
悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables 企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版

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悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables  企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版 商品图0
悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables  企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版 商品图1
悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables  企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版 商品缩略图0 悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables  企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版 商品缩略图1


书名:Les Miserables (Penguin Clothbound Classics) 悲惨世界(布面精装版)

作者:Victor Hugo维克多·雨果 (作者), Norman Denny (导言,译者)
出版社名称:Penguin Classics
商品尺寸:13.8 x 5.1 x 20.5 cm
Les Miserables《悲惨世界》是法国大文豪维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦犯冉·阿让的个人经历,融进了法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰。情节错综复杂,设计巧妙,人物形象鲜明突出,色彩浓重瑰丽,气势磅礴浩大,堪称文学史上现实主义与浪漫主义结合的典范,曾多次被改编成影视作品,是不可错过的文学佳作。

本书为Penguin Classics推出的企鹅经典英文原版,内容完整无删减,由Norman Denny翻译并写导言,用词准确,表达地道。布面硬壳精装,适合收藏或送礼。

Now a major musical film from Oscar-winning director Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech), starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway, and also featuring Amanda Seyfreid, Helena Bonham-Carter and Sacha Baron-Cohen, Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables is one of the great works of western literature.

Victor Hugo’s tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman), an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him. But his attempts to become a respected member of the community are constantly put under threat: by his own conscience, when, owing to a case of mistaken identity, another man is arrested in his place; and by the relentless investigations of the dogged Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe). It is not simply for himself that Valjean must stay free, however, for he has sworn to protect the baby daughter of Fantine (Anne Hathaway), driven to prostitution by poverty.

Victor Hugo (1802-85) wrote volumes of criticism, Romantic costume dramas, satirical verse and political journalism but is best remembered for his novels, especially Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misérables (1862) which was adapted into one of the most successful musicals of all time.

“All human life is here.” —Cameron Mackintosh, producer of the musical Les Misérables
“One of the half-dozen greatest novels of the world.” —Upton Sinclair
“A great writer—inventive, witty, sly, innovatory.”  —A. S. Byatt, author of Possession
Les Miserables《悲惨世界》主要讲述了在19世纪的法国,穷苦农民冉·阿让因偷面包而入狱多年,终获假释却再次无视法律,不得不开始逃亡。被收留他的主教感化后,冉·阿让决心洗心革面,开始新生活。十年后他成为成功的商人并当上市长,却一直受到铁面警官沙威锲而不舍地追捕。

Set in the Parisian underworld and plotted like a detective story, Les Misérables follows the adventures of Jean Valjean, originally an honest peasant, who has been imprisoned for 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his sister’s starving family. A hardened criminal upon his release, he eventually reforms, becoming a successful industrialist and town mayor. Despite this, Valjean is haunted by an impulsive former crime and is pursued relentlessly by the police inspector Javert.
维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802 ~1885),法国作家,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力,代表作有The Hunchback of Notre Dame《巴黎圣母院》、Les Miserables《悲惨世界》。

Victor Hugo(1802-85) was the most forceful, prolific and versatile of French nineteenth-century writers. He wrote Romantic costume dramas, many volumes of lyrical and satirical verse, political and other journalism, criticism and several novels, the best known of which are Les Misérables (1862) and the youthful Notre-Dame de Paris (1831). A royalist and conservative as a young man, Hugo later became a committed social democrat and during the Second Empire of Napoleon III was exiled from France, living in the Channel Islands. He returned to Paris in 1870 and remained a great public figure until his death: his body lay in state under the Arc de Triomphe before being buried in the Panthéon.


悲惨世界 英文原版小说 Les Miserables 企鹅经典布面精装 雨果名著 法国浪漫主义文学代表 英文版进口书籍正版


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