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LOOK 2 练习册答案 Unit 6

6 My Day(六单元)

1 Words

1 Listen and number.

2 Look and write.

1 get 2 get 3 eat 4 eat 5 eat 6 do 7 take 8 go

I do these things in this order:Sample answer: 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8

3 What do you do in these rooms?

Sample answers:

1 eat breakfast

2 eat dinner

3 get dressed

4 take a shower

2 Grammar

1 Listen and write.

One o’clock,two o’clock, three o’clock, four.

Five o’clock, six o’clock, seven o’clock, more!

What time is it? Tick-tock. It’s seven o’clock.

Get up, get dressed. It’s time for school.

What time is it? Tick-tock. It’s seven o’clock.

Eat dinner, take a bath. It’s time for bed!

2 Read and put the time in the clock. Then draw the sky.

2 11:00 3 9:00

3 Look and write the time.

2 It's seven o'clock in the morning.

3 It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

4 It's eight o'clock in the evening.

3 Reading

1 Find and circle four words from the reading.

2 Read and write.

This is a story about the Blooms: Mom, Dad, three boys…and a bird.

In 2013, Mom gets hurt . She can’t walk. One day, one of the boys finds a baby magpie. It’s hurt, too. The boy brings it home. This bird is black and white, so they call her “Penguin.” The Blooms help Penguin get better. Soon, she can fly!

Penguin helps the Blooms, too. In the morning , she flies into the bedroom and the boys get up. She sits with Mom in the afternoon. At three o’clock, Penguin goes to the yard and waits . The boys come home from school. Now they can play. With Penguin, the Blooms are happy again.

One day, Penguin flies away. The Blooms love Penguin, but they aren’t sad. Now she’s with other birds!

3 Put the sentences in order.

They call the bird Penguin.4

The bird is hurt.3

Mom gets hurt.1

One boy finds a bird.2

Penguin flies away.6

Penguin helps the family.5

4 What do you like about this story? What don’t you like?

Sample answer: Penguin helps the family. The mom is hurt. Penguin flies away

4 Grammar

1 Put the words in the correct order.

1 What time do you get up?

2 We get up at six o’clock.

3 What time does your dad go to bed?

4 He goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

2 Listen and write the time in the clocks.

1 4:00 2 5:00 3 6:00 4 10:00

3 Write what time you do each activity.

Sample answers:

1 six o'clock.

2 I eat breakfast at seven o'clock.

3 I get home at four o'clock

4 I go to bed at eight o'clock.

5 Phonics

1 Listen and join the words.

2 Color the picture. Then say

6 Value

1 Look and check (✓).

2 Read and draw.


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