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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 9

9.It'll never happen(九单元)

1.2 won't work 3 they'll never be 4 will want 5 will buy 6 will only weigh 7 won't buy 8 it will be

2.a:2D 3H 4G 5A 6C 7F 8B

b:2 won't be 3 won't win 4 will help 5 will find 6 won't wear 7 won't hurt 8 will see

c:2 Will; come 3 Jenny go 4 Will;be 5 will; finish 6 will; see

d:2 You'll win a lot of money,but you won't become famous. 3 You won't live in a big house,but you will have a big car 4 You'll get married, but you won't have a baby.

e:Students' own answers

3.a:1 I'll go now. 2 She'll help you. 3 They'll be here on Monday. 4 You'll ind I'm right. 5 The information will be on the internet. 6 The universe will continue to get bigger.

b:1 Don't worry. I'll do this for you. 2 We do our homework after lunch. 3 Ask Julia-she'll know the answer. 4 The film will start soon. 5 During a flight,the flight attendants work very hard. 6 Go to university. I'm sure you'll see how important it is for your future. 7 I doubt they'll be here in half an hour. 8 They say that in the future,people will take holidays on the moon.

4.a:2 I think the baby will wake up. 3 I don't think he'll give it back. 4 I think he'll know how to do it. 5 I don't think they'll be late. 6Ithink/don't think I'll finish before 9oclock.

b:2 doubt 3 not sure 4 maybe 5 hope 6 sure


6.a:1n 2v 3n

b:1b 2d 3c 4a

7.2.5-6 3.27-28 4.25-26 5.18-21 6.3-4 7.16-17 8.7-10

8.Students' own answer

Unit check

1.1 think 2 abroad 3 probably 4 to find 5 don't 6 sure 7 nonsense 8 maybe 9she'll

2.2 c 3 c 4 C 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 a 9 C

3.2 century 3 fortune 4 leaves 5 predict 6 nonsense 7 reliable 8 palmistry 9 astrology

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