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Unit 1

Page 15

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 16

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 17


Exercise 4 page 17

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 This will help them better understand how to keep them safe for posterity.

2 CDs are cooked in chambers by manipulating the humidity and the temperature.

3 Do not put fancy labels on them, do not use

permanent marker and write only in the small centre region.

Exercises 5-6 page 17

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 pages 18-19

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 19

a vulnerable b common practice c prompt d longevity e scenario f retrieve g memorabilia h compatible

Exercise 4 page 21

1c 2If current practices continue,future generations may not have access to the digital record of our lives and our world.

Exercise 5 page 21

1 A box of memorabilia, including floppy disks and VHS

tapes, is found in the attic of an old house with a label that says, "Records and early videos of Bill Gates (1975-1985).[A]n envelope labelled 'bank records' in yougrandmother's desk. Inside the envelope, there is an old CD marked with the date 1998, your great-grandfather's name, and the words 'all overseas bank accounts.

2a EA b c F d e EA

Exercise 6 page 22

2, 3

Exercise 7 page 22

1F: The text describes a scenario of finding Bill Gates records.2T 3T 4DNS 5F:Satyanarayanan has been able to solve the problem. 6 DNS

Exercise 8 page 22

Answers will vary. Possible answers?

1They would be excited to have discovered things which might be worth a lot of money

2We don't have a lot of information about the Dark

Ages (a period in European history from AD 476 to around AD 1000), so we don't fully understand what happened during that time. Our time could become like that to the people of the future.

3A bit is the smallest unit of data on a computer. Rot

means to decay. So bit rot might mean the permanent loss of digitally held information.

4Interactive apps and websites go out of date very quickly.

Exercise 9 page 22

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 23

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 23

1a 2c 3a 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c

Exercise 3 page 25

1b 2What is left of the city's traditional buildings and neighbourhoods’ must be preserved and it is imperative that this process begins now.

3The author says the consequence of not accepting his argument is losing our past.

4 Once these treasures are lost, they are lost for ever an important link in our heritage that can never be recovered.

Exercise 4 page 25

1 renovation of an existing structure for adaptive re-use can cost about £40 per square metre less than even the most basic new construction(fact: New construction almost always has a more serious environmental impact because it requires the use of all-new materials that

must be transported. often over long distances, instead of recycled materials that are already on site(fact): architects and environmental experts maintain that the greenest building is the one that is already built(support with expertise)

2 Possible answer: He says that children will lose their

connection to the past and to their culture.

3 These are physical symbols of the cultural past

4 a.c.e,f.h

5 a There are also good economic arguments in favour of


c New construction almost always has a more serious

environmental impact because it requires the use of all new materials that must be transported. often over long distances, instead of recycled materials that are already on site.

e international visitors are not interested only in shopping centres; they also want to learn about our culture and traditions like these.

f How can our children understand and maintain their cultural identity if we erase so much of the physical evidence of it?

[R]enovation of an existing structure for adaptive

re-use can cost about 40 per square metre less than even the most basic new construction.

Exercise 5 page 26

1a facts c facts e facts f opinion h facts 

2 a.b,d

Exercise 6 page 26

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1Because they are replacing buildings the author recognizes.

2They were renovated as cultural attractions.

3The adaptive re-use. because the author says it is

important that locals still live and work in the district.

4Renovation has a lower environmental impact than building a new one.

5They are closely linked-the culture is remembered through the features of the buildings.

Exercise 7 page 26

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 27

1out of date 2 It's about time for 3slowly but surely 4at the turn of the century 5At one time/ At the turn of the century 6in a flash/ in the blink of an eye 7for the time being 8Over the past/ Over the last 9up to date

Exercise 2 page 28

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 pages 28-29

1long-term 2sixty-page 3turn of the century 4one-way 5well known6one-bedroom 7energy efficient 8fast-growing

Exercise 4 page 29

Answers will vary. Possible answers.

1 A multinational company is planning a twenty-storey office building.

2 Starting next year I would like to find a full-time job3 We are trying to determine which the best long-term plan is.

4 The wind-powered construction in the new development will reduce energy costs.

5 The demolition will take place in a four-square kilometre area.

Exercise 5 page 29

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 30-31

1P 2NC 3NC 4P 5P 6P 7P 8NC 9NC 10 NC

Exercises 2-4 page 31

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 32

1a 2b 3a 4b

Exercise 2 page 32

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 33

1 unified 2 not unified; Homeowners cannot make major changes that affect the appearance of their home or the surrounding gardens and trees without planning permission.

3 unified 4not unified; Stonehenge is visited by thousands of people on the longest and shortest days of the year which often causes significant damage to the site.

Exercise 2 page 34

Answers will vary, Possible answers:

1 Restoring the old fishing village was a huge waste of money.

2 Re-using and recycling materials is better than using up additional resources.

3 It would be foolish to pass up the opportunity of building a new convention centre, which would be beneficial for this city and its citizens as it would provide both jobs and revenue.

4lfall the old buildings are torn down and replaced with new ones, it will make the city lose its character and look like any other large city.

5 Placing this building on the register of historic places is a step in the right direction because it has the potential to drawtourists who are interested in architectural and cultural history.

Exercises 1-10 pages 35--36

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1longevity 2affluent 3demolition 4retrieved 5opted for 6renovation 7scenarios 8compatible

Exercise 4

1but that has changed 2are also being stored 3thousands of military records were destroyed 4With increasing concern about the possible loss of digital records 5has saved billions of web pages

Exercise 5

1 long-term; long-term 2 brightly lit; brightly-lit

3 carefully-controlled; well managed 4 all-too-common; well meaning 5 34-metre; two thousand years old 6 state-of-the-art; up to date

Exercise 6

People use plastic because it is convenient and because it travels well and doesn't break

Most coastal populations consume a lot of fish.

Unit 2

page 39

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 40

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 41


Exercise 4 page 41

1zany hand lettering; exclamation points; cursive wedding invitation typography

2neutral: efficient; human; accessible; transparent; accountable

Exercise 5 page 41

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1Designers were experimenting.

2He points them out as examples of visual bad habits, so he doesn't like them being overused.

3 friendly and approachable

Exercise 6 page 41

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 42

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 42

a reinforce b evocative c subsequent d sustainable e criteria f retain g convey h arouse

Exercise 3 page 43


Exercise 4 page 43

I. Efficient form of visual communication

A. Simple and easy to remember

B. Unique so it is unlikely to be confused with other logos. Example: IKEA

C. Arouses curiosity Example: UNIQLO

1. Flexible and adaptable

A. Across time Example: Apple

B. Across placement

1. Can shrink

Examples: Twitter, Facebook

2. Can be recognized from a distance

Ill. Tells a story

A. Conveys company's identity

1. Example: Toys R Us

2.Example: FedEx

B. Evokes emotional response

Example: World Wildlife Foundation

Exercises 5-6 page 46

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7 page 46

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 47

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 47

16 2a 3b 4c 5a 6c7b

Exercise 3 page 49

a, b,d

Exercise 4 page 49

1f 2c 3d 4b 5a 6e

Exercise 5 page 50

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Change in focus

A: Companies expand/change products they sell,e.g Xerox = from photocopiers to bigger document technology

B: Neg, associations with companies, e.g. Kentucky Fried Chicken = unhealthy fried food: British Petroleum = product bad for climate

II.Brand has matured

Mostly tech companies; original logo reflected

entrepreneurs' young age, e.g. Spotify = sound waves; Snapchat = no silly face on ghost

III. Problems with rebranding

People resistant to change; sometimes don't like new logo, e.g. Tropicana dropped orange logo, people hated it, so went back to old logo

IV. Impact of changing technology

A: Smaller devices and platforms need smaller logos e.g. Airbnb and PayPal = drop names, simpler graphic

B: New tech offers new opportunities, e.g. Google's transforming logo

Exercise 6 page 50

a, b.c, d, e

Exercise 7 page 50

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1 page 51

2mixed 3mixed 4negative 5positive 6negative

Exercise 2 page 51

1 aroused suspicion/curiosity/interest

2 provoked controversy/ provoked outrage/stirred up opposition/aroused anger

3 aroused, interest/generated, interest/generated excitement

4inspires confidence/stirs up opposition/provokes outrage

5 provoked, response

6 evoke, memories

Exercise 3 page 51

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 52

Answers will vary. Possible answers.

1 A logo can be defined as a symbol used to promote an organization's identity and to ensure the public recognize the brand.

2 Companies want consumers to associate the logo

with their brand, so they choose logos that reflect the names, origins and products.

3 Colour is really important in a logo, because it helps consumers distinguish between similar logos by fixing them permanently in their minds.

4 Sport products are often visibly branded with the

companies'logos, making them highly recognizable and encouraging loyalty among consumers to the brand

Exercise 5 page 52

Answers will vary. Possible answers.

1 To avoid confusion, a logo must be unlike any other organization's logo.

2 A logo needs to be adaptable to anywhere it may be placed, and recognizable at any time it might be seen.

3 If a logo can communicate a brand's message and make people feel something, then it has achieved its most crucial purpose.

Exercise 1 page 53

Answers will vary. Possible answers!

simple; easy to remember; unique, arouses curiosity;

flexible / adaptable across placement/over time; tells a story; conveys a company's message evokes a response

Exercises 2-4 pages 53-54

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 54-55

1 Apple's logo, which was once rainbow coloured, has been redesigned several times in the past 40 years.

2 The letters in the logo for FedEx, which is a delivery service company, form an arrow moving forward

3 Predrag Stakic. who is a Serbian designer, won an international competition for a logo that features

images of a dove and a hand./Predrag Stakic. whose design encapsulated the features of a dove and a hand won an international competition.

4 Rebranding, which is a process that can revive interest in a company's products, is only one of many options available to the marketing department.

5 High-tech companies, which often have very young founders, have realized that they need to reconsider and revise their logos.

Exercise 2 page 56

Answers will vary. Possible answers

1 McDonald's logo, the golden arches, has achieved

international recognition as a symbol of fast food

2 The design of logos, a company's public face, requires careful thought and preparation before release

3 Rupert Murdoch, a media mogul. has announced he will turn over his empire to his son next year./Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has announced he will turn over his empire to his son next year.

4 Microsoft, a software giant, has lost some of its market share to Google in the past five years./ Software giant Microsoft has lost some of its market share to Google in the past five years.

5--6 Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-3 page 57

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 58

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 'What Makes a Successful Logo' main idea: A successful logo captures a company's identity and message in a way that is memorable and pleasing to look at.

'Rebranding and Logos'main idea: Rebranding is a way a company can revitalize its image and message in order to appeal to today's customers.

2 Main idea: Making a brand stand out from the crowd is key to the survival of a business-and a logo is one powerful tool in achieving this.

Something new to think about: [Those who get their logos right will reap the benefits for many years to come.

3 Main idea: The process can inject new energy into a brand.

Something new to think about: New logos can be expensive. [They] can also be risky.

Exercises 1-9 pages 58-60

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1sustainable 2criteria 3foremost 4strategic 5retain 6foremost 7subsequent 8opposition

Exercise 4

1memories 2suspicion 3excitement 4trouble 5controversy 6confidence

Exercise 5

1 There has been a drop in the sale of e-books in the last few years.

2 Print books have become more popular again recently

3 A book can draw 50% more attention if the cover is designed well

4'Millennial pink' conveys youth and sophistication on the covers of many books nowadays.

5 Large fonts in bold colours have been trending recently

Exercise 6

1Emoji designs, which were originally created in Japan

2 which was a response

3 which people really liked

4 which is one of the most popular emojis

5 The original emoji set, which included 17

6 designs,is now in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Unit 3

Page 63

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 64

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 64

1F: Charlotte Thomas is still a victim of bullying (she has been bullied since she was 11).2T 3F;The Safer Internet campaign has many supporters.4F;Nicola Sturgeon believes everybody should be able to access the internet safely.

Exercise 4 page 65

a2 b1 c4 d5 e3 f1 g2

Exercise 5 page 65

1 People can make fake accounts. 2recordit 3an

unflattering photograph 4You could offend somebody 5to update their Safer Internet Action Plan 6Internet safety techniques need to keep up to date.

Exercise 6 page 65

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 66

a abusive b precedent c hostile d anonymity e humiliation f withdraw

Exercise 2 page 66

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 cyber: of or having to do with the internet

2 harassment: behaviours that annoy or upset somebody especially repeated behaviours intended to annoy on upset

cyber-harassment: intimidating or pressuring somebody online through email and social media

Exercise 3 page 67

Answers will vary

Exercise 4 page 67

a, b, c, e,f

Exercise 5 page 67

a b c d M e f g D h i D j D

Paragraphs:a5 b3 c2 d4 e5f1 g4 h2 i1 j3

Exercise 6 page 67

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7 page 69

1c 2c 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers:

disturbing behaviour: In the most serious cases; offensive and threatening; the full extent of the problem: falling victim to: more serious forms: for no other reason than? all of these nasty things; the worst behaviour; disrupt internet communications; serious psychological shock and pain: suffer abusive treatment

Exercise 1 page 70

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 pages 70-71

1c 2b 3c 4a 5a 6b 7a 8c

Exercise 3 page 71

a2 b4 c5 d1 e3

Exercise 4 page 71

Exercise 5 page 73

1b 2b,e 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers:

prompted the public to demand; Additionally; In short requires a two-pronged approach; yet; To try to address this problem; they discovered that; This resulted in; This study suggests that; In other words; Nevertheless, these laws still lag disturbingly behind; Although this is generally considered; is becoming increasingly important

Exercise 6 page 73

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 74

1take responsibility

2 built a reputation

3experienced abuse

4 exhibit; behaviour

5 suffer pain

6lose confidence

Exercise 2 page 74

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 75

1 poses/represents: a threat/ a danger

2resolve/address/ confront/face; problem/issue 3address/confront/face; problem/issue

4 run into; problems/trouble

5 eliminate; the risk/threat/problem

Exercise 4 page 75

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-5 pages 76-78

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 79

1 The figures are believed to underestimate the size of the problem./ It is believed that the figures underestimate the size of the problem.

2 Trolls are claimed to be responsible for the most

abusive forms of cyber-harassment./ It is claimed that trolls are responsible for the most abusive forms of cyber-harassment.

3 Victims of online harassment are expected to speak out

against their abusers. / It is expected that victims of online harassment will speak out against their abusers

4 Self-regulation is understood to be the best way to control bad behaviour./It is understood that self- regulation is the best way to control bad behaviour

5 just ignore it' is considered to be sensible advice to victims of online harassment.

It has been argued that these problems will require a legal solution.

Exercise 2 page 79

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 79

1 Although the stalker had been harassing students for weeks, he was not caught until yesterday.

2 A full year after the attacks began, the troll's identity was discovered.

3 These cyber stalkers were not very careful. Evidence of their activity was found quite quickly.

4 The news generally includes positive stories about technology, but recently it has been dominated by stories of cybercrime.

Exercise 4 page 80

Identity theft is a growing problem. It occurs when

somebody uses your personal information to open bank accounts, borrow money or make purchases. Almost 17 million people reported identity theft last year. The elderly are especially likely to become victims. Criminals targeted over2.6 million older people in 2014. Stolen credit cards were

the most common source of identity theft. Unfortunately police do not usually recover the stolen cards. For the rewritten paragraph, answers will vary

Possible answer:

Identity theft is a growing problem. It occurs when

somebody uses your personal information to open bank accounts, borrow money and make purchases.Identity theft was reported by almost 17 million people last year The elderly are especially likely to become victims.Over

2.6 million older people were targeted in 2014.Stolen credit cards were the most common source of identity theft. Unfortunately, they are not usually recovered.

Exercise 1 pages 80-81

1S 2E 3S 4F 5E 6E 7F 8F

Exercise 2 page 81

Answers will vary. Possible answers.

Example: Criado-Perez made the suggestion online that the Bank of England should put more women on its

banknotes. For this idea, she received hundreds of hostile comments against her personally and against women more generally.

Statistic: Almost three quarters of all internet users have seen it happen, and 40% have experienced it personally Fact:Cyber-harassment is particularly common among younger internet users, and women are more likely to experience its more serious forms.

Exercise 3 page 81

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 82

1R 2S 3G 4G 5S 6R

Exercise 5 page 82

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1regulate 2withdraw 3anonymity 4accountable 5eliminate 6malicious 7combat 8precedent

Exercise 4

1areputation 2abuse 3pain 4confdence 5behaviour 6responsibility

Exercise 5

1pose 2resolved 3presents 4address 5becomes 6represent 7respond to 8eliminate

Exercise 6

1However. in a 2016 survey, 91% of Americans said they feel that they have lost control of their personal data

2 For instance, with so much information, some people have a hard time staying focused at work.

3 According to cybersecurity experts, smartphone users need to secure their phones with a locked screen and regular updates.

Unit 4

Page 87

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 88

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 88

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

There is an event, "Small Business Saturday, which hopes to attract shoppers to small businesses. They are also

discussing the ways that government taxes can help small businesses.

Exercise 4 page 89

1 specialist shops25.

2 million


4 first Saturday in December

5 three quarters of a billion pounds


6 19/20

7 50

8 ndeposit

9 sold the family home

10 road to be swept

11 by size/ by square footage

12 {7,000-L7,500 13 access to finance; cuts to regulatory burden (tax cuts)

Exercise 5 page 89

1c 2b 3c 4b

Exercise 6 page 89

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 90

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 90

1fluctuated 2propositions 3aspiring 4outweigh 5component 6transition 7broke even 8revenue

Exercise 3 page 91

1£5.000-L10,000 2 waffles and pancakes from a truck 3flowers, shoes, clothes, hair styling, pet grooming, repair of high-tech devices 4 12% 5 weather, fluctuating fuel prices, parking 6 $85 7 million

Exercise 4 page 91

1N 2M 3Y 4N 5Y 6N

Exercise 5 page 91

Mobile businesses are a good first step into the retail market.

Exercise 6 page 93

1b 2e 3g 4c 5a 6d 7h 8f

Exercises 7-8 pages 93--94

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 94

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 pages 94-95

1b 2a 3a 4c 5a 6b 7a 8c

Exercise 3 page 95

NC b C c C d NC e NC f C

Exercise 4 page 97

1simple 2attainable 3valuable 4consumers 5airlines 6convenience 7desires 8decisions 9100%

Exercises 5-6 page 97

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 99

1b 2a 3c 4a 5b

Exercise 2 page 100

1on a small scale 2start-up costs/ utility bills 3utility bills/ start-up costs 4breaks even 5make a profit 6brick-and-mortar 7track record 8generate revenue 9marketing tools

Exercise 1 page 101

3 Answers will vary.

Exercises 2-4 page 102

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 103

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Although impressed by the presentation of the

sales manager, Nour decided not to make the initial investment.

Although Nour/she was impressed by the presentation of the sales manager,

While working in a street food van, Kwan developed enough experience to start his own business.

While Kwan/he was working in a street food van

While interviewing dozens of mobile phone users Isabelle got an idea for a new mobile business-a phone-charging service at the park!

While sabelle/she was interviewing dozens of mobile phone users,

Once discovered by the food reporter for a local

food blog, the Vietnamese street food van had more business than its owners could handle.

Once the Vietnamese street food van/it was

discovered by the food reporter for a local food blog

When it is supported by good reviews and positive feedback, a subscription service can become part of a successful plan.

When a subscription service/it is supported by good reviews and positive feedback.

Exercise 2 page 104

Answers will vary, Possible answers:

1 When considering the mobile option for your business you need to be flexible in the planning phase.

2 While researching marketing tools. Ali was surprised

to learn about the inconsistent track record of loyalty schemes.

3 Unless embraced by a large number of customers

loyalty schemes are not a very effective marketing tool

4 Although worried about the risks, the Smith brothers decided to begin their business online

5 If taken seriously, this advice can improve a company's chances of success.

Exercise 1 page 105

1 block; point-by-point 2 Answers will vary

Exercise 2 page 106

1b 2Answers will vary.3c

Exercises 1-8 pages 107--108

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1pioneers 2proposition 3component 4transition 5outweighed 6retention 7followed suit 8revenue

Exercise 4

1 instead of selling in shops

2 rather, they can work from home

3 unlike bricks-and-mortar shops, which are expensive4 However. an owner needs to be active on socia media too

5 On the other hand, some customers like to see products before they buy

6 despite the popularity of online retail

Exercise 5

1 Many startups generate revenue on a website like Kickstarter.

2 Businesses with a good track record will attract investors.

3 New businesses often need money for start-up costs such as supplies.

4 Good marketing tools can attract new customers, anda lot are free.

5lt takes several years for most startups to make a profit6 Starting a business on a small scale is easier to manage

Exercise 6

1 Paragraph 1 gardening service- work outdoors; gardening service - seasonal work

Paragraph 2 flower shop - work indoors; flower shop - customers all year

2 Paragraph 1 gardening service-work outdoors; flower shop- work indoors

Paragraph 2 gardening service-seasonal work; flower shop- customers all year

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