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English in Mind 3 练习册答案 Unit 2

2.A true friend(二单元)

1.a:2 came;were having 3 opened; were dancing 4 found; was cleaning 5 were waiting; started 6 was teaching; heard 7 called; were taking

b:2 was travelling 3 was ringing 4 noticed 5 picked up 6 rang 7 did 8 didn't move 9 answered  10 phoned 11 went 12 stayed

c:2 As soon as the phone started ringing, Godzilla ran and sat next to the phone. 3 The hall light came on as she was parking the car. 4 As soon as I got to the gate,the dog started barking. 5 Sometimes an animal starts behaving strangely.Then something happens to it owner. 6 As their owners are still travelling home, many animals are waiting at the door.


3.a:1b 2c 3d 4a

b:1 realise; had left 2 had; had met 3 didn't know; had said;was crying 4 got; had started 5 wasn't working; had forgotten 6 saw; Had,you

c:3 had 4 been 5 √ 6√ 7 having 8 being 9√ 10 did 11 were

4.a:2d 3f 4e 5b 6a

b:2e 3a 4f 5b

c:2 allies 3 make 4 hit it off 5 close 6 mate 7 acquaintance 8 friends are for

5.2 then 3 matter 4 news 5 could 6 sooner

7.a:A lot of people seem to think that pets, especially dogs are somehow telepathic. They think that they have a special understanding with their animal, so that for example their pet knows when they are coming home, or knows when something is wrong.I think that's ridiculous,though.These things are just coincidence,or it's just that the owner is trying to 'wish' that their pet is special. Statement A

b:1 When I was a child,my parents moved around a lot, sol went to quite a few different schools.I had to make friends again every year in a new place.It sounds bad,but actually I didn't really have a problem with it. It was always hard to say goodbye to your best friend,as I did a number of times,but when you realise you'll always make more friends it's not so bad. 2 I didn't like my best friend at all the first time I met her.I thought she was really unfriendly, and a bit superior. It was only after I met her again that I realised I'd been too quick to judge her. It's funny,but I'm like that with other things, too.I can hate a song the first time I hear it,but then after a while I rally love it.I think sometimes you shouldn't judge a person on the first meeting,because there are all kinds of reasons that they might not appear as they really are.I hardly ever see my best friend, in fact, because we live in different countries.We don't even call or email each other that often, but it doesn't matter.Hell always be my best friend because we've been through so much together.I know that if I ever have a serious problem in my life, he'll be there for me,and I hope he thinks the same about me.Of course,it's good to have friends you see every day,so you can share everything, but it doesn't have to be like that. 4 I suppose I 'm not the kind of person who needs to have a 'best' friend.I mean, 've got a lot of people I call 'friends' but no one person that's more special than anyone else.I think if you have a group of people you can do things with, then that's fine. Everyone makes changes in their lives, people go different ways,and if you just have your 'best' friend-well, then what happens,you lose him or her?
5 I can't imagine life without my best friend. We grew up together, and we've always stood by each other when things weren't so good.Of course, we've had our problems -I remember we once fell out for a couple of weeks for some stupid reason-but I think it's normal to argue with a friend. Everybody needs one person who has shared everything in your life, you know, who knows everything about you.

1E 2B 3A 4D 5F

Unit check

1.1 had 2 While 3 stood 4 letting 5 get 6 loyalty 7 out 8 friends 9 up

2.2c 3b 4c 5a 6a 7 b 8b 9b

3.2 up 3 an acquaintance 4 on 5 hit 6 close 7 what 8 let 9 on

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