
正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍

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正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品图0
正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品图1
正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品图2
正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品缩略图0 正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品缩略图1 正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍 商品缩略图2






作者:Jerry Spinelli杰瑞·史宾尼利 





商品尺寸:13 x 1.2 x 20.3 cm 



她是一个童话,一首诗,一则寓言 她唤起一切失落的自我,遗失的美好,冷却的热情 她就在我们心里 ★当独特的姿态与一成不变的群体瞬间碰撞,当内心的真实与外界的虚伪无法调和, ★一个关于自我、包容和爱的成长寓言,献给所有还是孩子,曾是孩子的你们…… ★纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利经典之作,阐释忠于自我并长久坚持的成长箴言,感动之处堪比俄罗斯经典电影《稻草人》 ★纽约时报排行榜畅销书,出版者周刊、美国图书馆协会、纽约市立图书馆、新大西洋独立书商协会、童书书商协会合力推荐 精彩书评:“一个神秘但又令人心碎不已的故事。”——《科克斯评论》 “作者为‘个人独特性’之重要性与珍贵创造了一个充满诗意的寓言故事。”——《纽约时报》 “史宾尼利编织了一个深刻尖锐、掺杂苦涩与甜蜜的故事,捕捉了个人独特性的精髓。《星星女孩》将会唤醒年轻读者与记得曾经年轻的成年读者内心深处的纯真。”——《好书通报》 “时而小仙女,时而离经叛道者,时而梦想制造者,《星星女孩》展现了类似《马尼西亚传奇》中的许多充满了想象力的特质。”——出版者周刊主笔 “光芒四射的星星小姐……甚至在合上书很久后,都依然能感受到这本书所带来的心灵的激荡。”——底特律新闻自由出版社 A modern-day classic and New York Times bestseller that celebrates the power of individuality and personal expression from beloved Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli.Review “Spinelli is a poet of the prepubescent.... No writer guides his young characters, and his readers, past these pitfalls and challenges and toward their futures with more compassion.”  — The New York Times “A magical and heartbreaking tale.”  — Kirkus Reviews, Starred “Spinelli has produced a poetic allegorical tale about the magnificence and rarity of true nonconformity.”  The New York Times “Part fairy godmother, part outcast, part dream-come-true, [Stargirl] possesses many of the mythical qualities of Maniac Magee.”  Publishers Weekly, Starred “Stargirl is luminescent.... This book resonates long after the cover is closed.” The Detroit News and Free PressStargirl tells us the captivating story of a magical, mysterious girl.... A wonder tribute to nonconformity.”  Chicago Tribune你看见“星星女孩”了吗?


她像沙漠的天空一样神奇,像她的宠物鼠一样奇特,像她的名字一样神秘。 她穿古老的米色长裙,斜背着一把尤克里里琴;她在课桌上摆上插着雏菊的花瓶;她时常在毫无征兆的情况下发笑,在没有音乐的时候舞蹈;她为每一个过生日的人送上祝福,为赛场上的所有人欢呼。 她的到来,为寂静的米嘉中学带来了声音和色彩。大家被她的坦率和热情所深深吸引,不由自主地喜欢上她,又对她的与众不同、我行我素心怀恐惧。 人们说,她美好得不像真实的存在。不,她和希望一样真实,和人类的本源一般纯粹。她是一面镜子,让我们看到失落许久的自己。 Stargirl. From the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in a burst of color and sound, the hallways hum with the murmur of “Stargirl, Stargirl.” She captures Leo Borlock’s heart with just one smile. She sparks a school-spirit revolution with just one cheer. The students of Mica High are enchanted. At first. Then they turn on her. Stargirl is suddenly shunned for everything that makes her different, and Leo, panicked and desperate with love, urges her to become the very thing that can destroy her: normal. In this celebration of nonconformity, Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli weaves a tense, emotional tale about the perils of popularity and the thrill and inspiration of first love.

杰瑞·史宾尼利(Jerry Spinelli)美国著名文学作家。16岁时在地方报上发表了一首描写美式足球赛的诗,转而想成为一名作家。盖兹堡学院毕业后,一边在杂志社上班,一边从事写作。前四部作品被拒,第五部小说《七年级太空站》(Space Station Seventh Grade)却意外获童书出版商青睐。其他作品包括获1991年纽伯瑞金奖的《疯狂麦基》(ManiacMagee)、获1998年纽伯瑞银奖的《小杀手》(Wringer),《失败者》(Loser)、《碰撞》(Crash)和自传体小说《溜溜绳扣》(Knots in My Yo-yo String)等。



Jerry Spinelli is the author of many novels for young readers, including TheWarden’sDaughter; Stargirl; Love, Stargirl; Milkweed; Crash; Wringer; and ManiacMagee, winner of the Newbery Medal; along with Knots in My Yo-Yo String, the autobiography of his childhood. A graduate of Gettysburg College, he lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, poet and author Eileen Spinelli.

'When I was little, my uncle Pete had a necktie with a porcupine painted on it. I thought that necktie was just about the neatest thing in the world. Uncle Pete would stand patiently before me while I ran my fingers over the silky surface, half expecting to be stuck by one of the quills. Once, he let mc wear t. I kept looking for one of my own, but I could never find one.


I was twelve when we moved from Pennsylvania to Arizona. When Uncle Pete came to say good-bye, he was wearing the tie. I thought he did so to give mc one last look at it, and I was grateful. But then, with a dramatic flourish, he whipped off the tic and draped it around my neck. “It’s yours,” he said. “Going-away present.” I loved that porcupine tie so much that I decided to start a collection. Two years after we settled in Arizona, the number of ties in my collection was still one. Where do you find a porcupine necktie in Mica, Arizona—or anywhere else, for that matter? On my fourteenth birthday, I read about myself in the local newspaper. The family section ran a regular feature about kids on their birthdays, and my mother had called in some info. The last sentence read: “As a hobby, Leo Bullock collects porcupine neckties.” Several days later, coming home from school, I found a plastic bag on our front step. Inside was a gift-wrapped package tied with yellow ribbon. The tag said “Happy Birthday!” I opened the package. It was a porcupine necktie. Two porcupines were tossing darts with their quills, while a third was picking its teeth. I inspected the box, the tag, the paper. Nowhere could I have the giver’s name. I asked my parents. I asked my friends. I called my uncle Pete. Everyone denied knowing anything about it. At the time I simply considered the episode a mystery. It did not occur to me that I was being watched. We were all being watched.


正版 星星女孩 英文原版青春小说 Stargirl 纽伯瑞文学奖得主杰瑞史宾尼利 英文版进口英语书籍


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