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LOOK 4 课本答案

Look and Remember

Lesson 1

1 Look at the photo. Check (✓) the things you can see.

2 Read and complete the postcard.


How are you? I’m 1. camping / camp with my friends again this year. We always 2. coming / come to this beautiful place. There 3. are / aren’t many people so it’s calm and quiet. Right now, we’re 4. eating / eat outside. We’re having 5. a / some pasta and salad. Tomorrow we’re going 6. go / to go canoeing, and then we want to climb some trees in the woods. See you soon!

3 Answer the questions. Then compare your answers in small groups.


Lesson 2

1 Look at the photo. Read and write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2T 3F 4F 5T

2 Listen. Complete the information about giant pandas.

1 about 1,000

2 15/fifteen

3 1/one

4 12/twelve

5 30/thirty

3 Work in pairs. Choose another wild animal and write a fact file.


Lesson 3

1 Write the one that doesn’t belong.

1 village

2 pasta

3 dolphin

4 Moustache

5 cough

6 son

2 Write two one-that-doesn’t-belong puzzles for your partner.


3 Write questions. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1 How old are you

2 When is your birthday

3 Do you have any brothers and sisters

4 What do you usually do on Saturdays

5 Do you like reading comic books

6 What are you going to do on Sunday

1 All Kinds of Jobs(一单元)

1 Words

2 Answer the questions

1 police officer, photographer, firefighter, server, actor, clown

2 police officer, firefighter, dentist, nurse

3 Listen to the conversation about smoke jumpers. Write T (true) or F (false).

1F 2T 3F 4F 5F 6T

2 Grammar

2 Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple present or the present progressive.

1 works

2 drives

3 eats

4 work

5 is doing

6 is visiting

7 is talking

8 are asking

3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.


1. What do you wear to school every day?

2. What do you do on weekends?

3. What is your teacher doing right now?

4. Are you eating breakfast right now?

3 Reading

3 Match the words in bold in the text with their meanings.

1 model

2 animated movie

3 designer

4 movie director

4 Read again. Answer the questions.

1 Fernando/the designer

2 He moves the models.

3 to show the ideas of how people moved the statues

4 about four minutes

5 Students’ own answers

4 Grammar

2 Put the adverbs of frequency in Hans Weise’s description

6 Writing

2 Read. Then look at the interview again and answer the questions.

1 Where do you work?

What’s your job?

2 Do you like your job?

3 What are you working on right now?

4 What is your favorite robot?

3 Writing Skill Interview questions

a. Write three questions for an interview about someone’s school.

1 Where do you go to school?

2 What is your favorite subject?

3 What are you learning about right now?

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Check (✓) the jobs you hear.

2 Watch the video again. Match the children with two things that they talk about.

1. AJ C E

2. Rhiane B F

3. Lara A D

3 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T

2 Move to the Music!(二单元)

1 Words

2 Complete the text with the words from Activity 1.

3 Listen to the presentation about the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura. Circle the correct answer.

2 Grammar

2 Complete the text with these verbs. Use the simple past.

1 played

2 watched

3 were

4 loved

5 clapped

6 visited

7 was

3 Make sentences in the simple past.

1. Children didn’t clean their instruments.

2. Favio Chavez wasn’t a farmer.

3. They used paint cans to make instruments.

4. It wasn’t easy to make the instruments.

5. In 2014, the orchestra didn’t visit Europe.

3 Reading

3 Read again. What did Soumik and Souvid see? Circle the correct answer.

1. The dancers carried / kicked their drums to the field.

2. They jumped / climbed high in the air and banged / kicked their feet.

3. Then the dancers banged / kicked their drums loudly and shouted / climbed loudly, too.

4. Some dancers climbed / carried onto the drums.

4 Read again. Correct the sentences.

1. Soumik’s brother is a photographer.

2. The dancers are all farmers.

3. They sometimes play their drums loudly.

4. The show was very exciting.

4 Grammar

2 Complete the text with the adverb form of the words in parentheses

2 well

3 slowly

4 quickly

5 quietly

6 carefully

6 Writing

1 Read the review. Did Jack like the show?


2 Read. Then, look at Jack’s review again and answer the questions.

1. It’s about a play called Annie.

2. He saw it last night.

3. It has a happy ending. The songs are great. The actors sing and dance very well. The orchestra played loudly.

4. Some of the story is sad. He didn’t want it to end.

3 Writing Skill because

a. Read. Then look at Jack’s review again and complete the sentences.

1 because the songs were great

2 because they played beautifully in the slow songs

b. Match.

1D 2A 3B 4C

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Match the countries (1–3) with the instruments (A–C).

1C 2A 3B

2 Watch the video again. Complete the definitions with the words.

1 popular

2 stick

3 chord

4 traditional

5 loud

3 Circle the correct answer.

1. The sitar is usually more than / less than a meter long.

2. People use a pick / their hands and fingers to play the tabla.

3. Flamenco is typical in the south / north of Spain.

4. Flamenco dancers use their arms / shoes to make loud sounds.

5. To play the bagpipes, you blow into / hit the pipe.

6. You use your arms / legs to play the bagpipes.

Function 1: Giving directions

1 Listen and complete the dialog.

1 turn left

2 go straight

3 on the right

3 Read the dialog again and look at the map. What color is Leo’s house?

Leo’s house is the blue one.


1 Read about redwood trees. Answer the questions.

1. They can be more than 1,500 years old.

2. It’s difficult to take photos of them because they are very tall.

2 Watch the video. Put the sentences in order (1–5).

3 A. Nick takes some great photos of the owls.

4 B. Nick sends a camera up the tree.

2 C. Nick gives the owls food.

5 D. The photos of the tree go onto Nick’s computer.

1 E. Nick puts on a costume.

Review 1: Units 1–2

1 Complete the text with these words. There are three words you don’t need.

1 pilot

2 concerts

3 dancer

4 carry

5 drums

2 Choose the best title for the text in Activity 1.

The Right Job for Me √

3 Write sentences about you.


4 Make sentences and questions. Use the simple past.

1 She played the violin at the school concert.

2 They didn’t visit London yesterday.

3 Did you climb up the mountain?

4 We carried the drums onto the stage.

5 Was the keyboard expensive?

5 Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the words in parentheses.

1 quietly

2 loudly

3 well

4 quickly

5 carefully

3 Let’s Celebrate!(三单元)

1 Words

2 Answer the questions.

Students’ own answers, but possible answers:

1. make special food, give presents, play party games

2. watch a parade

3. eat traditional food, throw streamers, put up decorations, wear traditional clothes

3 Listen to the presentation about a harvest festival in South Korea. Circle the correct answer.

1. Do people usually celebrate the harvest at the end of fall? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

2. Did people put up decorations for Chuseok? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

3. Did they give presents? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

4. Did people throw streamers in the parade? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

5. Did people wear traditional clothes? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

2 Grammar

2 Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past.

1 made

2 went

3 put

4 ate

5 did not

6 saw

7 danced

3 Reading

3 Read again. Write T (true) or F (false).

1F 2F 3T 4T 5F 6F

4 Find the simple past of these verbs in the text.

1 bought

2 chose

3 drank

4 learned

5 took

4 Grammar

2 Put the words in order to form questions. Look at the text on page 32 again and write the answers.

1 Where did Mica go

He went to the Ice Cream Festival in Florence.

2 What did he buy

He bought a ticket.

3 When did Anna go to Perugia

She went to Perugia in October.

4 What did people make from chocolate pieces

They made sculptures.

5 What did Anna eat

She ate some chocolate.

6 Writing

2 Read. Then look at Uma’s e-mail again and answer the questions.

1 A wedding!

2 Hi, Toby! See you soon!

3 went, made, watched, drank, wore, danced, sang, threw

3 Writing Skill Time connectors

a. Read and answer the question.

They go at the beginning.

b. Complete Toby’s e-mail to Uma with time connectors.

1 First of all

2 Then

3 After

4 At the end

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Match the countries (1–3) with the festivals (A–C).

1A 2C 3B

2 Watch the video again. Match the children with two things they talk about.

1. Yurara C B

2. AJ D E

3. Marlen A F

3 Answer the questions.

1 her family

2 It was delicious.

3 July

4 sand and water

5 one week

6 the different cultures in Oaxaca

4 Sports(四单元)

1 Words

2 Answer the questions.

1 golf, volleyball

2 ice skating, snowboarding, rowing, diving, sailing

3 Listen to information about a Paralympic sport for people who can’t see well. Complete the information.

1 1946

2 three

3 throwing

4 eyes

5 hear

2 Grammar

2 Complete the text with can, can’t, could, or couldn’t.

1 can

2 can

3 could

4 couldn’t

5 couldn’t

6 could

3 Reading

3 Answer the questions.

1 January, 2000

2 Sydney (Australia)

3 12 meters

4 He felt nervous.

5 They shouted, “Eric! Eric!”

6 Yes, he did.

4 Grammar

2 Complete the text with object pronouns.

1 it 2 him 3 them 4 her 5 him 6 it

3 Complete the questions with object pronouns. Then answer them.

1 them

2 you

3 it

4 him

5 her

6 Writing

2 Read. Then look at the fact files again and answer the questions.

1. track/golf; 2. August 21st, 1986/October 9th, 1970; 3. played cricket and soccer/liked skiing, tennis, and soccer

3 Writing Skill Using when

a. Find when in the fact file. What punctuation do we use after the when clause?

a comma

b. Match to make sentences about the Australian cyclist, Anna Meares.

1 D

2 B

3 C

4 A

7 Video

1 Watch the video. Which famous athletes do the children talk about?

Bruce Lee, Pelé, Wilma Rudolph

2 Watch the video again. Write B (Bruce Lee), P (Pelé), or W (Wilma Rudolph).

1P 2W 3B 4W 5P

3 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX