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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Unit 7


1.b:1 By making explosives, including dynamite. 2 He saw his own obituary and he didn’t want to be remembered only as the man who had invented a destructive weapon.

c:A5 B1C4 D2 E3

d:Order of events: 7, 1, 3, 6, 8, 4, 2, 5

2.a:1 had been 2had been

b:be, past participle

c:1 was signed 2were sent 3had been killed 4 had been spent 5had been destroyed 6 was taken 7had been discussed 8 was fought

d:1 had been destroyed 2had been sold 3 was killed 4was held 5had not / hadn’t been repaired 6had been painted


1 My window had been broken. 2 My front door had not / hadn’t been painted. 3 Their cat had been kept in the house for five years 4 Johnny had been given a new bike.

3.a:1 ended amicably 2causes aggression 3 keeping away from physical conflict 4 when two or more people hit each other 5 knocked against 6intervene7points of view 8possible courses of action

b:1That fighting amongst US teenagers is increasingly seen as an accceptable way to

resolve disputes. 2 He thinks the programme works well, and he likes it. 3 Two boys who got into a fight in the lunch queue. 4 That they are a normal part of life.

c:1 Set the stage 2Gather perspectives 3 Find common interests4Create options 5 Evaluate options 6Create an agreement

4.a:continuous, before

b:When Alfred joined the Nobel family company, it had been developing explosives for many years.

c:1 was going 2had been travelling 3 had received 4had been looking

d:1 had been sleeping 2had been crying 3 was shopping 4had been waiting

5 was crossing6 had been thinking

5.a:resolve, find

b:1b 2g 3c 4d 5f 6e 7a 8h


1d 2f 3a 4b 5c 6e

8.b:1 hastily 2with composure 3heightened 4 to rejoice 5spared me the concern 6 might have been suppressed 7perfectly comprehend 8tempted me to accept it

9.a:a4 b2 c3 d1

b:Possible answers

The writer admires her because she has acted with great courage for the good of her people, although this was dangerous for her personally. She held on to her ideals and tried to achieve them through peaceful means. The writer describes what is special about Aung San Suu Kyi and shows how her behaviour and beliefs fit with the values that he/she believes in.

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