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Great writing F级别答案(4.5.6)

Unit 4 Nouns


Activity 1, page 50 

Activity 2, page 51

1. Two weeks have fourteen days.

2. Some young children have problems with their teeth.

3. We have one teacher for two hours every morning.

4. Some people prefer to do their homework late at night.

5. How many days are there in a year?

Activity 3, page 52

1.  2. T  3. PL  4. PN  5. PN  

2. 6. T  7. PL  8. PN  9. PN 10. PL

Activity 4, pages 52–53

1. January  2. Ben  3. Emma  4. Toyota  5. Arabic

6. California  7. Spain  8. Bangkok  9. Dr. Brown  10. Professor Lee

Activity 5, page 53

1. December  2. seven  3. yellow  4. Peru  

5. Denmark  6. Wednesday  7. hello  8. yes

Activity 6, page 53

Students’ choice of six sentences will vary.

1. December is the last month of the year.

2. Seven is the number after six.

3. Yellow is a color.

4. Peru is a country in South America.

5. Denmark is a country in Europe.

6. Wednesday is a day of the week.

7. Hello is a greeting.

8. Yes is the opposite of no.


Activity 7, page 54

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 55

1. socks  2. father  3. clock  4. doctor  5. box  6. bottle

Activity 9, page 55

1. o; job  2. o; impossible  3. o; doctor  4. o; box  5. o; got

6. o; pot  7. o; lot  8. o; common  9. o; hot  10. o; not

Activity 10, page 56

1. comma  2. socks  3. common  4. rock  5. somebody

6. possible  7. body  8. bottle  9. rob  10. father

11. clock  12. bottom

Activity 11, page 56

1. not  2. box  3. stop  4. top  5. drop  6. clock

7. lock  8. socks  9. job 10. father  11. impossible  12. October

Activity 12, page 56

1. B. everybody  2. B. father  3. A. bottle  4. A. not  5. B. impossible

6. B. body  7. A. bottom  8. B. box  9. B. clock  10. B. cotton

11. A. drop  12. A. got  13. A. lot  14. B. October  15. A. possible

16. B. shop  17. B. socks  18. B. somebody  19. A. common

20. A. hot

Activity 13, page 57

1. B. box  2. C. lemon  3. A. stop  4. D. common  5. D. friend

6. B. rob  7. A. everything  8. C. socks  9. C. never  10. C. happen

11. B. drop  12. C. bottom  13. B. minute  14. D. clock  15. C. again

16. A. ready  17. C. little  18. B. busy  19. C. instead  20. C. October


Activity 14, page 58

1. My name is Amina. / Amina is my name.

2. I am from Senegal.

3. Senegal is a country in West Africa.

4. Amina is a common name for girls in my country. / In my

country, Amina is a common name for girls.

5. Many people can understand more than two languages in

my country. / In my country, many people can understand

more than two languages.

6. I can speak French and Wolof.

7. I can also understand English. 

Activity 15, page 59

Activity 16, pages 59–60

1. hot; The weather in Miami in July is very hot.

2. job; What is your job at the company?

3. common; Smith and Jones are very common last names in  England.

4. box; This box of chocolates is from your friend.

5. not; I do not like to be sick.

6. pot; There is a pot of soup on the stove.

7. doctor; You need to go to school for many years to be a doctor.

8. lock; Lock the door when you leave the house.

9. lot; I get a lot of emails every day.

10. impossible; This video game is impossible to win.


Activity 17, page 60 

Two Cities in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is a big country. It is in the Middle East.

Jeddah and Riyadh are two cities in Saudi Arabia. Jeddah is on

the Red Sea. It is an important city, but it is not the capital of

Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. It is in the

center of the country. Saudi Arabia is the country with the most

land in the Middle East.

Activity 18, page 61

Two Cities in the United States

The United States is a big country. It is in North America.

Los Angeles and Washington, DC, are two cities in the United

StatesLos Angeles is on the Pacific Ocean. It is an important

city, but it is not the capital of the United StatesWashington,

DC, is the capital of the United States. It is in the east of

the country. The United States is the country with the most

people in North America.

Activity 19, page 61

Answers will vary.

Unit 5 Pronouns


Activity 1, page 65 

Activity 2, page 65

1. I; He; him  2. I; They; me  3. It

4. We; them; we; them  5. They; It; They

Activity 3, pages 65–66

1. I like this shirt. It is very nice.

2. We want to eat some carrots. We like them.

3. Ellen and Ali work at the bank. They like their jobs

4. You need to talk to Maria. Please call her.

5. My car is in the shop. It needs a repair.

6. My glasses are missing. They are not on the table.

7. My friends like chocolate. This chocolate cake is for them.

8. I like ice cream. It is delicious.

9. That computer is expensive. You do not need it.

10. Lucas needs this check. Please take it to him

Activity 4, page 66

1. Jia is from China. She speaks Chinese.

2. The teacher wants to talk to Julio and meHe needs to talk

to us soon.

3. The woman bakes bread for the neighbors. She loves to

bake it for them.

4. This math class has twenty students in itThey are from five countries.

5. My friends and I play soccer every Saturday. We are pretty

good at it.

6. Two of the students come from Japan. They are brothers.

7. Emily and I study English at Smith College. We like it very much.

8. Carlos speaks Spanish and English well. They are easy for him.


Activity 5, page 67

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 68 

1. money  2. number  3. sofa  4. computer  5. bus  6. question

Activity 7, page 68

1. ou; famous  2. o; none  3. o; together  4. ou; enough  5. ou; trouble

6. a; about  7. u; lunch  8. u; up  9. u; just  10. o; Monday

Activity 8, page 69

1. husband  2. does  3. come  4. number  5. question  6. must

7. lunch  8. summer  9. under  10. what  11. July  12. today

Activity 9, page 69

1. cup  2. before  3. today  4. one  

5. number  6. Sunday  7. cousin   8. company  

9. none  10. country  11. famous  12. another

Activity 10, page 69

1. B. because  2. B. before  3. B. blood  4. A. information

5. B. young  6. B. cousin  7. B. country  8. B. funny

9. B. husband  10. A. lunch  11. B. number  12. B. summer

13. A. Sunday  14. B. under  15. B. money  16. B. none

17. B. today  18. A. together  19. B. above  20. A. another

Activity 11, page 70

1D. trouble  2. C. famous  3. D. possible  4. A. under

5. A. action  6. C. already  7. A. family  8. C. language

9. A. summer  10. B. difficult  11. D. English  12. A. everybody

13. A. very  14. C. business  15. A. come  16. B. question

17. C. because  18. B. socks  19. D. necessary  20. B. continue



Activity 12, page 71

1. Maria Gonzalez is a doctor.  2. She is a family doctor.

3. She sees people of all ages.

4. She helps them with their health problems.

5. Many people visit her.  6. She is very busy.

7. She does not have a break.  8. She likes her job.

Activity 13, pages 71–72 

Activity 14, pages 72–73

1. up; Push the up button in the elevator to go to the top floor.

2. about; This book is about a young girl in Japan.

3. together; My family eats dinner together every night.

4. Monday; Monday is the day after Sunday.

5. lunch; We usually eat a big salad for lunch.

6. famous; Switzerland is famous for cold winter weather,

watches, and chocolate.

7. money; How much money do those shoes cost?

8. fun; This party is really fun.

9. trouble; Trouble is another way to say problem.

10. enough; Do you have enough food for my cousin and my husband?


Activity 15, page 73 

My Cousin

My cousin is a police officer. He works from 3:00 p.m. to

1:00 a.m. People call him for help. He helps people all over the

city. He is very busy. This job is very difficult. It is sometimes

dangerous. My cousin does not mind. He likes his job. He hopes

to be a police officer for a long time.

Activity 16, page 73

My Cousins

My cousins are police officersThey work from 3:00 p.m.

to 1:00 a.m. People call them for help. They help people all

over the city. They are very busy. This job is very difficult. It

is sometimes dangerous. My cousins do not mind. They like

their job. They hope to be police officers for a long time.

Activity 17, page 73

Answers will vary.

Unit 6 Adjectives


Activity 1, page 78 

Activity 2, page 79

1. His  2. His  3. Her  4. Her  5. His  6. Our  7. Their  8. Her

Activity 3, pages 79–80

1. a. I have a green book.  b. My book is green.

2. a. They speak good English.  b. Their English is good.

3. a. You have a fast car.  b. Your car is fast.

4. a. She speaks good Spanish.  b. Her Spanish is good.

5. a. My father works in a big office.  b. His office is big.

6. a. My sister has a new job.  b. Her job is new.

7. a. My father and my sister have interesting pets.  

b. Their pets are interesting.

8. a. We live in a small house.  b. Our house is small.

Activity 4, page 81

1. She; Her  2. His; He; He; his

3. She; She; She; her; Her

4. Their; They; Their; His; He; Their; Her; She; She

Activity 5, page 82

1. these  2. That  3. that  4. These

5. this  6. This  7. that  8. Those

Activity 6, page 83

1. Please make a potato salad.

2. My teacher can answer this math question.

3. These plastic forks are reusable.

4. I have an important Tuesday afternoon appointment.

5. I need some tennis shoes.

6. I walk to the bus station every morning.

7. This is a history book.

8. Let’s meet at the coffee shop.

9. We have a practice exam tomorrow.

10. Please come to the morning meeting.

11. Their vegetable garden is big.

12. Their flower garden is pretty.


Activity 7, page 84

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 85

1. mail  2. pay  3. table  4. page  5. neighbor  6. train

Activity 9, page 85

1. ay; maybe  2. a; place  3. ai; train  4. ai; wait  5. a; made

6. a; ate  7. ai; afraid  8. ai; main  9. ea; great  10. a; age

Activity 10, page 86

1. take  2. same  3. today  4. eight  5. wait  6. made / dame

7. grade  8. say  9. name / mane  10. they  11. taste / state  12. way

Activity 11, page 86

1. late  2. train  3. main / mane  4. say  

5.wait / weight  6. paper  7. game  8. rain / reign  

9. steak / stake  10. page  11. holiday   12. afraid

Activity 12, page 86

1. B. fail  2. A. ate  3. B. paper  4. B. wait  5. A. take

6. B. rain  7. B. maybe  8. A. face  9. B. afraid  10. A. break

11. A. same  12. A. gave  13. B. mail  14. B. train  15. A. page

16. A. age  17. A. wake  18. A. late  19. B. state  20. A. table

Activity 13, page 87

1. B. face  2. C. train  3. C. breakfast  4. A. grade

5. A. again  6. D. family  7. A. paid  8. C. fresh

9. B. paper  10. C. make  11. D. minute  12. B. afraid

13. D. example  14. A. together  15. D. late  16. D. state

17. C. double  18. D. apple  19. B. impossible  20. C. money



Activity 14, page 88

1. Two black cats are on that yellow taxi. / Two yellow cats are

on that black taxi.

2. This chicken sandwich is delicious.

3. Our family has two big houses. / Our big family has two houses.

4. My big sister can understand three difficult languages.

5. Jim and his friends like this lemon drink.

6. Many people speak two languages in Morocco. / In Morocco, many people speak two languages.

7. Your last name is difficult.

8. His new watch has three hands.

9. The Chinese flag is red and yellow. / The Chinese flag is yellow and red.

10. Please use fresh lettuce for those salads. / Please use

lettuce for those fresh salads. / Use fresh lettuce for those

salads, please. / Use lettuce for those fresh salads, please. 

Activity 16, page 90

1. place; London is an excellent place to visit.

2. great; I have a great idea.

3. name; Olivia is a popular name in Canada.

4. holiday; Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States.

5. eat; I like to eat a sandwich for lunch every day.

6. train; We can go by bus or by train.

7. wait; Please wait a minute.

8. afraid; I am afraid of snakes.

9. cake; He wants chocolate cake for dessert.

10. neighbor; My neighbor has a big house.


Activity 17, page 91 

A Geography Lesson

In geography class, we learn about many places. Tokyo is

a large city in Japan. Osaka is a large city in Japan. Costa Rica is

a country in Central America. Guatemala is a country in Central

America. The Red Sea is between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Brazil

is a country in South America. Sudan is a country in Africa. A

part of Turkey is in Europe. I like to learn about different places

in geography class.

Activity 18, page 91

A Geography Lesson

In geography class, we learn about many places.

Tokyo and Osaka are large cities in Japan. Costa Rica and

Guatemala are countries in Central America. The Red Sea

is between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Brazil is a big country in

South America. Sudan is a large country in Africa. A small part

of Turkey is in Europe. I like to learn about different places in

geography class.

Activity 19, page 91

Answers will vary. 

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