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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Entry test key

Entry test key

1.1 spends 2 've been playing 3 have ... known 4 's having 5 's been raining

2.1 started 2 had ... done 3 lent 4 was talking 5 had forgotten

3.1c 2a 3e 4b 5d

4.1 was chosen 2 have been made 3 will be elected 4 are published s had been warned

5.1 recovering 2 check-up 3 surgeon 4 symptoms 5 suffered

6.1 over-anxious 2 inattentive 3 homesick 4 absent-minded 5 nostalgic

7.1 whose 2 which 3 where 4 who 5 whose

8.1 gloves; ring 2 goggles; pool 3 ball; pitch 4 puck; rink 5 racket; court

9.1 The doctor advised Mr Brown to go on a diet.

2 Mary suggested that John should take a break.

3 Mike refused to help his mum with the shopping.

4 Sarah encouraged Peter to go in for the swimming competition.

5 Robert denied touching Sam's computer.

10.1 waste 2 have 3 give 4 spend 5 take

11.1 scatty 2 sympathetic 3 hypocritical 4 pushy 5 intellectual

12.1 going 2 calling 3 to buy 4 watching 5 to be

13.1 2 3X 4X 5

14.1 with enthusiasm 2 with interest 3 with fear 4 in a different way 5 in a fun way

15.1 on purpose 2 in a row 3 in a panic 4 in public s in private

16.1c 2d 3b 4e 5a

17.1d 2e 3b 4c 5a

18.1 had been teaching 2 had eaten 3 had been crying 4 had known 5 had been waiting

19.1 It's important to make sure your neighbours are OK, especially when they're old.

2 It's expensive to live in a big city like London.

3 It's very rewarding to work as a teacher.

4 It's crazy to give all your CDs away.

5 It's very generous to spend all your pocket money on helping people.

20.1 falling out 2 sort things out 3 reach a compromise 4 take sides 5 resolve conflicts

21.1 would (you) do ... were 2 had studied ... would be working 3 want ... 'll I can

come 4 hadn't forgotten ... wouldn't have got 5 hadn't saved ... would (still) be living

22.1c 2e 3b 4a 5d

23.1 'll be living 2 will have disappeared 3 'll be enjoying 4 'll be doing s will have


24.1 recycle 2 starvation 3 pollute 4 extinct 5 resources

25.1 by 2 time 3 for 4 during 5until

26.1 household 2 for 3 sensation 4 made 5 enjoyed

27.1 concerned 2 thought 3 mind 4 opinion 5 see

28.1 don't 2 wouldn't 3 aren't 4 have 5 didn't

29.1e 2d 3b 4c 5a

30.1 have gone up 2 take back 3 making up 4 was sent off 5 bring ... round

31.1 The words for hand and arm are said to be the same in some languages.

2 Children are believed to learn languages more easily than adults.

3 Latin and Greek are known to be very important languages.

4 Esperanto is thought to be growing in importance.

5 Many European languages are believed to have originated in India.

32.1 've lost 2 make 3 gist 4 pick 5 missed

33.1 Having done the shopping, Sarah cooked a delicious meal.

2 Having sat in the garden for an hour, Tom did some work.

3 Holding his nose, he jumped into the water.

4 Having got married, Paul started a family.

5 Feeling hot, I opened a window.

34.1 didn't need to buy 2 needn't have worried 3 didn't need to go 4 needn't have taken 5 needn't have brought

35.1 for 2 off 3 for 4 away 5 off

36.1 so violent 2 such a romantic 3 so good 4 so bad 5 such a talented

37.1 I wonder when Paul started playing the piano.

2 I can't remember what kind of music you like.

3 I've got no idea how often U2 go on tour.

4 I don't understand why Nick doesn't listen to music.

5 I'm not sure where the Beatles played their first concert.

38.1 as 2 much 3 as 4 far 5 much

39.1d 2e 3b 4a 5c

40.1 Can you tell me when you started going to concerts?

2 Can I ask you how long you've been listening to Madonna?

3 Can you tell me how many CDs you buy every month?

4 Can I ask you what you enjoyed most about the concert?

5 Can I ask you when you'll start playing the guitar again?

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