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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Grammar practice

Teaching notes for communication activities and grammar practice

Unit 1

Grammar practice key

1.2 [X] I might come over tomorrow ...

3 []

4 []

5 [X] That must be Sarah. I'm not expecting anyone else.

6 [X] You can't know Tom- he claims never to have seen you before.

2.2 might 3 must have 4 can't 5 'll 6 may have

3.2 may I must I might I could have left 3 can't have 4 will I should I must have started 5 might I may go 6 must have repeated

4.2a 3b 4b 5a 6b

Unit 2

Grammar practice key 

1.2 []

3 [X] We were going to have a picnic yesterday, but it started raining.

4 []

5 [X] I thought you would enjoy this new CD, but obviously you didn't!

6 []

2.2 was going to 3 would 4 were going to 5 would 6 was going to

3.2 was going to I would be 3 was going to buy 4 would have 5 were going to watch 6 would forget

4.2 I was going to play football but I went for a pizza instead.

3 I was going to do my homework but I called Gabi instead.

4 I was going to revise for my exams but I played on the computer instead.

5 I was going to help Mum with the housework but I listened to music instead.

6 I was going to go for a walk but I fell asleep instead.

Unit 3

Grammar practice key

1.2 []

3 [X] It was the Americans who first landed on

the moon.

4 [X] It is your intelligence that will get you

through the interview.

5 [X] What most people do is panic if they can't

do the first question on the exam paper.

6 []

2.2 No, it was Spain who won the World Cup in 2010.

3 No, it was Leonardo diCaprio who starred in Titanic.

4 No, it is Jack who has met the prime minister.

5 No, it is Sally who teaches English and French.

6 No, it is carrots that are good for the eyes.

3.2 What 1 really admire is Max's determination.

3 What we ought to do is go and visit our grandparents soon.

4 What David always does when he's angry is listen to loud music.

5 What 1 don't want to do is repeat everything I've just said.

6 What matters is whether you're happy or not.

4.2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 c

Unit 4

Grammar practice key

1.2 []

3 [X] She was able to I managed to save the drowning man by throwing him a lifebelt.

4 []

5 []

6 [X] I haven't been able to swim since I had that stupid accident last year.

2.2 Being able to 3 to be able to 4 wasn't able to 5 'll be able to 6 being able to

3.2 hasn't been able to 3 Did you manage to 4 couldn't 5 could you 6 had been able to

4.2 Will ... be able to check I Could ... check 3 couldn't hear 4 managed to get 5 could sing 6 being able to speak


Grammar practice key 

1.2 []

3 [X] It was very foggy, so he drove slowly.

4 []

5 []

6 [X] He eagerly opened the parcel.

2.2 You aren't always right, you know! 3 We really should be going home now. 4 I'll definitely be there. 5 I totally agree. 6 I'll leave the choice completely up to you.

3.2 a soft black woollen sweater 3 a priceless Dutch oil painting 4 a rectangular purple plastic folder 5 delicate orange Bulgarian flowers 6 cheap American synthetic trainers

4.2 fantastically 3 strictly prohibited 4 firm 5 well understand 6 really enjoy

Unit 6

Grammar practice key

1.2.[X]Jack had been eating biscuits all afternoon, so he didn't want any dinner.

3 []

4 [X] Why did you say that you had never met Lucy before?

5 []

6 []

2.2 A lot of money had been spent on the advertising campaign by the time the product was launched.

3 The contract had been cancelled by the time he went to see the manager.

4 Hundreds of elephants had been killed by hunters before the government acted.

5 A lot of questions had been asked before the public inquiry was held.

6 A famous actress had already been chosen to advertise their shampoo when the product was withdrawn.

3.2 had been studying 3 had loved 4 'd been going out 5 had died out 6 'd broken

4.2 eaten 3 having 4 stolen 5 seeing 6 sold

Unit 7

Grammar practice key

1.2 []

3 [X] Jean apologised for playing her music so loud.

4 []

5 [X] Our teacher advised us to start revising in good time for the exams.

6 [X] Julia asked me to help her with her English homework.

2.2 The boys denied having kicked I kicking their ball into Mr Smith's garden.

3 Maria advised Sarah to take the opportunity.

4 Harry asked Martine to give him the £50 she owed him.

5 Claire claimed to have I she had got the autographs of all the Beatles.

6 Mike confessed to having taken I taking h1s dad's car without asking.

3.2 advise 3 offer 4 claim 5 deny 6 ask

4.2 to think 3 to know 4 for being 5 to help 6 to refrain

Unit 8

Grammar practice key

1.2 Imagine 3 otherwise 4 Supposing 5 unless 6 as long as

2.2 We wouldn't have had such a great time if John weren't/wasn't so generous.

3 If you knew the answers, you would have told me.

4 If I had studied harder at school, I'd be successful now.

5 Jack wouldn't have gone to Australia if he didn't have friends there.

6 If Mark loved Polly, he wouldn't have forgotten her birthday again.

3.2 [X] Steve wouldn't be in prison now if he hadn't robbed the bank.

3 [X] Let's meet for lunch, unless you have other plans or are too busy.

4 []

5 [X] Just imagine being the richest man in the world!

6 []

4.2 d 3 b 4 e 5 c 6 a

Unit 9

Grammar practice key

1.2 []

3 [X] Mike tends to be in a bad mood first thing in the morning.

4 []

5 [X] Athletes tend tb eat healthy food, because they know how important a balanced diet is.

6 []

2.2 The neighbours are always arguing.

3 That baby's always crying.

4 Ben's always chewing his fingernails.

5 Jane's always telling lies.

6 You're always using my computer.

3.2 'II sit 3 will try 4 will take 5 will spend 6 will read

4.2 tend to 3 tend to 4 tend not to 5 tend to 6 tend not to

Unit 10

Grammar practice key 

1.2 []

3 []

4 [X] Jan had the most beautiful dress made for her graduation party last week.

5 [X] By the time you get back, we'll have had all the holiday photos developed.

6 []

2.2 We're going to have I We're having the apple tree cut down tomorrow.

3 We had our plants watered while we were away.

4 I'm having my new suit altered at the moment

5 I've just had my eyes checked.

6 I had my dog examined last week.

3.2 Cheap phone calls can be made after 6 pm on most mobile networks.

3 The car thief might have been seen.

4 Anything suspicious must be reported.

5 The cake must have been finished off by Jack as no one else has been at home.

6 You can be seen by the doctor tomorrow.

4.2 might be 3 should have been 4 will be 5 can be 6 must be


Grammar practice key 

1.2 Will ... have finished 3 'll be seeing 4 Will ... be using 5 'll have spent 6 'll have achieved

2.2 off to 3 thinking of 4 due to 5 bound to 6 thinking of

3.2 []  

3 [X] Claudia is feeling a bit down because she's just heard that she's about to lose her job.

4 []  

5 []

6 [X] Chris is due to turn up at 6 o'clock this evening, so we'd better be ready.

4.2 about 3 be 4 off 5 bound 6 supposed


Grammar practice key

1.2 wouldn't spend 3 stayed 4 had 5 would behave 6 went

2.2 []

3 [X] It's high time you learned to drive. I It's high time for you to learn to drive.

4 []

5 [X] If only I didn't like chocolate so much!

6 [X] I wish you didn't have to go so soon.

3.2 I wish you weren't so untidy. I I wish you were tidier.

3 I wish it would stop raining.

4 I wish I had enough money to pay the bills.

5 I wish Jack wouldn't use my computer without asking.

6 I wish I knew some good restaurants near here.

4.2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 e

Unit 13

Grammar practice key 

1.2c 3c 4b 5b 6a

2.2e 3d 4a 5c 6b

3.2 Right, Peter. 3 Why stay indoors on such a fabulous day? 4 Great to see so many of you here today.5 Want to come to a party? 6 Why go for the cheapest thing on the menu?

4.2 [X] I told John to get on with his homework and he did so.

3 []

4 [X] Jane wants to go swimming on Saturday and so does John.

5 []

6 [X] Chocolate biscuits? You know I only like the ones with coconut.

Unit 14

Grammar practice key 

1.2 B 3 H 4 B 5 B 6 H

2.2 I have definitely never seen this picture before.

3 This seems to be a matter of some concern.

4 Peter is thought to be one of the brightest members of staff.

5 This dictionary appears to belong to the teacher.

6 The news has definitely got more depressing recently.

3.2 This has unquestionably been a momentous decision.

3 Max will definitely join you tomorrow.

4 I am definitely going to apply for a new job.

5 Prague is undoubtedly one of the most romantic cities in Europe.

6 This will unquestionably change the way I feel.

4.2 [X] Manchester United are unquestionably the best football team in the premiership.

3 [X] The ancient Egyptians are believed to have discovered the art of aromatherapy.

4 [X] Your decision is undoubtedly going to raise all kinds of questions.



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