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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Unit 4

4 Playtime!(四单元)

1 Words

1 Write the missing letters.

2 dress;up 3 make;things 4 play;video;games 5 roller-skate

2 Listen. Write the hobby. There is one hobby you don’t need.

1 do puzzles

2 play hide-and-seek

3 collect stickers

4 read comic books

5 bake

6 roller-skate

3 Think of three people you know. Write their hobbies.


2 Grammar

1 Circle and write. 

2 Listen. Write ✓ or ✗

3 Look at the table in Activity 2. Write about Ramon, Briony, and Lupita.

1 likes ;don't like

2 like; doesn't like

3 doesn't like ;like

4 Write about what you and a friend like and don’t like.


3 Reading

1 Write. There are two words you don’t need.

2 Read. Write A–F

Hobby horses are toys for young children. A hobby horse is a horse’s head on a stick. But now in Finland, older children and teenagers are still playing with hobby horses. They are doing it as a sport—hobbyhorsing. You run, dance, and jump, the same as you can do on a horse, D  ! There are competitions in Finland A . Alisa Aarniomäki started when she was eleven. She is twenty-one now, C . But do these children also like riding real horses? Yes, E . Many of them are interested in horses. They practice so that they can jump very high B , just like real horses! They practice walking like a horse. And if you like making things, F .

3 Check (✓) the things you like about hobbyhorsing.


4 Grammar

1 Write.

1 No, I don’t.

2 Yes, they do.

3 Yes, he does.

4 No, she doesn’t.

5 No, he doesn’t

6 Yes, I do.

2 Write the questions and answers.

2 Does she like;Yes, she does.

3 Does he like;No, he doesn’t.

4 Does it/he/she like;Yes, it /he/she does.

3 Imagine there is a new student at school. Write three questions to ask him or her.


5 Phonics and Writing

1 Listen. Circle and write.

2 boat

3 nose

4 rainbow

2 Read and match

3 Read. Write and or but.

Hi Mahmoud,

My name is David, and I live in Brazil. I have a brother and two sisters, and we live in a big house in Brasilia. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil, but it isn’t a big city. I like collecting stamps and playing soccer. EVERYBODY loves soccer here. I have stamps from many countries, but I don’t have any from Australia! My favorite food is pizza. I like chicken and pineapple, but I hate fish on my pizza. Please write to me, and tell me what you like doing. Can you send me a stamp from Australia, please?



6 Value

1 Which children are taking care of their friends? Look and circle.

2 Who isn’t taking care of a friend?

The girl walking away from her friend in the tree.

3 How do you take care of your friends? Write two sentences.


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