
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书

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小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品图0
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品图1
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品图2
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品图3
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品图4
小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品缩略图0 小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品缩略图1 小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品缩略图2 小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品缩略图3 小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书 商品缩略图4


书名:Harriet the Spy 小间谍哈瑞特/小侦探哈里特/超级大间谍
作者:Louise Fitzhugh
出版社名称:HarperCollins Children’s Books
商品尺寸:12.9 x 1.9 x 19.8 cm

Harriet the Spy《小间谍哈瑞特》在儿童文学历史上的地位非常特殊,它对于童年的成长和情感等问题诚实的写照感染了无数的读者。故事主角是一个拥有强烈的好奇心,而且非常聪明的女孩,她把她观察到的大人和同学的一言一行都记在自己的笔记本里,并加上自己率真的评论。当她的同学们发现了这个笔记本之后,他们给她冠上了“间谍”的称号,并开始集体排斥她……
1. 著名儿童文学作家梅子涵推荐;
2. 教会孩子处理人际关系,做人要学会时常考虑他人的感受。
3. 英文原版,内容无删减,阅读难度不大。

A New York Public Library’s 100 Great Children’s Books 100 Years selection

“This is the book that made me want to be a writer. [Harriet] was the first fictional female character I ever came across who privileged her own truth above the expectations put on her as a little girl.”   — Anna Holmes for Bookish.com

“I don’t know of a better novel about the costs and rewards of being a truth teller, nor of any book that made more readers of my generation want to become fiction writers. I love the story of Harriet so much I feel as if I lived it.”  Jonathan Franzen, author ofFreedom andThe Corrections

Harriet the Spy bursts with life.”   School Library Journal

“The characterizations are marvelously shrewd.”   The Bulletin

Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Before she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she’s written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?

路易斯·菲兹修Louise Fitzhugh)出生于美国田纳西州孟菲斯市,在巴德学院学习意大利和法国艺术,后进入纽约艺术学生联盟和柯柏联盟学院深造。
她的首部儿童小说《小间谍哈瑞特》(Harriet the Spy)以及系列篇《旷日持久的秘密》(The Long Secret)、《斯波特》(Sport),都被公认为儿童文学的里程碑。《小间谍哈瑞特》被亚马逊网上书店评选为二十世纪全球50本童书之一,获得过美国学校图书馆杂志年度好书奖、《纽约时报》年度好书奖等多项大奖。
Louise Fitzhugh (1928–1974) was born in Memphis, Tennessee. She attended Bard College, studied art in Italy and France, and continued her studies in New York at the Art Students League and at Cooper Union. Her booksHarriet the Spy,The Long Secret, and Sport have been acclaimed as milestones of children’s literature. These classics delight readers year after year.

Harriet was trying to explain to Sport how to play Town. “See, first you make up the name of the town. Then you write down the names of all the people who live in it. You can’t have too many or it gets too hard. I usually have twenty-five.”
“Ummmm.” Sport was tossing a football in the air. They were in the courtyard of Harriet’s house on East Eighty-seventh Street in Manhattan.
“Then when you know who lives there, you make up what they do. For instance, Mr. Charles Hanley runs the filling station on the corner.” Harriet spoke thoughtfully as she squatted next to the big tree, bending so low over her notebook that her long straight hair touched the edges.
“Don’tcha wanta play football?” Sport asked.
“Now, listen, Sport, you never did this and it’s fun. Now over here next to this curve in the mountain we’ll put the filling station. So if anything happens there, you remember where it is.”
Sport tucked the football under his arm and walked over to her. “That’s nothing but an old tree root. Whaddya mean, a mountain?”
“That’s a mountain. From now on that’s a mountain. Got it?” Harriet looked up into his face.
Sport moved back a pace. “Looks like an old tree root,” he muttered.
Harriet pushed her hair back and looked at him seriously. “Sport, what are you going to be when you grow up?”
“You know what. You know I’m going to be a ball player.”
“Well, I’m going to be a writer. And when I say that’s a mountain, that’s a mountain.” Satisfied, she turned back to her town.
Sport put the football gently on the ground and knelt beside her, looking over her shoulder at the notebook in which she scribbled furiously.
“Now, as soon as you’ve got all the men’s names down, and their wives’ names and their children’s names, then you figure out all their professions. You’ve got to have a doctor, a lawyer—”
“And an Indian chief,” Sport interrupted.
“No. Someone who works in television.”
“What makes you think they have television?”
“I say they do. And, anyway, my father has to be in it, doesn’t he?”
“Well, then put mine in too. Put a writer in it.”
“Okay, we can make Mr. Jonathan Fishbein a writer.”
“And let him have a son like me who cooks for him.” Sport rocked back and forth on his heels, chanting in singsong, “And let him be eleven years old like me, and let him have a mother who went away and has all the money, and let him grow up to be a ball player.”
“Nooo,” Harriet said in disgust. “Then you’re not making it up. Don’t you understand?”
Sport paused. “No,” he said.
“Just listen, Sport. See, now that we have all this written down, I’ll show you where the fun is.” Harriet got very businesslike. She stood up, then got on her knees in the soft September mud so she could lean over the little valley made between the two big roots of the tree. She referred to her notebook every now and then, but for the most part she stared intently at the mossy lowlands which made her town. “Now, one night, late at night, Mr. Charles Hanley is in his filling station. He is just about to turn out the lights and go home because it is nine o’clock and time for him to get ready for bed.”
“But he’s a grown-up!” Sport looked intently at the spot occupied by the gas station.
“In this town everybody goes to bed at nine-thirty,” Harriet said definitely.
“Oh”—Sport rocked a little on his heels—“my father goes to bed at nine in the morning. Sometimes I meet him getting up.”
“And also, Dr. Jones is delivering a baby to Mrs. Harrison right over here in the hospital. Here is the hospital, the Carterville General Hospital.” She pointed to the other side of town. Sport looked at the left root.


小间谍哈瑞特 英文原版 Harriet the Spy 小侦探哈里特 英文版儿童小说 超级大间谍 正版英语书


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