
雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目

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雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品图0
雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品图1
雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品图2
雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品图3
雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品缩略图0 雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品缩略图1 雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品缩略图2 雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目 商品缩略图3


书名:Ramona and Her Father 雷梦拉与爸爸
作者:Beverly Cleary
商品尺寸:13 x 1 x 19.4 cm



Ramona and Her Father《雷梦拉与爸爸》是雷梦拉系列的其中一本,曾获得纽伯瑞银奖。雷梦拉用她的成长经历映射出时代的光辉,在她的成长道路上,她遇到了每个人都曾经遇到的困难,也让每个小读者在自己身上都能找到雷梦拉的影子。她是每个小女孩心中的偶像,也是美国儿童文学史上永恒的经典形象。

“克莱瑞通过雷梦拉的眼睛展示给我们真实的生活,告诉年少的读者们,他们并不孤独。” ——《科克斯书评》杂志

“能同时获得读者和评论家的一致好评实属难得,从克莱瑞的作品中,每个人都能感受到一种愉悦的氛围。无论是雷梦拉的冒险经历还是她的休闲生活,都如此真实地再现了生活的原貌。” ——《纽约时报》

“真实,温暖,又能让人发笑。” ——《书单》杂志

“克莱瑞万岁!勇敢的一年级,勇敢的雷梦拉!” ——《阅读教师》杂志

Seven-year-old Ramona Quimby’s world is turned upside-down when her father unexpectedly loses his job. Things grow tense in the Quimby house, but Ramona resolves to help in any way she can—even downsizing her Christmas list. But with bills piling up and her parents constantly stressed, Ramona wonders if life will ever go back to normal.
Beverly Cleary’s Newbery Honor Book depicts an average middle-class family dealing with the realities of life. With the perfect mix of humor and warmth, Ramona shines as a spirited girl with her heart set on helping.
Supports the Common Core State Standards

“True, warm-hearted, and funny.” —Booklist

Trouble in the Quimby house
When her father loses his job, Ramona decides to help out. Maybe she could earn a million dollars making a TV commercial, or get her father to stop smoking to save money (and his lungs)—she is full of ideas. Some work, some don’t. But when her father says he wouldn’t trade her for a million dollars, Ramona knows all is right in her world.


Beverly Cleary was born in McMinnville, Oregon, and, until she was old enough to attend school, lived on a farm in Yamhill, a town so small it had no library. Her mother arranged with the State Library to have books sent to Yamhill and acted as librarian in a lodge room upstairs over a bank. There Mrs. Cleary learned to love books. Mrs. Cleary’s hobbies are travel and needlework.

“Ye-e-ep!” sang Ramona Quimby one warm September afternoon, as she knelt on a chair at the kitchen table to make out her Christmas list. She had enjoyed a good day in second grade, and she looked forward to working on her list. For Ramona a Christmas list was a list of presents she hoped to receive, not presents she planned to give. “Ye-e-ep!” she sang again.
“Thank goodness today is payday,” remarked Mrs. Quimby, as she opened the refrigerator to see what she could find for supper.
“Ye-e-ep!” sang Ramona, as she printed mice or ginny pig on her list with purple crayon. Next to Christmas and her birthday, her father’s payday was her favorite day. His payday meant treats. Her mother’s payday from her part—time job in a doctor’s office meant they could make payments on the bedroom the Quimbys had added to their house when Ramona was in first grade.
“What’s all this yeeping about?” asked Mrs. Quimby.
“I’m making a joyful noise until the Lord like they say in Sunday school,” Ramona explained. “Only they don’t tell us what the joyful noise sounds like so I made up my own.” Hooray and wow, joyful noises to Ramona, had not sounded right, so she had settled on yeep because it sounded happy but not rowdy. “Isn’t that all right?” she asked, as she began to add myna bird that talks to her list.
“Yeep is fine if that’s the way you feel about it,” reassured Mrs. Quimby.
Ramona printed coocoo dock on her list while she wondered what the treat would be this payday. Maybe, since this was Friday, they could all go to a movie if her parents could find one suitable. Both Ramona and her big sister, Beezus, christened Beatrice, wondered what went on in all those other movies. They planned to find out the minute they were grown up. That was one thing they agreed on. Or maybe their father would bring present, a package of colored paper for Ramona, a paperback book for Beezus.


雷梦拉系列 雷蒙娜与爸爸 英文原版小说 Ramona and Her Father 纽伯瑞银奖 英文版儿童英语文学章节桥梁书 朗读手册书目


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