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第二版Think 4级别练习册答案【Unit1-Unit8】



Descriptive verbs

Exercise 1

1 demolished 2 dived

3fled 4grab 5 raged

6 screamed 7 smashed 8 struck

Phrasal verbs

Exercise 2

1 take 2 did, end 3 broke

4give 5 carried 6 sort

7 looking 8 stands / stood

Elements of a story

Exercise 3

1e 2h 3g 4a 5d 6c 7b 8f

Exercise 4

1 plot 2 characters 3 hero

4villain 5 dialogue 6 setting

7 opening 8 ending

Talking about past routines

Exercise 5

B, D, E, A, F, C


Exercise 7

Ana My dad used to tell me really 

great stories when I was a kid.

Jake What kind of stories?

Ana Really dramatic and exciting

stories, and he would pretend they were

happening to us.

Jake What do you mean?

Ana Well, for example, he'd tell a

 story about how the wind was 

getting stronger

and how we needed to put all the

furniture in the cupboard under the stairs.

And he'd do all the actions.

Jake He sounds like a really fun dad.

Ana He was. I used to really look forward

to his stories. But he gave up telling them

as I got older.

Jake That's a shame.


Future plans

Exercise 1

1 e 2f 3a 4b 5c 6d

Life plans

Exercise 2

When I left school I wasn't too sure what I

wanted to do.

So I decided to travel the world for a while

until I made up my mind.

When I was in Asia I suddenly realised

what career I wanted to do -teaching.

So I returned home and started doing a


In my final year of university, I met the

love of my life and we settled down.

We started a family after I had been

teaching for a few years.

After the birth of my second son, I got

promoted. I'm now a head teacher.

Next year I'm going to retire. I can't help

wondering how it all passed so quickly.

Future continuous

Exercise 3

1'II be lying

2 won't be doing

3'll be eating

4 won't be getting up

5'll be staying

6 won't be taking

Being emphatic: so and such

Exercise 4

1 so

2 such

3 such

4 so

5 such

6 so

7 so

Exercise 5

1 such -E 2 such-B 3 so-D

4 so-C 5 such-F 6 so-A

Extreme adjectives

Exercise 6

1 fascinating  2 hilarious

3 freezing  4 terrified

5 enormous  6 tiny 7 boiling

Exercise 7

Suggested answers

1 fantastic 2 huge

3 amazing 4 hilarious

5 exciting 6 tiny

7 delighted 8 terrified


Exercise 8

1 retire 2 enormous

3 so 4 promote

5 amazing 6 such

7 travel 8 degree



Exercise 1

1 selfish 2 polite

3 thoughtful 4calm

5 lively 6 generous

7 shy 8 rude

Using should

Exercise 2

Suggested answers

1 You should buy her a present.

2 We should have got up earlier.

3 You should go to the dentist.

4 You should say sorry to her.

5 You should take up a hobby.

Exercise 3

1 should have brought

2 should've got up

3 should have set

4 should have put

5 shouldn't have stayed

Career paths

Exercise 4

1 street sweeper 2 engineer

3 lawyer 4 child minder

5 nurse 6 bus driver

Mystery profession: teacher

Exercise 5

1 healthcare 2 public service

3 education 4 qualifications

5 employees 6 employers

7 finance 8 law


Exercise 6

1c 2e 3a 4b 5d


Exercise 7 

1 let 2 allowed

3 make 4 makes

5 let 6 allowed

Exercise 8

1 allowed 2 let

3 make 4made

5 allow 6 let


Exercise 10

Tim Have you heard the news? I've got a summer job.

Lucy Congratulations. What is it?

Tim Childminding for children from the

same family every day.

Lucy Wow. You're very brave.

Tim I'm actually quite scared. I don't really

have much experience with kids.

Lucy You'll be fine. You're kind and lively.

That's all kids want.

Tim I hope you're right. Anyway, I'm

allowed to use their family car.

Lucy Cool! Where are you going to take


Tim I don't think I'm allowed to use it

when I'm not working.

Lucy You never know. You should ask

them. A friend with a car! This is going to

be a good summer.


Reporting verbs

Exercise 1

1 explain 2 refuse 3 demand

4 invite 5 persuade

6 encourage 7 recommend 8 agree

Exercise 2

1 He explained how to get to the station by bus.

2 She refused to take Bella to the party.

3 He demanded that Ben get out of his house immediately.

4 She invited Jenny to the cinema.

5 He persuaded Lukas to go to the party with him.

6 She encouraged Lucie to enter the talent show.

7 He recommended that Matt read this book.

8 She agreed to talk to Simon's dad.

Exercise 3

1 agreed 2 explained 3 invited

4 refused 5 persuade

Negative adjectives

Exercise 4

1 It's untrue.

2 It's an informal party.

3 They're impatient.

4 That was irresponsible of you.

5 Buy it. It's inexpensive.

6 They're impolite children.

7 I think that's impossible.


Exercise 5

1f 2h 3e 4g 5d 6a 7b 8c

Regrets: I wish…/If only…

Exercise 6

Suggested answers

1 I wish/If only I could tell her I'm sorry.//

I wish/If only I hadn't upset her.

2 I wish/If only I was at home.// I wish/If

only I hadn't gone to bed so late.

3 I wish I was in the school football team.

/ If only I was on the school football team.

I wish I had played football. If only I had

known about the football team.

4 I wish/If only I had something to do. II I

wish/If only I had organised something to

do today.


Exercise 7

1 unhappy 2 take up

3 hadn't given it up 4 impossible

5 struggle 6 wasn't

7 encourage 8 refuse



Exercise 1


ask, choose, decide, manage, offer,

promise, want


can't stand, detest, don't mind, enjoy,

keep, miss, suggest

Exercise 2

1 to finish; to come; to give

2 taking; to carry; carrying

3 going; walking

4 playing; practising; to help

5 climbing

Exercise 3

1 climbing 2 to climb

3 to go  4 to stay

5 to get back 6 to reach

7 seeing  8 climbing

Exercise 4

Kate I can't believe it. I managed climbing 

to climb Devil's Rock this weekend.

Matt Did you? That's great.

Kate I've watched you climb it a couple

of times, but I never imagined to-climb 

climbing it myself. I'm hoping doing to do

more climbing next weekend. I learned

going to go down the rock face using a

rope. That was scary! What did you do at

the weekend?

Matt I wanted coming to come climbing

with you and the others, but I had some

homework to do.

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

1 g 2e 3b 4f 5h 6d 7a 8c 

Exercise 7

1 to tell 2 to finish

3 not leaving 4 playing

5 lending 6 to pick it up

Exercise 8 

1 to listen 2 listening

3 watching 4 to watch

5 eating 6 to eat

7 to tell 8 telling

Exercise 9

Students' own answers


1 We couldn't afford to do the survival


2 He started to feel a bit awkward as no

one was talking to him.

3 Ethan suggested having an early night

before the exam.

4 I never promised to help you with your


5 Do they practise singing every evening?

6 We wanted to leave right away, but we



Exercise 2

1 leapt / leaped

2 swung

3 tiptoed

4 climbed

5 rushed

6 hopped

7 wandered I staggered

Exercise 3

1 stuck 2 guilty 3 awkward

4 puzzled 5 ashamed 6 desperate

Exercise 4

Students' own answer


Exercise 5

1 Rightly or wrongly

2 right in the middle

3 right

4 right away


Exercise 1

1 sprint 2 soar 3 tumble

4 slide 5 march

Exercise 2

1 slide 2 soar 3 sprint

4 tumble 5 march


Exercise 1

1 fingertips

2 914: the height in metres of El Capitan;

19: the number of days it took the two

climbers to make it to the top;

27: the date in December that

they began their climb;

Exercise 2


Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 how old the Namib desert is

2 the distance she walked each day

3 how high a mountain of sand was

Exercise 2

1 informal

2 some questions

Exercise 3

1 80 million years old; lots of red sand; the

world's oldest desert

2 exhausted

3 her mum, dad and older brother

4 more confident

5 take a hat, a water bottle and prepare

for a challenge

Exercise 4

1 trekking

2 Elena

3 nights spent camping

4 the views

5 the sun

Other adjectives could include :

1 difficult

2 tired

3 freezing

4 incredible

5 scorching

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

a2  b 3  c 1


Exercise 1

Conversation 1

I bet you; I bet you I; I challenge you;

that's too easy

Conversation 2

I'll never manage to

Of course you can

Conversation 3

No problem.

I think you're probably right.

Exercise 2

1 video 2 1960s 3 trees

4 rain 5 outside 6 mental


Exercise 4

1 e 2f 3a 4b 5 d 6c

Exercise 5

1 it's a deal

2 give me a shout

3 you know what

4 where were we

5 Same here

6 something or other






Exercise 1

1 who ND

2 which ND

3who ND

4that/who D

5 that/which D

Exercise 2

1 This is a photograph that/which I took

in Italy.

2 The boy who/that bought my bike lives

in this street.

3 My mother, who is a doctor, often has

to work at weekends.

4 I've got a new phone that/which is far

better than my old one.

5 The music artist who had the most

streamed track in 2019 was Lewis

Ca paldi.

6 I don't really like people who talk a lot.

Exercise 3

1 We walk to school, which is good for our


2 My grandparents go to Spain three

times a year, which means they practise

their Spanish.

3 Some blind people have guide dogs,

which gives them more independence.

4 My sister spends hours working on the

computer, which sometimes gives her a


Exercise 4

1e 2a 3d 4c

1 I like watching films at home, which is

cheaper than going to the cinema.

2 My friend is going to live in Colombia,

which will be a big change in lifestyle.

3 My brother's phone was stolen last

week, which means he isn't able to

message people.

4 A famous band is playing in our town

next week, which doesn't happen very


Exercise 5

1 - 2 who/that   3-

4-   5 that/which  6 who/that

Exercise 6

1 -  2 that/which   3-

4-   5 who/that   6 which

7 who/that  8-  9 that/which

10 which   11 -

Exercise 7

1 Andi fell and hurt himself painting a wall.

2 We travelled with two students going to Paris.

3 I met a French student on the train

travelling to London.

4 A scientist accidentally discovered Post

It notes trying to invent a strong glue.

5 My sister found a wallet lying in the



1 which  2 who 3 who

4 which  5 which  6 who

7 who  8 which


Exercise 1


2 refugee

5 commuter

7 crew

10 inhabitants

11 politician

12 employer


1 pedestrian

3 immigrants

4 motorist

6 residents

8 staff

9 employees

Exercise 2

Suggested answers

1 motorists; pedestrians

2 employees; staff

3 politicians

4 immigrants; refugees

5 residents; immigrants; refugees

Exercise 3

1 turned out

2 set out for

3 put up with

4 brought about

5 picked up

6 touch down

7 worn out

8 going through

Exercise 4

1 out for

2 out

3 out

4 out with

5 through

6 up

7 about

8 touch down


Exercise 1

1 troupe 2 household 3 board 4 cast

5 squad

Exercise 2

1 board 2 squad 3 troupe 4 household

5 cast

Exercise 3

1 squad 2 troupe 3 household 4 cast

5 board


Exercise 1

school and education; learning from other

people; telling stories

Exercise 2



Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 Toronto 2 He is doing an exchange.

Exercise 2

1 Because he's had a lot to do since he

arrived in Toronto.

2 By bus or subway.

3 None.

4 Three mornings a week.

5 Nanaimo bars and maple syrup.

6 Ice hockey.

Exercise 3

1 b  2 c/f  3 a

4 c/f  5 d  6e

Exercise 4

1 No worries - we can do this easily.

2 Having a good time?

3 See what I mean?

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 competition

2 seven

3 pay for anything

4 the trip

5 a collection of

6 money

7 in the navy

8 Most of

Exercise 2

1 the end

2 incredible

3 hardly believe

4 an unbelievable

5 over

6 quite a 


Exercise 1 

Conversation 1

A I hear you're going to Scotland for the


B Yes, by train. I bought a really cheap

ticket online last night. You'll never believe

what I paid.

A Go on - surprise me.

B Well, I got a return ticket for £57.50.

A That's incredible.

B I know. It's amazing, isn't it? I could

hardly believe it myself.

Conversation 2

A Did you see the documentary last night

about the Tuareg?

B No, I missed it. Was it any good?

A Pretty interesting, I thought. You know,

they move around with camels, and they

can travel up to sixty kilometres a day.

B Wow. That's quite a distance.

A I know. And in that kind of heat. It's

almost unbelievable.

B I'm not sure I'd want to do it, I have to


Conversation 3

A My friend Seb's gone travelling around

the world.

B Oh, right. So where is he now?

A In Alaska. And it's winter there.

He wrote me an email - he said that

sometimes, it's -25 degrees.

B Really? I knew it got cold there, but not

that cold!

A I know. How do people survive in

temperatures like that?

B I've got a better question. Why on

earth did Seb choose to go somewhere so


Exercise 2

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

A email B review C article

Exercise 2

Students' own answers


UNITS 1 & 2

Exercise 1

1 the weather

2 the people

3 the food

4 transport

Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 helping  2 to take 3 eating

4 taking  5 telling 6 to have

7 to post  8 inviting

Exercise 4

1 My sister spends all day on her phone,

which I find very annoying.

2 My favourite town is Brighton, (which is)

on the south coast.

3 I watched the film last night, which I

thought was really boring.

4 My best friend is Al, who was born on

the same day as me.

Exercise 5

1f 2g 3a 4e 5h 6c 7 b 8d

Exercise 6

1 crawl

2 residents

3 crew

4 wandered

5 tiptoed

6 commuters

7 employees

8 swung

Exercise 7

1 Of course I can

2 You know what?

3 I bet you can't

4 That's too easy

5 It's a deal

6 You'll never manage to do it

Exercise 8

1 bad weather; a great white shark

2 none

3 She was bitten by a black widow spider.

4 She brushed the spider away.

5 She used a golf tee to make a whole in

her leg, and then squeezed the poison out.

6 She finished her game.

Exercise 9

Students' own answers



Exercise 1







Exercise 2

1 majority

2 plenty

3 several

4all of

5 most

6 almost

7 number

8 few

9 deal

10 hardly

Exercise 3

1 loads of

2 plenty

3 Hardly any


5 vast majority


Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

1 It's so hot today.

2 My uncle's such a generous man.

3 Eliza's got such a lot of gadgets.

4 I ate such a lot.

Exercise 6

Students' own answers

Exercise 7

Suggested answers

1 too many of us

2 this equation is too difficult

3 too many clothes or maybe I haven't got

enough space

Exercise 8


Exercise 9

1 You do know Tom. You met him at

Charlie's party, remember?

2 We do spend a lot of our time talking

about the same things. It's getting a bit


3 My dad does embarrass me sometimes

but I guess all dads do.

4 I don't know what May said but I did

enjoy your party.

5 Miss Holloway's great but she does talk

a lot.

6 I've hardly got any money left. We did

buy a lot of things today.

7 I do miss my mum when she travels

abroad for work.


Bringing up children is not an easy job and

some parents can be such so strict that

their children sometimes rebel. There is

so such a lot of advice out there about

raising children that it's not always easy

to make the right decisions. Amy Chua's

book was such so interesting I read it

twice and it contained so many useful

pieces of advice. Childhood is so such 

a significant time in your life and it's so

important to get things right.


Exercise 1

1 wig; E

2 snorkel; B

3 bathrobe; G

4 helmet; I

5 sword; H

6 mask; A

7 shield; F

8 poncho; C

9 apron; D

10 leather jacket; J

11 football top; K

Exercise 2

1 apron

2 sword

3 shield

4 helmet

5 snorkel

6 bathrobe

7 football top

8 wi9

9 leather jacket

Exercise 3

1d 2f 3a 4b 5c 6h 7e 8g

Exercise 4

1 get ahead in life

2 do your best

3 childhood

4 bringing

5 did

6 soft

7 growing

8 strict 


Exercise 1

1 spoil 2 ground 3 childcare 4 home school

5 childproof 6 curfew

Exercise 2

A childproof B home school C childcare

D spoil E ground F curfew

Exercise 3

1 childproof 2 ground 3 curfew 4 spoil

5 childcare 6 home school

Students' own answers


Exercise 1


Exercise 2

A 5 B 3 C 6 D 1

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4 

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 More parents are relying on their own

mothers and fathers to look after their

children so that they can go back to work.

2 Children are well cared for, and feel

loved and secure. They can grow up to

have a close bond with their grandparents,

knowing they can turn to them for help

with problems they don't want to share

with their parents.

3 Parents should be careful not to forget

their responsibility for their child's

upbringing and happiness.

Exercise 2

1 far

2 Of course

3 always


These words add emphasis to the


Exercise 3

Suggested answers

1 You must always think of the child's


2 It's far more difficult to spend all day

looking after young children.

3 Grandparents love their grandchildren

very much indeed./ Of course,

grandparents love their grandchildren very


4 Grandparents always want to help their

own children. / Of course, grandparents

want to help their own children.

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Dialogue 1: A

Dialogue 2: B

Dialogue 3: B

Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 I did have long hair.

2 I can see you do look almost the same

3 We do know how to embarrass

ourselves though.

4 You look so cute in that photo.

5 You'd make such a good chef.


Exercise 1

You do know how to annoy your mum,


What have I done now?

It's your bedroom. It's such a mess. Again.

Well, it's my bedroom so I don't see what

the problem is.

Well it's our house and we like to keep it

just a little bit tidy.

A bit tidy? This house is so tidy we could

invite anyone round for dinner now.

a week.

No way, Dad, you can't do that. I can't

stay here without seeing my friends for a

whole week.

I can but maybe I won't need to.

Why not?

Because maybe when I go to check your

room in half an hour it will be perfect.

It will be, Dad. Thanks for the second


Exercise 2

1 But I did clean it, Mum.

2 Really? Last time I looked it was such a


3 Well go and have a look now. It's so tidy.

You won't believe it.

Exercise 3

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1 E







Exercise 1

1 be

2 getting up

3 making

4 eating

5 wear

6 going

7 living

8 driving

Exercise 2

1 used to

2 was used to

3 got used to

4 used to

5 got used to

6 was used to

7 am used to

8 get used to

Exercise 3

1 is

2 getting

3 get

4 got

5 is

6 was  

7 get

8 are

9 get

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

1 fast

2 beautifully


4 slowly

5 hard

Exercise 6

1 enjoyable

2 surprise

3 friendly

4 excitement

5 different 

6 fear

7 strange

8 interest

Exercise 7

Students' own answers

Exercise 8

1 Jack approached the lion with fear.

2 Freya carried three suitcases with


3 The boys ate their/the burgers with


4 Greg rode his horse in an awkward way.

5 Elena watched the football match with



1 I'll definitely finish the project by next


2 It's a good thing that you came


3 I totally understand your point of view.

4 Dan worked hard on his homework and

got top marks .

5 Jo and Kate were speaking quietly so no

one would hear them.

6 Do you always have to think creatively in

your job?

7 I live locally so I can walk home.

8 This is probably the best pizza I've ever



Exercise 1

1 bright

2 imaginative

3 responsible

4 arrogant

5 cautious

6 confident

7 decisive

8 organised

9 practical

Mystery word : impatient

Exercise 2

1 bad-tempered

2 cautious 

3 imaginative

4 practical

5 responsible

6 arrogant

7 impatient

8 dull 

Exercise 3

1 in a hurry

2 by accident

3 in public

4 in a row

5 in private

6 in secret

7 in a panic

8 on purpose


Exercise 4 

1 not very good

2 It's a good thing

3 So far, so good

4 it's no good

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 without a sound

2 by far

3 without warning

4 before long

Exercise 2

1 a sound

2 before long

3 by far

4 without warning

5 all of a sudden

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Possibility thinking: letting yourself

imagine things that are often way outside

reality, and pushing the limits of what you


Concentrated thinking: devoting a period

of time every day to practise creative


Thinking about a problem for a long time

and not giving up.

(also possible: Thinking in images)

Exercise 2

1 c 2 d 3 g 4 f 5 a 6 h 7 e 8 b

Exercise 3

1 Creative

2 Possibility

3 Creative

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Marnie wants her sister Becca to give her

some tips on how to revise.

Exercise 2

1 The thing is

2 you know that



Exercise 3

1 you know that

2 the thing is



Exercise 4


Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

Students' own answers


Exercise 1 

1 C 2 A 3 B

Exercise 2


1 find/ get

2 train station

3 panic

4 get a signal

5 ask somebody

6 find a map


7 as good as

8 it's not

9 give up

10 take up

11 see


12 solve

13 ten minutes

14 doesn't want to

15 different approach

16 possibility


Exercise 1

Conversation 1

Nina This is so frustrating!

Marcus What is it? What are you trying to


Nina I'm doing a crossword puzzle and

I've only got three answers left to find.

Marcus A crossword? I'm no good at

those. I can't help you, I'm afraid.

Nina Oh, that's OK. I always prefer to do

them on my own, anyway. But I'm really

stuck right now.

Marcus Well, if you're stuck, why don't

you just look at the answers? No one will


Nina No chance! I can't give up like that.

That would be cheating.

Marcus OK then. Well, good luck, tell me

when you've finished it!

Conversation 2

Ella Hello? Jamie, is that you?

Jamie Hi, Ella. How are you? Are you

doing the homework?

Ella Yes, I am. Well, I'm trying to. But to

be honest, I can't do it.

Jamie I'm stuck, too. I'll never get it right,

I'm sure.

Ella Oh, don't be like that. You're good at

these things, usually.

Jamie I know I am. That's why I'm so

frustrated. I've tried everything, but it's


Ella Well, now I give up. I was hoping you

might help me! That's why I called.

Jamie Sorry, but there you go. I'll see you

tomorrow, Ella. Bye.


Exercise 1

1 just calm down

2 you're really out of order

3 That's just it

4 again

5 give it a rest

6 You can't be serious



Exercise 1

1 Yes, he does.

2 He agrees.

3 Tourism teaches us life skills.

Exercise 2

Argument: One of the main advantages;

First of all; Secondly; It is also important

to note that; On the other hand

Opinion: In my opinion; I believe that; To

my mind


UNITS 3 & 4

Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 The vast majority of my friends have

their own tablet.

2 We haven't got enough players for the

board game tonight.

3 He is so practical that he can fix


4 I do enjoy listening to music when I've

got nothing to do.

5 I'll never get used to waking up so early.

6 Mr White teaches chemistry in an

enjoyable way.

Exercise 4

1 mask

2 arrogant

3 shield

4 a helmet

5 decisive

6 wig

7 impatient

8 bright

Exercise 5

1e 2h 3g 4c 5b 6d 7f 8a

Exercise 6

Dad What's the matter, Oscar?

Oscar It's this school art project. I give up.

Dad What do you mean, give up? What

do you have to do?

Oscar I have to design a CD cover for my

favourite band.

Dad Music and art. That sounds perfect

for you.

Oscar That's what I thought. But I'm


Dad No you're not. You just need a good


Oscar That's the problem, Dad. I just can't

come up with anything. It's hopeless!

Dad OK, calm down. You always give up

too easily.

Oscar Leave it out, Dad. Just leave me


Dad That's a bit out of order. I'm only

trying to help.

Oscar I know. I'm sorry, Dad. Maybe I just

need a bit of a break.

Exercise 7

1 C 2 B 3 extra 4 D 5 E 6 extra 7 A

Exercise 8


Exercise 9

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1 aren't supposed to

2 didn't need to

3 are not allowed to

4 don't let me

5 have to

6 shouldn't

Exercise 2

1 made

2 mustn't

3 aren't allowed to

4 had better

5 didn't let

6 didn't have to

Exercise 3

1 My mum made me leave it at home.

2 My parents didn't allow me to go.

3 You had better find it soon.

4 Sorry, I had to tidy my bedroom.

5 But you mustn't give your phone to


6 No, my parents didn't let me stay up for


Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5


Exercise 6

1 Daniel didn't need to do his homework

last night.

2 Sarah didn't need to revise for her

History exam.

3 I needn't have taken a thick jumper with

me yesterday.

4 Lucy needn't have cooked Josh a

birthday cake.

5 Liam didn't need to have dinner at


6 We needn't have taken a taxi to the

concert hall.

7 I didn't need to call Louisa.

Exercise 7

1 James hasn't succeeded in passing his

driving test yet.

2 I haven't been able to find my charger


3 Laura wasn't able to swim yesterday.

4 We succeeded in climbing Ben Nevis at

the weekend.

5 They weren't able to access the Internet

at home last night.

6 He didn't have much time, but he

managed to finish the project.


1 must

2 shouldn't

3 must

4 can't

5 must

6 Must

7 wouldn't

8 must


Exercise 1

1 protective case -C

2 webcam -E

3 charger -D

4 power lead -F

5 plug-B

6 headset-A

Exercise 2

1c 2d 3a 4b

Exercise 3

1 wireless router

2 protective case

3 power lead

4 headset

5 webcam

Exercise 4

1 posts

2 stream

3 plug

4 upgrades

5 save

6 browse

7 sync

8 connect

Exercise 5

1 posted

2 upgrade

3 was browsing

4 stream

5 connect

6 save


Exercise 1

1 scroll 2 receive notifications 3 back up

4 download 5 swipe 6 bookmark

Exercise 2

1 bookmark 2 scroll 3 notifications; receive

4 download 5 back up 6 swipe

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 total number of albatross species

2 number of tigers in the wild today

3 distance an albatross can fly without

being on land

4 number of African elephants there are


5 number of African elephants there used

to be

6 number of square kms an albatross can

fly in 6 months

Exercise 2

1 T 2 F 3 F 4 DS 5 T 6 DS

Exercise 3

1 Special equipment and GPS to track

elephants; researchers then inform

farmers using the data and farmers know

they aren't allowed to kill the elephants;

this protects crops and the elephants.

2 Camera traps with special cameras take

photos of tigers and stream live videos

of their movements - researchers identify

individual tigers and follow them and

protect the areas where they live. The

tigers can live and breed safely.

3 GPS trackers help albatrosses become

'police birds'. The researchers use the

information from the birds to monitor

ships and to check that they are fishing


+ Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1


Exercise 2


After that

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1B2C3 A4B5C6B


Exercise 1

1 made me

2 have to help me; need to finish; make

me do it

3 had better get; should leave

Exercise 2 

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1 D







8 A


10 B



Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 Euroair is much more expensive than


2 Budgetline is just as popular as Euroair.

3 Euroair is far quicker than Budgetline.

4 Budgetline is nowhere near as good as


5 Euroair is just as frequent as Budgetline.

6 Euroair is not nearly as cheap as


Exercise 3

1 Every year the roads get busier and


2 I love summer. Every day the sun stays

up longer and longer.

3 Scientists say the temperature of the

Earth is getting hotter and hotter.

4 The price of food is getting more and

more expensive by the week.

Exercise 4

1 The hotter the weather is, the angrier I


2 The faster you drive, the more

dangerous it is.

3 The hungrier you are, the better food


4 The older you are, the less sleep you


Exercise 5

1 e 2 f 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 d

Exercise 6

1 Although

2 In spite of

3 Even though

4 despite

5 Nevertheless

6 However

Exercise 7

1 Although I've got two bikes, I can't ride

a bike.

2 My mum's French. However, I don't

speak French.

3 Even though I love Italian food, I don't

like pizza. / I don't like pizza, even though

I love Italian food.

4 I always go to bed early; nevertheless,

I'm always late for school.

5 In spite of being only 14, I'm 175 cm tall.

/ I'm 175 cm tall, in spite of being only 14.


1 c -Ethan was offered the position of

school counsellor. However, he turned it


2 f - Loom bands used to be a big craze.

However, it seems to be over now.

3 b -The passengers were stuck on the

train for two hours. However, nobody

spoke to each other.

4 e - My friends did a 10K run for charity

last month. However, I hurt my knee and

couldn't do it with them.

5 d - Hundreds of people volunteered to

help the doctors and nurses. However, a

lot of them didn't have any training.


Exercise 1

1 praise; e

2 suggest; a

3 define; f

4 criticise; b

5 admit; c

6 introduce; d

Exercise 2

1 praise 2 criticism 3 suggestion

4 admission 5 introduction 6 definition

Exercise 3

1 admitted 2 defined 3 praised

4 suggested 5 introduced 6 criticised

Exercise 4

1B 2A 3B 4A 5B 6B 7A 8A

Exercise 5

1 hatchet

2 the air

3 at the hip

4 inside out

5 fall

6 shoulder

7 peas in a pod

8 house on fire


Exercise 1

1 loyal 2 supportive 3 kind-hearted

4 affectionate 5 forgiving

Exercise 2

1 supportive 2 loyal 3 forgiving

4 kindhearted/affectionate 5 affectionate/


Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 B

Exercise 2


2 13 November

3 Japan

4 Because no one stopped to help him or

ask him how he was when someone stole

his bag in a busy train station.

5 It is a hormone that helps to lower your

blood pressure and improve the health

of your heart, and it also makes you feel

more confident and optimistic.

6 It decreases stress even if you only

watch someone being kind.

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Water Aid

Exercise 2

1 785 million people

2 2,000 children

3 how to repair taps, good hygiene

Exercise 3

2 b 3 c 4 d 1

Exercise 4

Students' own answers 

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

A 2 B 3 C 1

Exercise 2

1 the music festival

2 a coast to coast cycle ride

3 Dallas, Texas

4 Because he needs another player for the

basketball team and Bradley might be a

good player.

5 because she had a disagreement with

her friend Martha and they fell out.

6 Martha criticised a photo that Molly had


Exercise 3

1 (m)uch (b)etter; (n)owhere (n)ear

2 (m)uch taller; (j)ust; (p)opular

3 (e)asily; (l)onger; (w)orse


Exercise 1

Dad Who fancies a day at the beach?

Mum That sounds like a great idea. Shall

we go to Llandudno?

Dad I thought we'd go to Prestatyn. It's

by far a nicer beach.

Lucy But Llandudno's got better shops by


Dad I said how about a beach day, not a

shopping day. Tim, how about you?

Tim Can I take my tablet with me?

Dad No chance, I thought we'd make it a

tech free day, too. Just a good old family

day out on the train.

Lucy The train?! Please tell me you're


Tim Yeah, Dad. Please tell us you're


Dad I'm not. It's a whole lot easier than

taking the car. And the train's quicker, too.

It's easily the best option.

Mum Well, I'm not so sure. I think I agree

with the kids on this one. It's miles more

convenient to take the car. I mean we've

got to get to the station…

Dad It's a ten-minute walk!

Tim It'd be even quicker if we took a taxi.

Mum We'll probably miss the train

and have to wait hours for the next one.

Dad You know what? I've got a good

idea. You drive the kids in the car or taxi

or whatever. I'll take the train and we'll all

meet on the beach.

Exercise 2

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1 G

2 E

3 F

4 D

5 A



UNITS 5 & 6

Exercise 1

1 the trumpet

2 (about) eight

3 at the theatre

4 He was embarrassed.

Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 g 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 h 6 c7 f 8 d

Exercise 4

1 connect; wireless router

2 plug; power lead; adapter

3 webcam; headset

4p rotect1ve case

5 USB port

6 charger

7 browse; upgrade

8 sync

Exercise 5

1 introduce; a house on fire 2 admit; bury

the hatchet 3 suggest; a protective case

4 criticise; fall out

Exercise 6

Olivia I don't believe it. My laptop's

broken again.

Liam Again? What is it this time?

Olivia I don't know. I was trying to save

a document and the whole computer


Liam It sounds serious. You'd better take

it to the repair shop.

Olivia No, I'm tired of doing that. They

never fix it properly. It's time for a new


Liam What! It will be miles cheaper to get

it fixed. It's the best solution by far.

Olivia Not if they don't fix it properly. It

will just be a waste of my time.

Liam Well at least let me have a look at it

first. Maybe I can fix it.

Olivia You always say that, but then you

never do.

Liam Well I will this time. I promise. I'll

take a look at it over the weekend.

Olivia What? Today is Monday. I'm not

waiting five days. I'm off to the shops.


Exercise 7

5, 9, 3, 1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 4

Exercise 8

Students' own answers



Exercise 1

1 My dad's going to Berlin on business

next month.

2 The lesson starts in ten minutes.

3 As soon as Mum gets home we'll go to

the cinema.

4 We won't have dinner until Dad comes


5 Tina and Tom will be staying with their

aunt in Mexico in the summer holidays./

Tina and Tom are staying with their aunt in

Mexico in the summer holidays.

Exercise 2

1m going to ask

2 aren't planning

3're travelling

4're going to drive

5're going to take

6's Mr Jones going to hold

7's organising

Exercise 3

1 are you doing; 'm going

2 will let; 'll ask

3 does the football match start; starts

4'm going to look for; are joining

5's; 're having; 'll rain

6 does the train leave; leaves

Exercise 4

Possible answers

1 Your computer will have a sense of

smell./ Your computer won't have a sense

of smell.

2 Facebook will still be the most popular

social network. / Facebook won't still be

the most popular social network.

3 Robots will do all the work on farms. /

Robots won't do all the work on farms.

4 People will go on holiday in space. /

People won't go on holiday in space.

5 We'll be able to upload the contents of

our brains to our computers./ We won't

be able to upload the contents of our

brains to our computers

6 People will be able to touch each other

through their phones. / People won't be

able to touch each other through their


Exercise 5

1 I'll be swimming in the sea.

2 Sam will be sitting on the beach with his


3 Mum will be exploring the town.

4 Dad will be buying food at the local


Exercise 6

1'll have eaten; 'll have left

2 will have gone

3'll have swum

4'll have travelled

Exercise 7

1 will have landed

2 will be swimming

3 will have left

4 will be eating

Swill do

Exercise 8

1'll be

2'll be staying

3'll send

4'll be going

5'll be having

6'll have visited

7'll have seen

8'll have been shopping

9'll text


1 will

2 would


4 would

5 will

6 would


Exercise 1

1 point

2 off

3 about

4 due

Exercise 2

1 a-A 2d-C 3b-B 4c-D

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

1 b 2d 3a 4c 5f 6e

Exercise 5

1 so not

2 so far

3 So-so

4 So what?

5 I hope so

6 or so


Exercise 1

1 in due course

2 get round to

3 just around the corner

4 taste of things to come

5 any minute now

Exercise 2

1 in due course

2 get round to

3 just around the corner

4 any minute now

5 a taste of things to come

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 C 2 E 3 A 4 extra 5 D 6 extra 7 B

Exercise 2

1 Recognising the things and people you

have in your life and appreciating them.

2 One that doesn't last.

3 Relationships can help in good and bad


4 More people smile back.

5 It releases happy chemicals in your

brain called endorphins which will

definitely make you feel more positive and


6 A lack of sleep will affect your mood

and your happiness and your ability to

concentrate and it will increase your stress


Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 3

2 in Sam's garage; three times a week and

at the weekend

3 a worrier/he's always worried

4 She persuaded him to stay and play at

their first gig because the band needed

their drummer.

5 A music promoter asked them to go to a

recording studio.

Exercise 3

1 great

2 worried

3 gig

4 excited

5 end

Exercise 4

1C 2D 3A 4B

Exercise 5

Students' own answers

Exercise 6

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

a 1b 3 c2

Exercise 2

Conversation 1


Conversation 2


Conversation 3



Exercise 1

Simon Hey, Miranda, cheer up! Things 

can't be that bad.

Miranda Yes, they can. I've failed my

Physics exam.

Simon Don't let it get you down. Your

term grades are really good. You were

probably just having a bad day.

Helena Yes, Simon's right. Look on the

bright side, Miranda. You only failed the

Physics exam. You could have failed the

Chemistry and Maths exams too!

Simon You see, there is light at the end of

the tunnel.

Helena And anyway, you've just got one

more year of Physics and then you can

give it up.

Simon Hang in there, Miranda. You'll pass

it next time.

Miranda Thanks, you two. You've really

cheered me up.


Exercise 1

1 get my hopes up

2 make a fool of myself

3 go for it

4 Fair enough

5 Anyway

6 for a start

Exercise 2

1 Fair enough

2 go for it

3 get your hopes up

4 make a fool of myself

5 for a start

6 Anyway



Exercise 1

1 makes

2 with

3 much

4 of

5 so

6 until

7 no

8 while



Exercise 1

1f 2d 3i 4a 5h 6b 7c 8e 9g

Exercise 2

1 If Charlie didn't work so much, he'd have

(more) time to relax.

2 Marco would have taken part in the race

if he hadn't broken his leg.

3 If people love cats, they often don't like

dogs much.

4 Stefan will buy a car if his father lends

him the money.

5 Ed would ask Jenni out if he wasn't so


6 Anna wouldn't have fallen if she had

seen the ice on the path.

Exercise 3

1 had come; would have met

2 will win; trains

3 own; don't use

4 would visit; lived

5 see; 'll tell

6 wouldn't have fallen; hadn't been riding

7 was; would be able

8 doesn't hurt; relax

Exercise 4

1 is


3 can't

4 won't

5 don't

6 can't

7 had

8'd have

9 had

10 wouldn't have

11 'd have

12  hadn't

Exercise 5

1 If I had read his text carefully, I'd know

where to meet him.

2 If Kim had seen the step, she wouldn't

feel so silly.

3 If Jordan hadn't arrived so early, he

wouldn't be waiting for his friends.

4 If I had studied Spanish, I could help you

with your Spanish homework.

5 If I hadn't left my phone at home, I'd

know the way to their house.

6 If Monica liked horror films, she would

have accepted Oliver's invitation.

7 If Tessa had watched the last episode,

she would know the ending.

8 If Tim hadn't broken his leg, he wouldn't 

be in hospital.

Exercise 6

Students' own answers

Exercise 7

Suggested answers

1 wouldn't have slipped on the banana

skin if he looked where he's going.

2 wouldn't be so tired if they hadn't

stayed up late last night.

3 hadn't spent all his money, he could buy

the new game


1 If the police hadn't looked into the

matter, the crime would never have been


2 Unless we come up with some new

ideas, we won't have a chance of winning

the competition.

3 Davey will get the answer as long as we

help him.

4 Suppose I did go to the party, what

would I wear?

5 Provided that the calculations were

correct, the structure will be totally safe.

6 Come to my house by 8 pm at the latest,

otherwise we will miss the beginning of

the film.


Exercise 1

1 carry out

2 come down with

3 come up with

4 pick up on

5 point out

6 run through

7 try out

8 turn out

(Other possible answers:

Try on

Come down

Come out

Come through

Carry through

Carry on

Pick out

Run out

Run up

Run down

Turn down

Turn up)

Exercise 2

1 I didn't know where the shop was until

Kate pointed out the store guide.

2 The instructions for the game were really

long, so we just ran through them quickly.

3 Shall we try out our new trainers today

for the first time?

4 We couldn't think of what to do until

Sally came up with a brilliant idea.

5 I didn't pick up on the differences

between the two languages until I listened


6 A group of volunteers are carrying out

repairs to people's bikes for free.

7 I think we ate something bad - we came

down with a stomach bug.

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

1 Otherwise

2 Suppose

3 as long as/provided

4 unless

5 provided/as long as

Exercise 5

1 Suppose you didn't live here, where

would you like to live?

2 The teacher said I wouldn't do well

unless I did my homework./ The teacher

said I would do well as long as I did my

homework. / The teacher said I would do

well provided I did my homework.

3 OK, you can use my phone, as long as

you don't have your own. / OK, you can

use my phone, provided you don't have

your own.

4 I have to go, otherwise I'll miss the bus.

5 Mum says we can go, as long as we

promise to be back in time for dinner. I

Mum says we can go, provided we

promise to be back in time for dinner.


Exercise 1

join in; warm up; build up; give up; cool


Exercise 2

1 give up 2 warm up 3 join in 4 build up

5 cool down

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


eight: Exercise the 1 number of pieces of music the

guest is allowed to choose

luxury: a special item the guest is allowed

to have with them

imagination: the concept of the show

captures people's imagination

well-known: a person who is invited onto the programme

Exercise 2

1 A man called Roy Plomley had the idea

for the programme, and wrote a letter to

the BBC.

2 The guests are well-known people

such as actors, singers, politicians and


3 eight pieces of music, one book, one

luxury item

4 four

5 Having to leave out pieces of music that

you love.

Exercise 3

Students' own answers

Exercise 4

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

1 cold and wet

2 hat; sweaters; coats; waterproof shoes;


3 sunglasses; sunscreen; lip balm; simple


Exercise 2

1 one that covers your ears

2 several layers of thin clothing

3 the cold and wet

4 to protect your eyes from the bright

reflection off the snow

5 with lip balm

Exercise 3

1 He repeats the information that Laura

has given in her email.

2 He uses bullet points.

3 He uses full stops, commas and dashes

to separate the reasons from the things he

suggests taking.

Exercise 4

Students' own answers

Exercise 5

Students' own answers


Colin Exercise 1

1 phone

2 headphones

3 guitar


1 phone

2 bed

3 trainers


1 laptop

2 cat

3 bicycle

Exercise 2

1 T 2 DS 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 DS 7 T 8 F

Exercise 3

Students' own answers


Exercise 1

Conversation 1

Adam Are you watching that reality show

about people stuck on an island?

Briony Yes, I think it's great. I love

watching people behaving badly!

Adam Like the way that guy last night

did? I think if I was a contestant on that

programme, I'd have shouted at him.

Briony Me too. He was awful. If he carries

on like that, he'll be voted off next week.

Adam He certainly will. Well, unless one

of the other people starts behaving even


Briony And that's always a possibility,

right? Listen, why don't we watch the next

episode together?

Adam But do you think you would behave

better? I mean, in a situation like that.

Briony Good question. And you know,

I think I'd be OK, as long as the other

people didn't make me angry.

Conversation 2

Lois Can I borrow your tablet?

Noah Well, yes, I suppose so - as long as

you promise to look after it.

Lois Of course I will, don't worry. Why

wouldn't I look after it?

Noah Why? Well, I remember you didn't

really look after the camera I lent you.

Lois Not true. I looked after it. I just gave

it back later than I'd promised.

Noah Right. And if I hadn't reminded you,

you'd never have given it back.

Lois Of course I would have. But OK,

don't lend me the tablet. I don't mind.

Noah No, it's OK. You can borrow it.

Otherwise you'll never talk to me again.

Just joking, Lois!

Exercise 2

Students' own answers



Exercise 1



UNITS 7 & 8

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 the cold; no proper bed or showers; the

drinking water isn't very good

2 In case the water is really bad.

3 She might be a long way from a


4 That she didn't sit around looking at it

all the time.

5 He says there might not be a signal

where she's going.

6 That Maggie will have had the best

holiday of her life.

Exercise 3

1 get

2 'd be

3 don't

4 will have arrived

5 are going

6 wouldn't be

7 be watching

8 will have lived

Exercise 4

1 c 2d 3f 4b 5a 6g 7h 8e

Exercise 5

1 point

2 forward

3 dreading

4 provided

5 run through

6 positive

7 turned

8 apprehensive

Exercise 6

1 So-so

2 for a start

3 I think so

4 Fair enough

5 Anyway

6 cheer up

Exercise 7

1 It comes from when people lived in

groups. If one group found a new food

source and another one didn't, they would

feel they had missed out. This could mean

the difference between life and death.

2 FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out: a fear that

other people are having a better time than

you, and you are missing out.

JOMO: Joy Of Missing Out: in a way it's

the opposite of FOMO. You're happy

doing what you are doing and aren't

worried about missing out on what others

might be doing.

3 It can help you to be able to pick up on

how you're feeling more quickly and then

start to recognise it.

4 Because you can find answers and

explanations to how you feel and

understand how you are feeling better.

5 Accept that it exists and listen to your

feelings so that you can recognise FOMO

and not be afraid of it.

6 You might miss out on your own life.

Exercise 8

Students' own answers

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