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English in Mind S 课本答案 Unit 2

2.we're a new ban(二单元)

1.b:1 The Targets

2 There are four people in the band

c:1 T (Chuck plays lead guitar , Matt plays bass.)

2 F (One person (Chuck) is not from Birmingham.)

3 T

4 F (Chuck and Matt are 19, Kate and Connor are 18.)

5 F (It's a new song.)

2.b:Positive: 're, 're

Negative: aren't, aren't

Question: Are, Are

Short answers: are/aren't, are/aren't, are/aren't

c:1 aren't;'re 2 Are; aren't 3 Are; aren't; 're

d:1 he's 2 it isn't 3 Are; they're 4 Are; they aren't

e:2 Is 3 Is 4 Are 5 Is 6 Is

f:1 Students' own answer. 2 He's British. 3 Yes, it is. 4 Yes, they are. 5 No, it isn't. It's South Korean. 6 Yes, it is.

3.a:Very good: fantastic, excellent, great

Very bad: awful, terrible

5.b:me , you , her, him , it, us, them

c:1 him 2 them 3 her 4 me

7.a:Speaker 1 Like: Pink

Speaker 2 Like: Chelsea (the Blues) Don't like: Manchester United (the Reds)

Speaker 3 Like: car racing, Formula One, Jensen Button Don't like: football

Speaker 4 Like: Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston

c:2 's 3 's 4 are 5 is 6 's 7 re 8 're 9 're 10 's

8.a:Nobody is on the phone.

b:1 T

2 F (The concert is on Saturday.)

3 F (They both want to go.)

4 T

5 F (Nobody is on the phone.)

9.a:1 Kate 2 Izzie 3 Darren 4 Mark

c:Alex: The new Matrix film is on at the cinema this weekend .

Sally: I know. And Matrix films are great! Let's go together !

Alex: OK - cool ! Let's go on Friday.

Sally: Oh , Alex - I'm sorry, not Friday. It's my mum' s birthday.

Alex: No problem . Is Saturday OK ?

Sally: Of course ! Saturday's great. See you there !

d:2 Of course 3 I'm sorry 4 I know

11.a:The people are Mark, Izzie and Darren.

Students' own answers.

b:1 I like reading. 2 It's fantastic. You're amazing. 3 Throw the ball. 4 Take it outside.

Check your progress


a:2 M y friends are great singers 3 London is a fantastic city. 4 Polish restaurants are really good .

b:2 don't 3 Are 4 isn't 5 Do 6 Is 7 aren't 8 don't

c:2 How 3 Who 4 What 5 Where


a:2 Belgium 3 Britain 4 Italy 5 Poland 6 Turkey 7 Japan 8 Canada

b:2 Belgian 3 British 4 Italian 5 Polish 6 Turkish 7 Japanese 8 Canadian

c:2 fantastic 3 awful 4 terrible

How did you do? 

Check that students are marking their scores . Collect these in, check the mas necessary, and discuss any further work needed with specific students .

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