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LOOK 3 练习册答案 Unit 6

6 Animal Behavior(六单元)

1 Words

1 Listen. Write the animal. There are two animals you don’t need

2 kangaroo

3 parrot

4 bat

5 whale

6 penguin

2 Write

2 whale

3 penguin

4 panda

5 kangaroo

6 shark

2 Grammar

1 Listen and draw lines.

2 Write.

2 's / is reading ; isn't learning

3 aren't giving ; 're / are playing

4 aren't swimming ;  're / are swimming

3 Look around the room/your home. What are you doing? What are other people doing? What aren’t you doing? Write three sentences.


3 Reading

1 Write.

1 busy

2 waking up

3 safe

4 lizards

5 hungry

2 Write A–G.

It’s six o’clock in the morning in Botswana, and the sun is coming up. B . But look! What are they doing? G . It is cold at night, so it’s important to warm up. It’s nine o’clock. These meerkats are busy. What are they doing now? D . They’re hungry. But they aren’t all looking for food. A . It’s looking for dangerous animals. It’s ten o’clock. C ? There’s an eagle! Quick! Hide in the burrow. They are safe there. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. E . Now it’s eight o’clock. F . They are safe.

3 Answer the questions. Write.

1 They need to warm up.

2 They are hungry

3 It's looking for dangerous animals.

4 It's warm and safe there.

4 Grammar

1 Read the answers. Write the questions.

2 Is she listening to music?

3 where is she going?

4 why are you smiling?

2 Write questions.

3 what is the parrot saying?

4 Are the bees flying?

5 what is the horse doing?

6 Is the cow sleeping?

3 Listen. Answer the questions in Activity 2. Write.

3 It's saying “Hello.”

4 Yes, they are.

5 It's running.

6 No, it isn't. It's eating.

5 Phonics and Writing

1 Say the words with f and ph. Write the words in the correct column.

2 Write.

2 is swimming

3 is giving

4 are dancing

5 is running

6 is; eating

3 Draw a picture of an animal. Write about it, and say what it is doing in the picture.


6 Value

1 Read and match.

1. reading about them in books and on the Internet. C

2. keeping an animal as a pet. F

3. going for walks in the countryside to see them. B

4. learning about animals at school. E

5. taking photos of animals you see. H

6. drawing pictures of animals. D

7. going to nature parks and zoos. G

8. watching TV shows about nature. A

2 Write three things you know about animals after studying Unit 6.


3 Write three questions about animals. Then write how you can find the answers. Use the ideas in Activity 1.


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