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Great writing五级别答案(3.4单元)

Unit 3

Activity 1, pages 50–51

1. a. NC; b. C  2. a. C; b. NC  3. a. NC; b. C  4. a. NC; b. C

Activity 2, pages 53–54

Most important ideas highlighted in bold.

Sentence 1: With the arrival of the South Florida Railroad in

1880, Orlando was on its way to intensive growth.

Sentence 2: Two decades later, Orlando experienced rapid

growth again on an incredible scale when Walt Disney World

opened its gates to tourists in 1971.

1. a. TS – too similar  1. b. X – different meaning  

1. c. P – best paraphrase  2. a. TS – too similar

2 b. P – best paraphrase  2. c. X – different meaning

Activity 3, page 54

Most important ideas highlighted in bold.

1. Located 22 miles southwest of Orlando, the Disney area

alone covers some 28,000 acres.

Paraphrase: Possible answer: By itself Disney includes

28,000 acres, and it is just 22 miles from Orlando.

2. In addition to having Florida’s largest hotel, Walt Disney

World has an array of thrilling attractions, including the

Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and

Animal Kingdom.

Paraphrase: Possible answer: Not only is Walt Disney World

the home of the largest hotel in Florida, but it also has

many amazing theme parks.

Activity 4, page 56

Possible answers:

1. a. APA: According to Wilkins (1972), “While without

grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed” (p. 111).

b. MLA: According to Wilkins, “While without grammar

very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing

can be conveyed” (111).

2. a. APA: According to Wilkins (1972), communication

depends much more on vocabulary than on grammar (p. 111).

b. MLA: According to Wilkins, communication depends

much more on vocabulary than on grammar (111).  

Activity 5, page 57

1. APA: References

Wilkins, D. A. (1972). Linguistics in language. London:

Edward Arnold.

2. MLA: Works Cited

Wilkins, David A. Linguistics in Language. Edward Arnold, 1972.

Activity 6, page 58

Possible answers:

1. Thomas Edison observed that people who fail are often

those who gave up too early.

2. Mark Twain suggested that we will have more regret if we

don’t participate in activities or life rather than if we do.

3. Lin Yutang noted that you find true peace when you do

not struggle against difficulties.

4. Alice Walker pointed out that the easiest way to lose power

is to think you don’t have it.

5. Oscar Wilde thought that we should enjoy life rather than

take it too seriously.

Activity 7, page 59–60

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 61

Possible answers:

1. Orlando used to be a small agricultural town.

2. This is due to the many theme parks.

3. Orlando has experienced a high level of growth in the past

twenty years, but the level of commercialism remains low

despite being close to the very busy tourist area.

4. Clearly, tourism has affected life in the Orlando area.

Activity 9, page 61

Possible answers:

Just half a decade ago, Orlando used to be a small

agricultural town, but today it is the most visited place in Florida

because of the multiple theme parks there. In fact, more than

55 million tourists visit this area annually. These parks, however,

are not actually in the city of Orlando but rather 15 miles away.

Although all of these parks with millions of visitors are just a few

miles away, the city does not have the level of commercialism that

you see near the parks. Unfortunately, the city has problems with

traffic because of the theme park workers who live in Orlando.

Tourism has clearly affected life in the Orlando area.

Activity 10, page 62–63

Answers will vary.

Activity 11, page 63–64

Possible answers:

Paragraph A: Important information

Julia Childborn in 1912, became internationally

famous in the 1960s with the publication of her cookbook,

Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The book was praised for

its sharp attention to detail, step-by-step instructions, and

clear illustrations of complex cooking techniques. Over the

remainder of her life, Child published approximately 20 more

books, including her autobiography, My Life in France. Today’s

celebrity chefs owe a debt of gratitude to Julia Child, an early

pioneer of the field.

Paragraph B: Important information

world-renowned chef, Julia Child became famous for

her first cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and she

cemented her celebrity status with several television programs,

including Julia Child & Company and Dinner at Julia’s. In several

of her early programs, before television shows could be easily

edited, she made mistakes in her preparations, resulting in

failed dishes. Ironically, her mistakes endeared her to her

audience, as she demonstrated that even great chefs have bad

days. Child died in 2004, leaving behind her a lasting legacy of

delicious food.

Synthesis of Paragraph A and B

Julia Child, 1912–2004, was a world-famous chef. Her first

cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, launched her

career when it was published in the 1960s. It was praised for

how it used simple language to explain complicated recipes and

made them seem simple for everyone. She was also in several

television programs that people enjoyed watching. One reason

people loved her cooking shows was that Child sometimes

made mistakes in the recipe, and people realized that cooking

was not a perfect science. Even very experienced people like

Chef Child make mistakes. She also wrote 20 books, including

her autobiography My Life in France. Today millions of people

remember this great chef who inspired them to cook without fear.

Activity 12, page 64

1. acute - severe  2. array - choices  3. complex - complicated

4. concede - admit you are wrong  5. congestion - a lot of people

6. found - start  7. fraction - a part  8. premium - higher quality

9. reveal - show  10. seek - look for

Activity 13, page 65

1. concede an election  2. a wide array of  3. a lasting legacy

4. an early pioneer  5. point out differences

6. a small fraction of the population  7. intensive training

8. bad congestion on the roads  9. a complex problem

10. reveal a secret

Activity 14, pages 65–66

1. acute  2. Acutely  3. commercialism  4. commercially

5. complex  6. complexity  7. intensive  8. intensifies

9. master  10. mastery

Activity 15, page 66

Answers will vary.

Activity 16, page 67

1. Due to the numerous factories in that area, the quality of

the air in that regional region of the country is quite poor.

2. According to the article, the largest states are Alaska,

Texas, and Montana, but Alaska and Montana has have

relatively small populations.

3. Unlike just twenty years ago, obtaining a good job today

require requires social networking skills.

4. An important question for to consider is whether schools

with smaller class sizes produces produce better test scores.

5. Some airline officials who were early advocates for

purchasing the new aircraft have recently complained

about the lack of training for crew members.

Activity 17, pages 67–68

Possible answers:

1. Badgers have short legs for digging, but they can run

surprisingly fast, up to 30 kph for a short period of time.


Even though badgers have short legs for digging, they can

run surprisingly fast, up to 30 kph for a short period of time.

2. The famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven lost his

hearing in 1801, but he completed many of his most

famous works, including his ninth symphony, around 1820.


Although the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven

lost his hearing in 1801, he composed many of his most

famous works, including his ninth symphony, around 1820.

3. Venus, which is named for the Roman goddess of love

and beauty, is the second planet from the sun and has an

average temperature of 462 degrees Celsius.


Venus, named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty,

is the second planet from the sun and has an average

temperature of 462 degrees Celsius.

Activity 18, page 68

Possible answers:

1. In today’s society, some people believe that there is too

much commercialism.

2. According to this report, there is an acute problem with


3. If the report reveals any missing funds, we will take action.

4. Without a doubt, the day I flew in a hot air balloon was the

most thrilling day of my life.

5. John Glenn was a famous astronaut and a true pioneer in

his field.

Activity 19, pages 69–70

Answers will vary.

Unit 4

Activity 1, page 76

1. ✓ the reasons that Earth’s weather has changed so much

in the last century

2. Bangkok versus Singapore as a vacation destination

3. a trip to visit my grandparents

4.  the increasing use of computers in schools

5. explaining dietary guidelines for children

6. how to play the piano

7.  why some students receive scholarships

8.  falling birthrates in many countries

9. Answers will vary.

10. Answers will vary.

Activity 2, page 77

Possible answers:

Cause of stress:

Financial worries  Tests  Illness

Effects of stress:

Poor sleep  Poor health  Depression

Activity 3, pages 78–80

Pre reading questions:

Answers will vary.

Post-reading questions:

1. The purpose of this essay is to show how weather has

affected world history.

2. Thesis: Although many people believe that the weather

has little influence in their lives besides determining what

clothes they wear on a particular day, the weather has in

fact caused world history to radically shift in important

ways that are still felt today.

3. focus-on-effects method

4. APA

5. Causes:

a. a monsoon in Japan  b. fog in Long Island

c. the cold winters of Russia


a. Kublai Khan failed to conquer Japan.

b. The British failed to defeat the American colonists.

c. France failed to conquer Russia.

6. Answers will vary.

Activity 4, pages 81–82

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Describe how people think they control their fate.

B. Suggest that people cannot control every aspect of their


C. Thesis statement: The weather has changed world

history in important ways.

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Provide the example of Kublai Khan and his invasion of Japan.

B. Cite the study of J. Delgado, who describes Kublai Khan’s

failed invasion.

C. Discuss how Japan’s identity would have changed if

Khan had succeeded in his invasion.

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Provide the example of the American Revolution against

Great Britain.

B. Cite the study of W. Seymour, who documents the

circumstances of the battle.

C. Discuss how the United States might have remained a

member of the British Commonwealth, if not for a heavy fog.

IV. Body Paragraph 3

A. Provide the example of Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of  Russia.

B. Cite the study of H. Belloc, who documents the effect of

the Russian winter.

C. Discuss the consequences of Napoleon’s defeat in relation

to Russia’s rise as a world power.

V. Conclusion

A. Summarize the three examples from the body paragraphs.

B. Suggest that, although weather forecasters can predict the

weather with more accuracy than in the past, the course

of history cannot be fully isolated from the effects of

the weather.

Activity 5, page 83

Possible answers:

1. Two significant effects of phone addiction are diminished

attention spans and lack of social engagement.

2. While many people complain of bad relations with their

siblings, being an only child has drawbacks.

3. Reducing one’s environmental impact, saving animals, and

maintaining good health are three reasons for choosing a

vegetarian diet.

4. Insomnia is often a result of stress and poor eating habits.

Activity 6, page 84

Paragraph 1 . . . the weather has in fact caused world history . . .

Paragraph 2  As a result of two monsoons . . .

Because of this unexpected defeat . . .

Paragraph 3  Due to this fog

Consequently, today’s United Kingdom of  England. . .

Paragraph 4  However, because his dreams of glory . . .

As a consequence of the failure of . . .

Paragraph 5 . . . the weather has been a key factor in  numerous . . .

Activity 7, pages 84–85

1. If  2. as a consequence of / because of  3. Thus

4. in order to  5. Finally  6. because  7. can lead to  8. Furthermore

Activity 8, page 86

A Simple Experiment

In our experiment, we placed three live freshwater plants

into a quart jar that was is filled with fresh water at 70 degrees

Fahrenheit. We then carefully added a medium-sized goldfish.

Next, we tightened tighten the lid and wrapped tape tightly

around the lid. This very last step was is done to ensure that

no air could can enter or exit the bottle. The jar was placed

on a shelf where it was is exposed to indirect sunlight for

approximately eight hours each day. At one o’clock every day

for a week, we observed the fish swimming in the jar. On several

occasions, we noticed notice that the plants emitted multiple

bubbles of a gas. The fish survived for the entire week even

though no food or air was provided. Our original hypothesis

was that the green plants produced a gas. We now believe

believed this gas was oxygen.

Activity 9, page 87

1. C

2. F; With no remarkable difference except the color of the

exterior paint.

Possible answer: The two houses stood side by side with

no remarkable difference except the color of the exterior paint.

3. F; A history of many intriguing stories of leprechauns,

fairies, and elves.

Possible answer: Ireland is a country with a history of many

intriguing stories of leprechauns, fairies, and elves.

4. C

5. F; Because of the unprecedented popularity of this particular film.

Possible answer: Because of the unprecedented popularity

of this particular film, producers were extremely eager to

begin work on its sequel.

6. C

7. F; After nearly three decades of separation.

Possible answer: When the two brothers finally meet after

nearly three decades of separation, the atmosphere is tense.

8. C

9. F; Pay a great deal to talk with a so-called expert who

claims to be able to understand what dreams mean.

Possible answer: I don’t want to pay a great deal to

talk with a so-called expert who claims to be able to

understand what dreams mean.

10. F; Since the bus workers in the area are continuing their

strike over pay.

Possible answer: Since the bus workers in the area are

continuing their strike over pay, thousands of commuters

in the capital city were once again late for work today.

Activity 10, page 88

1. emit - release  2. brutal - bad  3. handily - easily

4. obstacle - problem  5. unambiguously - clearly

6. retreat - go back  7. crush - defeat  8. tempting - inviting

9. hypothesis - idea  10. superior - better

Activity 11, pages 88–89

1. during the king’s reign  2. completely overlook the obvious

3. a radically different idea  4. according to the original hypothesis

5. a reciprocal agreement  6. a serious obstacle to achieving a goal

7. the soldiers were ordered to retreat  8. span several decades

9. a dreadful mistake  10. occur multiple times

Activity 12, page 89

1. densely  2. dense  3. intervene  4. intervention

5. justification  6. justify  7. justified  8. temptation

9. tempting  10. tempt

Activity 13, page 90

Answers will vary.

Activity 14, page 90

1. Flights from San Francisco were delayed because the fog

caused limited visible visibility.

2. Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United

States on January 20, 2009, and served two terms for a

total of eight years.

3. The country of Singapore was a part of the Federation of

Malaya until 1965 that is when it became an independent


4. One of the most famous desserts in Argentina is dulce

de leche, which is a sugary paste that people eat with ice


5. O. Henry is the pen-name of a well-known American author

whose short stories are considered classics.

Activity 15, page 91

Possible answers:

1. The beautiful countries of Switzerland and Austria lie in the

center of Europe.

2. Because the verb get has many different meanings, it is

difficult for people who are learning English.


The verb get has many different meanings, so it is difficult

for people who are learning English.

3. The Beatles were a musical group from the United

Kingdom that became internationally famous in the 1960s.


The Beatles, a musical group from the United Kingdom,

became internationally famous in the 1960s.

Activity 16, page 92

Possible answers:

Lighting the World 

One of the most positive outcomes of the invention of the

light bulb is that it has allowed people to expand their lives into the

dark hours of night. Human productivity increased significantly

after this invention significantly because better lighting enabled

people to read, study, work, play, and socialize into the late

hours. In addition, the prevalence of affordable lighting allowed

companies to continue to manufacture their products during the

night hours. Electric lighting also enhanced public safetybecause 

city streets were illuminated without the potentially potential

danger of gas. Now that electric lights are everywhere, it is almost

impossible to imagine a world without them.

Activity 17, pages 92–93

1. a  2. c

3. Possible answer: Though some people think granola bars

are good for you, they can contain a lot of sugar as well.

4. Possible answer: Earth’s population has increased

dramatically since 1800, and it looks like this growth will continue.

Activities 18, pages 94–95

Answers will vary.

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