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English in Mind 1 练习册答案 Unit 10

10.Don't give up(十单元)

1.B3;C5; D6;E2;F4

2.a:2 a 3 e 4 f 5 b 6 c

b:2 too 3 too 4 very 5 very 6 too

c:2 're too difficult. 3 's too cold. 4 's too small. 5 's too far. 6's too young. 7 's too easy. 8 're too expensive.

3.a:1 sun 2 hot 3 wind 4 thunder 5 lightning

b:2 strong 3 thick 4 bright 5 dark 6 heavy 7 gentle 8 violent

4.a:1 safely 2 noisy 3 early 4 hard 5 brilliantly 6 good 7 fast 8 easily 9 late

b:2 stupid 3 slowly 4 dangerously 5 usual 6 healthy

c:2 She's working hard 3 He's playing badly 4 The dogs are running quickly 5 She's smiling happily 6 They're shouting loudly 7 She won easily 8 He's got up late



6.2 In fact 3 the best thing to do 4 Are you sure?5 in a minute 6 in a way

7.a:o: potato; hello

ow: tomorrow; window; follow

oa: boat; soap

o+ consonant+e: nose; joke; hope

b:Students' own answers

8.Students' own answers

9.Students' own answers

Unit check

1.1 too 2 heavily 3 windy 4 really 5 snowed 6 weather 7 happily 8 sunny 9 angry

2.2 c 3 a 4 a 5 a 6b 7 c 8 a 9 a

3.2 sun 3 shower 4 lightning 5 thunder 6 thick fog 7 bright sunshine 8 heavy snow 9 violent storm

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