every major language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. 

Act 1 Scene 1    running scene 1

Enter Richard, Duke of Gloucester, solus

RICHARD Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York:
And all the clouds that loured upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths,
Our bruisèd arms hung up for monuments,
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war hath smoothed his wrinkled front,
And now, instead of mounting barbèd steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady’s chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.
But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass:
I, that am rudely stamped, and want love’s majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph:
I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them—
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to see my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity.
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determinèd to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams,
To set my brother Clarence and the king
In deadly hate the one against the other.
And if King Edward be as true and just
As I am subtle, false and treacherous,
This day should Clarence closely be mewed up
About a prophecy, which says that ‘G’
Of Edward’s heirs the murderer shall be.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here Clarence comes. —



理查三世 英文原版 Richard III 英文版 Shakespeare 莎士比亚经典戏剧 英国历史剧 获奖电影剧本 进口文学书籍


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