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Unit 5

page 103

1 This is the Hotel Marqués de Riscal in Elciego, Spain It was designed by Frank Gehry.

2-3 Answers will vary

Exercises 1-2 page 104

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 105

1 F; Skyscrapers originated in Chicago. 2T

3F; The first skyscraper was completed in 1889.4T5T

Exercise 4 page 105

1a fire in 1871


3 Michigan Avenue, Chicago

4300.000 corporations in the United States

5American corporate success

Exercises 5--6 page 105

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 106

a transform b collapse c contemporary d feature e anticipate f potential g obtain

Exercise 2 page 106

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 107

1 the Westside area itself

2 the poor condition of the warehouse

Exercise 4 page 107

Suggested answers:

1 development; transform

3 Renovate; potential

4 the area; new, modern

5 old architectural

6 contemporary; steel; glass

7 wooden beams; brick; building; building

8 shops; apartments; offices

Exercise 5 page 107

Suggested answers:

1 At the beginning of the conversation, only one

developer thinks a building development in Westside is a good idea.

2 There is some development going on in Westside

3 There has not been much investment in the area in the past 20 years.

4 Only one developer thinks the best idea is to knock down the warehouse.

5 The developers do not need to choose between a contemporary building style and a traditional one.6 The building can offer floor space for some shops.

7 Shops would not have to be on the second floor. They could be on the ground floor.

8 Renovation would not mean removing all the original features of the building

Exercise 6 page 108

1b 2d 3c 4a

Exercise 7 page 108

Supports knocking the building down: 1, 3; because they have negative connotations

Supports converting and modernizing it: 2,4; because they have positive connotations

Exercises 8-9 page 108 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 10 page 109

It looks as though it's about to collapse!

2 Really?I think the project is going to be a great success.

3 Couldn't we do both? We'll maintain more of a

connection to the past if we include the old building as part of the new one.

Exercises 11-12 page 109

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 110

1 The building I want to move into was bought by a

developer. It's definitely going to be renovated beforel move there.

2 The construction team probably isn't going to begin work until next month.

3 The supporting walls are already up. The developers wi probably complete the building soon

4 The developer is drawing up his plans now. Maybe he will send me the plans for the apartments on Friday.5I will certainly help you with your Architecture assignment now.

6 Farah is off work on Friday. Perhaps she will help you study for the Architecture test.

Exercise 2 page 111 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 111

1 contribute 2transform 3maintain 4expand 5anticipate 6abandon 7convert 8acquire

Exercise 4 page 112

1expand 2transform 3contributed 4anticipate 5convert6 acquire 7abandon 8maintain

Exercise 1 page 112

a existing b controversial c adequate d sympathetic ambitious f appropriate g concerned

Exercises 2-4 page 113

Answers will vary.

Exercise 5 page 113 

Possible answers:

1 use reflective glass; make the building lower

2 reflect the size and materials of the other buildings in the area

3 position the new building near the edge of the site

Exercise 6 page 114

1C 2D 3A 4B

Exercise 7 page 114

1D 2D 3C 4C 5C 6C 7D 8D

Exercise 8 page 115

1T 2S 3T 4S 5T 6S

Exercise 9 page 115

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 pages 116--117

Possible answers.

Exercise 3 page 118

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 118

2 The main issue is that most retailers don't want to do business here.

3 The main issue is that most retailers don't want to do business here.

4 The main issue is that most retailers don't want to do business here

Exercise 2 page 118

a3 b1 c4 d2

Exercise 3 page 119

1 We need to find a way around the problem of high prices

2 The problem is that we don't have enough time.

3 The main issue is that people don't like our design

4 We need to find a way around the problem of attracting business.

5 The main issue is that the building is collapsing

6 The problem is that nobody wants to live in the area

Exercise 4 page 120

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 Could we increase the budget?

2 Can I suggest we increase the budget?

3 Why don't we increase the budget?

4 Should we consider increasing the budget?

5 How about increasing the budget?

6 Have you thought about increasing the budget?

Exercise 5 page 120

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2 Can I suggest we reduce the height?

3 Why don't we turn the waste ground into a park?

4 Should we consider building a rooftop garden?

5 How about having more, larger units?

6 Have you thought about offering lower rents?

Exercise 6 page 120 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7 page 121

1reject 2accept 3accept 4 reject 5 reject 6accept

Exercise 8 page 121

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-6 pages 121-122

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1 This building will definitely help the city because it has both retail and residential space.

2 Many people are certainly going to need low-income housing in this part of the city

3 Angelino will definitely consider architecture as his major.

4l will probably visit the Guggenheim when lam in New

York just to see the building design

5 I'm not going to propose a plan for the school's design competition.

6 Maybe I'll focus on modern design because that is more creative.

Exercise 4

1obtained 2transform 3collapsed 4sympathetic 5concerned 6existing 7potential 8anticipate

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6

1 Could we import the products for a cheaper price?

2 Why don't we ask other architects to submit designs?

3 Can I suggest we build a taller building. rather than a wider building. so that we don't use so much space?

4 Have you thought about having a town hall meeting to explain everything?

5 How about having a fundraiser to make more money for a second building?

6 Should we consider different types of parking lots?

Unit 6

page 125

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 126

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 126

1F;A country that achieves carbon neutrality will balance its carbon emissions with other actions 2T 3T 4DNS 5F;Jeju Island plans to have only electric vehicles by 2030.6T

Exercise 4 page 127

1 emissions 2 neutrality 3 balance 4 trees 5 zero 6 2030 7 wind 8 solar9 electric 10 charge

Exercise 5 page 127

2, 3 and 4 are true.

Exercise 6 page 127

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 128

1element 2consistent 3reservoir 4 mainland 5cycle 6network 7generate 8 capacity

Exercise 2 page 129

1Govermment 2Population 3Area 4mainland

Exercise 3 page 129

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 129

1c 2a 3c

Exercise 5 page 130

1 seafood restaurant 2 five years 3 Madrid 4 tough 5 relaxing 6 the sea 7 quiet 8 traffic 9 banking 10 independent 11 oil 12 40,000 13 mainland 14 over 1.7 million euros

Exercise 6 pages 130-131

13.000 2 35 3 turbines 4 11 5 3.500 6 water 7 dam 8 volcano 9 500.000 10 sea level 11cycle 12 hill 13 drinking 14 agriculture 15 seawater 16 mainland

Exercise 7 page 131

1R 2D 3D 4D 5D 6R

Exercise 8 page 131

1b 2c 3a

Exercise 9 page 132

a2 b3 c1

Exercise 11 page 132

1sarcastic 2surprised 3encouraging 4bored 5encouraging

Exercise 13 page 132 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 133

giving extra information: in addition, moreover, furthermore

comparing and contrasting: even so, nevertheless explaining a result: therefore, and as a result

Exercise 2 page 134

Answers will vary.

Possible answers:

1 City life is stressful. On the other hand, island life is relaxing-

2 The houses use solar electricity. Furthermore, they have water-recycling systems.

3 Dams can damage habitats. As a result, they have to be planned carefully.

4 The wind blows for 35% of the year. Nevertheless, that isn't enough to provide all of the island's electricity.

5 This electric car can go just over 99 kilometres per hour. Moreover. the battery can be charged using solar power6 The system requires that water moves from a high place to a lower place. so we've placed a water tank on a hill.


Exercise 3 page 135

1P 2P 3A 4P 5A 6A

Exercise 4 page 135

1is used 2is created 3are found 4beextracted 5are caused 6are drilled 7is supplied 8can be used

Exercise 5 page 135

2 Water is pumped up the hill.

3 Salt is taken out of the seawater.

4 Supplies are transported from the mainland.

5 In the past, all the power was produced by oil.

6 Wind turbines are blown by the wind.

Exercise 6 page 136

1generation 2element 3capacity4 source5challenge 6network 7 potential 8decline

Exercise 1 page 136

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 computers, lights, photocopiers, printers, coffee machines, heating, air conditioning, etc.

2 turn off screens on computers when not using them, turn off lights when nobody is in a room/ at night,turn off heating / air conditioning at weekends, etc.

3 save money, help the environment

Exercise 2 page 137

1consumption 2maintenance 3experimental 4efhcient 5limitations 6function 7volume 8drawback

Exercise 3 page 137

1solar panels (large scale)2low-energy 3 naturallight4 computer screens5air conditioning 6photocopier7 water (large-scale)

Exercise 4 page 138

1 solar panels 2quickly 3Cleaning 4two 5air conditioning 6Maintenance 7green 8simple

Exercise 5 page 138

1aren't 2expensive 3good 4one 5low 6cost

Exercise 6 page 139

1b 2d 3a 4e 5c

Exercise 7 page 140

1d 2c 3e 4b 5a

Exercise 8 page 140

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 141

solar panels, low-energy light bulbs, clean dirty windows, turn off computer screens, turn off air conditioning; get rid of one photocopier, solar water-heating system

large-scale solutions: solar panels and solar water-heating system

Exercises 2-4 pages 141--142

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 142

1b 2a 3c

Exercises 2-3 page 142

1c 2a 3b

Exercise 4 page 143

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1Could you please wait until I've finished speaking?

2 Would you mind explaining what you mean?

3 Sorry, that isn't really what we're talking about.

4 Sorry, but would you mind waiting until Tom fnishes speaking?

Exercise 5 page 143

3A 4N 5N 6A

Exercise 6 page 143 

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-6 page 144

Answers will vary.




Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1Nevertheless 2What's more 3Therefore 4Moreover 5Even so 6so

Exercise 3

1is generated 2 suggested 3was sent 4are caused 5can save 6 were considered

Exercise 4

1drawback 2network 3generate 4efficient 5volume 6element  7capacity 8functions

Exercise 5

Answers will vary.

Exercise 6

1 Asking for input


3Keepinga discussion moving

4Dealing with interruptions or digressions

5Dealing with interruptions or digressions

6Keeping a discussion moving


8Asking for input

Unit 7

page 147

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 148 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 pages 148-149

1a 2c 3a

Exercise 4 page 149

1contemporary 2collectors 3demand 4anauction 5media 6 discarded

Exercises 5-6 page 149 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 150

a identity b right c vandalism d self-expression e comment f composition g creativity h criticism

Exercise 2 page 151

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 151

1c 2a 3a yes b no c yes d yes eyes

Exercise 4 page 151

Answers will vary, Possible answers:

Alex: interesting to look at; distinctive style; decorates the area

office worker: no right to spray paint their message, art is in a gallery police officer: creative, expressive; should get permission Simone: expressive: colour and composition work well: could make a lot of money

Joseph: wishes he'd done it; good way of expressing ideas; communicates a message

Exercise 5 page 152

a3 b2 c1 d2 e4 f1 g5 h5 i4 j3

Exercise 6 page 152

Answers will vary.

Exercise 7 page 152

1this artist; very creative; a piece of art; artistic expressive; artwork

2 vandalism; the area's mystery graffiti artist; our illegal painter: this piece of vandalism

3 Answers will vary. Possible answer: The police officer seems to like the painting more. The police officer's personal and professional opinions are different. The reporter should be neutral but seems to dislike the graffiti.

Exercise 8 page 153

3 com-mu-ni-cate,com-mu-ni-ca-tion

4 cre-ate,cre-a-tion

5 ex-hib-it, ex-hi-bi-tion

6 re-com-mend, re-com-men-da-tion

7 ac-tiv-i-ty,ac-tive

8 ar-tist,ar-tis-tic

Exercises 9--10 page 153

 Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 154

1 who: Ray Noland2 whose; The people3 where, The museum 4 when; Mondays

Exercise 2 page 155

2ND: The painting includes the figure of Marianne, who represents the victory of the French Republic over the monarchy.

3D: The painting that Botticelli painted on the walls of the Tuscan Vila Lemmi is located in the same room as Luini's Adoration of the Magi.

4 ND: Marianne, whose image appears on small stamps and euro coins is also depicted as a statue at the Place de la République in Paris.

5 D: People who visit the louvre can use cameras and video recorders, but not flash photography.

6 D: The Louvre is the museum where The Da Vinci Code was filmed.

Exercise 3 page 155

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

2The Prado museum, which is located in Madrid. displays a collection of paintings by El Greco.

3like art which/ that is bright and colourful

4The Mona Lisa, which Da Vinci painted around 1503. hangs in the Louvre.

5 Pieces of art which/that are famous are expensive to buy

Exercise 4 page 156

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 156

1appreciate 2analyze 3focuson 4display 5interpret 6reject 7restore 8reveal

Exercise 2 page 156

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 157

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Robert: they need to find out how much new art would cost; thinks Sandra is right; they need to do more research

Bilal: not really sure that paying for art is an appropriate way to spend public money; the art doesn't really benefit the city's population; more people would use and benefit from a leisure centre; public art is a waste of money

Ahmad: art is an important part of any culture; art can help make us proud of our city; people enjoy looking at it; the location of the artwork rather than the artwork itself is the problem; moving it might solve the vandalism problem: children need to see art in public places; balance investment in leisure activities and public art

Azra: art can have a very positive effect on people Sandra: not sure a leisure centre would be popular

enough; consider moving the sculpture; could be a tourist attraction

Claudia: public safety issue; artwork really is causing more problems than it's worth

Exercise 4 page 157

Tick: 1, 3,5,6,8

Exercise 5 page 158

Suggested answers:

1 how much new art will cost

2 analyze the pieces we have

3 gather data and opinions

4 a survey

5 climb on it and write graffiti on it6 the location

7 a different location

8 choose / determine a new project9 see art in public places10 explore options

Exercise 6 page 159


Exercises 7-8 page 159

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 160

1a 2b 3d 4c

Exercises 2-5 page 161 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 162

1The speaker thinks it's an artistic piece of work2 This looks like3 but.in fact

Exercise 3 page 163

1Many people think that public art has no long-term cost. However. cleaning and maintenance need to be considered.

2It seems like the new sculpture is very popular, but

actually a thousand people have signed a petition to have it removed.

3It looks like the government wasted a lot of money on the sculpture. The fact of the matter is it was donated to the city.

Exercise 4 page 163

1Y 2N 3N 4Y

Exercises 5-6 page 164

Answers will vary,

Exercise 7 page 165

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

2I'm not an expert, but …

3 All I know is......

4 For me....

5 You could say that; however, actually...

6 That's true in part, but I think ..

7 You may be right, but I wonder if..

8 l see what you're saying, but maybe ...

Exercise 8 page 165

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-5 pages 165-166

 Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3

1who 2which 3when 4 where 5 whose 6which 7which 8who

Exercise 4

1 criticism 2display 3restore 4self-expression 5appreciate 6focuson 7reject 8reveal

Exercise 5A

1 Restating an opposing opinion 2Disagreeing 3Hedging 4Hedging 5Introducing an opposing opinion6 Disagreeing

Exercise 5B

1 In other words, galleries should be free?

2 They might want to focus on other subjects, like science.

3 At first, it looks as if

4 I see what you're saying, but maybe5 So what you're saying is that

Unit 8

page 169

Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 170

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 171

1F: Wakamiya worked in banking before she retired.2 F: She had never used a computer before she retired3T 4T 5F: Wakamiya's app uses figures from traditional Japanese culture.

Exercise 4 page 171

1 sixty 

2 her elderly mother

3bought a computer

4 designed for young people

5 weren't interested

6 design her own app

7 the Japanese festival Hinamatsuri

8an app developers’ conference

Exercise 5 page 171

1 She was a banker before it was common for women in Japan to have such jobs./Over the next 20 years. she taught herself about computers and the internet. /So, she did what she had always done. she did it herself

2 She contacted app designers and asked them to develop games for older users, but nobody was interested.

4 Tim Cook the head of Apple. heard about Wakamiya and her app. Calling her work "inspiring, he invited her to an app developers' conference.

3 and 5 cannot be inferred.

Exercise 6 page 171

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 172

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 172

1retirement 2generations 3permit 4dependents 5ensure  6pension 7property 8assets

Exercise 3 page 173

Tick: 1. 3, 5,6,7

Exercise 4 page 173

1 500 billion 2 60 3 26 4 65 5 500,000 6 %/two-thirds 7 18

Exercise 5 page 174

3S 4S 5G 6S 7G 8G

Exercise 6 page 175

1dropped /d/ 2vowels joined with/w/ 3dropped/d/ 4 vowels joined with /w/ 5vowels joined with /i/ 6dropped/t/ 7dropped/d/

Exercise 8 page 175

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 pages 177

1to visit 2going 3to meet 4to babysit 5working 6gardening 7to save 8playing

Exercise 2 page 177

1 We always advise our daughters to enjoy life

2 We want to encourage other people to retire early

3 We managed to save enough money when we were working.

4 Our friends recommend spending our savings on a holiday.

5 We refuse to spend our retirement at home6 l won't force my children to look after me.

7 We do not need to delay retiring, because we saved a lot of money when we were working.

8 The financial adviser wants you to work until you are 65 years old.

Exercise 3 page 178

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

2 Trina considered moving to a new city.

3 Her financial consultant advised her to change her pension plan

4 We would never threaten to leave our children without any inheritance,

Exercise 4 page 178

1c 2a 3f 4b 5e 6d 7g 8h

Exercise 5 page 178

1cooperate 2permit 3ensure 4contribute 5assist 6indicate 7 devote 8participate

Exercise 1 page 179

1b 2a 3b 4c 5c 6b 7a 8c

Exercises 2-3 page 180

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 180

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Mika, Japan

Importance of family: - extended family not so important Figures explaining how population is changing:

- highest life expectancy in the world - low fertility rate

- people wait longer to get married

- fewer young people to care for elderly - more care centres

Solution: - government has citizens pay income tax to

help elderly

Ahmet, Turkey

Most households have elderly people living in them.

Drawbacks: - caregivers and old people aren't free to do

what they like- older people don't like how things are done- living closely together causes tensions

Benefits:- older people help with domestic jobs and

childcare-older people have a sense of responsibility

Challenge: -elderly population is growing

Solution:- continue caring for elderly at home

Exercise 5 page 180

1 Mika: Japan;Ahmet:Turkey 2Mika 3Ahmet 4Mika: importance of family in her country, how population is changing with fewer young people and how government is helping by making citizens pay a tax Ahmet: drawbacks and benefits of older people living in households with younger people, challenges of the situation and possible solutions

Exercise 6 page 181

Exercise 7 page 181

1E 2C 3E 4C 5E 6E

Exercise 8 page 181

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 182

1 approximately 29 million

2 approximately 17 million

3 approximately 24 million

4 ages 15 to 64

5 people 14 and under

Exercise 2 page 183

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1 The 0-14 population will continue to decline.

2 The 15-64 population will also decline more.

3 The over-65 population will decrease, but more slowly

Exercise 3 page 183

Answers will vary, Possible answers:

There will be fewer working people to pay taxes and to look after older people, and more older people who need healthcare and pensions. The government will need to increase spending on these areas but will have less tax money to fund it.

Exercise 4 page 183

1 Answers will vary. Possible answers

Country A: Increasing total population then falling slightly: increasing over-65 population

Country B: Decreasing total population; Rising and then falling over-65 population

Country C: Increasing total population; Fairly steady over-65 population

2 Answers will vary.

Exercises 5-6 page 184

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 185

1Z 2Y 3Y 4Z 5Y 6Z

Exercise 2 page 186

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 186

1core 2core 3a 4b 5d

Exercise 4 page 187

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2A population decrease was brought about by people moving out of the country.

3A population increase can be traced back to an increase in people over 65.

4The steady population was due to the high number of people over 65.

Exercise 5 page 187

2 The population of Country E will be 77 million in 2050 This number is much larger than the figure of 14 million for Country D in 2050

3 By 2050.Country D's population will rise to 1.78 million people. The population for Country E also peaks in 2050 with 9.2 million people.

Exercises 1-5 page 188

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3A

1 can be followed by an infinitive

2 can be followed by either an infinitive or a gerund

3 can be followed by a gerund

4 can be followed by a gerund

5 can be followed by an infinitive

6 can be followed by a gerund

7 can be followed by either an infinitive or a gerund

8 can be followed by an infinitive

9 can be followed by either an infinitive or a gerund

Exercise 3B

1to interview 2driving 3working 4retiring 5to stop 6moving 7to travel 8to save

Exercise 4

1permit 2participate 3devote 4indicate 5assets 6pension 7ensure 8responsibility

Exercise 5A

1 cause;effect 2effect;cause 3cause;effect 4effect;cause

Exercise 5B

Answers will vary.


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