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第三版Reading explorer 1级别答案


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. I really love goats because they are playful and


2. There are many animals with special abilities.

Some examples: Bats navigate using sonar,

owls can turn their heads all the way around,

and dogs can sense when people need help.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A (clockwise from top) 1 brain; 3. jaw;

4. flippers; 2. tail


Reading Comprehension

A1. b;2. b;3.C(Para B);4.a (Para明);

5. b (Para D)

B. Communication:a, c (Para B): Play;b, d, f

(Para C]; Teamwork e (Para D)

Reading Skill


B.1. b;2. a

Critical Thinking

communication, play, and tearwork/planning

Possible answer(s: Evidence of ineligence

in other animals includes tool use, the ability

to pay selective attention, and recognition of


Vocabulary Practice

A 1. method; 2. assist 3. smart; 4. special;

5. advantage

B.1. alike: 2. itelligent; 3. system; 4. felings;

5. communicate

C.1. difference; 2 intlligence; 3. assistance


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. don' t know; 2 other animals; 3. the same

B. how

Reading Comprehension

A1.b;2.c (Para B);3.a(Para B明):4.c5.c

B.1. a2c3.c4. a5. b

Reading Skill

A a

B.1.b;2.c3.a4. d

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: I think they are both smart

in dfferent ways. The dolphin is smart because

it' s similar to humans- -it can play and plan and

communicate. The octopus is smart because it

is so good at camouflage. I don' t know which is

smarter, butr' d rather hang out with a dolphin!

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. ability: 2. appearance; 3. hide; 4. produce;

5. patterns

B.1.b;2.a3.a4. b;5. a

C.1. survivat 2. survive; 3. survivor


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. come to you; 2 bad; 3. quickly

B.1. F (to communicate with each other;

2. T; 3. F (The forests and other areas where

they live are disappearing or are being

changed by people.)

While You Watch

A See Before You Watch B.

B.1.b;2.b:3. a4. b

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: 1 would like to find out more

about the aardvark. It' s such a strange looking

animal. How does it use its large snout long

ears, and tail?


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. I would like to visit China because I have

always wanted to see the Terracotta Warriors

and to stand on the Great Wall.

2. I went to New Zealand and hiked on glaciers

and swam with dolphins. It was amazing!


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. They started at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, United

States, and finished at Ushuala, Argentina.

They traveled by bicycle. 2. They traveled

30,500 km. The trip took two years.

B. Possible answer(s): The two friends love

bicycling; they wanted to travel in a way where

they could see more of the world around them.

Reading Comprehension

A1.ax2.c3. a4. b:5.c

B.1.c2.d;3.a4.e;5. b

Reading Skill

A (boxes from top left in clockwise direction)

4. title; 5. compass; 3. scale; 2. source; 1 key

B.1. was not; 2. greater, 3. northerm; Belize

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): I think cyding through

mountainous areas would be the most

challenging because that would test their

abilties physically. It might also be difcult if

there were areas that had a lot of crime or


Vocabulary Practice


B.1. advice; 2. journey; 3. route; 4. relax;

5. goals; 6. worry 

C.1. object (noun); 2. address (noun); 3. record


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Pssible answer(s): 1. The person is jumping

off a tower, but he is attached to a cord or a

vine so he won' t hit the ground. 2. skydiving

B. Possible answers: These are unusual sports

that you can do on the islands of Vanuatu.

Both activities are very dangerous!

Reading Comprehension

A1.b;2.c3.a4.b;5. c

B.1.T (Para B):2. NG;3. NG;4. F (Para C:;

5. T (Para 9

Reading Skill


B.1. Antarctica; 2. 10 meters; 3. because

surfers just need a wave and a board;

4. skateboarding

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): I would suggest that they go

whitewater rafting in the national park because

it' s beautiful and exhilarating.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. active; 2. nation; 3. almost 4. bravery

B. 1. hit 2. original: 3. century;: 4. familir,

5. tie; 6. escape

C.1. owner, 2. idea; 3. song


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. is not; 2. in its original state; 3. set of things

they take with them

B. Possible answer(s); The weather could be

a challenge- it will be very cold and if

there are storms, they might have to stay

there for longer than they planned,It' s

in the wilderness, so there' s probably no

communication with the outside world. If they

get hurt, it could be dangerous.

While You Watch

A Possible answers: In summer, the sleds don' t

work, so the Haarbergs have to carry all their

gear on their backs.

B. Possible answer(s): 1. It' s easier in the winter

because they can transport everything on

sleds. 2. oatmeal, crackers, cheese, chocolate,

and nuts; 3. She slipped on a rock and fell

into a river, but she was not seriously hurt.

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: I would want to go on the

bike trek because I could see different places

and meet a lot of people. I would not try land

diving- -it sounds scary!


Answer Key

Posible answer(s):

1. I like dfferent kinds of music. I really like pop

music from the 1980s. David Bowie is one of

my favorite singers. I also like Lady Gaga.

2. Music is very important in my life. I almost

always have music on whenI' m at home or

whenI m driving in the car. Ifr m feeling sad

or grumpy, music often chees me up.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answers: 1. three times a week;1 go

for a run and I do yoga. 2. I always listen to

music when I exercise. I listen to classic rock

when I run. During yoga classes, the instructor

usually plays peaceful music.

B. Possible answer(s}: I think music helps because

it can distract us while we' re exercising. It can

also make us feel motivated to do our best,

When the songs are upbeat, the music can

put us in a good mood.

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2. c 3. b (Para B and sidebar;4. c

5. b (Para D)

B. 1. distracts; 2. tired; 3. motivate; 4. make;

5. control; 6. depression

Reading Skill


B. Main idea: Generally, songs with 120-140

beats per minute (BPM) are the best for

exercising. 1. because most people want to

get their heart rate up to this level during a

workout; 2. Lady Gaga; 3. "Make You Feel

My Love" by Adele

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(S): I prefer listening to songs in

English when I exercise, because a lot of songs

that I like in my own language are slower than

120 beats per minute. Ilike the song "Viva La

Vida”by Coldplay.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. range; 2. seems; 3. steady, 4. beat; 5. beat

6. energy

B.1. distract 2. mood; 3. control: 4. social;

5. pay attention

C.1. in; 2. under; 3. out of


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answer(S): 1 Singing: emotion,

hearing, memory, speech; Playing an

instrument emotion, movement, touch,

sight, balance, hearing, memory, Listening to

music. emotion, hearing. 2. I think music and

language are similar in that they both involve

hearing, emotion, and communicating with

other people.

B. a

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2. b(Para B):3.c4.c5. b

B.1.F (Para B and C:2. NG; 3. NG;4.T (Para D);

5. NG; 6. T (Para E)

Reading Skill

A Line 2: because of, Line 4: Since;

Line 7: due to

B.1. because of its ability to express emotions

across cultures; 2. Since he wanted to

include a variety of Western music types;

3. probably due to the fact that the rhythms

and melodies of Western music are similar to

those of basic human speech

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: Listening to music helps

me study some subjects such as science.

Classical music helps me because it doesn" t have

any words. If I am reading something dificult, I

find music with lyrics too distracting.

Vocabulary Practice

A1.a2a3.a4.b;5. b

B.1. connection; 2. improved; 3. damaged;

4. normally; 5. sharp

C.1. connect; 2. react; 3. discuss


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. figure out; 2. IQ; 3. experiment

B.12 months of the year, 7 wonders of the

world; 24 hours in a day; 18 holes on a golf


While You Watch

A See Before You Watch B.

B.1. a2.b;3. b

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): It was good that Dr. Coan

tried a diferent kind of music But I think that

once participants knew the general format of

the word puzzles, it was easier for them to

figure out the answers for the other puzzles

later on.

Answers will vary.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. There are a lot of good movies and TV shows

about space! I liked the movie The Martian,

where the main character is left alone on Mars

and he has to figure out how to survive.

2. I think there might be life in outer space,

because the universe is so big!


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. planets,; 2. galaxy; 3. telescope;

4. astronomer


Reading Comprehension

A1. b;2.c3.a(Para C:4. b;5.a (Para D)

B.1. the Hubble Telescope (Para B); 2. no,

because the distance between planets is too

great (Para D); 3. flashes of light (Para D)

Reading Skill

A Possible answer(s):

- inelligent life exists esewhere- first reason

is time. The second reason is size.

- powerful telescopes

- itelligent beings might eventually contact

us; they could be trying to communicate

with us now

B.1.12 bllion; 2. huge; 3. galaxies; 4. telescopes;

5. radio signals; 6. flashes of light

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): I think people would be very

excited. I think govenments around the world

would need to work together. Some people

would want to make contact immediately, but

others would be scared that we could be invaded.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. powerful; 2. search; 3. identity; 4. allow;

5. exist

B.1.a2. b;3.a;4.b;5.a

C.1. harm; 2 care; 3. power


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. rocket; 2. astronauts; 3. establish; 4. colony

B. Possible answer(s: (Sstudents should support

their opinions with reasons,J) Sending humans

into space to live is a good idea because we

might need to find new places to live, if

dimate change continues to impact Earth.

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2.b;3.c(Para B):4.c5. C


Reading Skill

A Main idea: Humans should colonize space.

Supporting reasons: we can learn a lot,

we can create new human societies on other

planets; any advances made in space will

benefit people on Earth.

B.1. too expensive; 2. the jourmney is not short

3. health problems; 4. life would be extremely


Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: It depends.I" d only want

to move to Mars if everyone in my family

moved, too. Othenwise r d be too lonely,

Possible answer(s: The reading has given

me more to think about Stephen Hawking

said that our future should be safe" once

we colonize space. which I agree with. But I

would hate having to stay indoors most of the

time (Para E)!

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. independent; 2 surface; 3. mission;

4. neighbor; 5. environment

B.1. a2. a;3. b:4.a;5. b

C. 1. unfamiliar; 2 work 3. safe


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. humanity. 2. barren; 3. launch

B.1.F (4.5 bllion; 2. F (the Roman god of war;:

3. T (Olympus Mons); 4. F (50 million years

ago, all volcanic activity stopped)

While You Watch

A See Before You Watch B.

B.1.4.5; 2. smallest; 3. Africa; 4. Earth" s;

5. minus 142/ -142; 6. ice

Critical Thinking

Answers will vary.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. I think many people choose to live in cities

because there are more job opportunities

there. Also, big cities are usually more exciting

because there is a lot to do and see (compared

to small towns).

2. New York City, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Shanghai,

London, Paris, Dubai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro;

these cities are important because they are

rich in history and have large populations.

Some are capital cities, so they are political

and/or business centers.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answers:1. r ve been to New York,

London, and Paris. AIl are exciting places,

with a lot of people and a fast-paced way

of life. 2. Al four cities are similar in terms of

business New York and London are similar

in terms of people, too. Tokyo does not

score as well in terms of entertainment and

politics. Paris doesn" t score as well in terms

of people.

B. Possible answer(S): Nairobi, in Kenya, might

become more powerful because it is a

rising technology hub and could atract

international businesses and talented people.

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2. b;3.C(Para C):4. a5. a

B. 1. Shanghai; 2. Indian; 3. middle class;

4. Egypt; 5. politics

Reading Skill

A 1. powerful; 2. red; 3. media; 4. yellow;

5. politis


Critical Thinking

Answers will vary.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. options; 2. especially: 3. aracts;

4. international; 5. predict

B.1. b;2.bx3.a4.a5. b .

C.1. net; 2. national; 3. section


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. neighborhood; 2. settle; 3. immigrants

B. Possible answer(s): Maybe there are Japanese

immigrants in Sao Paulo, and Brazilin

immigrants in Hamamatsu.

Reading Comprehension

A1. b;2.a(Para B):3. b(Para B):4. b;

5. I


5. F (Para 9

Reading Skill

A Possible answer(s): Main idea: Why is each

country' s food so popular in the other?

Key details: In 1908, people from Japan

began moving to Brazil to work on coffee

plantations. / Over time, the nikkei opened

many Japanese markets and restaurants in

the Liberdade ditrict. / In the 1980s .. [o]ver

300.000 Japanese-Brazilians moved to Japan,

mainly to work in electronics and automobile

factories. / Over time, a number of Brazilian

restaurants and stores opened in Hamamatsu.1

Today, it' s possible to eat excellent Japanese

food in Sao Paulo and traditional Brazilian

cuisine in Hamamatsu.

B.1. coffee; 2. Liberdade; 3. markets;

4. sushi; 5. toursts; 6. 1980s; 7. factories;

8. Portuguese; 9. bread

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: There are many ways that my

country' s cuisine has been infuenced by foreign

cuisines. Pizza (from Italy) and noodles (from

China) are widely available. We also have spicy

dishes with hot peppers from Mexico.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. popular; 2. distict 3. coast 4. traditional;

5. stores; 6. goods

B.1.a;2.b:3. a4. b

C. 1. population; 2. communication; 3. generation


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. five years; 2. Possible answer(s): the long

pole on the top of the building: the spire is

78 meters tall (subtract 288 from 366);

3. Possible answer(s): the part of the building

under the ground

B. Possible answer(S): I think building the spire

on such a tall building must have been very


While You Watch


B. 1. see what he is ifting; 2. large size;

3. dangerous; 4. above

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: Pros: good views, 24-hour

security, easier to maintain (no yard); Cons: risk

of fires, lack of space, not a lot of nature


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. I live near the ocean, and I spend a lot of time

there swimming in the summer and going for

walks in the winter.

2. There are seagulls and crabs on the beach, and

also seaweed and beach roses that grow nearby.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. organisms; 2. tiny; 3. soil

B. Possible answer(s): They break down dead

plants and animals into nutrients, so that

the living animals and plants in the area

can thrive.

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2. b;3. b (Para B);4.c (ParaC);5.a

B.1. a healthy environment; 2 many were new

species (Coral Reef caption); 3. Monteverde,

Costa Rica (Tropical Cloud Forest caption)

Reading Skill

A Paragraph B Line 2: When; Line 3: Later;

Line 4: eventually: Line 5: then

B. (clockwise from top)ae;d; t: b;c

Crtical Thinking

Possible answer(s): a city park- -I want to

know whether urban life afects the variety of

organisms; a riverbed- -1 wonder if there are

different organisms here in comparison to the

coral reef, a cave- surely a dark cave would have

fewer organisms.I d love to be proved wrong!

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. species; 2. cycle; 3. regions; 4. scientist;

5. discovered

B.1. a2b;3.b;4. b;5.a .

C.1. up with; 2. out of; 3. into


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answer(s: 1. Anyone can be a citizen

scientist. 2. They take photos or interview

people and then share their pictures and

information on the Internet This helps

scientists get important information quickly.


Reading Comprehension

A1. b; 2.c 3. a; 4. b (sidebar: 5. b (sidebar)

B.1.F (Para A); 2. T (Para B); 3. NG;

4. F (Para D); 5. NG

Reading Skill

Aa.3;b.4c 2; d.1

B.1. website; 2. tips; 3. nest; 4. visit 5. upload

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): Project name: NestWatch;

Purpose: to report on bird nesting sites so

that researchers can track bird populations and

how their nesting sites change over time; How

you can take part: Take a short test to be a

NestWatcher and then find a nest, visit it every

three or four days and record what you see, then

upload your observations to the website.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. research; 2. upload; 3. review; 4. images;

5. contribute


C. 1. place;2. care; 3. a break


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A1.c2a3. d:4. b

B. Possible answer(s: Problems- -bad weather

conditions, poor Wi-Fi connection. Yes,I d be

interested in taking part in a BioBlitz because

r d like to contribute to scientific research.

I might meet people with similar interests, too.

While You Watch

Aa.4;b.2:c 5:d.3:e.1

B.1.b;2.b;3.a4. b

Critical Thinking

See Critical Thinking Unit 6B for an example.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1.I ve seen Jurassic Park. I liked it because it' s

hard to imagine animals that huge, and the

movie showed how powerful dinosaurs were.

2. I think people are fascinated because the

dinosaurs were so powerful, yet they still became

extinct. It s also interesting to imagine what Earth

would be like if dinosaurs still existed today.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. prehistoric reptiles; 2. 66 mllin years ago;

if an animal is extinct, it means that it no

longer exists.

B.1. Was T. rex a powerful predator? Yes or

No; 2. Could dinosaurs fly? No; 3. Are all

dinosaurs extinct? Not entirely (birds)

Reading Comprehension

A 1.b;2.c(Para A1:3. c4. b;5. C (Para D)

B.1.c (Para C:2. a (Para A):3. a (Para A);

4.b(Para B):5. c (Para C)

Reading Skill

A 1. like; 2. For example; 3. such as

B.1. the two-meter Troodon; 2. in the movies,

T. rex is often a fast-moving giant;

3. Tupuxuara

C.1.c2.e;3. f,4.a;5.d

Critical Thinking

) Possible answer(s): (Para A) But they now

believea few dinosaurs were intelligent.

(Para B) While some scientists think

Tyrannosaurus rex was a powerful predator,

othersthinkthe opposite is true. / It was too

large to move very quickly. so itprobably

moved about as fast as an elephant. (Para C)

Scientistsbelievepterosaurs were actually very

heavy. So theyorobablycould not take off

from the ground like birds.

Possible answer(s): (Para A) But they now

beleve a few dinosaurs were itelligent.

(Para B) While some scientists think

Tyrannosaurus rex was a powerful predator,

others think the opposite is true. / It was too

large to move very quickly, s0 it probably

moved about as fast as an elephant. (Para Q

Scientists believe pterosaurs were actully very

heary. So they probably could not take off

from the ground like birds.

Possible answer(s): I thinkit' s likely that a

few dinosaurs were itelligent. It seems like

the T. rex must have been a predator, butit' s

possible that it couldn' t move wll. Maybe

pterosaurs could take off like birds, but

scientists haven' t found out how yet.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. in realit; 2. giant; 3. completely;

4. probably: 5. climate

B.1. relative; 2. heavy; 3. hunter; 4. opposite

C.1. teacher; 2. actor, 3. inventor


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. claws; 2 fossils; 3. humps

B. Students' predictions will vary. What is unusual

about this dinosaur are its huge hands" and

claws. It also had a hump on its back.

Reading Comprehension

A 1.c2. b (Para A and B); 3. a (Para C);

4. c (Para C;5 b (Para D)

B.1.D:2. B:3. A:4.C

Reading Skill

A1.c2a3. b;4.d

B.1. an area in Mongolia' s Gobi Desert

2. trrible hand; 3. a type of dinosaur that

looked like a modern-day ostrich

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: Maybe it could store water

and it was a way to stay hydrated.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. length; 2 estimate; 3. similar; 4. Perhaps

B.1. b;2.bx3. bx;4.a;5.bx6.a

C. 1. ask for; 2. expres; 3. dfferent


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. plants; 2. other animals; 3. a rock that

travels through space


While You Watch

A See Before You Watch B.

B.1.a2 b;3. b;4. b

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: I would like to bring back

the Deinocheirus. because I want to find out

what the hump is really used for! I would

be scared to get too dose, but I would be

interested to see something that enormous!

Possible answer(s:Idon' t thinkit' s a good

idea to bring back dinosaurs because they

may attack the wildife we have today.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s:

1. One of my favorite books is The Giver by Lois

Lowry, about a future world that seems perfect

at first. but isn' t It falls to Jonas, a young boy.

to change this world. I like this book because it' s

very meaningful, yet easy to read.

2. "Beauty and the Beast”is still popular today

because it teaches an important lesson about

thinking beyond someone' s looks. Beauty

falls in love with the Beast because of his



Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answer(s): They wrote fairy tales; they

first wrote these for aduts.

Reading Comprehension

A1.c2a3. b(Para A):4. c5. b (Para C

B. Possible answer(s): 1. "Cinderella," “Snow

White," Litte Red Riding Hood' ;2. "Hansel

and Gretel" ;3. They "softened" the tales and

added drawings. 4. work hard, be good, listen

to your parents

Reading Skill

A Answers will vary.

B.1. stoyellers; 2. similar; 3. dangerous;

4. adults; 5. children

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: The TV show Once Upon a

Time retells cassic fairy tales. In this show, the

fairy- tale characters- including Snow White and

her evil stepmother- -are transported to modernday

United States! One interesting change is that

the evil stepmother starts off as bad, but then you

understand her story, and she becomes

good. The moral is that everyone has good

inside of them and is capable of change.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. cllectioni; 2. magical; 3. scary; 4. Although;

5. beliefs; 6. published

B. 1. text; 2. primarily: 3. added; 4. magical;

5. suitable; 6. beliefs; 7. published

C.1. music; 2. magic 3. origin


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. 8; 2. to get water for their siter; 3. The

boys began to fight, and the water jug fell

into the well. This made the boys scared to

go home.

B. Possible answer(s): The boys will be turned

into ravens. The gil will grow up and save her


Reading Comprehension

A1.b;2.a3. b:4.c (ParaC;5. b

B.a.2:b.7:c1;d.4e.8;f.5;g. 3;h.6.

Reading Skill

A 1. Hansel and Gretel; 2. stepmother,

3. children; 4. house; 5. old woman;

6. old woman / witch; 7. children; 8. oven

B.1. her finger, 2. seven plates and seven cups;

3. the brothers and their sister

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): I would make the girl find

out about her brothers in an interesting way.

Maybe there can be a magical guide who

tells her how to find her brothers. I would

definitely soften the story. Instead of cuting off

her finger, maybe the ginl can give up something

precious that she owns, like an expensive watch.

Vocabulary Practice

A1.a2.b:3. a4.a5. b;6.a

B.1. determined; 2. affect; 3. forget

C.1. affected; 2. effec; 3. affect


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A1.b;2.a3. c

While You Watch

A aandc


Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): I think the Harry Potter books

will still be popular hundreds of years from now.

The book' s themes of family, friendship, and

good Vs. evil will continue to be relevant in the

future. Also,it s fun to read stories about magic

and the supermatural.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s:

1. window cleaners for skyscrapers, food tasters

2. I think it could be fun being a food taster. But

I am scared of heights, so I definitely don' t

want to clean windows on skyscrapers!


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answer(s): 1. a space rock that lands

on Earth; 2. I think scientists are interested

because they can lear more about outer

space by studying the meteorites.

B. Possible answers: 1. Michael Farmer is a

meteorite hunter. He goes around the world

to find meteorites. Then he sells them. 2. He

probably has to go to remote places to find

the meteortes.

Reading Comprehension

A 1.a2. b (Para A); 3. a (Para B); 4. b (Para C;


B. 1. the law; 2. meteorite pieces; 3. a pllasie;

4. new meteorites; 5. scientists

Reading Skil

A.Line 1: 200 orsg; Line 2: One Line 30n2011

Line 5: just CvEr 300 apund2.1;Line 6:

Scond-oldest Line 8: Ower a year; Line 9:

appraximately 10 times

A Line 1: 200 or so; Line 2: One; Line 3: in 2011;

Line 5: just over 300, around 2.1; Line 6:

second-oldest Line 8: over a year; Line 9:

approximately 10 times

B.1. about 70 or so; 25100.000; 3. around

4.5 bllion years old; 4.53 kilograms

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: 1 think meteorites should

belong to museums or scientists, because we can

learn a lot from their research. Maybe smaller

pieces that are similar to ones that are already

being studied could be sold to private collectors.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. in demand; 2. legal; 3. law; 4. valuable;

5. worth; 6. locate

B.1. freeze; 2. heavy, 3. a set of gold coins;

4. buys

C.1. chest; 2 buried; 3. national


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. burn; 2. hectare; 3. wildfire

B. Possible answer(s): They jump from planes

into areas where there' s a fire that no one else

can reach. They try to stop the spread of the

fire by cuting down the trees around it

Reading Comprehension

A1. b:2.c (Para B):3. a (ParaC;:4. c;

5. b (Para D)

B. Possible answer(s): 1. shovels and axes (Para B);

2. burable material like dry grass and dead

trees (Para B); 3. how to find food in the forest

or make simple fumiture from trees (Para 9

Reading Skill

A How smokejumpers fight fires (Para B); What

a smokejumper is (Para A): Why people like

being smokejumpers (Para D}; Requirements

to be a smokejumper (Para Q)

B. Possible answer(s):

Para A- special frefighterjump into hard-toreach


Para B- examine land/main goal to slow

progress of fire/use basic equipment:

Para C- mostly men. but more women now/

height and weight important factors/need to

be able to survive in the wilderness;

Para D- good job for "tough guys"

Critical Thinking

Answers will vary.

Possible answer(s: 1. a circus performer; They

like to travel and do thiling stunts. 2. a war

journalist They want to show the world what

is really happening in war zones. 3. a window

cleaner for a high-ise building; They like

heights, and they get to see a city ina

unique way.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. employed; 2. race; 3. occupation;

4. equipment; 5. capable; 6. majority

B.1.a;2.b;3. b;4.a

C. 1. improve; 2. equip; 3. employ


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. is not; harmful; 2. were bom; 3. wet and

soft; 4. send and receive radio or television


While You Watch

A 1. reptiles;2.7;3. 90;4. 1.5

B.1.a;2.b:3. b .

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(S): golf ball divers, meteorite

hunters, smokejumpers, hackers, upcyclers,

circus performers, war joumalists, private

detectives, ski instructors, window dleaners

working on high-rises, volunteer firefighters,

snake catchers. Answers will vary for jobs that

students are interested in or best suited for.

Example answer: I would like to be an upcyder

because 1 like being creative and Iwant to help

the environment.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. the Parthenon; the Coliseum; the Pyramids;

Teotihuacan; Machu Picchu; the terracotta


2. Answers will vary.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. Archeologists; artifacts; 2. tomb; 3. warrior

B. Possible answer(s): The colors faded over time;

when outside air hit the colors, it caused the

coating undermeath the paint to fall off.

Reading Comprehension

A1.b;2.a3. b;4. a (Para Q; 5. c (Para D)

B.1. emperor; 2. tomb; 3. army; 4. brown;

5. liquid; 6. plastic

Reading Skill

A1.b;2.a3.a4. b;5.a

Crtical Thinking

Possible answer(s): Pros: more tourists might come

to visit; people can see what the army originally

looked like; it would show how dfferent the

soldiers originally looked from one another. Cons:

paint might make the wariors disintegrate; current

artists may not be able to match the original colors.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. constructed; 2. protect; 3. techniques;

4. army; 5. revealed; 6. liquid; 7. network

B.1. a2. b;3.a

C.1. a secret; 2. the truth; 3. the cause


Answer Key

Before You Read

A1.T:2T;3. T


Reading Comprehension

A1.a2a3.c4.b:5. b (Para D)

B. 1. F (about 80 years); 2. NG 3. T (Para B);


Reading Skill

A 1. ordinary Egyptians; 2. 80 years; 3. teams

and roles; 4. arthritis; 5. 30-35 years;

6. medical care; 7. proud; 8 national project

Crtical Thinking

Possible answer(s): The author thinks the

pyramid builders had mostly positive feings

about their work because he/she stresses that

even though the work was hard, the workers

had enough food and received medical care.

Also, paragraph D is about how proud the

workers were. They wrote Friends of Khufu

on a wall, and the quote from Zahi Hawass

emphasizes that the workers were proud to be

part of a national project.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. competed; 2. According to; 3. role; 4. task

5. proud; 6. icon

B.1. ordinary; 2 task; 3. confirmed; 4. block;

5. involved

C.1. impossible; 2. complete; 3. give


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. empire; 2. aspect 3. ruins; 4. engineering

While You Watch

A 1. 500; 2. stone; 3. metal; 4. earthquakes;

5. farmer; 6. 2007

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): It depends. I think thatit s

OK for some artifacts to be in museums to

educate more people about the historical sites.

However, I think that most artifacts found

today should be left at their original sites or at

least be looked after by experts in that country.

Answers will vary.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. I think global warming. air pollution, and

the disappearance of the bee population are

some of the most important issues facing the

environment today.

2. I live near the ocean, so my community

organizes a beach clean-up day日few times a

year. There is also a move to recycle materials

and compost food to cut down on waste.


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. Possible answer(s): building, packaging,

industrial machinery, textiles; almost 40

percent 2. 448 milion tons; 3. building and

construction- -35 years; packaging- Hess than

six months

B. Possible answers: Sea animals could eat or

get caught in the plastic.

Reading Comprehension

A1.c2b;3. a;4. b(Para D);5. b (Para 0

B.1. T (Para B); 2. F (Para B); 3. NG;4. F (Para D];:

5. NG

Reading Skill

A "Imagine you ate lunch and then just felt

weak . and hungry all day," says marine

biologist Matthew Savoca. "That would be

very confusing."

According to Savoca, "Single-use plastics are

the worst"

"1 think we' II know the answers in 5 to 10

years' time," says Debra Lee Magadini from

Columbia University.

Possible answer(s: The first and second

quotes support the statements in the reading.

The third quote gives expert evidence.


Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s: Ocean plastic could affect

people who eat seafood, because they could be

eating the plastic that the sea animals ate. It is

also unpleasant to swim in plastic, or to see trash

in the water. More importantly. the plastic could

make certain sea creatures extinct or endangered,

which could affect all of us. It s hard to know how

the delicate balance of the ecosystem works, but

plastic can' t be good for it

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. Rescue; 2. recycle; 3. common; 4. huge

B. 1. take it out; 2. usually happens; 3. strong;

4. difficult; 5. al; 6. continue far into the future

C.1. extend; 2. except 3. extract


Answer Key

Before You Read

A Possible answer(S): plastic fork, plastic rings

to hold soda cans, bottle top, glove, straw,

soda bottle; Yes, many of them are single-use


B. Possible answer(s: I can use reusable bottles

and bring my own fork and knife when I am

going to eat fast food.

Reading Comprehension

A1.a2. b (Para B):3. a:4.c (Para E):5.c

B.1. Bundanoon; 2. San Francisco; 3. Seattle;

4. United Kingdom; 5. Denmark, 6. Norway

Reading Skill

A 1. Roughly 10 percent are used in the United

States alone. 2. Skip the straw. 3. Buya

reusable bottle and fil it with any type of

beverage you like. 4. Some cities .. have

completely or partially banned bottled water.

5. .. but it is possible to recycle most bottles

and milk or juice cartons.

B.1.c2.c3.b;4.a;5. b

Critical Thinking

Answers will vary.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. reduce; 2. tax; 3. Customers; 4. containers;

5. globally

B.1. quit; 2. bans; 3. pollute; 4. avoid; 5. refund

C.1. warming: 2. problem; 3. awareness


Answer Key

Before You Watch


B. Possible answer(s): pens, computer mouse,

phone case, water bottles; I probably use at

least 30 plastic items a day. I try not to use

single-use plastics, but a lot of times Ihave to

because of food packaging.

While You Watch

A 1. oil; 2. single-use; 3. plants; 4. faster

B.1. a2.b;3. b

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s): Your project name: Cash

for Coffee Cups; Project' s purpose/focus:

to get people to stop using single-use coffee

cups, which have plastic lids; Actions required:

Convince coffee shops to charge a small fee for a

single- use cup, to encourage everyone to bring a

reusable coffee cup from home. Use the money

to help fund bioplastics research.


Answer Key

Possible answer(s):

1. Marco Polo- China; Ibn Battuta- Asia, the

Middle East, Africax Neil Armstrong- -the

moon; Zheng He- -India

2. Glenn Miller, Kurt Cobain, Anastasia Romanow,

Tutankhamun, Steve Fosset


Answer Key

Before You Read

A 1. 8.850; 2. 4; 3. Nepal; 4. 1953; 5. cold;

6. oxygen

B. Possible answers: I think it will be about the

two men who disappeared on Mount Everest in

1924. Maybe now the mystery has been solved.

Reading Comprehension

A1.b:2.a3.c (Para B andC;:4.a;5. b

B. George Mllory: b, c; Andrew Irvine: d;

Both:a, e

Reading Skill

A Possible answer(s): Evidence for. the team

found Mallory s oxygen tank; no photos.

Evidence against dificult path/ poor

equipment no frostbite.

B. 1. oxygen; 2. body; 3. photo; 4. leave;

5. dificult; 6. equipment; 7. frostbite;

8. common

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s):

I think they reached the top because Mallory

did not have the photo of his wife anymore.

If someone found the camera that Mallory and

Irvine used, that could solve the mystery.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. unfortunately; 2. achievement; 3. proved;

4. path; 5. suffered

B. 1. dead body; 2. parts; 3. tent; 4. don' t think;

5. makes no

C.1. what; 2. who; 3. when


Answer Key

Before You Read

A the first woman to tly a plane alone across the

Atlantic Ocean

B. Possible answer(s): Their plane might have

run out of fuel and crashed in the ocean, or

maybe they landed on a deserted island.

Reading Comprehension

A1.b;2.c (Para A):3. c(ParaA):4.c5.b

B.1.d2.a3. b;4.c

Reading Skill

A 1. without a doubt; 2. likely. 3. Perhaps;

4. might; 5. could; 6. probably

B. Possible answer(s):1. 5;2.4:;3.2;4.1;5.1;


Critical Thinking

Earhart got lost somewhere over the Pacific

her plane ran out of gas, and she crashed into

the sea.

Possible answer(s): I agree with the author.

1 think that s probably what happened, but

I like the idea that they made it to the island.

Vocabulary Practice

A 1. headed; 2. effort; 3. investigation;

4. disappearance; 5. bright

B. 1. bright and clear; 2. hits the ground or sea

hard; 3. airport; 4. get closer to; 5. answer

or reply

C1. ability: 2. like; 3. appear


Answer Key

Before You Watch

A 1. thirst; 2. spy; 3. prisoner, 4. pretend; 5. reef

While You Watch

A 1. gas; 2. water, 3. died; 4. reason;

5. housewife

Critical Thinking

Possible answer(s:

Some people think the moon landings were

fimed in Hollywood. 1 Some people deny that

global warming exists. / Some people believe

the Earth is flat.

I think some people blieve in conspiracy

theories because they do not trust those in

power or because they do not understand the

facts. I usually do not believe in conspiracy

theories as I trust the facts given by scientists

and experts. /I used to think that the

pyramids in Egypt were built by space aliens,

but now that archeolagists have discovered

the site where the workers once lived, I can

see from the evidence that the pyramids were

built by humans.

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