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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Unit 11

11 Outdoor Adventure(十一单元)

1 Words

1 Look. Write the words. 

2 get lost

3 swim in a lake

4 go canoeing

5 see a shooting star

6 sleep in a tent

2 Listen. Answer the questions. Write ✓ or ✗.

2√ 3× 4√ 5× 6√ 7× 8√

3 Write three things you want to do.


2 Grammar

1 Find ten verbs in the past. Write simple present and simple past.

2 Listen and write.


Yesterday, Jamil got up at 9:00. In the morning, he swam for an hour. Then, he and his family ate outside in the yard.


Last weekend, Naomi rode to the park and had a picnic. She made friends with another girl there.


Yesterday, Bea went to a movie theater but she didn’t see a movie. She lost the money for the movie. She didn’t have a good night.

3 Write what you did yesterday.


3 Reading

1 Label the picture with the words.

2 Read. Write A–D.

Meet Jade Hameister. She’s from Melbourne in Australia, but in this photo she is a long way from home! C First, she went to the Arctic. She became the youngest person to ski to the North Pole. She skied more than 150 km in eleven days. That isn’t very fast. Yes, very! It was very cold—about -25oC. Jade lost feeling in her hands. Her sled was very heavy—50kg, the same as her! She pulled it over snow and ice. It was very difficult, but she never stopped. She went with her dad, Paul. He’s an explorer, too. B In April of 2016, when she was fourteen. After that, she skied across Greenland in May of 2017, and to the South Pole six months later. She traveled a total of 2,000 km before she was seventeen!

3 Read again. Write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T

4 Grammar

1 Look. Match questions (1–8) to answers (A–H).

2 Write questions and answers. Use Where, Who, What, and When.

2 Where did he go on vacation?

He went to South Africa.

3 When did they sleep in a tent?

They slept in a tent last week.

4 Who did she paint in art class?

She painted her sister.

5 Where did you walk after lunch?

I walked to the lake.

3 Write questions about the past. Use What, When, or Where.


5 Phonics and Writing

1 Circle the two words that have the same sound. Listen and check.

2 Read. Divide the text into three paragraphs using questions A-C.

3 Think about the first time you did something new. Write three questions that you can answer in three paragraphs.


6 Value

1 Which children are staying safe outside? Look and circle.

2 Write.

1 lights

2 water

3 sunscreen

4 a helmet

5 a life jacket

6 the life guard

3 How do you stay safe outside? Check (✓) the things you do in Activity 2. Write one more thing you do.


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