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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Unit 3

3.Other worlds(三单元)

1.a:2 purchases 3 living 4 economy 5 take 6 cash 7 economic 8 interest 9 currency

b:1 economic 2 earn a living 3 economy 4 cash card 5 purchases 6 open an account 7 Take out 8 interest rate 9 currency

c:2 economise 3 a fortune 4 rip 5 interest 6 tighten 7 income 8 interest

2.a:2 What's amazing is that Lovely has a bigger population than some 'real' countries.

3 What I find weird is Wallace's visit to Death Row.

4 What I'd do first with a new country is make myself president.

5 What's disappointing is that he wasn't accepted into the United Nations.

6 What I think people should do is stop inventing new countries and concentrate on making things better in the real ones.

b:2 No, it was Jim who told us.

3 No, what confused me was the ending of the film.

4 No, the things she didn't say were what upset me.

5 No, it was his brother who failed it.

6 No, what I found difficult was the written exam.

c:2 No, it was the cinema you took me to.

3 No, what we saw was The Wizard of Oz.

4 No, it was me who bought you a coffee.

5 No, what we did was meet my parents.

6 No, he didn't . It was my mum who liked you.

7 No, it was a hat she knitted you.

3.2 possessions 3 access 4 responsible 5 theft 6 compensation 7 creators 8 argument 9 value 10 liable 11 faulty 12 system

4.a:responsible, liable, argumentative, virtual

b:2a 3g 4b 5c 6d 7h 8f

5.a:The sea' is a pool of Alice's tears.

b:1 leaving the hall 2 the sound of the White Rabbit's feet 3 the way in which the White Rabbit moved 4 who Alice is

c:Possible answers: 1 she was stuck. 2 she ought to be ashamed of herself. 3 he was surprised. 4 she was getting smaller again.

d:Students' own answers.


b:2 July 3 Jamaica 4 the United States 5 peaceful 6 Gambling 7 currency 8 a few years after 1964 9 make money; have fun

OK, so now you all know about the country called 'Lovely' that Danny Wallace started. And I guess you might be thinking that he was the first person ever to do this- to create a country. But you'd be wrong. We don't have to go too far back in time -only about SO years or so, to the mid-1960s- to find another country being conjured up out of nothing, as it were. The man who did it had a very famous surnameHemingway. This was Leicester Hemingway, and he was the brother of Ernest Hemingway, one of the most famous American writers of the 20th century. Now Leicester, who was the younger of the two brothers, did seem to have some problems with being the younger brother of a world-famous writer - he said once that his brother was 'a tough act to follow'. Is this why he decided to be inventive himself and create a new country? Maybe, maybe not. Whichever way, Leicester founded a country that he called 'New Atlantis' in 1964- on the 4th of July, to be exact, for reasons that are not hard to

understand! What he did was, he found a bit of the sea in the Caribbean, very close to the island of Jamaica, that wasn't very deep, only about 15 metres deep, and he put the engine from an old Ford motor car at the bottom of that part of the sea. Then he tied a wooden raft, a raft about three metres by ten metres, to the engine and declared, under an old USA law that no-one really knew existed, that the raft was the country of New Atlantis. Actually, he declared that half of the 'island' belonged to the United States, and the other half was New Atlantis. Then Hemingway phoned a few friends - seven friends, to be exact - and they agreed to be the citizens of New Atlantis. They immediately elected Hemingway president- surprise, surprise! And Leicester solemnly told a Jamaican newspaper that his new Republic 'would be peaceful and would not threaten' its Caribbean neighbours. No doubt Jamaica, Cuba and the Dominican Republic were relieved to hear that! He also banned gambling on the island, and said that one of the reasons for its existence was to protect fishing resources -a good environmental motive, I'd say. New Atlantis had a flag and Hemingway created a currency too, it was called 'the scruple'. Now, as you probably know, a scruple is actually a feeling about what is morally correct or good, so

Hemingway, we can see, was a man of principlehe actually thought that people with money and power had a responsibility to do good things. Anyway. once New Atlantis was established, what Hemingway mostly did was print stamps- postage stamps, the things we used to use on letters before we all had email- and try to sell them. Of course, neither the country nor the stamps were ever actually recognised, officially, by anyone anywhere! So Hemingway didn't make any money out of that. In fact, New Atlantis didn't last very long. A few years after 1964, it disappeared in a strong storm.

But Hemingway had had a lot of fun - he once said that he created his country 'to make money and have fun', so at least he managed the second of those. He also got a letter from the President of the USA at the time, Lyndon Johnson, to say 'thank-you' for the stamp that called Johnson 'the protector of the entire free world'. OK, so that's New Atlantis- now, are there any other so-called countries that we can find out about? Or perhaps you have questions about New Atlantis? Yes, what's your question?

Unit check

1.2 principality 3 currency 4 It 5 independence 6 Prince 7 what 8 economic 9 independent 10 earn

2.2a 3c 4a Sb 6b 7c 8e 9b

3.2 imaginary 3 construction 4 income 5 rip off 6 belts 7 What 8 reality 9 fortune

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