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power up4级别Activity book答案(unit1-unit3)

Activity Book answer key and audio script

Meet Diversicus

Page 4

Key: 2 g 3 h 4 c 5 a 6 d 7 e 8 b

Key: 2 friend 3 brother 4 uncle 5 sister6 grandparents 7 parents 8 mum

Page 5

Key: 2 Yes,they do. 3 Yes,they do. 4 Yes, he is.5 Yes, he does.6 Yes,they are. 7 Yes, they do.8 Yes, they did. 9 Yes, he did. 10 Yes, he did.

Key: 2 kitchen 3 important 4 video 5 tractor6 grandparents 7 designers 8 fly 9 people

Unit 1

Page 6

see page TB6

Page 7

Key: Across: 2 December 5 February 8 October 9 July11 August

Down: 3 May 4 September 6 April 7 November 9January 10 June


January February March April May June July 

August September October  November December

Key: March, May, June

KeyJanuary February April July  August September October November December

Page 8

Key: 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 yes7 no 8 yes

Key: a 8 b 3 c 6 d 2 e 5 (f 1) g 7 h 4

Page 9

Key: 2 A 3B 4 c

Key: (possible answer) I may go skiing in February.I might go on holiday in August. I might visit my cousins in November.

Page 10

Key: helmet - purple railway station - pink traffic - green airport - brown sea - orange Key: 2 train - platform - railway 3 motorway -road - street 4 taxi - lorry - ambulance

Page 11

Key: 2 anywhere 3 everyone 4 no-one 5 something 6 everywhere 7 everything 8 nowhere


Boy: That's a small railway station - the one which is near our house has got lots of platforms.

Woman: Yes, it's a village station. Would you like to colour some of the picture?

Boy:Sure.There's a passenger who's getting off the train.Shall I colour his suitcase?

Woman: Yes.How about red?

Boy:OK.I can do that.

Can you see the red suitcase? This is an example. Now you listen, colour and write.

1 Woman:  OK.How about colouring the taxi?

Boy:    Oh, yes. I see - it's waiting outside the station.

Woman: That's it.

Boy:   OK.I've got a yellow crayon for this. Shall I use that?

Woman:  Good idea.

2 Woman:I'd like you to write something now.Can you see the signs with numbers 1 and 2?

Boy:  Yes.Oh,the word 'platform' is missing! Shall I write on the one where the people are waiting?

Woman: No.The one opposite that, I think.

Boy:  There! .

3 Woman: Now, find someone who might be cold....

Boy:   That boy who's standing in front of his bicycle looks cold.

Woman: Yes, I thought that, but he's got a scarf. Why don't you colour that?

Boy:  OK.Id like to make it green.I've got one that colour.

Woman:  Me too!

4 Woman: Now I want you to write something again.

Boy:  Sure.I'm good at writing. What would you like me to write?

Woman: The front of the train shows where it's going, but there's a word which is missing.I'd like you to write "south?

Boy:    Above 'downs"?

woman:  That's right.

Boy: Now everyone can see where the train's going.

5 Woman: Lovely! Now, one more thing to colour. Can you colour the door?

Boy:   It"s difficult to colour the cafe door because it's open.

Woman: Oh! I didn't see that one. I meant the one for the bank on the other platform.

Boy:   That would be easier, yes! Can I colour it brown?

Woman: Yes, please.

Boy:   There - the picture's ready now.

Key: 1 taxi - yellow 2 “platform' written on platform 1 sign on the left 3 bog's scarf - green 4 ‘south” written above 'downs' on the train 5 door on platform 1 - brown

Page 12

Key: See map on Pupil's Book page 12

Key: 2 Temperate 3 Tropical 4 Temperate 5 Tropical 6 Polar

Key: (possible answers)

Note: The answers learners find will vary accordingto source.

Page 13

Key: 1 Because they're cooler.2 To protect yourarms and legs from the sun and the sand.

3 They stay at home or go to the air-conditioned shopping centres.

Key: 1 163 2 2,909 3 2010 (or 2009)

Page 14

Key: 2 navigation 3 stars 4 routes 5 explorer 6 found

Key: From: Julfar (two hours from present-day Dubai)

Job: sailor, writer and poet

Famous because: he was a great navigator and he wrote books and poetrcalled: The Shooting Star,The Lion of the Seas

Page 15

Key: 2 sail 3 was 4 shorter 5 long 6 saw7 who 8 bigger 9 died 10 still

Page 16

Key: 1 H 2G 3B 4E 5 D

Page 17


Learners work in groups.They need a dice, a counter each and question cards (available online) face down in a pile.

Before playing each game, you may wish to practise language that learners will need (for example, dates/gears in Unit 1 game).

Go over the instructions.If learners land on a blue question square, the player to their right picks up the card and asks the question.

If learners are able to answer the question (or say the word / say and spell past form / etc.) they stay where they are.If not, they move back to where they were.Games with ladders and ropes: if learners land at the bottom of a ladder, they go up it, and if they land at the top of a rope, they go down.

The game finishes when one learner gets to the final square, or when all learners finish.

Unit 2

Page 18 

See page TB18

Page 19

Key: 2 sea 3 air 4 ocean 5 fire 6 stream7 land 8 mountain

Key: 2 land 3 cave 4 hill 5 air 6 wood7 stone 8 stream 9 fire 10 ocean 1l forest Secret word: environment

3  cave  June  children  motorbike  desert  zone

Key: June  motorbike   zone

4 stone environment hotel plane quiet February ambulance something forest like nine second

Key: silent e: plane, ambulance, something, like, nine You say/hear the e: hotel, quiet, February, forest,second

Page 20

Key: 2 They had to look for a shop which sold

pujamas. 3 Su-Lin spent an hour writing postcards.4A kangaroo appeared behind a tree. 5 They saw lots of amazing animals.

Key: 2 left 3 took 4 found 5 bought 6 began7 spent 8 got 9 put 10 ran 1l fell 12 cut

page 21

Key: 2 He decided to go on an adventure (, too).

3 He began drawing a map of his garden.

4 They drew some plants and flowers.

5 (Because) it was time for lunch.

Key: Frank and Harry left a month ago. They travelled through the desert, but it was difficult. when they found a stream, it was dry. They had to come back.

Page 22

Key: Across: 2 insect 4 octopus 5 butterfly 7 eagle 9 camel

Down: 3 tortoise 6 beetle 8 swan

Key: 1 a swan 2 an octopus 3 dinosaurs 4insects 5 a tortoise 6 a butterfly 7 eagles

Page 23

Key: 2 much 3 too 4 many 5 too 6 enough 7 too 8 enough

Key: 2 most 3 too 4 makes 5 ago 6 can 7 travel 8 enough

Page 24

Key: 2 extinct 3 endangered 4 endangered 5 extinct 6 endangered

Key: 1 (a), (b),e 2 b,c 3 d

Page 25

Key: 1 It had a dog's body, a wolf's head, a kangaroo's pouch and stripes like a tiger. 2 It walked on four legs, but it could also hop on two legs. 3 They attacked sheep, so farmers hunted them. 4 Learners' own answers (some learners may say it is possible that there are some Tasmanian tigers;other learners may say it isn't possible, because experts believe that they are extinct).

Key: (possible answer) Similar: They both live in Australia.They are both mammals.They are both endangered.

Different: Kangaroos live in the desert,but platypuses live in rivers. Kangaroos eat plants, but platypuses eat meat. Kangaroos have babies that are born, but platypuses lay eggs.

Page 26

Key: a 4 b 5 (c 1) d 3 e 6 f 2

Key: 2 day 3 sky 4 way 5 long 6 car 7 dad 8 far

Page 27

Key: 1 A 2D 3 G4 F 5 C

Page 28

Woman: Thank you for coming to the World of Animals.

Which school are you from?

Holly:  I'm, well, we're from Castle School.

Can you see the answer? Now you listen and write.

Woman: Now, I need to write the date in this box.Today is ...

Holly The twenty-third of May-

Woman: That's kind! And a very important question next.

what's your name?

Holly: Well,I like this museum because my surname's a bird.Im Holly Swan.

Woman: Lovely! So what was the best part of the museum trip today for you?

Holly:  Some of my friends liked the tortoises, but preferred the butterflies.They were my favourite thing. Some of the largest ones are extinct now.

Woman:  You're right, and that's very sad.Did you have anything to eat and drink here at the museum?

Holly:  I didn't eat anything, but they make wonderful milk shakes in your cafe. I really enjoyed the one which I had!

Woman:  I'm very pleased to hear that! And what about the shop? Did you have time to go there?

Holly:  Yes. I saw a great book about eagles, but in the end I bought an amazing book so I can learn about insects.I think they're the most interesting thing in science lessons.

Woman: Well, that was my last question.Thank you very much and I hope you can come back to the museum one dag.Have a safe journey!

Holly:  Thank you! Bye!

Key: 1 23 2 Holly 3 butterflies 4 a milkshake 5 insects

Page 29


See notes for Unit 1 game on page TB129(AB page 17).In this game, learners 'collect' four words by landing on the square.The game finishes when one learner has collected all four of their words.

Unit 3

Page 30  

see page TB30

Page 31

Key: 2 Chess 3 volleyball 4 winner 5 team6 quiz 7 prize 8 puzzle 9 match

Key: 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 d

3 October cave umbrella clever football timetable village butterfly driver bicycle ever visit

Key: b: umbrella, football, timetable, butterfly, bicyclev: cave, clever, village, driver, ever, visit

Page 32

Key: 2 chess 3 king 4 Ivan 5 ice creams

6 sofa 7 plane 8 weekend 9 costume 10 Jim

Key: 2 queen king 3 above under 4 four five smallest biggest 6 birthday street 7 carnival castle 8 everyone no-one

Page 33

Key:A-Harry  B- Holly C - Betty

A(+) He's cooked pasta for his parents.

B (-) She hasn't drunk coffee.

C(-) She hasn't lost a game of chess.

D(+) She's made two new friends.

D(-) she hasn't been to the theatre.

Key: (possible questions) Have you ever seen a race /the desert / a camel? Have you ever won a prize / race?Have you ever played chess? Have you ever travelled on the motorway / in the desert? Have you ever run (in) a race? Have you ever done a crossword puzzle? Have you ever walked in the desert?

Page 34

Key: a Instruments: piano, violin, guitar b Festival: rock music, stage, musician c competition:

match, race, winner d Sports/Games: volleyball, badminton, golf

Key: 2 stage 3 musician 4 well 5 loudly 6 tunes 7 instruments 8 concert

Key: (possible answer) The [name] Festival is a music festival in my hometown,[name of town]. It happens every year in [month]. Musicians come from [all over the world].They play [type of music]. There are also [parades/dancers/competitions/prizes].

Page 35

Key: 2 we've just visited Frank's grandma. 3 I've already done all my homework for tomorrow.

4 She's just washed her hair.5 Have you been to the dentist's yet?6 He hasn't finished breakfast yet.7 They've already bought the food for lunch. 8 Has she taken the photo yet?

Key: 2 played  3 drunk 4 were 5 costumes 6 tunes

Page 36

Key: 1 (You can see this guitar) in a museum in Cairo. 2 (They played) the lute. 3 (People used guitars with six strings for the first time) in the 1600s in Italy. 4(The Spanish guitar maker) Antonio Torres Jurado (designed the classical guitar). 5 The electric guitar / It can make many different sounds.

Key: a 2 b 3 c 4 (d 1)

Page 37

Key: (possible answers) 1 In February or March 2 They celebrate it in the streets.(They wear costumes, play music and dance.)3 Samba music 4Because it's great dance music.

Page 38

Key: a 2 b 5 c 4(d 1) e 6 f 3

Key: 1 (She's from)Brazil. 2 She thinks it isn't for girls. 3 They didn't want to play with a girl.

4 (She trained) for six months. 5 (possible answers) She wants to be a professional football player / travel round the world / communicate with people from different countries.

Page 39


Man:  Hello,Sophia. I understand you want to ask me some questions.

Sophia:Yes,that's right,thank you. I want to ask about the next Football Festival.

Can you see the answer? Now you listen and write.

Man:  OK, yes.I can answer any questions you may have.

Sophia: Thanks! I know it always happens in July, but when is it this year?

Man:  It starts on the fifth ... no,that was last year. It's from the sixteenth to the thirtieth.

Sophia: Great.Ive never been to it before. Where is the last match?

Man:  It's usually in the Maracana stadium, but this gear it's at the Morumbi, in Sao Paulo.

Sophia: I haven't heard of that.How do you spell it,please?

Man:  It's M-O-R-U-M-B-I.

Sophia: Thanks.I've put that in my notebook. How many teams are there?

Man:  There are usually 24, but this year there are four more, so that's 28 teams.

Sophia: And is the festival for girls or boys?

Man:  Both! It's for anyone under 17.Boys or girls can play on the same team.

Sophia: And when's the last day to enter? I haven't asked my parents about it yet.

Man:  It's soon - you have to give the festival your information by midnight on the 30th of April.

Sophia: OK, thank you.

Key: 1 16th  2 Morumbi  3 28  4 anyone / boy sand girls  5 April

Page 40


Michael is looking at some things in his bedroom cupboard.where did Michael get each of these things?

Woman: Tell me about these things,Michael. Where's that volleyball from?

Michael: The one with the name on it? I found it in an old rucksack. In my school team we had lots of good players in my class.The person who wrote their name is in a top team now!

Woman: Really? That's amazing!

Can you see the letter D? Now you listen and write a letter in each box.

Woman: That ticket looks old. Did you get it a long time ago?

Michael: Well, at university.Two of mg friends played in a band and 1 went to one of their concerts, so I got it there.

Woman: Why have you kept it? Is it important?

Michael: Yes - because the guitar player's very famous now. I keep it in the cupboard in my bedroom. One day I might sell it!

Woman: Tell me ... what's the oldest thing here?

Michael: That's easy! My grandfather drove a taxi and he stopped work two years ago.I helped him to clean it and we found this suitcase.There was nothing in it, so he said 1 could have it.It might be more than70 years old!

Woman: Really?

Woman: Now, something very different.This tortoise. Did your paint it?

Michael: No, 1 didnt! I remember I was very young and I found it at a train station.We were on the way to a festival.I've always kept it ...

Woman: Well, I think it's got a lovely face!

Woman: And your guitar? Has that got a story too?

Michael: It isn't really a story, but I got it in a strange place! My dad has a    friend who collects instruments.We met him one day at a car race and he gave it to me because he said he had too many of them.

Woman: That's always a problem if you collect things!

Woman: I can see that this is an old book, but not as old as the suitcase, is that right?

Michael: Yes. It's about the oceans of the world.Last week my friend invited me to his golf club for dinner.The building's quite old and I found it there.My friend said I could have it.

Woman: Have you read it get?

Michael: No, but I hope to find time next weekend.

Key: Book-G  Guitar-A  Tortoise - B Suitcase - C  Ticket - H

Page 41


See notes for Unit 1 game on page TB129(AB page 17).In this game, there are bonus squares (yellow) and penalty squares(red). Learners follow the instructions.

Review Units 1-3

Page 42

3 Key: 3

Page 43

4 Key: 2 (She found out) lots of interesting information about the environment.3 (She enjoyed) the insect section (the most).4 No, she didn't.5 (She might go again) in January. 6 (She went) to some woods near the stream. 7 Yes, he has. 8 (She forgot to take) her torch.

6 Key: (possible answer)

Hi Katy!

Thank you for your email. It's Saturday morning and I've just had breakfast. Now I have time to write to you.

I went on a school trip to visit a castle with my class on 12th June.It was really interesting. We saw the clothes people wore in the past and we learnt about the way they lived. My favourite thing was the dungeon - it's the place where they kept the prisoners!

Write soon and tell me all your news.

Love [name]

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