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LOOK 4 练习册答案 Unit 2

2 Move to the Music!(二单元)

1 Words

1 Look and complete.

2 Listen to two friends talking about a concert. Write T (true) or F (false).

1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F

3 Design your own music robot. Draw and write about it.

Sample answer:

2 Grammar

1 Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past.

1 watched

2 was

3 didn’t like

4 played

5 loved

6 didn’t play

7 moved

8 played

9 were

2 Listen and circle the correct answer.

3 Complete the questions in the simple past. Listen again and write the answers.

1 Did the girl watch

No, she didn’t.

2 Were the robots

No, they weren’t.

3 Did the girl like

Yes, she did.

4 Did all the robots dance

Yes, they did.

5 Was the video

Yes, it was.

3 Reading

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

1 shouted

2 carried

3 banged

4 climbed

2 Read. Put the sentences in the correct place. Write the letter on the line.

1C 2D 3A 4B

3 Read again. Answer the questions.

1 (They live) in England.

2 (They visited) India.

3 Yes (they do).

4 (They played) the drums.

5 Yes (he did).

4 Grammar

1 Complete the text with the adverbs of the words in parentheses.

1 quietly

2 carefully

3 loudly

4 slowly

5 quickly

6 well

2 Look and complete the sentences with adverbs.

Sample answers:

1 slowly

2 quietly

3 quickly

4 carefully

5 loudly

6 well

3 Complete the sentences about you. Use the adverbs of these words.

Sample answers:

1 slowly

2 loudly

3 quietly

4 quickly

5 carefully

5 Writing

1 Complete the sentences. Use because and the simple past

2 because my foot/leg was

3 because they danced

4 because he was a clown

2 Think about a movie you saw. Circle and complete.

Sample answers:

3 Write a review of the movie you chose in Activity 2.

Sample answer:

Last week, I saw a movie called The Greatest Showman. It was about a circus. At first everyone loved the circus, but then there were lots of problems. I really liked the movie because the singing and dancing were amazing, and because there was a happy ending. The actors were great, too. At the end, I was sad because I didn’t want to stop watching the movie.

6 Value

1 Read and circle the letter. What’s the best answer for you?


2 Circle the best answer.

3 Play a song and dance however you want. When you finish, complete the sentences about you.

Sample answer:

I danced slowly/quickly. It was good/great to dance like this.

I was happy while I was dancing.

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