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Unit 1

page 15

1Possible answer: Many people think it is better to

see animal's in the wild because they can then be appreciated in their natural habitat. However, seeing animals in a zoo means that people who cannot travel can still see animals from other parts of the world

2 Answers will vary.

3 Possible answer: Many regions rely on animals for heavy work, such as pulling ploughs or transporting goods or people. Animals can provide materials such as wool and leather Animals also provide meat and dairy produce such as milk and cheese.

4 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 16

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 16

Possible answers:

1to get food 2They help/protect each other 3They both eat fish so live in similar places.

Exercise 3 page 17

a4 b1 c5 d2 e3

Exercise 4 page 171


2 F: The dolphins push the fish onto the shore

3F:When the fish are out of the water. the dolphins start eating.

4 F;The dolphins always use their right sides to push the hsh.5 DNS

Exercise 5 page 17

 Answers will vary

Exercise1page 18

1endangered 2species 3chemicals 4pollute 5destroys 6due to 7natural 8 protect

Exercise 2 page 18

An endangered species is a species that may soon not exist because there are very few left alive. An extinct species is one that no longer exists. Possible answers:

endangered species: giant panda, Chinese alligator,Indian elephant, white rhinoceros, sea turtle

Extinct species: Tyrannosaurus rex, woolly mammoth, dodo Caspian tiger, sabre tooth tiger, woolly rhinoceros

Exercise 3 page 19

Added to endangered species column: Arabian oryx, some seal species, tigers, crocodiles, whales, tuna, sharks

Exercise 4 page 20

a3 b1 c4 d2

Exercise 5 page 20

1humans/ human activities 

2Their habitats are destroyed.

3for food: for fur to make coats and skin to make bags and shoes, for sport, to make medicines and teas from their bones

4whales. tuna and sharks

5We can try not to pollute natural areas and refuse to buy products made from animals.

6Govermments can make it against the law to hunt, fish, or trade in endangered species.

7animal sanctuaries and zoos

Exercise 6 page 20

1face a financial penalty

2refusing to buy

3against the law:

4provide funding for

5cooperate by taking these steps

Exercise 7 page 21

1Possible answers: perfume, fur coats, leather gloves

bags, some glues and fabric softeners

2 Answers will vary.


Exercise1 page 21

1common 2fatal 3disease 4cruel 5majon 6survive 7native 8introduce

Exercise 2 page 21

1(red and grey) squirrels 2Answers will vary

Exercise 3 page 22

1An invasive species is a plant or animal that arrives in an

area where it is not native.

2Grey squirrels were introduced from North America by people who wanted them as a fashionable addition to the grounds of their homes.

3Red and grey squirrels both have long tails, large eyes,

small ears and powerful back legs.

4Red squirrels are smaller and lighter than grey squirrels5 The reasons stated for the success of the grey squirrels.

in the UK are:

They are better able to store fat, which helps them survive hard winters.

They spend more time on the ground, so are not as badly affected by the loss of woodland habits as red squirrels. They are more intelligent and better able to adapt to new situations, e.g. they can use food provided by humans. They carry parapoxvirus but are not affected by it, while it is fatal to red squirrels.

Exercise 4 page 22

1grey 2fewer 3fatter 4able 5kills6pest7 few8aren't

Exercise 5 page 22 Possible answers:

1 in ships; in wood products; in garden plants or food

produce; via the pet trade; by illegal animal trading

2 Because they damage trees, they eat humans' food and

they carry a virus that kills red squirrels.

3 Perhaps because they are the only native squirrel species in the UK and people don't want to lose it.

4 Because it is an island. and the sea acts as a natural defence against invasive species.

Exercise 6 page 24

1Possible answers. habitat destruction, disease. Climate

2-4 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 24

a cooperate b affect c release d survive e contrast f attach

Exercise 2 page 25

1weaker than 2healthier than 3more successful than 4more endangered than


Exercise 1 page 26

Possible answers.

red squirrels: red in colour; only 140,000 left; not seen as pests.protected smaller and lighter; shorter tail; store less fat so more likely to die in winter; live high up in trees;less intelligent so can't survive as well; in an urban environment can't eat human food can die from parapoxvirus both: live in Britain; long tail, large eyes, small ears, powerful back legs; can carry parapoxvirus

grey squirrels: grey in colour; very common; seen as pests. can be trapped and destroyed:larger and heavier longer tail: store more fat. so survive winter more easily spend most of their time on the ground; more intelligent. so can survive better; in an urban environment. can eat human food, don't die from parapoxvirus.

Exercise 2 page 26

Answers will vary

Exercise 3 page 27

Possible answers:

1The whale shark is larger/longer than the tiger shark.2The sharks have a different colour on their backs and sides, but they both have a white stomach

3The tiger shark has stripes on its back, but the whale shark has spots.

4The whale shark has a larger mouth than the tiger shark5 Both sharks have the same number of fins. but the whale shark has a longer tail and larger fins.

Exercise 4 page 27

1T 2W 3T 4W 5W 6T

Exercise 5 page 28

Possible answers:

whale shark: grey-blue in colour with white stomach and white spots: longer (5.5-10 m): longer tail and wider fins: heavier 18 tonnes! eats plankton. krill and other small animal s:currently endangered ;no recorded attacks on humans

both: chondrichthyes (fish): live in the ocean

tiger shark: grey-brown in colour with white stomach and darker grey-brown stripes; shorter (3-4.2 ml; shorter tail and fins; lighter(0.86 tonnes); eats tuna. dolphins and turtles; not at risk of extinction: many reports of attacks on humans

Exercise 1 page 29

1The tiger shark lives in tropical oceans.

2However, the whale shark isn't dangerous

3The tiger shark has markings on its skin.

4 The whale shark has a large mouth and eats plankton.

Exercise 2 page 29

1The whale shark is grey-blue and has light spots on its body.

2The tiger shark is grey-brown and has a striped pattern on its body.

3The tiger shark eats large sea creatures and can be

dangerous to humans.

4The whale shark is not aggressive or dangerous to swim with.

5The whale shark is an endangered and (a) protected species.

Exercise 3 page 30

Possible answers:

1The whale shark is grey-blue and has light spots on its body, but/whereas the tiger shark is grey-brown and has a striped pattern on its body.

2The tiger shark eats large sea creatures and can be

dangerous to humans, but/whereas the whale shark is not aggressive or dangerous to swim with.

3The tiger shark is not an endangered or protected

species. but/whereas the whale shark is an endangered and protected species).

Exercise 4 page 30 

Possible answers:

1 Both the red (squirrel) and the grey squirrel have long tails./ Both red (squirrels) and grey squirrels have long tails.

2 Neither the red (squirrel) nor the grey squirrel live on the Isle of Man. / Neither red (squirrels) nor grey squirrels live on the lsle of Man.

3 Neither the grey nor the red squirrel is an endangered species.

4 Both red (squirrels) and grey squirrels live in forests.

Exercise 1 page 31

1b.c 2a 3Each paragraph has between one and seven supporting sentences, which differ in length. This suggests that there is no 'correct’ number of sentences in a paragraph.

Exercise 2 page 32

1b,c 2a,b

Exercises 1-6 pages 33-34

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.


1common 2destroy 3disease4cruel 5fatal6native 7polluted 8protect

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1cooperate 2attached 3affects 4contrast5 release 6survive

Exercise 5

1On average, donkeys are shorter than horses.

2Because they are bigger, horses are heavier than donkeys.

3Donkeys are usually less nervous than horses.

4Horses are less curious than donkeys.

5As sport animals, horses are more popular than donkeys

Exercise 6

1and 2neither 3but 4but 5both 6or 7Both 8nor

Unit 2

page 37

1 This is the Aral Sea in Central Asia. It was once one of

the world's four largest freshwater lakes. It’s size has declined significantly since the 1960s. Diverting the rivers which feed it for irrigation projects has been stated as the main cause.

2-4 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 38

1 Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights), Grand Canyon, Great Barrier Reef. Harbour of Rio de Janeiro. Mount Everest, Paricutin: Victoria Falls.

2-3 Answers will vary

Exercise 2 page 38

Possible answers:

1 They are all in the United States.

2 Millions of years old (the rocks are almost two billion years old).

3 The landscapes were all formed by water, sometimes in the form of glaciers.

Exercise 3 page 39

a3 b4 c5 d1 e2 f6

Exercise 4 page 39

1b 2b 3c 4b 5a

Exercise 5 page 39

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 40

a greenhouse gas b cause c atmosphered climatee global warming f threaten g ecosystem h fossil fuels

Exercise 2 page 40

1It has melted. 2It is likely to be global warming 3The Arctic. the Alps, Alaska and other mountain areas around the world. 4Sea levels will rise and many coastal areas will be underwater.

Exercise 3 page 42

solution to the problem 4; changing ecosystems 2; melting glaciers 1; causes of climate change 3

Exercise 4 page 42

1 global temperatures 2extinction 3 Sea levels4 mangrove forests 5 coral reefs 6 farming7 co, levels

Exercise 5 page 43

1 Argentina 2 Northwest Passage 3 to provide land for growing food 4asthma 5 greenhouse gases (such as methane and carbon dioxide)6 cutting down trees7 stop burning fossil fuels, start using renewable energy

Exercise 6 page 43

1a 2b

Exercise 7 page 43

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page 43

Possible answers:

1 An increase in land for farming; new transport routes;

increased fresh water: melt water can be used for hydroelectric power.

2 The start-up costs can be expensive; some people say that things like solar panels and wind turbines are ugly some renewable energy sources aren't suitable for certain countries.


Exercise 1 page 44

Possible answers:

1 They release oxygen into the atmosphere, provide shade and are home to many species of animals.

2 People cut down trees to clear land for farming or to provide wood for building.

3 The Earth's temperature will rise, erosion will cause dust

storms and floods, animals will lose their habitats.

Exercise 2 page 44

1absorb 2 Farming 3Logging 4rainforest5 construction6effects 7destruction

Exercise 3 page 46

1deforestation 2effects 3animals 4crops 5decade 6erosion 7warming 8habitats 9protected 10environment

Exercise 4 page 46

1olive palm 2ten years two or three years 32.525 times 4 protects destroys 5oxygen carbon dioxide 6Small-scale Large-scale

Exercise 5 page 46

Possible answers:

1logging and farming that are done on a large scale by giant corporations

2The Earth's climate will become much warmer and thousands of plants and animals will become extinct

3Many of the foods we eat and medicines we use come from forests.

Exercise 6 page 47

Possible answers:

1Low-lying islands, cities near coastlines and places with

more rain and storms will have too much water. Places that are normally dry, such as Australia and certain African countries will become even drier.

2 As the glaciers and forests disappear, the animals that

live there lose their habitat and/or food sources and they die out.

Exercise 1 page 47

1issue 2predict 3consequences 4trend 5areas 6annual 7 challenge 8contributes to

Exercise 2 page 48

Possible alternatives in brackets (Note: these will not be appropriate for Exercise 3):

carbon dioxide; climate change; environmental group

environmental change: greenhouse gas; natural resource(natural gas): power plant; tropical rainforest


Exercise 3 page 48

1power plant 2greenhouse gases 3climate change 4carbon dioxide 5environmental groups 6natural resource 7tropical rain forests

Exercise 1 page 49

Exercise 2 page 50

4 global warming 1less rain5forests dry out 3fires 2more CO2, emissions

Exercise 3 page 50

Possible answers:

Exercise 4 page 50

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 51

2causes/results in

3caused by/due to/the result of

4caused by/due to/the result of

Exercise 2 page 51

1results 2due 3leads to/causes/ results in 4caused 5result 6 result

Exercise 3 page 52

1because of 2because 3because of 4because

Exercise 1 page 52

Main idea: Plastic water bottles hurt both people and the environment.

Cross out: In the 1970s, the United States was the world's biggest exporter of fossil fuels.

Exercise 2 page 53

1 Supporting sentences: Plastic bottles contain two

harmful chemicals: BPA and phthalates: Plastic bottles hurt the environment.

2 Both types of chemicals cause serious health problems for adults and children. This is a fact.

3 Transporting bottles requires an enormous amount of polluting fossil fuels.(Fact)

Most plastic bottles are not recycled, and end up in our landfills.(Fact)

Plastic bottles take many decades to break down.(Fact)

Exercise 3 page 54

1lakes 2trees 3climate change 4Africa,Asia and the Middle East 5the Gobi Desert 6northern Lebanon 7peas and beans8placing stones

Exercises 1-9, pages 55-56

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.


1climate 2construction 3absor4destruction 5 atmosphere 6cause 7threaten 8farming

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1issue 2annual 3contribute to 4trend 5challenge 6consequences

Exercise 5

1dioxide 2resources 3plant 4gases 5rainforest 6change

Exercise 6

1The pyramid stands approximately 147 metres tall and is the only one of the Seven Wonders which hasn't been destroyed.: Archeologists believe it was completed around 2,560 BCE.

2Traditional Indian cooking includes flowers such as hibiscus, roses and jasmine. as well as the flowers of banana trees, cucumber and pumpkin plants.; Dried lily flowers are used in Chinese cooking to increase the flavour of vegetarian dishes, soups and stews.

3A number of words of Arabic origin relate to mathematics, including algorithm and algebra.; The15th-century Arabic word qahwa is pronounced coffee in English-speaking countries today.

Unit 3

Exercise 1 page 60

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 60

Possible answers:

1 The plane could be from the 1960s or 1970s. when the frst jumbo jets flew. In fact, this is the first jumbo jet, from 1969.

2 First-class passengers would have used the lounge in the third photo.

3 First class has more leg room, bigger seats, better food

and personalized service.

Exercise 3 page 60

1flew 2helped 3worked 4had 5changed

Exercise 4 page 61

1b 2c 3a 4a 5a

Exercise 5 page 61

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6 page 61

Possible answers:

1 advantage: convenient; disadvantage: contributes to pollution

2 advantage: environmentally friendly; disadvantage high ticket prices in some countries, e.g. the UK

3 advantage: cheap; disadvantage: slow

4 advantage: good exercise; disadvantage: can be dangerous

5 advantage: fun; disadvantage: only useful for sea crossings, nothing else

Exercise 1 page 62

1 The problem is that there is too much traffic on the road, which causes noise and air pollution and leads to delays.

2 The vehicle in the second photo is a kind of electric car.It could be a solution because it would be quieter and cause less pollution than cars now.The photo was taken in a modern, technologically advanced city, in this case Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.

3In photo1there is a lot of noise and air pollution as well

as long delays, whereas in photo 2the transport is quiet and clean, while delays might also be less of a problem.

Exercise 2 page 63

1public transport 2outskirts 3 rail 4 Traffic

congestion5destination 6commuter 7connect

Exercise 3 page 63

1a wall around the city and narrow streets

2A transport system called Personal Rapid Transit.It

involves using driverless vehicles called 'podcars', which run on solar energy and carry commuter passengers to stations around the city.

3an underground rail system; a light rail transit system;

and electric cars and buses

4 It reduced the money available for the project

Exercise 4 page 65

1traffic congestion 2 45minutes 3 solar power 4 not allowed 5 24 billion 6 50.000:40,000

Exercise 5 page 65

Possible answers:

1An expanding economy means more people have more

money for healthcare, education, travel and other lifestyle improvements.

A rising population means there are more people to work and help build the economy.

2 As it is a brand new city. there may not be much

sense of community. At first, it may also lack facilities which you would expect in a normal city, e.g. schools hospitals. etc. so people will have to travel to Abu Dhabi. With all the technology and the convenience of getting into Abu Dhabi, property prices may be very high, meaning ordinary people cannot live there.If it doesn't prove a popular place to live, it may turn into the 'green ghost town' people fear.

3Perhaps not, because changes in technology have made it easier and cheaper for residents to use their own electric vehicles.

Exercise 6 page 65

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 66

1cycle 2practical 3fuel 4government 5engineering 6vehicles 7emergency

Exercise 2 page 66

1public transport-ferry, city bicycle hire, underground train

2 Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 68


Exercise 4 page 68

stress on drivers (and wasted time); economic losses; blocked access for emergency services, and negative effects on the environment - fuel waste and pollution

Exercise 5 page 68

1tunnels2travel 3result 4fue l5jobs 6health 7traffic 8bus 9congestion/traffic 10night

Exercise 6 page 68

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7 page 68

Possible answers:

1high blood pressure, insomnia, trouble concentrating

2People might not re-elect the politicians who approved the tax.

3The bus stop might not be close to their home or work. They might have to wait a long time for the bus to arrive

Exercise 8 page 69

1 Possible answer: Yes, lots of cities have problems with long commute times, traffic congestion, pollution, etc.

2 Possible answer: The solutions probably wouldn't

work in other, bigger cities because those big cities are already built, whereas Masdar City is a new city.

3 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 69

1c 2a 3d 4g 5e 6f 7b

Exercise 2 page 69

1Rush hour 2public transport 3 road rage 4 parking restrictions 5Trafhc congestion 6 car share7 cycle lane

Exercise 3 page 70

1require 2attempt 3produce 4 reduce 5 waste6 consider 7 convince

Exercise 4 page 71

1use bicycles to travel short distances

2Using bicycles to travel short distances

3build more high-speed railways between cities

4Building more high-speed railways between cities

5consider new ways of reducing traffic congestion6 Considering new ways of reducing traffic congestion

Exercise 5 page 71

1we should 2is a good idea 3we should 4It is important 5we should 6is a good idea

Exercise 1 page 72

Possible answers:

Exercise 2 page 73

Possible answers: Only one road connecting people's homes to their schools or places of work; morning rush hour will be very busy because schools are also starting no train service - only buses, which use the same road: traffic lights may cause congestion; high-temperatures in the desert may lead to road rage; fuel is expensive.

Exercise 3 page 73

Possible answers:

problem: There is only a single two-lane motorway joining the residential area to the area of schools and

offices.This means there is traffic congestion, especially at rush hour.

goal(s): To stop traffic congestion in the city

Exercise 4 page 74

Possible answers:

Exercise 1 page 75

1If we move the offices and schools next to the houses. we will have fewer traffic problems. / We will have fewer traffic problems if we move the offices and schools next to the houses.

2If we have a ferry over the river, fewer people will use the bridge./ Fewer people will use the bridge if we have a ferry over the river.

3 Fewer cars will use the roads if we increase the price of fuel./ If we increase the price of fuel, fewer cars will use the roads.

If we change the office hours, cars won't all use the road at the same time./ Cars won't all use the road at the same time if we change the office hours.

5If we build a railway line, people will be able to use the train instead of their cars./ People will be able to use the train instead of their cars if we build a railway line

Exercise 2 page 75

Possible answers:

2 Pollution won't be reduced unless we use cleaner transport.

3 If we don't provide a solution, people won't get to

work on time.

4 We won't solve the traffic problem unless we build

houses closer to the business areas.

If the city doesn't invest in public transport, there won't be less congestion.

Exercise 1 page 76

Paragraph 1: b; Paragraph 2: a

Exercises 1-7 pages 77-78

Answers will vary.

Classroom App


Answers will vary.


1destination 2outskirts 3cycle 4fuel 5emergency 6practical 7 public transport 8connects

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1congestion 2transport 3lane 4hour 5share 6rage 7restrictions

Exercise 5

1prevent 2convince 3waste 4attempt 5consider 6requires

Exercise 6

1go, will find

2don't close, will escape; is going to escape

3will continue, decides

4will meet, finish don't feel

5finds, will be, will move; move

6will buy, don't save

Unit 4

Page 81

1This photo was taken in a Southeast Asian country, in this case Thailand.It is a floating market where people buy and sell daily goods, such as fruit and vegetables, from their boats.

2-3 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 82

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 82

The activities which appear in the video are giving

presents, wearing traditional clothes, taking photos and taking part in a ceremony.

Exercise 3 page 83

The modern celebration involves giving gifts (of flowers and perfume). The traditional celebration involved the young people arranging their hair in a special way (for women, wearing a hair pin and a wooden crown: for men wearing a special hat). wearing traditional clothes and taking part in a ceremony with their parents.

Exercise 4 page 83

1 day 2 20 3 meaning 4 1,000 5 (Young)women 6 net 7 hat 8 brightly-coloured/formal 9 parents 10 proud

Exercise 5 page 83

1ornament 2bow 3bamboo 4crown 5jade 6topknot

Exercise 6 page 83

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 84

1cultures 2exchange 3expect 4greet 5formal 6appearance 7relationship

Exercises 2-3 page 85

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 85 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 5 page 85 


Exercise 6 page 87

1kiss 2shake hands with 3shake hands 4bowing 5the oldest 6women 7men 8 house/home 9refuse 10 token of your appreciation 11necessary 12chocolate, coffee or date 13gift 14 both hands 15immediately read it carefully 16start 17family

18 health 19well 20formally 21formal 22at least thirty minutes late 23early 24on time

Exercise 7 page 87 

Possible answers:

1They might think you are trying to bribe them or 'buy a favour.

2Brazilians are accustomed to touching, so they might be offended if you move away.

3Hierarchy is important in Japanese culture

4Hierarchy is important to Saudis.

5People become offended and relationships could suffer or possibly end.

Exercise 8 page 88

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 88

1ceremony 2generations 3beliefs 4preserve 5tradition 6endangered 7protection

Exercise 2 page 89

1Answers will vary. 2 In the first photo. the women are dressed in diving suits. They are from South Korea and have been fishing. in the second photo a Middle Eastern man has a falcon sitting on his arm. Perhaps he has trained the bird to hunt.

Exercise 3 page 89

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 89

a2 b5 c4 d1 e3

Exercise 5 page 89


Exercise 6 page 89

120032008 2 intangible tangible 3all year round 90 days of the year 4Many Fewer 5enly in the United Arab Emirates around the world

Exercise 7 page 91

Possible answers:

1Tangible culture refers to actual places, buildings, objects, etc. for example the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia or the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Intangible culture relates to living customs and traditional practice for example the culture of the women divers of Jeju Island in South Korea.

2 Because fewer young people are interested in

continuing them; because growth of cities and loss of natural habitats affects their practice.

3 To save or preserve customs and traditions that may otherwise die out.

4 Yes;she says its efforts are valuable, and that at the end we 'must never stop trying to preserve our intangible cultural heritage.

Exercise 8 page 91 

Possible answers:

1Yes,although this will might be difficult with increasing globalization happening

2 Those which younger people want to continue may be the ones which will survive.

3 Countries need to promote their cultural practices, especially to the younger generation.

Exercise 1 page 92

1 We tend to tip the waiter in restaurants.

2 Brazilian culture tends to be informal.

3 Expensive gifts can look suspicious.

4 Common hand gestures like waving can be

misunderstood in a different culture.

5 In the Middle East, many old people live with their children.

Exercise 2 page 93

1 Brazilian men usually shake hands, though it is not

unusual for men to kiss each other on the cheek.

2 Saudi men often wear traditional clothing, even to business meetings.

3 Professionals sometimes get upset if you don't use their correct title.

4 Cultural knowledge is frequently helpful in business situations.

5 In Japan, you should always arrive on time for an appointment.

Exercise 3 page 93

1brief 2serious 3separate 4certain 5important6 obvious 7common

Exercises 1-2 pages 94-95

My response' column will vary. Possible answers

main ideadetails

Exercise 2 page 95

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 96

1c 2a 3b

Exercise 2 page 96

Possible answers:

1In today's rapidly-developing world, many of us see

the importance of saving our diverse cultural heritage

2Due to our cities expanding and our loss of natural

environments, falconry is unfortunately now under threat.

3 According to Barker (2018), it may be too late to save

our unique and varied cultural heritage. because not as many young people want to learn about ancient customs and practices.

Exercise 3 page 96

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 97-98 Possible answers:

1In the article 'Customs around the world, author Andy

Schmidt (2018) says it is important for travelers to

learn about the customs of other countries, in order to prevent cultural misunderstandings in the places they are visiting.

2indirect speech, synonyms, change the order of words or phrases.

3important details about each of the three countries in the article

4Brazil: touching, punctuality; Japan: touching

business cards, dress, gifts. punctuality: Saudi Arabia: formality, men and women not touching in public,the importance of personal relationships. This gives a few details from each country, so is about the right amount of information.

5Four references: "Andy Schmidt (2018) says… 'Schmidt

focuses on ..., 'According to the author, ... "The author stresses ...

6It's the topic sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph: I definitely agree with Schmidt's main point.7 with examples from her own experience8 She restates the main idea: In short, ..'

Exercise 2 page 98

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-7 pages 99-100

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1greet 2generations 3exchanging 4protection 5appearance 6ceremony 7beliefs 8formal

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1it usually rains 2seldom played 3are almost never 4is not always 5often have 6hardly ever tastes 7rarely have 8is often

Exercise 5

1brief 2obvious 3commonusual 4certain:some 5serious;bad 6powerful:important 7separate; different

Exercise 6

1use synonyms; change order of words or phrases

2use synonyms; change order of words or phrases

3use synonyms; change order of words or phrases; use indirect speech

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