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Great writing五级别答案(1,2单元)



Unit 1

Activity 1, page 5

1. Possible answer: The purpose of this essay is to argue that

electronic voting systems are less reliable than paper ballots.

2. 5 paragraphs; 3 body paragraphs

3. a. 2 citations

b. References

c. They are the same.

4. Possible answer: Computer hackers can change the

outcome of an election.

Activity 2, page 8

Possible answers:

1. Yes, because the author asks a question and draws the

reader into the essay. Also, the reader wants to know why

we should not rely on technology for voting.

2. Yes, because the reader wants to learn about the four

strategies of camouflage and how they differ.

3. Answers will vary.

4. Answers will vary.

Activity 3, page 9

1. a. Hook: Can computer technology be used to steal an


b. Question

2. a. Hook: The animals that can live the longest are the ones

that hide the best.

b. Statement that surprises

3. a. Hook: Many students dread them, but tests are a key part

of the educational experience.

b. Dilemma/conflict

Activity 4, pages 10–11

Possible answers:

1. Hook: Some airline passengers pay twice as much as the

person they are sitting next to.

Type of hook: Surprising statement

2. Hook: Passwords need to be easy to remember yet

complex enough to keep accounts secure.

Type of hook: Dilemma/conflict

3. Hook: What makes the best jury?

Type of hook: question

4. Hook: These days kale is on nearly every menu. What has

made it so popular?

Type of hook: Surprising statement / question

Activity 5, page 12

1. a. Thesis statement (controlling idea is underlined): The

four primary strategies of camouflage include concealing

coloration, disruptive coloration, disguise, and mimicry.

b. Expected organization: The writer will discuss four

strategies of camouflage, one strategy per body paragraph.

2. a. Thesis statement (controlling idea is underlined): A

wide variety of study skills and techniques can aid students 

as they work towards their objectives in all of their classes.

b. Expected organization: The writer will discuss different

studying strategies in relation to students’ objectives.

3. Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 12

Answers will vary.

Activity 7, pages 13–15

___5__With mimicry, an animal’s coloring makes it resemble

another, more dangerous creature so that they are virtually identical.

___3__Animals such as zebras and giraffes show disruptive


___4__With disguise, some animals resemble specific elements

of their surroundings rather than their environment as a whole.

___2__Concealing coloration helps animals to blend into their

surroundings and create a visual illusion.

Possible answer: Yes, the topic sentences do an effective job of

building on the ideas expressed in the thesis because they each

elaborate on the ideas introduced.

Activity 8, page 16

Essay 1.1

1. Key words from the introduction paragraph: Computer

technology, societies, voting, elections

2. Paragraph 1 ends with “Societies should not rely solely on

electronic systems for voting because elections are too

important to trust to computers.”

The conclusion returns to this idea with “Since voting is

critically important to the effective working of society,

governments should not rely only on computers for all


3. The writer gives an opinion.

Essay 1.2

1. Key words from the introduction paragraph: camouflage,

strategies, predators, predation, hiking

2. Paragraph 1 ends with “The four primary strategies of

camouflage include concealing coloration, disruptive

coloration, disguise, and mimicry.”

The conclusion returns to this idea with “Whether by

concealing coloration, disruptive coloration, disguise, or

mimicry, animals need the protections of camouflage if

they are to escape their natural foes.”

3. The writer gives an (expert’s) opinion. “ . . . as Emlen (2014)

observes, “Animals that panic, dashing from their hiding

places at the wrong time, or animals that walk or fly

with the wrong gait, can break camouflage with deadly

consequences” (p. 18).” 

Activity 9, page 17

Answers will vary.

Activity 10, page 19

Possible answers:

1. a weather delay: a delay that is caused by the weather

2. a money shortage: a shortage of money

3. a rice cooker: a machine that cooks rice

4. an air traffic control mistake: a mistake with the control of

air traffic

5. an earthquake warning system malfunction: a malfunction

with the warning system for an earthquake

Activity 11, page 19

government officials  voting machines  voter registration

paper receipts  paper slips  voting procedure

Activity 12, page 20

1. acronym - UFO  2. conceal - hide  3. dispute - disagreement

4. enhance - increase  5. normal - usual  6. pace - speed

7. predator - attacker  8. retain - keep  9. vastly - significantly

10. verify - check

Activity 13, pages 20–21

1. In subsequent months  2. flee from the scene

3. blend into your surroundings  4. take an unnecessary risk

5. a vastly different result  6. dread seeing the dentist

7. endure hardships  8. a coherent strategy

9. a normal body temperature  10. enhance the flavor

Activity 14, page 21

1. deviation  2. deviates  3. endurance  4. endured 5. enhanced  

2. 6. enhances  7. evolved  8. evolve  9. vastly  10. vast

Activity 15, page 22

Answers will vary.

Activity 16, page 22

1. The candidate’s TV commercial was crucial part of her


2. Some animals have developed very clever ways of

protecting themselves.

3. In many courses, the final exam is worth as much as 50% of

the final grade.

4. The three largest countries in the South America is are

Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia.

5. Selling a product successfully in a foreign country may

require to make making changes to the product.

Activity 17, page 23

Possible answers:

1. The main cause of the problem is a severe lack of natural

resources such as coal and oil.


A severe lack of natural resources such as coal and oil is the

main cause of the problem.

2. The president and vice-president played a part in passing a

bill that raises taxes on sodas and other sugary drinks.

3. In the experiment last week, the scientists placed coffee

plants in special containers to see how much oxygen the

plants would produce.


Last week in the experiment, the scientists placed coffee

plants in special containers to see how much oxygen the

plants would produce.

Activity 18, page 24

Possible answers:

No Babies Allowed?

Should parents be allowed to bring their young baby to an

upscale restaurant? Recently there has been some debate about

this issue. Restaurant customers sometimes complain that a

crying baby can ruin their special evening out. They say that it is

not acceptable that they have paid a lot of money for a special

evening and then a crying baby spoils their experience. Some

parents say that everyone has the right to eat in any restaurant.

For them, the price of the meal should not determine who

can and cannot eat at that restaurant. Restaurant owners find

themselves in a difficult situation because they do not want to

lose affluent customers who are willing to spend a lot of money

at their places of business. However, these same owners do not

want to appear to be cold-hearted when it comes to children.

It is indeed a difficult situation. In the meantime, it appears 

that different restaurants will have different policies about

customers bringing young babies with them.

Activity 19, page 25

1. A cause-effect essay: Topic 4  2. A comparison essay: Topic 1

3. A reaction essay: Topic 2  4. An argumentative essay: Topic 3

Activity 20, page 25

Answers will vary.

Unit 2

Activity 1, page 28

Possible answers:

1. Brainstorm ideas.  2. Read about the topic.  3. Make an outline.

Activity 2, page 29

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, page 30

Possible answers:

1. b. How music affects our mood  c. The best music to study with

2. b. Why the service industry is growing  c. The best jobs in the 21st century

3. b. Why football is popular in the U.S.  c. Sports in education

4. b. A vegetarian diet  c. Steps to being healthy with nutrition

Activity 4, page 32

Possible answers:


Children learn about limits.

Children can spend more time outside getting exercise.

There is less risk of damaging vision.


It is hard to enforce time limits.

Children may be using their screens for educational


Activity 5, page 33

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 33

Title: The Dangers of Texting While Driving

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Establish that texting while driving is dangerous.

B. Thesis statement: e. My car accident was completely

avoidable—I was texting while driving.

II. Topic of Body Paragraph 1: Beginning of the story

A. c. I was expecting a text message.

B. I answered the message.

C. f. I took my eyes off the road.

III. Topic of Body Paragraph 2: My accident could have been


A. I had an accident. I hit a parking meter.

B. a. Police officer gave me a ticket.

IV. Topic of Body Paragraph 3: People feel a strong need to

answer their cell phones.

A. h. Cell phones are addictive.

B. A answering a text while driving is not rational.

V. Topic of Body Paragraph 4: b. People think that using a

cell phone does not affect ability to do other things at

same time.

A. The Occupational Safety and Health administration warns

drivers that reaction time is greatly slowed down.

B. Example: g. Texting causes the same delayed reaction

as driving while drinking.

VI. Conclusion

A. The ending of the story is not as bad as it could have been.

B. d. Advice—turn your cell phone off.

Activity 7, page 34

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 36

Possible answers:

The Value of Bargaining

Bargaining for the best price when you are shopping is a

tough experience. The buyer wants to purchase a product at

the lowest possible price whereas the seller wants to maximize

the potential for profit. While the desires of the buyer and the

seller completely oppose each other, it is in the best interest of

buyers to strategize exactly how they will convince a seller to

lower his/her prices. Although prices are often not negotiable,

it never hurts to bargain with the seller.

Activity 9, pages 37–38

Paragraph 1: The vehicle I was driving at the time was

approximately five years old.

Paragraph 2: Every day I receive up to 50 text messages.

Paragraph 3: The police who arrived at the accident scene were

very polite.

Paragraph 4: According to Hayley Tsukayama’s article, the World

Health Organization says that video games are a

serious addiction for millions of people.

Paragraph 5: Some cell phones can help drivers immediately

call for emergency help if an accident occurs.

Paragraph 6: Why do people continue to mix texting and driving?

Activity 10, page 39

Possible answers:

Confusing Nouns

Learning nouns in a new language may seem easy, but in

fact the grammar of nouns can vary from language to language.

Spanish, for example, has male nouns and female nouns, but

why newspaper is masculine and magazine is feminine is a

mystery. Japanese nouns have no plural form, so Japanese

learners of English may think -s is unnecessary in the phrase

many books because the word many already means plural. In

German, all nouns are capitalized whereas English capitalizes

nouns that name specific people, places, and things.For

example, English does not capitalize woman or city, but it

does capitalize Susan and Cairo. Finally, some languages mark

the role of the noun as subject or direct object, so in Japanese,

-wa is often added to a noun as subject and -o to a noun as the

direct object of a verb. English does not require suffixes to mark

the role of nouns in sentence. Because nouns express basic

ideas such as the name of a person, place, or thing, they seem

easy, but they can be confusing.

Activity 11, pages 40–41

1. react  2. consists  3. stand out  4. is  5. has

6. are  7. are  8. provides  9. share  10. involves

Activity 12, page 41

1. is  2. centers  3. have  4. uses 5. promote

6. portrays  7. are  8. sends  9. live  10. helps  11. promotes

Activity 13, page 42

1. anticipate - expect  2. at once - immediately

3. bargain - deal  4. desire - want

5. minor – less important  6. occupational - work

7. shift - change  8. thereby - as a result

9. tragic - sad  10. virtually - nearly

Activity 14, pages 42–43

1. has not been tough enough  2. receive up to $1 million

2. a sudden shift in people’s attitudes  4. cause serious harm  

5. bargain with someone  6. an occupational hazard  

6. an ability to multitask  8. a rational mind

9. a deep desire to learn  10. a minor concern

Activity 15, pages 43–44

1. harmful  2. harm  3. maximum 4. maximize  5. negotiation

6. negotiable  7. shift  8. shifted  9. Tragically  10. tragedy

Activity 16, page 44

Answers will vary.

Activity 17, page 44

1. Sometimes a word can be more than one part of speech

with no change at all, but other times the ending of the

word changes to indicate whether it is a noun, verb,

adjective, or adverb.

2. A roller coaster is a type of the amusement park attraction

with a railroad system where cars can to travel up and

down slopes at fast speeds.

3. The country of Switzerland lies in the center of Europe, while

Norway and Greece is are at the extremes of the continent.

4. Jambalaya is dish from Louisiana that people make it

with rice, vegetables, and seafood.

5. Texting and driving can have tragedy tragic results, so it is

best don't not to look at a phone at all when operating a car.

Activities 18, page 45

Possible answers:

1. The team anticipates tough competition in next week’s

championship game.

2. The child’s desire for attention did not seem rational.

3. Some people can multitask up to three tasks at once.

4. In some places, bargaining can help maximize your dollar.

5. Some of the minor details of the contract are negotiable.

Activity 19, page 45

Possible answers:

1. Owning a car in Vietnam is very expensive because of a

high government tax, so there are many more motorcycles

than cars.


Because of a high government tax, owning a car in Vietnam

is very expensive, so there are many more motorcycles than



In Vietnam there are many more motorcycles than cars

because a high government tax makes owning a car very


2. Rabbits are natural runners and can reach speeds of up to

30 or 40 mph.


Rabbits are natural runners that can reach speeds of up to

30 or 40 mph.

3. The highest score for a game in the World Cup occurred when

Austria defeated Switzerland 7–5 in the quarterfinal in 1954.

Activity 20, pages 46–47

Answers will vary.

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