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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Unit 5

Growing up(第五单元)

1.Read and Listen

A:1 Papua New Guinea 2 Boys are becoming men.

B:1 They live near a river full of crocodiles.

2 They believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people.

3 It is a hut. The boys go there to become men.

4 They think about their crocodile mothers and fathers' and they play the drums.

5 He has adult responsibilities in the village.


B:the boys are told; they are beaten;the crocodile men are given

C:Rule: isn't important

Positive: are

Negative: aren't

Question: Is/Are

Short answer: is; aren't

D:2 are written

3 is sold

4 isn't grown/is grown

5 Are/sent

6 are made

E:2... is picked up every morning. 3..of trees are cut down every year. 4... water is wasted. 5..of letters are delivered by postal workers. 6…. successful films made in Hollywood?

F:1 A torch is taken to the Olympic city. 2 A flag is carried into the stadium. 3 A flame is lit with the torch. 4 The Games are opened with a speech.

3.Listen and speak

B:2B 3F 4A 5 C 6E


A:A a baby(4) E a toddler(5) F a child(2) B a teenager(3) D a young adult (1) C a pensioner(6)

B:1 two  2 two to three and a half  3 12  4 13/19  5 18  6 65


A:1 To a music festival in Leeds. 2Because his parents say he is too young. 3 Because her mum didn't let her. 4 They let him stay out until midnight at weekends. 5 Stay up late and watch TV.

B:I'm not allowed...

... didn't let me go ...

...usually let me...

I'm allowed to stay out...

...never lets me do...

...we're allowed to breathe...

... let you stay up late...

be allowed to/let

C:2 aren't allowed to 3 're allowed to 4 aren't allowed to 5 isn't allowed to 6 Are….allowed to

D:2 My parents let me watch the late-night movie on Fridays.

3 I don't let my brother use my computer.

4 The teachers don't let us run in the corridors.

5 The head teacher doesn't let us wear trainers to school.

6 My dad lets me drive our car sometimes.

Culture in mind

7.Read and Listen

B:1F 2T3F 4F 5T 6F7F

C:1 fed up 2 grounded 3 come of age 4 have a go 5 a couple 6 at least 7 without your parents' permission 8 turn


A:It is a coming of age ceremony.

B:1A 2C 3B

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