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第二版Think 5级别练习册答案【Unit1-Unit6】



Exercise 1 

1c 2a 3d 4b

Exercise 2 

1 Unless you promise not to tell anyone , I won't tell you my secret.

2 You can borrow my phone provided that you don't use all the data.

3 You can go to the party as long as you promise to be back before midnight.

4 Keep the noise down otherwise my neighbour will get very angry.

get used to 

Exercise 1

1 I'll never get used to messaging on this phone.

2 It took me a few months to get used to my new school.

3 It might take you a while to get used to using the new system.

4 I've finally got used to getting up early on Saturdays.

Exercise 2

A I'll never get used to wearing this thing.

B I'm still not really used to heights.

C I got used to eating with them when I lived in China.

D You get used to the noise after a while.

Friendship idioms

Exercise 1

1 out 2 out 3 in 4 on 5 on 6 the 7 at 8 the

Exercise 2

1 bury the hatchet 2 clear the air 

3 knoweach other inside out 4 fall out 

5 two peasin a pod 6 a house on fire 

7 shoulder to cry on 8 joined at the hip


Exercise 1

5, 3, 9, 1, 7, 2, 10, 4, 6, 8


Verbs with -ing or infinitive

Exercise 1

1 a to meet b meeting

2 a to call b calling

3 a saying b to say

4 a to take b taking

5 a chatting b to chat

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers

Issuing and accepting a challenge

Exercise 1

1 bet -e

2 challenge b

3 reckon-d

4 bet -a

Exercise 2

Students' own answers

Our greatest challenge

Exercise 1 

1 worried

2 unsure

3 apprehensive

4 positive

5 feeling

6 believe

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers

Phrases for talking about the future

Exercise 1

1 off to

2 about to

3 on the point of

4 likely to

5 certain


Exercise 1

1 challenge

2 apprehensive

3 feeling

4 bet

5 right

6 about

7 doing

8 off


Cheering someone up and sympathising about past situations 

Exercise 1

1 it get you down

2 shame

3 you 

4 up

5 terrible

6 in there

7 dear

8 the bright side

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers

Life's ups and downs

Exercise 1

1 didn't live up to my expectations

2 tried my hardest

3 blame

4 let her down

5 my way

6 getting in the way of

Exercise 2 


Adjectives to describe uncomfortable


Exercise 1 

1 stuck

2 guilty

3 ashamed

4 awkward

5 puzzled

6 desperate

Exercise 2

1 ashamed

2 puzzled

3 guilty

4 stuck

5 desperate

6 awkward

Talking about past ability

Exercise 1

1d 2f 3a 4b 5c 6e

Exercise 2

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 managed

2 dear

3 succeeded 

4 let

5 you

6 ashamed

7 blame

8 bright


Introducing news

Exercise 1

1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers

Ways of s peaking

Exercise 1 

1 recommending

2 confessing

3 complaining

4 introducing

5 announcing

Verb + noun collocations with make, take, play, do, give

Exercise 1

make - a deal, a decision, a speech,money, progress

take - a decision, advantage, advice,revenge

play- a part

do - a deal, research

give - a speech, advice, money

Exercise 2

1 make a decision

2 played; part

3 Take; advice

4 doing research

5 give/make a speech

6 make; money

Cause and effect linkers

Exercise 1

1 result

2 Consequently

3 because

4 due

Exercise 2

Students' own answers

Sharing news 

Exercise 1 

1 let

2 keep

3 get

4 break

5 pass


Exercise 1 

 Dad That's your problem, not mine.

Dad No, Sophie. I'm sorry. There are no more chances. From now on,you're on your own in the kitchen.

Dad Guess what, kids. I have made a decision.

Dad Everyone, I'd like to announce something.

Dad I will. Because of the mess that you always leave in the kitchen, I am no longer going to make meals for you.

Will I don't really think it's a problem I quite like the idea of cooking for myself.

Will What is it this time, Dad?

Sophie That's not fair, Dad. How are we supposed to eat?

Sophie That's because you don't really care what you eat. But I do. Please Dad.

Give us another chance.

Sophie Come on then. Tell us what it is.



Exercise 1


Exercise 2 

1 past

2 future

3 present

4 past

5 present

6 present/future

7 past

8 present

Exercise 3 

1 used to

2 would

3 would never

4 used to keep

5 tends to be

6 are always trying 

7 always make

8 will always

Exercise 4

1 always taking my things

2 tends to get our names

3 will often/usually live with

4 didn't use to get on

5 would sometimes have

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

1 Annoyingly

2 Honestly

3 Surely

4 hopefully

5 Admittedly

Exercise 7

1 Surely

2 Hopefully

3 Admittedly

4 Regrettably

5 Honestly

6 Understandably

7 Annoyingly

8 Obviously

Exercise 8

1 Hopefully, I'll get chosen for the school

2 play. Obviously, he wasn't happy about what you said.

3 Honestly, I don't really care what you do.

4 Regrettably, they sold all their best players.

5 Admittedly, I didn't really try very hard.

6 Understandably, they were quite upset about their test results.

7 Surely it won't rain again today.


1 Hopefully, my brother and I might start to get on better now.

2 Regrettably, my new job just made things worse.

3 Honestly, if Nora doesn't start being more respectful to her teachers, she'll get into trouble.

4 Admittedly, we don't agree on everything, but we are still good friends.

5 Understandably, you're very upset about his inconsiderate behaviour.

6 Obviously, the lazy students were not used to having such a demanding teacher.


Exercise 1

1 self-centred

2 rebellious

3 traditional

4 respectful

5 insecure

6 unconventional

Exercise 2

1h 2f 3d 4b 5g 6a 7e 8c

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

1 life

2 nerves

3 me

4 fights

5 word

6 something

7 things

8 put

Exercise 5

a1 b5 c7 d2 e8 f6 g3 h4


Exercise 1






Exercise 2 

1 like one of the family

2 set up home

3 run in the family

4 bring up children

5 provide (material things) for a family

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

They are (identical) twin sisters.

Exercise 2 

3, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 1, 8 

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers

Exercise 4 

1 A 2F 3A 4F


Exercise 1 

1 She's entered a national essay writing competition.

2 Lola's older sister.

3 Because she copes so well with her autism and tries to help others with the

same condition.

Exercise 2 

refers to her friend's suggestion

tells her friend what's been happening in

her life✓

gives reasons for the delay in her reply✓

enquires how her friend is✓

Exercise 3

Family hero: Jennie, (my older sister)

Jennie's challenge: living with autism

What Jennie wants: to help others understand the condition

Examples of how she does this: spoke for 20 minutes in school assembly, works with a charity supporting children who have autistic siblings

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 


Exercise 2 

1 rebellious 2 self-centred 3 respectful

Exercise 3

1 F 2 F 3 DS 4 F 5 T 6 T

Exercise 4 

1 question tag

2 phrase

3 rhetorical question

4 question tag

5 emphatic use of auxiliary

6 repetition of a word or phrase

7 emphatic use of auxiliary 


Exercise 1 

Freya What do you mean? Why would I want to go there?

Freya You know exactly what: my new trainers. What have you done with them?

Freya I will and if I find them, there will be trouble.

Freya I'm sorry but I don't believe you.

You're always taking my things without asking.

Freya So you won't mind if I take a look in your room then, will you?

Freya OK, Freya, where are they?

 Orla No, I won't. Go ahead. Be my guest.

Orla Where's what?

 Orla Well this time I'm not guilty. Sorry to disappoint you.

Orla But before you waste your time,you might want to check in Lucy's room first.

Orla Nothing. I've done nothing with your stupid trainers.

Orla Just that maybe your favourite baby sister has something that belongs

to you. I'm not always the problem, you know.

Exercise 2

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 used

2 own

3 For


5 least

6 of


8 how

Exercise 2 

1 been

2 much

3 at

4 one

5 would

6 from

7 being

8 In



Exercise 1 

1 stopped

2 didn't

3 to

4 was text

5 said

6 to turn

7 knew, did

8 had

Exercise 2

1 went

2 wasn't/weren't

3 hadn't drunk

4 stopped

5 didn't play

6 could

7 bought

8 didn't keep

Exercise 3

1 I wish I lived in the countryside.

2 I'd prefer it if we left half an hour earlier.

3 hungry! It's time I had lunch. That's why I'm so

4 If only it would stop raining.

5 I'd prefer to walk to the party.

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

1 far more

2 a lot

3 more complex

4 ar bigger

5 considerably quicker

Exercise 6

1 She's nowhere near as talented as her younger sister.

2 The Eiffel Tower is far taller than I thought it would be.

3 It is way cheaper to take the bus than the train.

4 That rollercoaster is nothing like as scary as it looks.

5 This exam is significantly more difficult than the one you did last week.

6 This situation is drastically more serious than we first thought.

Exercise 7

Students'own answers


1 My dream was nothing like as strange as yours. /My dream was not nearly as strange as yours. /My dream was nowhere near as strange as yours.

2 Some countries don't value the importance of sleep nearly as much as other nations. / Some countries value the importance of sleep nowhere near as much as other nations. / Some countries value the importance of sleep nothing like as much as other nations.

3 Working in this office is nowhere near as interesting as my dream job. / Working in this office is nothing like as interesting as my dream job. / Working in this office is not nearly as interesting as my dream job.

4 Nowhere near as many Japanese people take naps as the Brazilians. / Not nearly as many Japanese people take naps as the Brazilians. / Nothing like as many Japanese people take naps as the Brazilians.

5 Sleepwalking isn't nearly as mysterious as it seems./ Sleepwalking is nowhere near as mysterious as it seems. / Sleepwalking is nothing like as mysterious as it seems.


Exercise 1 

1g 2a 3b 4h 5c 6e 7d 8f

Exercise 2

1 fall asleep

2 take a nap

3 nod off

4 lie in

5 under the covers

6 snores; loudly

7 light sleeper

8 fast asleep

Exercise 3

1 oversleep

2 enough

3 skip

4 lack

5 get

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

1 It's beyond my wildest dreams.

2 I'd never dream of doing something like that.

3 It's a dream come true.

4 I need to get my beauty sleep.

5 Don't lose sleep over it.

6 In your dreams.

7 Let me sleep on it.

8 It's my dream job.

Exercise 6 

1 It's beyond my wildest dreams./ It's a dream come true. I It's my dream job.

2 I'd never dream of doing something like that.

3 don't lose sleep over it

4 I need to get my beauty sleep.

5 Let me sleep on it

6 In your dreams.

7 It's beyond my wildest dreams / It's a dream come true I It's my dream job.

8 It's beyond my wildest dreams / It's a dream come true.


Exercise 1 

1 through 2 over 3 in 4 out 5 off

Exercise 2 

1 sleep out 2 sleep off 3 sleep in 4 sleep through 

5 sleep over

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Suggested answer 


Exercise 2

1 Huffington

2 Obama

3 J-Lo


5 J-Lo

6 Cook

7 Huffington 8 Cook

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

C more exercise during the school day

Exercise 2 

1 It helps us sleep better, it improves concentration and reduces stress.

2 Because they use electronic devices at home and in school spend more time sitting in front of screens or behind desks.

3 Students who did the classes scored higher in tests and exams and were happier and less stressed than those who hadn't done them. 

4 Early morning Wake Up and Shake Up; Lunchtime Song and Dance and After School Yoga

Exercise 3 

1 The principal aim of …

2 According to a recent survey …

3 and

4 We understand that/We strongly recommend/ We suggest

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 Ingrid


3 Olivia

4 Bruno

Exercise 2

1T 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T

Exercise 3 

1 moving.

2 calling a bird charity

3 get too angry with him.

4 listening to music through headphones


Exercise 1 

4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5

Exercise 2

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1C 2A 3C 4C 5D 68 7C 8D


Exercise 1

She can never do well enough at school for her parents. ✓

Her parents give her younger sister more freedom.

Her parents expect her to act more maturely.✓

Her parents think she treats her younger sister badly.✓

Exercise 2

1 F 2 DS 3 T 4 T 5 DS 6 F 7 DS 8 F 

Exercise 3 

1 I honestly don't know why I said that. /

Honestly, I don't know why I said that.

2 If only we didn't have to go to school today.

3 Surely that was / That was surely the worst game of football ever played.

4 It's far quicker to walk there than to take the car.

5 My brother is always trying to get me in trouble.

6 I'd prefer to take a break and finish this tomorrow.

7 The test was nowhere near as difficult as I thought it would be.

8 We used to be friends until he started going out with my sister.

Exercise 4

1g 2d 3a 4h 5b 6f 7c 8e

Exercise 5 

1 outgoing

2 rebellious

3 insecure

4 self-centred

5 traditional

6 demanding

7 unconventional

8 respectful

Exercise 6

1 Tell me

2 did you

3 light

4 always taking

5 consider getting

6 self-centred

Exercise 7

1 In different periods, including being awake in the middle of the night.

2 They became more comfortable and they were raised/not on the floor.

3 They slept curled up like babies.

4 They were filled with straw or feathers and were more comfortable.

5 They read books or visited friends.

6 They changed because factory schedules were rigid and people had to

sleep in a single cycle.

7 Because the light could be controlled, people started to sleep in one single period and not two.

Exercise 8 

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1f 2c 3h 4a 5b 6d 7e 8g

Exercise 2

1 wouldn't, hadn't

2 had, would, wouldn't

3 had, wouldn't

4 was/were, would

5 wouldn't, hadn't

6 weren't, wouldn't

7 would, were

8 wouldn't, had

Exercise 3 

1 hadn't spent, would be

2 wouldn't be, had woken

3 was/were, would've gone

4 wouldn't have, hadn't fallen

5 had accepted, would be

6 wouldn't need, had studied

7 would feel, had forgotten

8 hadn't missed, would be

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

1 unless/ if/otherwise

2 Suppose/ Imagine / As long as 

3suppose/unless/ otherwise

4 Unless / If / Otherwise 

5 as long as/unless/provided that

6 Imagine/Provided that /Suppose

Exercise 6

1 unless

2 as long as

3 Suppose

4 Imagine

5 otherwise

6 if

7 provided that

Exercise 7 

1 You can come in after 11 pm as you tell the porter when you leave. long as

2 the You lawn mustn't unless leave your bicycle on you are going out immediately.

3 You can have a wakeup call in the morning if you tell the night porter.

4 You can use the kitchen provided that you leave it clean and tidy.

5 Keep your key safe otherwise you might get locked out.

6 Please don't use the college phone unless it is an emergency. 


1 Unless you play the lottery, you don't have a chance of winning it!


3 Juan's going to miss the beginning of the film unless he turns up in the next two minutes.


5 Sophia never travels on a Friday unless she absolutely has to.


Exercise 1 

Exercise 2 

1 worked out

2 pick up

3 ran away

4 came to

5're staying on

6 turned back

7 set off

8 turned down

Exercise 3

1 bad

2 pushing

3 just

4 in

5 bring

6 beginner's

7 have

8 Better

Exercise 4

162433475265 78

Exercise 5 

1 just over

2 all over again

3 overall

4 all over

5 fall over


Exercise 1 

1 pull

2 get 

3 watch

4 come

5 hand

Exercise 2 

1 come over

2 watch over

3 pull over

4 Hand over

5 get over

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 c 2a 3 b

Exercise 2 

1 T

2 F

3 DS

4 T

5 F

6 T

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

A2 B4 C3 D 1

Exercise 2

1 She had saved up for them for a long time and thinks it was money well spent.

2 She felt miserable.

3 She realised when she recognised the bus driver.

4 She was surprised and happy.

Exercise 3

1 to get to the point; to cut a long story short

2 I couldn't have been happier.; My heart sank!;            

I don't think I've ever felt so miserable in my life.; 

I was speechless, and over the moon.

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

Students' own answers 


Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 are only available

2 a bit tight

3 luck and knowledge 

4 choose their own

5 wet and muddy

6 just over twenty


Exercise 1

⑤Gina Yes, and it didn't come for ages. And when it finally did come, it got stuck

in a traffic jam, you know, it being rush hour at that time of day and all.

③Gina Not wrong exactly - just not right! I was hoping I'd be back home in time for my favourite game show on TY, but the bus driver simply went past my stop without pulling over to pick me up! Just my luck.

①Gina Today hasn't been my lucky day.

⑦Gina No, and my mum didn't think to record it either. And I so badly wanted to see it.

④Martha So you had to wait for the next one?

②Martha Oh? Why's that? Did something go wrong?

⑧Martha Bad luck. But don't worry, I'm sure they'll show it again before too long and we can record it for you.

⑥Martha It's always bad after five o'clock, isn't it? But anyway, I'm guessing you didn't make it back home in time for the show?


Exercise 1

1 assuming

2 that is

3 after all

4 now and again

5 What have you got to lose?

6 We'll sort something out.

Exercise 2

1 What have you got to lose?

2 assuming

3 that is

4 now and again

5 We'll sort something out.

6 after all 


Exercise 1

1A 2C 3C 4B 5C 6A



Exercise 1

1 All

2 all

3 It's

4 it's

5 What


7 all

8 what

9 It's

Exercise 2 

1 What I like is a joke with a good punchline.

2 It's Jack who's good at telling jokes,not his brother.

3 It's you who wastes your time playing on your computer.

4 All she was take a break. saying was that you should

5 All Olga wants for lunch is a sandwich.

Exercise 3 


a What you need to say is 'sorry'.

b It's you who needs to say 'sorry'.


a It was my dad who forgot the punchline.

b What my dad forgot was the punchline.


a What I don't understand is why she said no .

b It's why she said 'no' that I don't understand.


a It's cold showers that I hate more than anything.

b What I hate more than anything is cold showers.

Exercise 4

A 3, 7 B 6, 8 C 1, 5 D 2, 4

Exercise 5 

1 This is undeniably the best day of my life.

2 I have certainly made the best decision of my life. 

3 I am undoubtedly the happiest man on the planet.

4 It's essentially what I've always wanted to do.

5 I definitely can't wait to get started.

6 It is literally the job of my dreams.

7 A chocolate taster! I mean, it's utterly amazing.

8 And this company absolutely makes the best chocolates there are.

Exercise 6

Students' own answers

Exercise 7 

Students' own answers


1 It's the release of endorphins that makes us feel good when we laugh.

2 It's her sense of humour that I don't get.

3 It's us who will have the last laugh when we win the tournament.

4 It's him that is undoubtedly the best comedian in the country at the moment.

5 It's them who will be laughing on the other side of their faces when their teacher finds out.


Exercise 1

1 g 2f 3e 4a 5d 6b 7c 8h

Exercise 2 

How good is your sense of humour?

1 get

2 at

3 punchline

4 giggles; find

Exercise 3 

1 laughing

2 laughing

3 laughed

4 laughing

5 Joking

6 joke

7 laughing

8 laugh

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 chuckle

2 howl with laughter 

3 crack up

4 split your sides laughing

5 be doubled up

6 be in stitches

Exercise 2 

1 e 2c 3f 4a 5d 6b

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers 


Exercise 1 

Stress reduction, muscle exercise, releasing endorphins and reducing cortisol, increase of cells that attack viruses and tumours.

Exercise 2

A2 B1 C5 D6 E4 

Exercise 3 

1 b Relieves stress and anxiety

2 d Muscle tone and cardiovascular blood function are improved; oxygen levels in the boosted

3 a It makes you feel better and improves your state of mind.

4 c Laughter is contagious; it makes other people feel better.

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

the actors ✓ the soundtrack ✓

Exercise 2

Suggested answers

no one would be entirely/ totally surprised if it went on for many more series;

Neither is the grown-up child moving back into the parental home idea absolutely/utterly I entirely/ totally/ unquestionably original;

But then the show isn't really trying to utterly I entirely/ essentially/ literally/ totally redefine the genre;

What Fuller House undeniably/ clearly I unquestionably / definitely delivers so well are clever storylines;

One character in particular has undeniably / clearly/ undoubtedly/ unquestionably/

definitely/ certainly helped transform the show into such a global hit;

Kimmy has clearly/ undoubtedly/ unquestionably/ definitely/ certainly become a firm favourite with fans;

I absolutely/ definitely I certainly must admit that it took me a while to get into Fuller House;

But I'm entirely I definitely/ certainly happy I stuck with it. 

Exercise 3 

1 The name of the series; the date of the original series

2 To let the reader know that they are aware they may not have seen the series.

3 To give background information on the series.

4 The concept of a family sitcom.

5 The reviewer likes the storylines, the funny jokes and the characters.

6 It teaches us what is important in life and why families and friends are important.

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 Harry up and open the door.

2 Because the teacher told them it was piece of cake.

3 Wow! You've got problems.

4 Throw a clock out of the window.

Exercise 2 

1 Because Carl had to explain it to her.

2 That they don't have the same sense of humour.

3 Hearing old jokes that they'd forgotten about.

4 He gets them online.

5 Her homework.

6 She doesn't find it as funny as her mum does. She feels embarrassed and slightly impatient.

7 He has a reputation for telling terrible jokes.

8 Ella suggest that they throw a clock out of the window at school today to make time fly at school/the day to go more quickly.

Exercise 3 

1 don't get it

2 very funny

3 hilarious

4 funny; like


Exercise 1 

⑤Teacher OK, let me put it to you differently. If I gave you two apples, and another two apples and another two, how many would you have?

Teacher No, listen carefully…If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?

Teacher If I gave you two cats and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?

Teacher Georgia, where on earth do you get seven from? 

Teacher Good. Now, if I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?

Georgia I've already told you. I'd have seven.

Georgia For the third time, I'd have seven.

⑩ Georgia Because I've already got a cat!

⑥Georgia Six apples.

②Georgia Easy. I'd have seven cats.

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 B 2C 3B 4C 5D 6A


Exercise 1 

Order of mention:

1 Rosie's school bus breaks down.

2 Rosie revises for her test.

3 Rosie finds out that the headteacher is teaching her class.

4 Rosie forgets her packed lunch.

5 Rosie gets injured.

6 Rosie misses the school bus.

7 Rosie is locked out of the house.

8 Rosie's phone runs out of battery.

9 Rosie tries to have a hot bath.

Exercise 2

Chronological order:

1 Rosie revises for her test.

2 Rosie forgets her packed lunch.

3 Rosie's school bus breaks down.

4 Rosie finds out that the headteacher is teaching her class.

5 Rosie's phone runs out of battery.

6 Rosie gets injured.

7 Rosie misses the school bus.

8 Rosie is locked out of the house.

9 Rosie tries to have a hot bath.

Exercise 3 

1 If John hadn't bought a new tablet, he'd have some money.

2 Unless we leave now, we'll miss the train.

3 All I liked about the party was the food.

4 If I liked seafood, I would have eaten something at the restaurant.

5 If you don't invite Sasha to your party, she'll be really upset.

6 What I find most annoying about travelling is waiting for hours in airports. 

7 It's mess. Henry you need to talk to about the

8 I'll Provided you promise not to tell anyone, tell you my secret.

Exercise 4 

1 luck

2 laugh

3 joke

4 luck

5 joke

6 luck

7 luck

8 joke

Exercise 5 

1 e 2b 3g 4h 5f 6a 7d 8c

Exercise 6

Robin 6 Ha ha! Very funny.

Robin Of course it does, assuming you believe in these things, that is.

Robin Don't mention it. Let's call it £5.

Robin Well, if I didn't have this coin, I certainly wouldn't have passed the mid-term exams.

Robin Have I shown you my lucky pound coin?

Robin No, I'm serious. It's a bargain. It really works. What have you got to lose?

Robin Well you can have this one, if you want.

Jenni Only £4!

Jenni I do. I really do. So how has it helped you?

Jenni £5! Ha! That's a good one, Robin.

Jenni Really? I could do with something like that.

Jenni No you haven't, does it work?

Jenni Wow! Thanks. That's really kind of you.

Exercise 7 

1 To attempt to find out what makes us laugh and why.

2 They were asked to submit their favourite joke, answer a questionnaire and rate jokes sent in by others.

3 Many Europeans preferred surreal jokes, but English-speaking countries preferred word-play.

4 The time of day and day of the month during which a joke was found funniest, the perfect length for a joke and the funniest animal in jokes.

Exercise 8 

Students' own answers



Exercise 1 

4 Advised

5 dressed

8 Encouraged,

9 Warned

12 Filmed

Exercise 2

1 Motivated

2 Paragliding

4 3 Going Inspired

5 Trained

6 Watching

7 Climbing

8 Surrounded

Exercise 3 

1 climbing

2 Falling

3 breaking / having broken

4 Watched

5 taken

6 Phoning

7 interviewed

8 Having

Exercise 4 

1 Having watched the video lots of times, he knows what happens.

2 Having been scuba diving, she'd (now) like to try deep sea diving.

3 Having enjoyed caving in Wales, he wants to do it again.

4 Having worked as a stunt person in films, she's used to performing dangerous


5 Having never been keen on heights, he doesn't think he can do a bungee jump.

Exercise 5

1 Having trained for six months, I was ready to run the marathon.

2 Watching the video reminded me of the parachute jump.

3 Having climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, she was ready to climb Mount Everest.

4 Being afraid of heights, he couldn't look down.

5 Having been trained by an Olympic athlete, he was fit enough to trek across

the desert.

6 Having done a bungee jump before, she wasn't worried.

Exercise 6 

1 After practising on an indoor climbing wall, I was ready to climb outdoors. / Since practising on an indoor climbing wall, I've been ready to climb outdoors.

2 After signing up for a parachute jump, he wasn't able to sleep./ Since signing up for a parachute jump, he hasn't been able to sleep.

3 Learning that his daughter had won the marathon, he was very proud./ Sincelearning that his daughter had won the marathon, he has been very proud. / After learning that his daughter had won the marathon, he was very proud. / On learning that his daughter had won the marathon, he was very proud.

4 After breaking his leg he didn't do any more climbing./ Since breaking his leg he hasn't done any more climbing.

5 Before doing her first parachute jump, she had done three practice jumps./ Since doing her first parachute jump, she has done three practice jumps.

6 While watching a film set in the Alps, she decided to join a climbing club./After watching a film set in the Alps, she decided to join a climbing club./Since watching a film set in the Alps, she has decided to join a climbing club. / On watching a film set in the Alps, she decided to join a climbing club.

7 After seeing (that) his friend was afraid, he climbed back up to help him. / On seeing (that) his friend was afraid, he climbed back up to help him. / Seeing (that) his friend was afraid, he climbed back up to help him.

Exercise 7

1 blow

2 laughing

3 shining

4 beating

5 falling

6 grip


1 Having minimised the risks, the film director decided to go ahead with the stunt.

2 Making his point loud and clear, the teacher told the students that they wouldn't pass the exam unless they revised.

3 Having painted Megan's bedroom, they then bought new furniture for it.

4 Having agreed with us initially, she then told us that she wouldn't do it.

5 Hearing Dan sing made his mother very proud. / Hearing Dan sing, his mother felt very proud.

6 Having done one bungee jump, Saul now can't wait to do another!


Exercise 1

1e 2c 3a  4b 5d

Exercise 2 

1 stunt

2 risk-taker

3 death-defying

4 gets a kick out of

5 minimises

6 audacious

7 assessed the risk

8 daredevil 

Exercise 3

1 get a kick out of

2 stunt

3 death-defying

4 daredevil

5 audacious

6 assess the risk

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

1 in hot water

2 pour cold water on

3 the cold shoulder; hot under the collar

4 leave (him out) in the cold

5 hot and bothered

Exercise 6 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 scared stiff

2 take your life in your hands

3 your heart misses a beat

4 scared out of your wits

5 risk life and limb 

Exercise 2 

1 risk life and limb

2 stiff; misses a beat

3 out of my wits

4 your life in your hands

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 


Exercise 2

1 kayaked over

2 of its kind

3 1400 metres

4 108th floor

5 wear a harness

6 going on rollercoasters

Exercise 3 

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers 


Exercise 1

1 A thrilling experience she had.

2 She went snowboarding to raise money for a local hospital.

3 She was a bit nervous at first, then scared, and relieved when she finished.

4 One of the greatest experiences of her life; thrilling.

Exercise 2

1 Motivated

2 practising

3 having been given

4 putting

5 Knowing

6 Feeling

7 Having relaxed

8 stopping

9 watching

10 Having experienced

Exercise 3

A2 B3 C1

Exercise 4

1 snowboard, boots, goggles, helmet

2 Her instructor was beside her and was doing it with her.

3 She felt nervous at the top of the mountain waiting for her turn.

4 Her friends.

5 One of the greatest experiences of her life; she can't wait to do it again.

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

a The age of the woman who first attempted to go over the waterfall in a barrel.

b The height (in metres) of the frozen waterfall.

c The speed (in kilometres) of the water flowing over the waterfall.

Exercise 2 

1 They climbed up Niagara Falls when it was frozen.

2 They have gone over the Falls in a barrel.

3 She thinks they are very brave.

4 He thinks they are crazy. 

5 It took Will about an hour and Sarah a lot longer.

6 He thinks the best thing is seeing the photographs of the ice falls.

Exercise 3

1 I'd go along with that; The way I see it

2 OK, point taken; True; That's not how I see it

3 I hadn't thought of that; Well, to my mind;

  Yes, I suppose you're right


Exercise 1 

1 I can't wait to hear all about it.; How come? You're a brilliant actress.

2 Oh no, here we go.; You're turning into a couch potato.

3 I did go to sleep really late last night.; You know what I mean.

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1D 2C 3B   4B   5C 6A



Exercise 1

1 GT 2 GT 3 F 4 F 5 GT 6 P 7 GT 8 GT

9 GT 10 P

Exercise 2

1 will

2 can

3 might

4 won't

5 could

6 might not

7 can

8 mightn't

Exercise 3

1 won't

2 can

3 could

4 will

5 might

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

1 f 2 h 3 j 4 a 5 i 6 b 7 c 8 d 9 e 10 g

Exercise 6

1S  2E 3R 4A 5E 6S 7A 8A 9R

Exercise 7

Students' own answers


1 Do you think you could do that for me? I'd be very grateful.

2 That actor won't be invited on the chat show, surely? She's not an A-list celebrity!

3 He would definitely try and keep a low profile if it meant he could keep the paparazzi away.

4 I can't imagine that any celebrity would ever wish to disappear without a trace.

5 Perhaps Julia should see a doctor.about her total fixation on that band. It's not healthy.

6 If Simon wants to keep his friends he shouldn't/ mustn't keep boring them with details of his celebrity obsession.


Exercise 1 

1 fixated

2 obsession

3 addicted

4 fascination with

5 huge fan

6 idol

7 centre of attention

8 worshipped

Exercise 2 

1 paparazzi

2 in the limelight

3 keep a low profile

4 up-and-coming

5 celebrity crush

6 the face of something

7 A-list celebrity

8 stalkers

Exercise 3 

1 celebrity crush

2 up-and-coming

3 in the limelight

4 keep a low profile

5 paparazzi

6 stalkers

7 A-list celebrity 

8 the face of

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

1f 2a 3d 4b 5c 6e


Exercise 1 

break into; take off; take up; make up;

turn down; come out

Exercise 2 

1 turn down

2 make up

3 come out

4 take off

5 take up

6 break into

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

a selfie.

Exercise 2 

1 F 2 DS 3 T 4 T 5 DS 6 DS 7 F 8 T

Exercise 3


Students' own answers

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

Suggested answer 

…laws to protect celebrities and we don't need any more.

Exercise 2 

1 As people, like everyone else who feel emotions.

2 royalty, singers, actors and sports stars

3 It would protect their privacy because they might not want to live every minute

of their life in the public eye or be the centre of attention all the time.

4 Having their photo taken every time they step outside their house.

5 They might get broken.

Exercise 3

1 their - the celebrities 

2 they - the special laws

3 it - the photo

4 that - having your photo taken every time you step outside your house

5 it - a celebrity's job

6 that - the fact that their job is in the public eye

7 others - people/ the public/people with that opinion

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers

Exercise 5 

Students' own answers

Exercise 6 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 


Exercise 2



Exercise 1 

1 Haven't you got anything else to do with your time?

2 It's actually quite a big deal.

3 It's all you ever seem to do.

4 I really don't need this right now.

5 Maybe you'll learn from this.

6 I really haven't got time for this right now.

7 If I do it for you, you'll never learn to do it yourself.

8 This time you're on your own.


Exercise 1 

Jay I've looked in my room and it's not there.

Jay That's not true, Mum. I've got loads of other interests.

Jay You might have told me this would turn into a long moan about the computer. Not again!  

Jay Have you seen my phone, Mum?

Jay I don't know. Last week maybe.

Jay Come on, Mum. It's not that bad.

Mum Actually it is. Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you tidied it?

Mum No, but might it be in your room by any chance?

Mum Yes, like playing on your phone. But I guess at least you won't be doing that for a while.

Mum I'm just saying it's all you ever seem to do.

Mum Fat chance you could find anything in your room, it's such a mess. 

Mum More like last year. If you spent less time on your computer and more time

tidying, for a change, you wouldn't keep losing things.

Exercise 2

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 E2A3D 4B5F6G


Exercise 1 

1 93

2 Wing walking

3 Scotland

4 Northern Ireland

5 1 hour 27 minutes

6 First person to wing walk over the Channel twice.

7 Oldest man to loop-the-loop while wing walking.

Exercise 2

1 1942

2 13 years

3 80

4 £1 .25 million

5 2011

6 4times

7 85

Exercise 3 

1 Inspired

2 must

3 singing

4 can

5 Cooking

6 won't

7 fall

8 Feeling

Exercise 4 

1 with

2 of

3 out

4 over

5 on

6 for

7 in

8 off 

Exercise 5 

1 stunts

2 paparazzi

3 celebrity crush

4 centre of attention

5 idol

6 daredevil

7 hot under the collar

8 huge fan

Exercise 6

1 talk

2 Come

3 do

4 accept

5 point

6 see

Exercise 7 

1 It's a hit Broadway musical show.

2 A teenage Hamilton superfan.

3 A video of the show her teacher used in class when she was studying American history.

4 The themes of war and the strong, brave young men in it as well as the raps.

5 They can stream it on TV.

Exercise 8

Students' own answers


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