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English in Mind 2 课本答案 Unit 11

A visit to the doctor's(第十一单元)

1.Read and listen

A:A4 B1 C2 D3

B:1 N 2 F(It was dead when they put it into their mouth) 3 T4 N 5 N 6 T7 N


A:Para 3:people who suffer from it

Para 5: people who had scrofula

B:who; which;that; when

C:2 who 3 where 4 who 5 when 6 whose

3.Vocabulary and Listening

A:2a 3g 4 e 5h 6d 7b 8f

B:1D 2F 3A 4B 5E 6H 7C 8G

C:1 His ankle hurts. 2 She's got a sore throat. 3 He's got stomach ache. 4 She's got a cold.



D:1d 2a 3e 4b 5c

E:2 used to be/say3 doesn't smoke/used to smoke 4 isn't/used to be 5 Did you use to like/love 6 Did your father use to play/is


B:Because the hospitals were very dirty, no one washed their hands before treating a patient or before operating on one.

C:1. Scotland 2. 19th 3. hospitals 4. dirty 5. died 6. wash 7. dying 8. nurses 9. 50 10. antiseptic 11. 15 12. right


A:1 doctor 2 look around 3 fooling 4 head 5 boy 6 fooling 7 fooling

Culture in mind

9.Read and Listen

A:1 There was a war in Biafra.Medecins Sans Frontieres started.

2 Five MSF volunteers were killed in Afghanistan.

3 MSF won the Nobel Peace Prize.

B:1 It began during the war in Biafra in 1971 when French volunteer doctors were working there.

2 90 per cent comes from individual donations, the rest from governments and businesses.

3 It helps disaster victims all over the world.

4 They care for sick people, train local doctors and nurses, and help people do things like making wells.

5 Because volunteers are sometimes attacked, kidnapped or killed.

C:1 volunteer 2 was born 3 a famine 4 headquarters 5 care for 6 injured

D:2 famine 3 volunteers 4 headquarters


A:Because she discovered radium.

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