
托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版

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托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品图0
托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品图1
托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品图2
托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品缩略图0 托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品缩略图1 托尔金作品 I 努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说故事 进口英文原版小说 Unfinished Tales 霍比特人指环王系列外传全英文版 商品缩略图2


书名:Unfinished Tales  努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说

作者:J. R. R. Tolkien

出版社名称:HarperCollins Publisher




商品尺寸:15.2 x 2.5 x 22.8 cm



Unfinished Tales《努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说》是英国牛津大学教授兼语言学家J.R.R.托尔金的文章和故事合集,汇集中洲世界那些未完的传说,人气角色的过往,甘道夫的深谋远虑,努曼诺尔的历史等等无数戒迷翘首企盼的中洲秘闻。本书适合有一定英文水平的西方奇幻小说爱好者、《霍比特人》《魔戒》忠实粉丝及英语学习者阅读。 推荐理由: 1.《努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说》是指环王系列故事的外传性质作品,经J.R.R.托尔金的儿子克里斯托夫·托尔金编订而成;  2.本书是为渴望更加了解中洲的语言文化、历史传说、风土人情的读者准备的厚礼; 3.每个故事结尾处均附有简短注释,方便读者理解故事内容; 4.英文原版无删减,采用托尔金手绘封面,并附中土世界地图——努曼诺尔地图; 5.本书为精装纪念版,精美大气,值得收藏留作纪念。 Classic hardback edition of this fascinating collection of stories, featuring Tolkien’s own painting of the dragon Glaurung on the cover, which continues the tales ofThe Hobbit,The Lord of the Rings andThe Silmarillion and contains an alternative version ofThe Children of Hurin.A collection of Tolkien’s tales from middle-earth, which further expand upon the narratives of TheSilmarillion andTheLord of the Rings. The tales were collated and edited by J.R.R Tolkien’s son and literary heir, Christopher Tolkien, who provides a short commentary on each story, helping the reader to fill in the gaps and put each story into the context. Reviews:“How, given little over half a century, did one man become the creativeequivalent of a people?” —Guardian “Moments of mythic grandeur.” —Sunday Times“Another monument to the incredible imagination of Tolkien.” —Sunday Telegraph

Unfinished Tales《努门诺尔与中洲之未完的传说》汇集了自远古至魔戒大战结束、时间跨度足有数千年之久的种种中洲逸事: 巫师甘道夫对促成矮人聚首袋底洞、谋复孤山的生动叙述; 伊熙尔杜身遭不测,魔戒落入大河的前因后果; 加拉德瑞尔的过往与力量之戒的铸成; 刚铎与洛汗两国缘何结下同仇敌忾的生死盟约; 沉沦之地努曼诺尔漫长历史遗留的独一记载; 以及初代黑暗魔君尚未败亡之时,杜内丹人的先祖图奥是如何亲见司掌众水之神乌欧牟现身于贝烈瑞安德的海滨,传奇英雄图林又何以慨叹自己“自童年起就在魔苟斯的黑暗迷雾中摸索”。诚然,书中“每个故事都是‘未完待续’的,差别只在程度的深浅,并且是多种意义上的‘未完待续’”,但传奇本无穷尽,故也永不终结。 Unfinished Tales is a collection of narratives ranging in time from the Elder Days of Middle-earth to the end of the War of the Ring, and provides those who have read The Lord of the Rings with a whole collection of background and new stories from the twentieth century’s most acclaimed popular author. The book concentrates on the realm of Middle-earth and comprises such elements as Gandalf’s lively account of how it was that he came to send the Dwarves to the celebrated party at Bag-End, the emergence of the sea-god Ulmo before the eyes of Tuor on the coast of Beleriand, and an exact description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan.Unfinished Tales also contains the only story about the long ages of Numenor before its downfall, and all that is known about such matters as the Five Wizards, the Palantiri and the legend of Amroth.

约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金,CBE(英语:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,1892年1月3日-1973年9月2日),笔名J.R.R.托尔金,英国作家、诗人、语言学家及大学教授,以创作经典严肃奇幻作品《霍比特人》《魔戒》与《精灵宝钻》而闻名于世。 J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973) was a distinguished academic, though he is best known for writingThe Hobbit,The Lord of the RingsandThe Silmarillion, plus other stories and essays. His books have been translated into 50 languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide. The Children of Hurin was published for the first time in 2007.

INTRODUCTION PART ONE: THE FIRST AGEI  OF TUOR AND HIS COMING TO GONDOLIN      Notes II  NARN I HÎN HÚRIN      The Childhood of Túrin57; The Words of Húrin and Morgoth65; The Departure of Túrin67; Túrin in Doriath75; Túrin among the Outlaws83; Of Mîm the Dwarf94; The Return of Túrin to Dorlómin 102; The Coming of Túrin into Brethil 106; The Journey of Morwen and Nienor to Nargothrond 109; Nienor in Brethil 118; The Coming of Glaurung 121; The Death of Glaurung 128; The Death of Túrin 136       Notes       AppendixPART TWO: THE SECOND AGEI A DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLAND OF NÚMENOR     Map of Númenor     Notes II ALDARION AND ERENDIS: The Mariner’s Wife     Notes III  THE LINE OF ELROS: KINGS OF NÚMENOR     Notes IV  THE HISTORY OF GALADRIEL AND CELEBORN      and of Amroth King of Lórien      Notes      Appendices (Appendix A, The Silvan Elves and their Speech 246; Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves 247; Appendix C, The Boundaries of Lórien 249; Appendix D, The Port of Lond Daer 250; Appendix D, The Names of Celeborn and Galadriel 255) PART III: THE THIRD AGEI THE DISASTER OF THE GLADDEN FIELDS      Notes      Appendix (Númenórean Linear Measures) II CIRION AND EORL AND THE FRIENDSHIP OF GONDOR AND ROHAN      (i) The Northmen and the Wainriders      (ii) The Ride of Eorl      (iii) Cirion and Eorl      (iv) The Tradition of Isildur      Notes  III  THE QUEST OF EREBOR      Notes      Appendix (Note of the text, and extracts from the earlier version) IV  THE HUNT FOR THE RING      (i) Of the Journey of the Black Riders according to the account that Gandalf gave to Frodo      (ii) Other Versions of the Story      (iii) Concerning Gandalf, Saruman and the Shire      Notes V THE BATTLES OF THE FORDS OF ISEN      Notes      Appendix PART FOURI THE DRÚEDAIN      Notes II THE ISTARI      Notes III THE PALANTÍRI      Notes Index

Rían, wife of Huor, dwelt with the people of the House of Hador; but when rumour came to Dor-lómin of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and yet she could hear no news of her lord, she became distraught and wandered forth into the wild alone. There she would have perished, but the Grey-elves came to her aid. For there was a dwelling of this people in the mountains westward of Lake Mithrim; and thither they led her, and she was there delivered of a son before the end of the Year of Lamentation. And Rían said to the Elves: “Let him be called Tuor, for that name his father chose, ere war came between us. And I beg of you to foster him, and to keep him hidden in your care; for I forebode that great good, for Elves and Men, shall come from him. But I must go in search of Huor, my lord.” Then the Elves pitied her; but one Annael, who alone of all that went to war from that people had returned from the Nirnaeth, said to her: “Alas, lady, it is known now that Huor fell at the side of Húrin his brother; and he lies, I deem, in the great hill of slain that the Orcs have raised upon the field of battle.” Therefore Rían arose and left the dwelling of the Elves, and she passed through the land of Mithrim and came at last to the Haudh-en-Ndengin in the waste of Anfauglith, and there she laid her down and died. But the Elves cared for the infant son of Huor, and Tuor grew up among them; and he was fair of face, and golden-haired after the manner of his father’s kin, and he became strong and tall and valiant, and being fostered by the Elves he had lore and skill no less than the princes of the Edain, ere ruin came upon the North.


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