
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖 正版美国英语平装书

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牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品图0
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品图1
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品图2
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品图3
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品图4
牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品缩略图0 牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品缩略图1 牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品缩略图2 牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品缩略图3 牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖  正版美国英语平装书 商品缩略图4


书名:And Now Miguel 牧童历险记
作者:Joseph Krumgold
商品尺寸:13 x 1.3 x 19.4 cm

And Now Miguel《牧童历险记》是一个关于新墨西哥城牧羊人一家令人难忘和深深感动的故事,讲述了12岁的男孩米格尔渴望陪着家人和羊群在夏季放牧,以及想要被认可为一个独立个体的愿望。本书荣获纽伯瑞金奖作品,一经出版便深受读者的喜爱。
Winner, 1954 Newbery Medal
Notable Children’s Books of 1953 (ALA)
1954 Junior Book Award (Boys’ Clubs of America)
“A memorable and deeply moving story of a family of New Mexican sheepherders, in which Miguel, neither child nor man, tells of his great longing to accompany men and sheep to summer pasture, and expresses his need to be recognized as a maturing individual.”  — BL.

He wanted to be treated like a man, not a child.
Every summer the men of the Chavez family go on a long and difficult sheep drive to the mountains. All the men, that is, except for Miguel. All year long, twelve-year-old Miguel tries to prove that he, too, is up to the challenge ‘that he, too, is up to the challenge’ that he, too is ready to take the sheep into his beloved Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
When his deeds go unnoticed, he prays to San Ysidro, the saint for farmers everywhere. And his prayer is answered... but with devastating consequences.
When you act like an adult but get treated like a child, what else can you do but keep your wishes secret and pray that they’ll come true.
This is the story of a twelve-year-old Miguel Chavez, who yearns in his heart to go with the men of his family on a long and hard sheep drive to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains—until his prayer is finally answered, with a disturbing and dangerous exchange.

Joseph Krumgoldreceived the Newbery Medal for... And Now Miguel. One of the few people to receive the medal twice, he was subsequently awarded it for his novel Onion John, also available in a Harper Trophy edition.

I AM Miguel. For most people it does not make so much difference that I am Miguel. But for me, often, it is a very great trouble.
It would be different if I were Pedro. He is my younger brother, only seven years old. For Pedro everything is simple. Almost all the things that Pedro wants, he has—without much worry.
I wanted to find out how it was with him one day when we were in our private place near the Rio Pueblo, the river that goes through our farm. I asked him “Pedro, suppose you could have anything you want. Is there anything you want?”
“Al, of course.” He looked up from reaching below a rock in the river. In this way we catch trout, slowly feeling around in the quiet places beneath big stones. If the fish comes by, sliding soft against your hand, you can catch him. Pedro was just learning to fish like this. He looked up, not wishing to talk. “Of course, sure I want something.”
“Like what?”
“Like not so much school.”
“School—yes. But that is something that you do not want.”
“Like I say—not so much.”
“Then what is it that you do want?”
“Shh!” He closed his eyes, moving his hand slowly, slowly in the water, holding his breath, with his tongue between his teeth.
Of a sudden he grabbed, splashing. He made a big corn motion in the water. It was no good. Even before he took his hand out of the water, I knew it was empty.
“A good big trout, that’s what I do want.” Pedro looked at me like he was mad at me, like I spoiled his chance for the fish. “A good one, six inches big!”
He was mad. He took a stone and threw it into the water with all his might.
So I caught him a trout. It is not so hard. You lay down with your hand in the water, in a place where there are shadows below the bank. You leave your hand there for a long time, until the fish see that it is nothing strange. Until they come by, even touching you. Until you n touch them, even rub them very lightly. They seem to like this, the fish, for you to rub them this way. Then when you feel them coming through your fingers, slowly you hold on to them, slowly but tight. Without any sudden move. And that’s that.
I gave the fish to Pedro. It was almost six inches. He was happy with me again.
That’s the way it is with Pedro. One such fish, not too big after all, and he is happy.


牧童历险记 英文原版 And Now Miguel 难忘牧羊人 英文版儿童文学小说 纽伯瑞金奖 正版美国英语平装书


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