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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 3

3.A working Life(三单元)

1.a:2 been doing d 4 seen 3 started 5 had 6 been doing 7 been snowing

b:2 painted 3 called 4 gone 5 been taking 6 been painting 7 been calling 8 taken

c:1 D's gone 2 F haven't been sleeping 3 A 've eaten 4 B have,been waiting 5 C have, been doing 6 E Have,finished;Have seen

d:2 have you had it 3 have you been doing 4 have you been saving 5 have you known 6 have you been downloading

e:Example answer Craig David was born in 1981 in Southampton, England.He has been singing and DJing since he was 14 years old.He was the youngest ever male singer to have a UK number1 hit in April 2000.He has won various music industry awards since then. He also recorded his song Rise And Fall in Punjabi.He has met Nelson Mandela. He was called "England's best singer"by Sir Elton John.He has played many charity concerts and football matches. In 2008, he received an honorary Doctor of Music degree from Southampton University.

2.a:b shouldn't  c ought not  d should  e better  f ought

b:2b 3f 4e 5d 6a

3.b:1 or 2 form 3 your 4 water 5 all 6 born 7 fourteen

8 awards 9 also 10 recorded 1 fall 12 called 13 ought/oughtn't 14 before

4.a:Across:7 experience 10 resign 11 salary

Down:1 employee 2 qualifications 3 unemployed 5 trainee 6 apply 8 employer

b:1 applied 2 employer 3 employees 4 salary;1 unemployed 2 resigned 3 trainee 4 part-time

c:b4 c9 d2 e1 f3 g6 h7 a5

5.a:2a 3c 4c 5a

b:1c 2b 3b


This report will describe a live event I attended recently. The event was a pop concert featuring ten different singers and bands. Some of the money from ticket sales was given to charity for people with physical and mental disabilities.

Venue and cost

The concert took place at the M.E.N. Arena in Manchester.Tickets were 20 or 30,depending on where the seats were.


At the beginning of the show, the sound wasn't clear.Later, the quality improved a lot. The lighting was very impressive. The crowd was very young;the average age was probably about fourteen.


Most of the performers played two or three songs. There were some delays between performances. The Black Eyed Peas were the main band; they played last.I thought Lady Gaga was the best performer; her singing and dancing were excellent, and the audience responded very well.


To sum up,the show was three hours long, which was good value for money. Not all performers were equally good,though, and perhaps it would be a good idea to cut the number of performers. This show is touring the country,and my recommendation is that, if you like just two or three of the artists,you should definitely go and see it. Overall, it was an excellent evening, with something for everyone.

2 ticket 3 20 or 30 4 clear 5 fourteen 6 two or three 7 three hours

b:1d 2b 3a 4c

Unit check

1.1 should 2 for 3 qualifications 4 work 5 trainee 6 part-time 7 experience 8 employee 9 been

2.2c 3c 4a 5b 6a 7c 8b 9a

3.2e 3f 4b 5d 6a 7h 8i 9c

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