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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 1

1.Free time(一单元)

1.2. four 3. 40,000 4. sugar 5. are 6. 80,000 7. reads 8. honey 

2.a:2 studies 3 get up 4 writes 5 sleeps 6 drive 7 like 8 gets

b:2 doesn't like cats 3 don't read books 4 don't watch TV 5 doesn't like aeroplanes 

c:2 Do/listen 3 Does she like 4 Do they study/they do 5 Does he speak 6 do/live 7 do/go 8 does she wear

d:1 meet 2 go 3 do/go 4 drink 5 don't go 6 get up 7 play 8 doesn't get up 9 Does/work 10 works 11 doesn't like 12 come 13 don't go 14 do

3.a:Students' own logos

b:2 reading 3 running 4 playing computer games 5 dancing 6 painting 7 listening to music 8 going to the cinema 

c:2 doing A 3 looking after G 4 collecting F 5 making B 6 hanging out E 7 drawing D 8 keeping C

4.a:2 dancing 3 going 4 smiling 5 studying 6 flying 7 swimming 8 running

b:2.likes/enjoys/loves painting  pictures 3.doesn't like/doesn't enjoy/hates playing football 4.likes/enjoys/loves running 5.like/enjoy/love listening to music 6.likes/enjoys/loves dancing 7.don't like/don't enjoy/hate flying 8.doesn't like/doesn't enjoy/hates studying

c:Students' own

5.a:1 listen 2 open 3 wrong 4 wings 5 spin 6 go in 7 coming 8 driving


6.1 Geography 2 Spanish 3 creative 4 Drama 5 lunch-time 6 orchestra 7 sailing 8 parents 9 free 

7.Music activities: playing the piano

Places: cinema, beach 

Other activities: reading, dancing, painting

Sports activities: playing football, swimming

8.Sally:5,6 James: 3,7 Richard:2,8 Nadia:1, 4

Sally: My favourite hobby is dancing. I also learn the guitar-I go to guitar lessons on Wednesday after school and I really enjoy that.And I often play and sing with my friends on Saturday nights.

James: I spend a lot of time talking to my friends on the phone. Writing emails is fun too,but my computer isn't very good. It's a bit old.

Richard: I like swimming, but we don't live near the sea so I go to the swimming pool here in my town. My other hobby is going for long bike rides -my friends and I all like riding bicycles.

Nadia: I really enjoy going to the cinema-I love watching films. And at home I play computer games.I usually play with my cousin.It's great fun!


Unit check

1 cinema 2 like 3 watches 4 talking 5 teaches 6 doesn't 7 games 8 different 9 person

2 b 3 a 4 a5 b 6 c 7 c 8 b 9 c

2 running 3 playing 4 cinema 5 hobbies 6 writing 7 keeping 8 painting 9 dancing

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX