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English in Mind Second edition 2 练习册答案

Workbook key

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1.2 has 3 's getting 4 ' wishing 5 washes 6 's singing 7 likes


3.2 pilot 3 shop assistant 4 firefighter 5 lawyer 6 vet 7 architect 8 flight attendant 9 teacher 10 doctor


1.2 much 3 many 4 many 5 much 6 much

In any order

2.2 There aren't any bananas. 3 There is some milk. 4 There isn't any coffee. 5 There aren't any tomatoes. 6 There are some apples. 7 There isn't any tea. 8 There is some bread.

3.2 smallest 3 better 4 most 5 highest 6 bigger 7 best 8 worse

4.2 up 3 out 4 off 5 out 6 up


1.2 'll rain tomorrow 3 wont go swimming 4 won't go to Italy

2.2 well 3 happy 4 quickly 5 badly 6 bad 7 carefully 8 honestly

3.2's going to read 3 ' going to go 4 are going to

4.2 in two years' time 3 next month 4 the day after tomorrow 5 In two hours' time 6 the week after next


1.2 I'll buy a bike if my parents give me money for my birthday. 3 If we don't play well, we won't win the game. 4 f you listen to music all day, you won't pass your exams.

2.2 cool 3 fantastic 4 dull

3.2 miserable 3 polite 4 relaxed 5 friendly 6 disorganised 7 lazy 8 honest

4.2 've never slept 3 Have [you]ever been 5 's never spent 4 've never been 6 Have [you] ever eaten 7 've never tried

1.Great Idea!(第一单元)

1.a:Rubber-produce toys-chewing gum

Mice-supply of potatoes-mouse trap

After lunch-mountain of dishes-dishwasher

Summer-ice skates- roller skates

b:2 chewing gum 3 roller skates 4 windscreen wipers 5 mouse trap

2.a:2 was dancing 3 were sitting 4 was drawing 5 were laughing 6 were kissing

7 was trying 

b:2 weren't cooking 3 wasn't reading 4 wasn't having a shower 5 wasn't sleeping 6 weren't eating

c:2 eating a sandwich 3 Was Mike looking out of the window?Yes, he was. 4 Were my parents cooking dinner?No, they weren't. They were talking. 5 Was I watching TV? Yes,I was. 6 Were my grandparents eating dinner? No, they weren't.They were sleeping.

d:2 were you playing 3 were they going 4 were you talking 5 was he holding 6 was she waiting

3.a:2 get angry 3 got/confused 4 got wet 5 got home 6 get dry

b:2 get together 3 gets a lot of pleasure 4 got sick 5 get a chance 6 got a phone call

4.a:2 was having/rang 3 was watching/ate 4 stole/ was swimming 5 fell/was playing 6 was sunbathing / jumped

b:2 We were listening to music when the lights went off. The lights went off when we were listening to music. 3 I was running on the beach when I lost my keys. lost my keys while I was running on the beach. 4 I was talking to my friend when somebody stole my bag.Somebody stole my bag while I was talking to my friend. 5 You were taking the dog for a walk when Danny called. Danny called while you were taking the dog for a walk. 6 I was getting ready for the beach when it started to rain. It started to rain while I was getting ready for the beach.

c:Possible answers: 2 my friends were having a fight. 3 my father told a story. 4 my friend phoned me 5 I fell asleep 6 the sun was shining

5.3 A: She was sleeping. B: No, she wasn't! She was reading. 

4 A: They were kissing. B: No, they weren't. They were dancing.

5 A: We were doing our homework. B:No,you weren't. You were playing games.

6 A:I wasn't writing a letter. B: Yes, you were!

6.1 paper rolls 2 radio 3 popular 4 wax cylinders 5 records 6 recordings 7 disks 8 steel needle 9 invented

7.1 a wax cylinder 2 vinyl records 3 a gramophone

8.a:1T 2 F 3 N

b:3T4F 5T 2F

9.2 a 3 c 4 a

1.Boy: So, the Menches brothers.

Girl: What, the people who say they invented the hamburger?

Boy: Yes.Well they also say that once they were working at a fair, selling ice cream,and at that time people ate ice cream from dishes. Anyway, it was so busy that they didn't have any more dishes,so Charles,one of the brothers,noticed a man who was selling this kind of sweet pastry, he tasted it, then got the idea of rolling it into the shape of a conel He bought everything the man had.

Girl: So that's how they invented the ice cream conel

2.Girl: I read another story on the internet about Old Dave',another guy who said he invented the hamburger.

Boy: So what was that about?

Girl: Well, he said that he was selling chips with his hamburgers,except they didn't have a name for them then.
Boy: Americans call them French fries, don't they?Girl: Well, yes,that's the point. A journalist asked Dave where he got the idea for his potatoes from, and he said 'Paris',meaning Paris, Texas. That's where he was from, you see.
Boy: And the journalist thought he meant Paris, France?
Girl: Exactly.So people started calling them French fries.
Boy: That can't be true! No way!“

3.Girl: It's interesting, isn't it, how food was invented? Boy: Yes-and what about this one? In about 1750-you know, hundreds of years ago-an important man in England was really very busy, so busy that he didn't have time for lunch, and he asked his cook just to put some meat between two pieces of bread! And so we got . Girl: Sandwiches? Boy: That's right. Girl: But why that name?
Boy: Because the man in England lived in a town called Sandwich. Girl: You're joking!Boy: No,I'm not -its true!

4.Girl: And did you ever hear about Thomas Adams?Boy: No. What about him?
Girl: Well,he had some stuff called 'chicle'-a bit
like rubber, you know? From trees in Mexico.And he tried to make car tyres with it, and he tried to make rubber shoes with it, but nothing worked. Boy: What has this got to do with food?Girl: Well, one day, he was thinking, and he put a piece of this 'chicle' in his mouth-and he started chewing it, and he liked it!
Boy: Oh, no l Don't tell me l Chewing gum?Girl: That's right.He invented chewing gum l He started selling it in 1871.

Unit check

1.1 didn't hear 2 get 3 got to school 4 got a horrible surprise 5 got nervous 6 didn't get 7 was shining 8 was getting 9 got wet

2.2b 3c 4 a 5a 6 a 7a 8a 9c 

3.2 remote control 3 windscreen wipers 4 engine 5 invented 6 got to 7 idea 8 a chance 9 surprise

2.He ran faster(第二单元)

1.2 slower 3 shorter 4 best 5 more than

2.A:2 worst 3 the oldest 4 much tidier 5 older 6 the cleverest

B:2 the happiest 3 the tallest 4 better 5 the most expensive 6 the most successful

C:2 Today is a bit colder than yesterday. 3 A Ferrari is much faster than a Fiat. 4 Mrs James is far younger than Mr James.

3.A:2 quiet 3 fast 5 boring 6 cold 7 beautiful 9 tidy Mystery word:difficult 


4.A:2e 3a 4b 5f 6c

B:2 is not as tall as his brother 3 is not as expensive as the PC 4 is not as thin as the dog 5 is not as good as Liverpool 6 is as cold as yesterday

5.A:2 slowly 3 easily 4 happily 5 fast 6 badly 7 well 8 hard

B:2 fast 3 drives slowly 4 write clearly 5 types quickly 6 it well/easily


6.A:2 as black as night 3 as quick as a flash 4 as strong as an ox 5 as busy as a bee 6 as white as snow

B:Students' own answers

7.2 we're talking about 3 guess what 4 that's not the point 5 that sort of thing 6 at the end of the day

8.2a 3g 4b 5h 6c 7f 8e

9.A:Students' own answers

B:1A 2C 3D 4F 5E 6B

10.2a 3b

Boy 1: So l guess you had a great time eh,Phil?

Boy 2: Well yes-I mean,the World Cup Final, Italy and France-brilliant! My dad and I really enjoyed it. In that wonderful new stadium-fantastic.

Boy 1: What did you enjoy most?

Boy 2: Well, you know,it wasn't the most exciting match ever, to be honest-but at the very end there were penalties, you know, to decide the winner,and wow, that was so exciting! So I guess that was the best bit.

Boy 1: What did you do when the match finished?

Boy 2: Well, we decided to stay a bit, you know, we saw the Italians getting the Cup and we watched the fans celebrating,so in the end, we didn't leave the ground until about an hour after the match.

Boy 1: And what did you do afterwards?

Boy 2: Well,my dad and I were just really, really hungry! So we went back into the city and we found an Italian restaurant to have some pizza.

Boy 1: An Italian restaurant!??

Boy 2:Yes-it was full of Italians, singing and celebrating, it was just brilliant!

Boy 1: That sounds great.

Boy 2: It was and then the next morning we...

11.The second one-there's more description. 

A:1. It was a fantastic experience/thousands of people/couldn't wait to get to our seats 2. huge, modern; happy; excitedly Fantastic; excited; huge; modern; early;happy; excitedly 3. so; and; and 4. thousands of people; we arrived at the huge, modern stadium.

Possible answers

B:2. My alarm clock didn't ring so I was late for work. 3. The meal was incredibly nice. 4. My favourite restaurant is Italian. It's the best restaurant in town.

Unit check

1.1 difficult 2 quiet 3 tidy 4 near 5 easy 6 boring 7 new8 young

2.2c 3a 4 a 5 c 6b 7 a 8c 9 a

3.2 best 3 easy 4 as fast 5 nil 6 referee 7 drew 8 noisy 9 most interesting 10 messy

3.Our world(第三单元)

1.2 a 3 f 4b5 c 6e

2.a:2F 3A 4B 5E 6D

b:2P 3C 4P 5C 6P

c:2a 3b 4d 5 c 6e 7f

d:2 might go 3 might not do 4 'll be 5 might not take 6 might have 7 won't do 8 'll be

3.a:2 fumes 3 pollution 4 atmosphere 5 power station 6 recycling 7 rubbish 8 litter

b:2f 3b 45g 6d 7e

c:1 forests 2 fumes 3 pollution 4 warming 5 litter 6 picking 7 clean 8 rubbish 9 recycle

4.a:1 cut down 2 will rise 3 goes up 4 will start 5 won't get 6 dies 7 will be

b:2 Will you buy me a present if I'm good? 3 I'll give James your message if I see him. 4 Will they arrive late if it rains? 5 What will you do if he doesn't phone? 6 My sister will lend me her mobile if l ask her. 7 If you haven't got any money,'ll give you some.

c:2 Unless 3 if 4 If 5 if 6 unless

d:Students' own answers

5.2 They want to go to bed. 3 I won't be here. 4 So you want to play squash? 5 I think you might be right. 6 You said you're my teacher.

6.1 use one per cent 2 we cannot reach 3 polar ice caps 4 needs to be moist 5 have access to 6 called evaporation

7.b:Noun /environmental

c:1 pollution 2 pollute 3 energetic 4 powerful 5 waste 6 wasteful 7 increase 8 warmth 9 warm 10 recycling 11 recycle

8.2√ 3√ 4 X 5X 6√

Aunt June: So what's your school like, Mike?I mean, I know you like sports-has the school got good facilities? Mike: Oh,yeah. There's a really good gym, and really big sports fields. The sports facilities are great! Aunt June: Do you have lunch at school? Mike: Yes,I do-and actually, the food is pretty good. It's the usual thing, you know: hamburgers, pizzas, chips, that kind of thing, but I like it!Aunt June: OK, good.But tell me about the teachers. Mike: Aha, the teachers! Well, you know,you can't have a school without teachers! And the teachers at our school, they're OK. I mean,some are better than others,of course, but most of the teachers are nice. Aunt June: Good! Mike: But the problem is,I think the lessons are too short.All the lessons are 45 minutes. Well, sometimes we get double lessons, an hour and a half, but 45 minutes really is too short,I think. Aunt June: That's interesting! Not many students at school complain about the lessons being too short! What else don't you like?
Mike: Hmm.Well,I think the uniform's awful! Green and black!It's horrible.And I hate wearing ties-and of course we have to wear a green and black tie.
Aunt June: And I m sure you hate the school rules tool
Mike: Actually, no! The rules are OK. You know, the usual things: no running in corridors, no mobile phones in the classroom,things like that. But I think the rules are OK.
Aunt June: Wow! So it seems like it's not a bad school.

9.a:1. the lessons, the facilities and the meals 2. write an article for the school website saying what is wrong with the school and what they can do to improve it. 3. 100 euros 

b:Students' own answer

Writing tip 

a:2 4 1 6 3 5

b:first of all; secondly; finally; for instance;to sum up

Unit check

1:1 fumes 2 pollute 3 environment 4 will 5 may not 6 atmosphere 7 litter 8 waste 9 recycle

2:2b 3c 4c 5c 6b 7b 8a 9b

3:2 pollutes 3 cutting down 4 clean up 5 power station 6 waste 7 sanitation 8 rubbish 9 environment

4.Holiday or vacation? (第四单元)

1.2a 3c 4b 5c 6c

2.a:2 aren't we 3 can't she 4 didn't they 5 doesn't he 6 can she 7 haven't they

b:3 4 X doesn't he? 5 X didn't you?  7 X hasn't she? 8 X should they?

c:2 didn't you 3 aren't you 4 won't you 5 isn't he 6 can't he 7 is it 8 shouldn't you

3.a:3 doesn't she 4 do they 5 can't I 6 won't you

b:3 U 4 U5 D6 U

4.a:2 lift-elevator 3 trousers-pants 4 underground-subway 5 flat-apartment 6 rubbish-garbage

b:2 elevator 3 underground4 vacation 5 trousers 6 sidewalk

c:2 fall-autumn 3 drapes-curtains 4 hood-bonnet 5 trunk-boot 6 line-queue

5.a:1 been 2 began 3 begun 4 come 5 drank 6 ate 7 gone 8 knew 9 known 10 seen 11 wrote 12 written

b:2 F 3A 4D 5B 6E

c:yet 3 already 4 yet 5 yet 6 already 7 yet 8 yet

d:2 Has Maria already gone to Sally's house? Yes, but she hasn't come back yet. 3 I have already bought the new Killers CD. Have you listened to it yet?/ Have you already listened to it? 4 Have you already gone to sleep?/Have you gone to sleep yet?
No,and you have already asked me three times.

6.a:2 I've just phoned Jenny. 3 We've just arrived. 4 My parents have just gone out. 5 The film has just finished.

b:2 She's just bought an ice cream but she hasn't eaten it yet. 3 He's just written a letter but he hasn't posted it yet. 4 She's just bought a CD but she hasn't listened to it yet.

7.2 Have a look 3 in the middle of 4 the kind of thing 5 no wonder 6 you're not supposed to

9.a:2√ 4 √ 6 √ 7√

Josh:..and American people are really friendly, very nice-only we had a few problems understanding them sometimes! Sally: Really? Why? Because they use different words? Josh: Well, sometimes-like, for example, we went to a restaurant the first night in New York, and at the end my dad asked for the bill and the waiter looked at him and said,'Oh, you mean the check. OK, sir'!Sally: Uh huh. Josh: And of course in the hotels you see signs for elevators,not lifts,and in the bathrooms and toilets there are signs that ask you to turn off the Faucets Sally: Faucets? Josh: Yeah,you know, what we call taps in Britain. Sally: Really?I didn't know that one. Josh: Yeah,and you know we rented a car for a few days? Well, when we went to fill the car with petrol, my mum asked for 'petrol' and of course the guy didn't understand. Sally: They call t 'gas, don't they? Josh: That's right.And then of course there are things like trucks. Sally: What we here in Britain call lorries,yeah?Josh: Yeah, but the American ones are huge they're about twenty metres long and have got twenty wheels or something! Sally: And Americans certainly do pronounce things differently, too, don't they

b:2c 3e 4b 5a

10.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 popular 2 Have you heard 3 yet 4 apartment 5 already 6 subway 7 have a look 8 garbage 9 the kind of thing

2.2 b3 c 4 c5 a 6a 7 a 8 a 9c


5.Growing up(第五单元)

1.2a 3d 4b 5c 6e

2.a:2 is grown 3 is visited 4 's written 5 are made 6 are visited 7 are grown 

b:2e 3b 4f 5a 6c

c:2 Foreign money is changed here.3 Colour films are developed here. 4 Fresh food is served here. 5 Cameras are repaired here. 6 English lessons are given here. 

d:2 is sold every day 3 are designed in that company 4 are made in grammar exercises 5 A lot of new houses are built every year. 6 Football is often played on Saturdays.

3.a:2 child 3 pensioner 4 baby 5 toddler 6 adult

b:2 baby 3 child 4 teenager 5 pensioner 6 toddler

c:2 act your age 3 getting on 4 youth 5 Adulthood 6 look her age

4.a:2 I'm not allowed to watch TV until 11.30. 3 You're not allowed to cycle here. 4 The teacher doesn't let us leave early. 5 Our parents don't let us play football in the garden.
6 My brother doesn't let me use his computer.

b:2 're not allowed to 3're allowed to 4're not allowed to 5 'm allowed to 6 're not allowed to

c:2 We're allowed to wear jeans to school. 3 Were not allowed to run in the school corridor. 4 My sister lets our cat sleep on her bed. 5 My parents let me put posters on my wall. 6 Teenagers aren't allowed to go into that club.

5.a:Know: show; low; throw; go 

Now: sound;loud; round; shout; town; house;down; allowed

b:(See page 33 of the Workbook.)

6.2 mustn't 3 can 4 can 5 aren't 6 are


8.a:To invite her to his 16th birthday party.

b:No, she can't.

c:4T 5F 6T 2 F 3T

9.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 baby 2 given 3 toddler 4 child 5 let 6 adult 7 allowed to 8 get married 9 pensioner

2.2 a3 a 4 b5 b 6a 7 c 8 a 9b

3.2 come of age 3 childhood 4 at least 5 act your age 6 youth 7 underage 8 grounded 9 until

6.Have fun!(第六单元)

1.2 laugh 3 charity 4 need 5 has helped 6 travelled

2.a:2 a√;b× 3 a×;b√ 4 a√;b× 5 a√;b× 6 a√;b×

b:2 has been 3 has had 4 have told 5 have helped 6 has asked 7 have arranged

c:2 How long have you had 3 How long has she been 4 How long has he worked 5 How long have they been

d:1 has lived 2 loves 3 is 4 plays 5 hasn't played 6 want 7 has got 8 hope

3.a:2 since; for 3 since; for 4 for; since 5 since; for 6 for; since

b:2 They have lived in this house since 2006. They have lived in this house for X years. 3 I've been ill since Tuesday. I've been ill for four days. 4 My aunt has had her car since 2008. My aunt has had her car for X years. 5 We've had this computer since 2007. We've had this computer for X years.

c:2 hasn't cut/for 3 hasn't phoned/since 4 haven't played/for 5 haven't been/since 6 haven't seen / for

d:Students' own answers


5.2 make 3 've made 4 made 5 had 6 making 7 made 8 made

6.1 What's the point of 2 as long as 3 come on 4 in other words 5 Know what

7.b:has been interested; has already written;has been

8.2a 3 b 4 a 5 c

Unit check

1.1 make me 2 for 3 makes fun 4 fun 5 time 6 made fools 7 funny faces 8 haven't 9 since

2.2c 3b 4 a 5 a 6b 7 a 8 c 9 a

3.2 make 3 take 4 made 5 took 6 making 7 make 8 makes 9 takes


1.2a 3d 4e 5b

2.a:2 broken 3 sent 4 spoken 5 lost 6 given

b:2 was killed 3 was stolen 4 was found 5 wasn't invented 6 were sold

c:1 are broken 2 are damaged 3 was hit 4 were damaged 5 was destroyed 6 were killed 7 were introduced 8 are built

d:2 100,000 soldiers were killed in the war. 3 The door was left open last night. 4 All the books were printed on time. 5 The main railway station was closed yesterday. 6 All my money was stolen. 7 My suitcase was taken to my room.

e:1 lived 2 appeared 3 was pushed 4 was given 5 were killed 6 was produced 7 travelled 8 made 9 was heard 10 was thrown 11 produced


4.a:2 hurricane 3 earthquake 4 floods 5 rescue 6 volcano 7 nuclear 8 killed 9 locust 10 tsunami 11 lost

b:2 on fire 3 homeless 4 catch fire 5 put out 6 starving 7 collapse 8 cracked

5.a:2 an 3 an 4 an 5 a 6 an/a

b:1(-)no article 2 a 3 The 4 a 5 the 6 the

6.a:2F 3T 4 T 5 F 6T7 T

b:2 tiny 3 rough 4 threaten 5 Rising 6 source 7 reduce 8 refused

7.Students' own answers

8.2. Japan;1710;200,000 3. Portugal;1755;80,000 4. Ecuador;1797; 40,000 5. China;1556; 800,000

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Doctor Harris, thank you for coming on our programme. Dr Harris: Good afternoon. Interviewer: So, what do we know about terrible earthquakes in history?.Dr Harris: Well, we know that there were earthquakes before now-I mean, before our times-but of course we don't know exactly how big they were and how many people died. Interviewer: But do we know about some of them?Dr Harris: Well,we have a good idea.For example. there was an earthquake in Sicily, in southern Italy, in 1693. We think 60,000 people died. Then in about 1710-er, we don't know for sure- in Japan, there was a city called Edo, where Tokyo now is, and...erm...we believe that 200,000 people or so were killed. Interviewer: That's incredible.200,000?Dr Harris: Yes, that's right.Erm..other great earthquakes.erm...well, the city of Lisbon, in Portugal,erm, in 1755, it was hit very badly, erm, about 80,000 people died.And in 1797, in Quito, Ecuador,over 40,000 people were killed. Interviewer: So the one in Japan was the most terrible ever? Dr Harris: Well,no. There was an earthquake in 1556, in China, in an area called Shaanxi..erm .There are records,you know. China's a very advanced civilisation, and ..erm..we think that the number of people who were killed was about 800,000. Interviewer: Good heavens! 800,000ll Dr Harris: Yes indeed. It was probably the worst ever natural disaster to ...

9.a:2. He was84 years old. 3. He lives in Mount St Helens in Washington.4. The mountain exploded.

b:Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 killed 2 earthquakes 3 hurricanes 4 the 5 tsunami 6 floods 7 lose 8 volcano 9 destroy

2.2 c 3 c 4 a5 b 6 c 7a 8b 9 c

3.2 emission 3 source 4 rough 5 hit 6 damaged 7 destroyed 8 disasters 9 damage

8.Ways of Living(第八单元)


2.a:2 There's too much noise in here. 3 I think we get too many tests at school. 4 Jack was sick because he ate too much ice cream yesterday. 5 I put too much sugar in my coffee. 6 You always ask me too many questions.

b:2 too many; not enough 3 too much; not enough 4 too many; not enough 5 too many; n't enough



b:(See page 49 of the Workbook)

4.a:1 garage 2 window 3 chimney 4 TV aerial 5 fence 6 door 7 garden

b:Mystery word: bungalow 2 housing 3 chimney 4 garden 5 stairs 6 floor 7 cottage 8 window

c:1 central heating 2 basement 3 attic 4 roof 5 balcony 6 move house 7 share

5.a:2 Qinhai 3 tents 4 arm clothes 5 send Angie a postcard

b:3B 4 A 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 A

c:2E 3 B 4A 5 F 6 D

d:2 'll  3'sgoing to  4 're going to 5 'll  6 'll  7 'll

6.a:2 If you say so 3 It's up to you 4 There's no point in arguing 5 There's nothing wrong with it 6 They're all over the place

b:2 There's nothing wrong with it. 3 They're all over the place. 4 There's no point in arguing. 5 It's up to you.6 If you say so.

7.b:3 N 4 V5V6 N 7 N8 V9 N 10 V

8.2F 3T 4 T 5F 6F 7T

Unit check

1.1 semi-detached 2 garage 3 garden 4 too much 5 floor 6 chimney 7 housing 8 detached 9 enough

2.2b 3 a4b 5 b6 a 7 c 8b 9 a

3.2 gate 3 balcony 4 caravan 5 bungalows 6 terraced 7 aerial 8 basement 9 attic

9.Your mind(第九单元)

1.2 2;20 3 No one; everything; everyone 4 something; somebody 5 a small amount of a small amount of

2.a:2 Some of them 3 somewhere nowhere 5 everything 6 nothing 7 no one 8 none of them

b:2 none of them 3 everywhere 4 Someone 5 none of them 6 nowhere

3.a:1 recognise 2 guess 3 imagine 4 believe 5 think 6 suppose 7 concentrate

b:2 visual 3 musical 4 mathematical 5 intrapersonal 6 verbal 7 naturalistic 8 interpersonal

c:2 knowledge 3 imagination 4 an estimate

4.a:2 must 3 mustn't4 mustn't 5 mustn't 6 must 7 must

b:1 b You mustn't eat it.  2 a She mustn't walk  b She doesn't have to walk3 a You mustn't look  b You don't have to look4 a I mustn't move b I don't have to move

c:2 mustn't 3 mustn't 4 doesn't have to i5 mustn't 6 don't have to

d:2 doesn't have to 3 don't have to mustn't 5 mustn't 6 doesn't have to 7 mustn't

5.a:(See page 57 of the Workbook)

b:(See page 57 of the Workbook)

6.2 Because she didn't speak her first words until she was 22 months.3 She has studied several languages (six examples in the text).4 No, she calls herself scatterbrained.  5 By delaying things until the last minute.  6 Because it helped her to be a normal teen(she had to fail in order to learn).

Writing tip

1 then 2 After that 3 in the end 4 Finally 5 then

8.a:A4 B2 C1 D5 E3

Mack:_Oh Jane,you look like you've had an awful day! Jane: Oh, I have!It's been terrible! Mack: Why? What happened? Jane: Well, this morning l was walking to school and I was almost there,and suddenly I remembered that today's Friday. Mack: So? Jane: Well Friday's the day we have swimming at school-and I remembered that my swimming costume was at home,so I had to run back to get it. Then, when I got home,I couldn't remember where my costume was.It took me about fifteen minutes to find it. Mack: So you were late for school. Jane: Yes. The teacher had a real go at me when I got there! And you know,after that, things got even worse! Mack: Worse? Jane: Yes! In the afternoon there was an English test, and I wasn't prepared for it. Mack: Why not? Jane: Well,to be honest, I didn't remember that we had a test! Well, in the end it was OK - I think-I mean,I think I didn't do too badly. Mack: Well, never mind.Anyway,I've got to go,but "l see you at Tony's birthday party tonight, OK?Jane: What?Oh, no! Tony's birthday! And I haven't bought him a present! Mack: Oh,dear-you have got a bad memory!

b:after that,in the end,suddenly

Unit check

1.1 remember 2 some of them 3 someone 4 imagine 5 forget 6 memorise 7 bad memory 8 remembers 9 remind

2.2 a 3a 4 a 5 c 6a 7 c 8 a 9b

3.2 accepted 3 scatter brained 4 failing at 5 several 6failures 7 last minute 8 baby talk 9 hangs out

10.Music makers(第十单元)

1.1 leader 2 percussionists 3 albums 4 area 5 violence 6 complex 7 tin cans 8 neighbourhood

2.a:B5 C1 D 6E 4 F 2

b:2 Have been trying 3 has been raining 4 have been tidying up 5 have been using 6 have you been doing; has been running

c:2 I have been working really hard. 3 The sun has been shining all day. 4 She hasn't been studying hard enough. 5 Have you been eating all morning? 6 Have you been waiting long? 7 Has he been cleaning his car?

3.a:B1 C 6 D2 E 5 F3

b:2 a x b √  3 a √ b x  4 a x b √  5 a √ b x  6 a x b √

c:2 has wanted 3 have forgotten 4 have done 5 has been talking 6 has written 7 has been using 8 have been tidying

d:1. 21 2. has he lived 3. 40 4. has he made 5. 30 6. has he been 7. has he worked/has he been working


5.a:2 rock 3 hip-hop 4 classical 5 jazz /reggae

b:2 clarinet 3 violin 4 saxophone 5 trumpet 6 flute 7 drums 8 guitar 9 keyboards

c:2 MP3 3 to live 4 stereo 5 singles

d:2 an orchestra 3 conductor 4 recording studio 5 a choir 6 an open air concert

6.2 loads of 3 check it out4 I'm just saying that 5 What do you mean 6 got nothing to do with

7.2b 3e 4a 5d

8.b3 c2 d4

Unit check

1.1 has been collecting 2 has collected 3 singer 4 listen 5 have been playing 6 plays 7 drums 8 jazz 9 saxophone

2.2 c 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 7 c 8 c 9 b

3.2 violin 3 synthesizer 4 trumpet 5 piano 6 keyboards 7 clarinet 8 flute 9 guitar

11.A visit to the doctor's(第十一单元)

1.a:2 hospital 3 painful 4 health 5 patients 6 injection; antiseptic 7 tablet 8 treat 9 hurts 10 epidemic

b:2a 3f 4b 5c 6e

c:2 hurt 3 temperature 4 stomach ache 5 sore 6 pain 7 surgeon 8 vaccination

2.a:2 who 3 who 4 where 5 who 6 who 7 where

b:2 where 3 that/which 4 which/that 5 who 6 which/that 7 where 8 who

c:2 Andalusia is a place in Spain where you can spend a holiday in a cave.3 Lyon is a city in France in which a free bicycle scheme started many years ago.  4 Evaporation is a process which puts water back into the atmosphere.5 Crocodile nests are huts which are used in a ceremony in Papua New Guinea.6 Pompei is the city which was destroyed in the year 79 AD.


a:2 We used to go to the park. 3 That shop used to be very cheap. 4 Did your father use to play the guitar in a band? 5 My brother didn't use to enjoy Maths.

b:2 used to like; eat 3 used to play; don't play 4 used to be; is 5 didn't use to go;go 6 loves; used to hate 7 didn't use to read; read 8 Did use to go; stay up

c:2 to bed early, but now she goes to bed late.  3 used to play on the computer, but now she reads books. She used to play tennis,but now she plays4. football.5 She used to hate dancing,but now she loves dancing.6 She used to love Maths, but now she hates it.

d:Students' own answers



5.4;11;5;9;1;6;2; 10;3;8;7

7.2 c 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 b

Speaker 1: Oh,I'm really sorry I'm late.I missed the bus to the airport and I had to take a taxi. Speaker 2: Oh,don't worry. The planes delayed anyway.Look, why don't we go and have a drink before we check in for our flight? Speaker 1: Oh! Good idea. 

Speaker 3: Got a pen you can lend me? Speaker 4: You know,its strange-you've never got a pen!Can't you afford them? Speaker 3:Ha, ha. Come on, just lend me a pen,OK? 

Speaker I: Hello. Can I help you with anything? Speaker 2:Erm….yes, I saw in an article that I was reading that it's possible to buy trainers for children-with little lights in them. Speaker I: Yes,that's right,but I'm afraid we haven't got any at the moment. We should have more next week. 

Speaker 2: Excuse me.'m looking for a shop called 'Fun Reading'. Speaker 1: Oh,yes. Is that the place where you can get children's books? Speaker 2: That's the one. I want to get something for my daughter to take to school. Speaker l: Well,I think it's in Baker Street-that's just over there ..

5 Speaker 2: Well, not long now and we'll be at the airport.Are you OK in the back there,Jenny? Speaker 4: Ooh,not really, Dad,no.Do you think we can stop for a minute? Speaker 2: OK-we've got plenty of time.Lets stop and get something to eat.

6 Speaker 2: Annie,are you daydreaming again? Speaker 4: You sound just like my teacher! Speaker 2: Well, I'm sure your friends don't sit around all day looking out of the window. Haven't you got homework to do?

8.b:2. South Africa and USA 3. 1967 4. Louis Washkansky 5. 18 months 6. He led a normal life.

Unit check

1.1 ended up with 2 who 3 temperature 4 sore throat 5 pain 6 that 7 hurts 8 ambulance 9 treat

2.2c 3a 4c 5c 6a 7b 8b 9b

3.2 epidemic 3 vaccination 4 surgeon 5 patients 6 antiseptic 7 injection 8 stomach 9 chest

12.If I had...(第十二单元)


2.a:B6 C5 D2 E4 F1

b:2 had;'d go 3 didn't have; would smell 4 'd like; were 5 'd buy; weren't 6 'd go; didn't

c:2 left; would have 3 knew; would tell 4 would be; knew 5 didn't have; would read 6 didn't eat; would be

d:2 If I had a computer, I would send emails.  3 If I didn't like music, I wouldn't spend all my money on CDs.
4 If I were a good player, I would be in the school team.
5 If I didn't do a lot of exercise, I wouldn't be very ft.
6 If he didn't speak good English, he wouldn't watch American TV programmes.

e:Students' own answers

f:2 e 3 a 4 b 5 f 6 c

g:2 If I were you,I'd go to bed. 3 If I were you,I would eat something. 4 If I were you, I'd talk to your parents. 5 If I were you, I'd count sheep. 6 If I were you,I'd talk to your teacher.

3.a:1 surf 2 screen 3 keyboard 4 printer 5 touch pad 6 run 7 download 8 password 9 hard disk 10 saved 11 USB stick 12 crashed

b:2 adaptor 3 search engine 4 off line 5 drives 6 power lead

c:2 extension lead 3 lightbulb4 socket 5 battery charger 6 button 7 wire 8 battery Mystery word: internet

4.a:2 They eat 3I'd ask 4 We'd love 5 They listen 6 We'd have

5.a:2 shame 3 good 4 same 5 worth 6 show

b:1 It's not good 2 it just goes to show 3 It's not worth it 4 Looks like 5 It's a shame


2a 3b 4b 5a 6c 7c 8d 9a 10d

Unit check

1.1 printer 2 screen 3 logs on 4 Net 5 search 6 downloads 7 crashes 8 had 9 didn't

2.2c 3b 4c 5a 6b 7a 8b 9a

3.2 USB slots 3 search engine 4 USB stick 5 power lead 6 provider 7 adaptor 8 keyboard 9 browser

13.Lost worlds(第十三单元)

1.a:A2 B3 C1 D7 E6 F5 G8 H4

b:2f 3d 4a 5h 6g 7e 8b

c:2 had left 3 hadn't studied 4 had visited 5 had eaten 6 had lost 7 had shut 8 had seen

d:2 was; had broken /broke 3 didn't buy; spent4 wasn't; hadn't invited 5 forgot; went 6 looked; had put

e:1 didn't give 2 was 3 became 4 allowed 5 had been 6 continued 7 won 8 had worked 9 became 10 hadn't been



3.a:2 inventor 3 journalist 4 cyclist 5 explorer 6 receptionist 7 teacher 8 juggler 9plumber 10 decorator

b:2explorer 3 driver 4 tourist 5astronomer 6 manager 7 journalist 8 receptionist 9 decorator 10 archaeologist

4.2 El Dorado 3 Shambhala 4 El Dorado 5 Atlantis 6 El Dorado

5.b:2 adjective 3 noun 4 noun 5 adjective 6 adjective 7 adjective 8 noun

c:-ation: information; communication;combination 

-ist: archaeologist; artist; tourist; violinist -er/-or: climber; decorator; painter; swimmer

6.2B 3A 4C

Greg..Oh yes, it was brilliant, we flew from London to Lima in Peru,my dad and l, and then we flew to another city called Cuzco,a really old place up in the Andes mountains. We stayed in a small hotel overnight-it was cold, tool! And the next morning, really early, you know, about half past six, we went to the train station and took the train. Friend: Were there many people on the train?Greg: Oh,yeah.All tourists like us-lots of Americans. A lot of them were quite old as well. It was really full, though.Every seat was taken. But it was a really exciting journey!Friend:Why? What happened? Greg; Well, wed been on the train for about three hours,I think-yeah, it was about half past nine-and the train was going really slowly round a bend, and suddenly there was like a thump noise, and the train stopped,and I could see that the first part of the train was leaning over!Friend: Wow! Greg: Yeah, you see, it had rained a lot the night before, and some mud had come down from the mountains and was on the tracks, where the train goes. and the wheels of the first part of the train slipped on the mud and came off!Friend: Wow! Was anybody hurt? Greg: No-I mean, two or three people fell over and I think one elderly lady hurt her arm, but that was all..luckily! Friend: So what did you all do?
Greg: Well,we heard someone say that it was only five kilometres to Machu Picchu, so my dad and I, and some other people too, we just started walking in a group along the tracks. It was a really hot day, but it was a beautiful walk beside a river,and it took us about two hours, but then we got to another place and took a bus up to Machu Picchu!Friend: And what was it like?Greg: Oh wow, it's a fantastic place!...

Unit check

1.1 journalist 2 receptionist 3 owner 4 decorator 5 teacher 6 traveller 7 explorer 8 artist 9 cyclist

2.2c 34 a 5b 6c 7b 8c 9c

3.2 traveller 3 collector 4 farmer 5 juggler 6 archaeologist 7 presenter 8 inventor 9 winner

14.A stroke of Luck(第十四单元)

1.a:came off 2 broken 3 fell out 4 landed 5 bought 6 act 7 fly 8 had gone

b:2f 3a 4e 5c 6b



b:1 would be 2 had never been 3 had stolen 4 was 5 didn't have 6 didn't want 7 was trying 8 was going 9 could take

c:Claudia,Sandra and Josh like the park. Mitsuko doesn't like it.

Sandra: Hi.My names Sandra.This is Claudia. Claudia: Hi. Sandra: We arrived here at two o'clock. Claudia: Yeah, that's right. Some of the rides here are very good! Sandra: Yeah, very good! But you know, the queues are very long! Claudia: Yeah-and we think it's very expensive here, too. ByeJosh: Hello! My names Josh, and. erm..I think this is a great place! Erm..all the rides are cool, but my favourite is The Elevator.I've been on it three times already, and I'm going again!Mitsuko: Hi. I'm Mitsuko.Erm.I don't like the park very much! Erm.…. you know, some of the rides are very scary, and I can't go on them! So. erm...I won't come here again.

d:1 two o'clock 2 were very good 3 were very long 4 thought 5 was 6 was a great 7 were cool 8 favourite was 9 he'd been on it 10 was going 11 didn't like 12 some of the rides were 13 couldn't go 14 wouldn't go



b:2 invitation 3 management 4 information 5 calculation 6 cancellation 7 equipment

4.2 pot luck 3 fingers crossed 4 all the luck 5 by chance 6 bad luck/superstitious 7 touch wood

5.2 to the questions he wouldn't have got all the answers wrong.  got all the answers wrong the other kids wouldn't have laughed at him.
4 have felt really miserable if the other kids hadn't laughed at him.
5 If he hadn't felt really miserable, he wouldn't have eaten a huge lunch.
6 If he hadn't eaten a huge lunch, he wouldn't have been sick later on.

6.a:(See page 87 of the Workbook.)

b:(See page 87of the Workbook)

7.1 It's just that 2 what's going on 3 was like 4 it's a bit like 5 surely

9.b:2T 3N 4F 5F 6T 7N 8N

Writing tip

1 First of all 2 but 3 Secondly 4 because 5 I think 6 Finally 7 In my opinion

Unit check

1.1 management 2 equipment 3 entertainment 4 improvements 5 communication 6 calculations 7 education 

2.2a 3a 4c 56a 7a 89a 10a

3.2 reservation 3 payment 4 invitation 5 reaction 6 accommodation 7 cancellation 8 information 9 treatment 10 calculation

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