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LOOK 4 练习册答案 Review 1: Units 1–2

Review 1: Units 1–2

1 Find nine words about music.

2 Write sentences about the pictures using these phrases.

2 The nurse helps sick people, but today he’s playing video games.

3 The photographer takes photos, but today she’s having a picnic.

4 The dentist cleans people’s teeth, but today he’s reading a comic.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs. Use the simple past.

1 was

2 was

3 played

4 were

5 listened

6 danced

7 looked

4 Write the adverbs.

1loudly 2badly 3quickly 4slowly 5carefully 6well

5 Write sentences about you using the adverbs from Activity 4 and these frequency adverbs.


6 Which is different? Circle. Then write sentences to tell why.

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