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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Unit 13

13 Natural health(十三单元)

1.b:1 Tanzania, the University of Oxford, the University of Kyoto, Gombe National Park, Kenya, Mount Elgon 2 Hugo picked the leaf carefully, rubbed the leaves before putting them in his mouth and kept them in his mouth for a little while before swallowing them. He chose a plant that local people use as a medicine, and he also took the medicine in the morning.

c:1c 2b 3b 4b 5a

2.a:1 ... chimpanzees in the wild are thought to choose certain herbs … 2 ... is known to be used by local people 3 Elephants in western Kenya, for example, are said to go regularly ...

b:The verbs in the text are passive, while sentences 1–3 are active.

c:2 are said to be able to do 3 are said to eat 4 are believed to be able to make 5 are said to be 6 are known to behave 7 are believed to have 8 are said to be dying


b:1 all over the globe 2 acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal medicine 3 Because patients are becoming interested in them and asking for them.


1 an alternative 2basic 3check-up 4 techniques 5As a result 6get in touch

4.a:1 c to operate on (someone)

2 h a painkiller

3 j to recover (from)

4 g an anaesthetic

5 b an operating theatre

6 f a diagnosis

7 i to suffer (from)

8 a a surgeon

9 e a symptom

10 d a check-up

b:1 check-up 2operated on 3surgeon 4 an anaesthetic; a painkiller 5recover from 6 diagnosis 7is suffering

6.a:1d 2c 3b 4f 5a 6e

b:1 F (He doesn’t think he needs medicine.) 2T 3 T 4T 5F (almost 40)

7.a:1c 2d 3a 4e 5f 6b

b:1 absent-minded 2homesick 3inattentive 4 nostalgic

9.b:A3Stethoscope  B1Blood pumped around body  C5X-rays  D2Vaccinations E7Discovery of DNA  F8First kidney transplant  G4Pasteurization  H6Blood transfusions

c:1 True 2True 3False (We now use metal or electronic stethoscopes.) 4True

5False (They use radiation.) 6True 7False (They discovered DNA.) 8False (He carried out the transplant.)

10.b:think positively about yourself

c:People often don’t do what they really want to because of a fear of failure. The secret to overcoming this problem is learning to believe in yourself.

d:You don’t apply for a job in case you don’t get it. You don’t perform at the school concert because others might laugh at you. Talk about your problem with a friend. Look for advice on the internet. Visualise yourself being successful. Practise breathing techniques.

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