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LOOK 4 练习册答案 Unit 3

3 Let’s Celebrate!(三单元)

1 Words

1 Look and write. Use words from the two boxes.

1 wear traditional clothes

2 eat traditional food

3 give presents

4 watch a parade

5 put up decorations

6 throw streamers

7 make special food

8 play party games

2 How do people celebrate in these months? Listen and match.

3 Complete these sentences.

Sample answers:

1. When we celebrate New Year’s Day, we usually throw streamers.

2. When we celebrate Independence Day, we usually watch a parade.

3. My favorite day to celebrate is my birthday. On this day, my mom makes special food.

2 Grammar

1 Complete the text with these verbs. Use the simple past.

1 put up

2 gave

3 ate (OR had)

4 watched

5 went

6 had (OR ate)

7 played

2 Write sentences in the simple past.

Lam and Tuan didn’t throw streamers. They threw a ball in the garden.

Lam didn’t wear old clothes. She wore new clothes.

Lam and her mother made the rice cake. They didn’t make the dinner on Friday

3 Write questions. Use the simple past

1 Did you put up any decorations last year?

2 Did your parents give you a present last month?

3 Did you play any games last week?

4 Did your father make dinner yesterday?

5 Did you throw any streamers last year?

4 Answer the questions in Activity 3 for you.

Sample answers:

1 OR No, I didn’t.

2 Yes, they did. They gave me a robot toy. OR No, they didn’t.

3 Yes, I did. I played some games in the playground with my friends. OR No, I didn’t.

4 Yes, he did. He made rice and beans. OR No, he didn’t.

5 Yes, I did. I threw streamers on New Year’s Day. OR No, I didn’t.

3 Reading

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs. Use the simple past

1 learned

2 took

3 bought

4 chose

5 drank

2 Read. Who said what? Write M (Mica) or A (Anna).

A 1. At the Chocolate Museum, we learned about how people make chocolate.

A 2. On the first day, we watched people on the street. They made sculptures from huge pieces of chocolate. They were beautiful, and we ate some of the chocolate, too!

M 3. At the end of the festival, we took photos with the ice cream makers.

M 4. The festival was in a big square on a hill. We bought a ticket and walked around the festival. We ate many different flavors of ice cream. One was milk, honey, and rice flavor, but my favorite was orange, lemon, and mint.

A 5. The next day, we drank some delicious hot chocolate.

M 6. People chose their favorite ice cream flavor to see who was the best ice cream maker.

3 Read again. Answer the questions.

1 It was in Florence.

2 It was in a big square on a hill.

3 They walked around the festival.

4 It was in October.

5 She watched people on the street.

6 They used huge pieces of chocolate.

4 Grammar

1 Complete the questions. Use the simple past. Then listen and write T (true) or F (false).

2 Write questions. Use the simple past. Then listen again and answer.

1 How did Florian go to Menton

(He went there) by train.

2 How did people make the statues

(They made them) with lemons.

3 What did Florian see in the parade

(He saw) a big statue of a teddy bear.

4 Where did Florian’s family go shopping

(They went shopping) at the market.

5 Why did Florian drink a lot of lemonade

(He drank a lot of lemonade) because he was thirsty

3 Imagine your friend went to this balloon festival. Write questions to ask your friend. Use the simple past and these words. Then write his/her answers.

Sample answers:

1 When did you go to the festival

I went last weekend.

2 Why did you want to go there

I wanted to go there because I love balloons.

3 What did you see there

I saw a lot of big balloons in the sky

4 How many balloons did you see

I saw about fifty balloons.

5 Writing

1 Read and order the sentences.

My day at the Maralal camel festival was great.

2 Then, we watched a short camel race. The riders weren’t very good and a lot of the camels walked.

1 First of all, we saw some amazing dancers.

4 At the end, people gave money to the riders of the fastest camels.

3 After the short camel race, there was a longer race. The riders were fantastic and the camels were very fast.

2 Complete the text with the underlined time connectors from Activity 1.

1 First of all

2 Then

3 After

4 At the end

3 Answer the questions about a celebration in your country last year.


4 Write an e-mail to a friend about the celebration in Activity 3.

Sample answer:

6 Value

1 Which children are good neighbors? Look and circle.

2 Read and circle the best answer for you.

Suggested answers:

3 Do something nice for a neighbor. Then answer these questions.

Sample answers:

1 I carried my neighbor’s shopping bags into her house.

2 It made me feel happy because it’s nice to help.

3 It made her feel happy because she didn’t need to carry all the heavy bags.

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