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Unit 1

page 15

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 16

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 16


Exercise 4 page 17

1F; The cendrawasih bird of paradise is becoming increasingly difficult to see/spot in the Indonesian jungle.

2T 3F There are 41 species of bird of paradise found in Indonesia. 4T 5F: The forest where the cendrawasih live is protected by law 6F;Tourism by birdwatchers is the only chance for survival for the cendrawasih.

Exercise 5 page 17

1 Habitat 2Destructive 3logging 4agricultural 5banned 6smuggled 7remaining 8economy 9homestays

Exercise 6 page 17

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 18

1a 2c 3f 4d 5g 6b 7e

Exercise 2 page 19

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 19 

Topics 1,2 and 7

Exercise 4 page 20

1 how globalization allows us to taste food from different cultures around the world

2 David Green

3 fruit

4 vegetables

5 healthily

6 Bananas

7 Kiwis

8 South Africa

9 8,500

10 9,600

11 11100

12 local

13 transported it across the country

14 increases production costs1548.000 kilometres16 supply chain 17 footprint

Exercise 5 page 20

1T 2F;David doesn't really think about where his food comes from.3F; The global food industry allows people all over the world to eat a huge variety of fresh fruit and vegetables.4F;You can only really be sure how far something has travelled if you purchase it directly from a farm or if you grow it yourself.

5F; Even something that looks like it's local can have a big impact on the environment.

Exercise 6 pages 20-21

1a 2b 3a

Exercise 7 page 21

1abroad 2grow 3find 4produced 5timed 6Flying 7pass 8cost

Exercise 8 page 21

1support 2three 3Firstly 4 sixth 5 climate 6state 7trap 8growing 9would 10 rain

Exercise 9 page 22 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 23

1may have bought 2must be 3must have lost 4 might send 5can't be 6must have lived

Exercise 2 page 23

1very unlikely 2a possibility 3a possibility 4only logical conclusion 5only logical conclusion 6a possibility

Exercise 3 page 23

1 must be

2 must have been

3 might/may/could contain

4 might/ may / could have been

5 couldn't / can't have been

Exercise 4 page 23

Answers will vary.

Exercise 5 page 24

1transport 2goods 3imported 4supply chain 5produce 6purchase 7multinational 8prosperity 9outsourcing

Exercise 1 page 25

1b 2a 3a 4b 5b 6a 7a

Exercise 2 page 25

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 26

Exercise 4 page 26

a1 b3 c2 d4

Exercise 5 page 26

Overseas: 25%; Overseas and domestic: 50%; Domestic: 25%

Exercise 6 page 27

1 In order to get this tax credit

2 Since films made in Mexico are considered exports

3 Jordan helps producers avoid taxes

Exercise 7 page 27

1In order to 2Since 3Therefore

Exercises 8-10 page 27

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 28-29

1the percentage of profit for each step in the process; there are nine activities or steps in the process

2 Answers will vary.

3They would increase; the other percentages would decrease.

Exercise 2 page 29

1O 2S 34O

Exercise 3 page 29

Possible answers:

1 the cost of storing, advertising and paying workers2 The workers are paid little

3 Plantation owners have to pay for the land and growing supplies and workers do not.

4lt would increase. Other costs would also increase.

Exercises 4-5 page 30

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1 and 2 page 31

1I'd like to talk about2alot of discussion 3 Many people believe 4 others have pointed out5 They say6 would like to show 7 look at 8 consider

Exercise 3 page 32

1The largest part: more than a quarter of

2 accounts for

3 each make up; a total of

4 Three parts are related to: they make up

Exercise 4 page 33

a3 b1 c5 d7 e6 f2 g4

Exercise 5 page 33

1e 2a 3d 4c 5b

Exercise 6 page 33

Possible answers:

Fixed costs: tax, rent, labour; variable costs: cup / sugar / lid, coffee, milk, administration

Exercises 1-5 page 34

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1 These watches could come from Switzerland, but I'm not sure.

2 My new computer can't be from Mexico because there isn't a computer company there.

3 Both

4 Juan must have lived in Dubai because he speaks fluent

Arabic and he told me his dad worked in the UAE.

5 The sweater must have been made overseas because I saw the label that says 'Made in the USA.6 Both

Exercise 4

1 goods 2prosperity 3imported 4 multinational 5purchase 6outsourcing 7supply chain 8transport

Exercise 5

1consumers, discount

2production costs, overseas, labour 

3profit, investigate

Exercise 6

1I'd like to talk about 2others have pointed out 3They say 4consider 5would like to show 6a lot of discussion

Exercise 7

Answers will vary.

Unit 2

page 37

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 38

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 39

1T 2F; The school ignores the official government science curriculum.

3F:Instead of just learning to pass the exam, the students contribute to science, do science and live science.4T 5T

Exercise 4 page 39

1c 2a 3d 4b

Exercises 5-6 page 39

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 40

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 pages 40-41

1internship 2academic 3mechanical 4acquire

5understanding 6adviser 7vocational 8specialist

Exercise 3 page 41

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 41

1what to do a degree in 


3talk to some engineers, visit a careers fair and contact a Computer Engineering firm

Exercise 5 page 41

1Engineering 2Mechanical 3academic 4manual work 5talk to somebody 6designing and making things

Exercise 6 page 42

1Maths; Physics 2Mechanical 3Engineering 4degrees 5universities,courses 6careers 7graduates;jobs 8Computer; visit

Exercise 7 page 43

2C 3C 4C 5U 6U 7C8U

Exercise 8 page 43

Answers will vary.

Exercise 9 page 43

certain: definitely, for sure

uncertain: wonder, consider, not sure

Exercise 10 page 43

wonder if I should study something technical.

I am certain I should try something more vocational

4 You should definitely consider Mechanical Engineering then.

5 Okay. I am sure that is for me

Exercise 11 page 43

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 44-45

1will be studying 2is going to be using 3Will; be visiting 4will be taking 5will be attending 6will be calling 7Is; going to be choosing8 is going to be working

Exercise 2 page 45 Possible answers:

1I certainly won't be studying on Friday night.

2will definitely be studying next week because I have an exam.

3lprobably won't be attending the match on Thursday afternoon ..

4I will likely be asking for help before Tuesday

Exercise 3 page 45

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 46

1take 2towork 3participating 4to stay 5working 6see

Exercise 5 page 46

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 Would you prefer to work for a lot of money or for career satisfaction?

2 I'd rather study a diploma course.

3 Would they like to apply to a university in Riyadh?

4 He'd rather study Medicine.

5 Would she like to take a theoretical course?

I'd rather not start working right away.

Exercise 1 pages 46-47

1medical 2technical 3physical 4manual 5professional 6complex 7secure 8practical

Exercise 2 page 47

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 48

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Exercise 4 page 48


Possible answers:

Adam wants to help people and have a practical and secure job. He wants to start work quickly. He doesn't want to do a lot more complex studying.

Exercise 5 page 48

1medical student 2Adam 3Adam 4Adam 5Adam 6medical student 7medical student 8Adam

Exercise 6 page 49 Possible answers:

Evidence: Adam talks about what an EMT does and what an A&E nurse does. Also, the course content,

qualifications, who you work with after qualifying. They could also give figures for pay, specific course length, etc

Exercise 7 page 49 Possible answers:

1 The medical student probably thinks Adam should do the EMT course, because he is so enthusiastic about it

2 Helping people, being independent and making decisions

on his own. He speaks more and his tone is more positive when he talks about these factors of the EMT job.

Exercise 8 page 49 

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-5 pages 50-52

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1 and 2 page 53

1e 2d 3a 4f 5c 6b

12 and 6 give an opinion; 3, 4 and 5 are suggestions

Exercise 3 page 54

1D 2A 3A 4D 5D 6D 7A

1,2,4,6 and 7 are formal responses; 3 and 5 are informal

Exercise 4 page 54

Answers will vary.

Exercises 5-6 page 55

1understandable 2point 3right 4that 5decision 6agreement

Exercise 7 page 55

1C 2C 3U 4U 5C 6U

Exercise 8 page 55

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-5 page 56 

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1 We will be studying for the entrance exams this spring

2 We are going to be taking business classes next year.

3 Will you be studying engineering at university?

4 Are you going to visit your sister in the holidays?

5 I won't be taking time off from work.

6 will probably be studying nursing like my mum.

7 Juan is definitely going to be auditioning for the school play.

8 Ali certainly won't be practising football until after his final exams are over.

Exercise 4

1learn 2working 3toeat 4tobe 5get 6to bake 7start 8to go

Exercise 5

1manual 2physical 3professional 4technical 5complex 6medical 7practical 8secure

Exercise 6A

1 to concentrate on learning English

2 getting

3 consider both academic and vocational career options

4 studying the humanities is just as important as studying the sciences

5 applying at colleges in Europe

6 to consider colleges that are international

Exercise 6B

Answers will vary

Unit 3

Page 59

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 60

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 pages 60-61

1T 2T 3F: The patients are mainly the underprivileged.

4F; The government plans to open 1,000 such community clinics.5T 6F: India spends less than 1.5% of its GDP on public health.

Exercise 4 page 61

1making all the difference; instant results of; storing medical records

2made for the top one percent of the world; work in

conditions and environments that are not necessarily very friendly

31.5% of its GDP on public health; medical cost

Exercises 5-6 page 61

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 62

a occur b recover c contract d infected e prevention f outbreak g treatment h faction

Exercise 2 page 63

1people's general health, how close they live together

2large populations, people living close together, many international travelers wealthier countries

3high-risk countries are in dark blue; low-risk countries are in light blue

Exercise 3 page 63

See answers for Exercise 2.

Exercise 4 page 63

1Possible causes of pandemics: poor general health, lack of vaccines

2Possible factors making a country high risk: large

populations living close together, many international travelers

Exercise 6 page 64

1may not be effective this year

2might not work

3before they even know they have them

4set up a system for checking if people have a disease

5have a terrible effect on the economy

6stop a lot of people going to work and it could separate families

Exercise 7 page 65

3U 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A

Exercise 8 page 65

1b 2a 3a

Exercise 9 page 65

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 66

1a 2a 3a 4a 5b 6b 7b 8a

Exercise 2 pages 67--68

1had developed 2might not have happened 3might have survived 4had found 5hadn't focused 6 could have discovered 7had questioned8 would have realized 9had allowed 10wouldn't have called

Exercise 3 page 68

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2lf it were available

3If there weren't an outbreak

4we might need the vaccine

5she wouldn't be worried

Exercise 1 page 69

1prove 2clinical 3researchers 4precautions 5in favour of 6controlled 7data 8trials

Exercise 2 page 69

1don't agree 2believe 3haven't 4Some

Exercise 3 page 70

See answers for Exercise 2.

Exercise 4 page 70

Possible answers:

Dr Sandra Smith: Overall, flu vaccination is a good idea. New flu vaccines need to be made each year as the virus changes. No evidence that flu vaccine is harmful. Certain people should definitely have the flu vaccine, such as children, people over 65, pregnant women and anybody who already has a serious illness.

Mark Li: The flu vaccine isn't a good idea It isn't

scientifically tested. The flu vaccine can make youill Nobody should have the flu vaccine.

Exercise 6 page 70

1F: Hundreds of thousands of people get ill from the flu every year.

2F; The majority of the population does not receive the flu vaccine.

3T 4F; He is not against all vaccines, just some.

5F: There is no scientific evidence that the vaccine doesn't work.

6F; There is no scientific evidence that the flu vaccine makes people ill.

Exercise 7 page 71

1d 2c 3a 4e 5b

Exercise 8 page 71

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 pages 72-73

Answers will vary.

Exercises 3-4 page 73

1M 2S 3S 4M 5M6S

Exercise 5 page 73

Possible answers:

1 ML: it's natural, it's better than modern medicine; SS: it

isn't proven to work, it doesn't help you

2 ML: this is what people have always done and it works;

SS: medicine is much more effective than food

3 ML: they're just trying to make you think you're ill and sell you a cure; SS: it's a valuable way for people to learn about how to treat illnesses

4 Both: exercise has been proved to have positive health benefits

5 ML:the fever is a natural part of the illness, you don't

need to give the child medicine: SS: paracetamol or ibuprofen will help the child feel better

6 ML: this may be a good idea, but clinical treatment may

still not work for everyone; SS: this is the best thing we can do to prevent illness and disease

Exercises 6-7 page 74

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 76

1d 2a 3e 4b 5c

Exercises 2-3 page 77

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-7 pages 77-78

Answers will vary.



Answers will vary.


1recover 2trials 3prevention 4aid 5urgent 6antibiotic 7treat 8virus

Exercise 3

1 she had taken vitamins, she would not have got sick.

2 If you had gone to the doctor, you might have got some antibiotics.

3 The school could have avoided closing if it had had a school nurse to treat students when the flu started spreading.

4 If I had got the flu vaccine, I wouldn't have got sick when the flu spread

5wouldn't have needed an antibiotic if I had listened to my doctor and rested more.

6The government could have prevented a flu outbreak if it had offered vaccines to the citizens.

Exercise 4

1stopped 2recommended 3were 4be 5close 6were

Exercise 5

1trials 2prove 3researcher 4clinical 5controlled 6precautions 7infavour of 8data

Exercise 6

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7

1giving personal examples

2addressing the opposing argument

3asking challenging questions

4presenting support for a position

5giving personal examples

6presenting support for a position

Unit 4

page 81

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 82

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 83


Exercise 4 page 83

1 because the cloning of the banteng is the most successful cloning yet

2 by injecting the banteng's genetic material into the egg of a living cow

3 because it is pointless being able to produce more

endangered animals unless we protect the habitat and deal with the root causes of endangerment

Exercises 5-6 page 83

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1 page 84

1conservation 2habitats 3waste 4coastal 5adapt 6exploit 7impact 8 modify

Exercise 2 page 85

Planet Earth is dynamic and always changing i, g, b, e, c, j

Habitat destruction hasn't been bad news for all animals f, h, a, d

Exercise 3 page 85

See answers for Exercise 2

Exercise 4 page 86

Suggested answers:

1 10% 2 natural(causes) 3 800 square kilometers 4 rivers were blocked 516 million 6 9million 7 fragmentation 8 fish and other sea life 9 Africa and Asia 10 Australia,Europe, Japan, North America 11 Mumbai 12 diets 13 fruit, plants, nuts and rodents 14 rubbish 15 pollution 16 resources 17 waste

Exercise 5 page 87

1 10,000 2 rainforest 3 4 160,000 5 rubbish 6 pollution

Exercise 6 page 87

1a 2b 3a

Exercise 7 page 88

Answers are in the Student's Book.

Exercise 8 page 88

One other animal that is as at home in the city as in the countryside [//] is the raccoon.///In fact, [/ ]raccoons are so at home in the city that the number of city raccoons has increased.[//]Raccoons have different diets depending on their environment. [///] Common foods include fruit.[/].plants [//]nuts [//]and rodents. [// /] Much like the foxes of London, [//] raccoons living in the city are known to eat rubbish out of bins,[/ /] steal food from people's homes [/ /l and occasionally bite people.

Exercise 9 page 88

Answers will vary.

Exercise 10 page 88

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 89

1b 2e 3a 4d 5c

Exercise 2 page 89

1Based on 2dueto 3According to 4instead of 5as well as 6except for

Exercise 3 page 90

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 91

1wrote 2had spent 3did 4had; published 5began 6used 7sprayed 8hadheard 9decided 10 had released11attacked12 responded

Exercise 5 page 91

1settled: had been 2began;had used 3hadnot/ hadn't noticed:saw 4erupted: had evacuated

Exercise 6 page 92

1adapted 2survived 3declined 4extracted 5impacted 6affect 7occurred 8exploited

Exercise 1 page 93

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 93

a mining b natural gas c minerals d diamond e harsh f wilderness g copper

Exercise 3 page 94

Suggested answers:

1Decline and destruction of deserts 2exploit 3ecosystem 4dust and dirt 5die 6soil 7manage 8technological

Exercise 4 page 94

a6 b7 c1 d8 e2 f3 g5 h4

Exercise 5 page 94

1 25% 2 North Africa 3 copper, gold and other metals 4 hot and dry, with stable soil 5 Arabian oryx 6 solar

Exercise 6 page 95

1b 2a 3c

Exercise 7 page 95

a background information b offer a solution c explain a problem

Exercise 8 page 95

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 96

Topic: Decline and destruction of deserts

Introduction (background information): Desert environment and wildlife

1. Main idea: Human survival

A. Detail: People in deserts

a. Example: Topnaar b.Example: Bedouins B. Detail: People in cities

ll. Main idea: Plant and animal survival A. Detail: Desert plants a. Example:

Acacia tree

B. Detail: Desert animals

a.Example: Arabian oryx

Solutions: Manage desert resources carefully instead of abusing them; apply technological solutions; use wind and solar energy to provide clean energy in existing desert cities

Exercise 2 page 97

1T 2T 3F;The outline doesn't tell the speaker exactly what to say in the presentation.4F The outline includes only relevant details about the talk

Exercises 3-5 page 97

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 98

1a 2b 3e 4d 5f 6c

Exercise 2 page 99

1e 2g 3d 4f 5c 6a 7h 8b

Exercise 3 page 99

1c 2f 3d 4h 5a 6e 7g 8b

Exercises 1-6 page 100

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary

Exercise 3

1to 2on 3to 4to 5from 6with 7of 8as

Exercise 4

1 moved: had caused 2had begun; covered 3had lectured: hadn't lectured 4were discovered; hadn't paid attention

Exercise 5

1adapt 2diamond 3coastal 4harsh 5modify 6waste 7conservation 8exploit

Exercise 6

1give an example 2start a new topic 3make a conclusion 4give an example 5start a new topic

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX