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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Welcome section

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1.a:He was special because the two halves of his brain were not connected in the normal way and as a result he had amazing memory skills.

b:1 T 2T 3T 4T 5F (He was given an Oscar by the writer of the film lm Rain Man.)

6 F (His fame made him more self-confident and he got used to being the centre of attention.)

2.2 were living 3diagnosed 4developed 5 began 6was working 7started 8gave 9 had called

3.2 used 3I’m used 4going 5 I’m completely used 6have 7used 8 be 9going

4.2 determined 3considerate 4imaginative 5 insensitive 6ambitious7bossy 8 independent 9sensible 10bad-tempered

5.2 do 3made 4make 5make 6did 7 made 8made


1.a:Sentence 1

b:Sentences 1, 3, 4 and 6 are mentioned in the text.

2.2a 3c 4d

3.a:2 past 3past 4present 5present 6 past

b:1 I wish I’d gone to bed earlier. 2 I wish I’d brought my umbrella. 3 I wish I’d stopped sooner.

4.2 over 3work 4make 5talked 6go 7 sleep 8come

5.1d 2a 3f 4b 5c 6e


1.a:His charity introduces young children to police officers who will act as their mentor and be a strong role model for them.

b:1 Figures show there has been an increase in gang crimes. 2 Deprived inner-city areas. 3 Young children are assigned a police officer, who acts as mentor to them. 4 They go to football matches or go to the beach to do the normal things kids do with a strong role model. 5 Because the problem starts at an early age. 6 He plans to take the idea to other cities in the UK.

2.a:2 have given 3has been chosen 4 will be taken 5will spend 6will tell 7will apologise 8will be helped

b:1 Our town has been chosen to host the next world swimming championships. 2 A lot of money will be spent on a new swimming pool. 3 A lot of tickets have already been sold. 4 Our town will be visited by more than 10,000 people. 5 A big opening ceremony will be held before the championships begin. 6 Lots of famous people have been invited to watch the championships.

3.1 I’ll be famous before I’m 30. 2 I’ll probably be in a successful rock band. 3 I might live abroad. 4 I’m not likely to have any children. 5 I probably won’t get married. 6 I won’t work in the family business.

4.1B 2E 3F 4A 5D 6C

5.2 doing 3broke 4committing 5getting 6 got 7sent 8put 9do 10pay


1.a:Dana is upset because her dad hasn’t recorded her favourite programme. Emily is upset because her mum has broken the computer.

b:1 Emily 2Dad 3Dad 4Mum 5Emily 6 Mum

2.a:1 makes 2let 3’m allowed to 4makes 5 lets 6is allowed 7lets 8makes

3.2 can’t have been 3might have taken 4 might have thought 5can’t have eaten

6 must have been7might have been 8 can’t have been 9must have stolen

4.1 viewing figures 2celebrity 3contestant 4 audience 5viewers 6Presenter 7 serial


5.1h 2a 3f 4b 5g 6c 7d 8e

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