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Great writing三级别答案(单元)

UNIT 3 Types of Paragraphs


Activity 1, pages 60–61

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to explain the effects of

the shrinking of the Aral Sea.

2. the effects

3. Since the 1960s, the South Aral Sea in Central Asia has

shrunk to less than 10 percent of its original size, which has

led to many negative consequences.

4. many negative consequences

5. the increase in salt killing off sea life, loss of jobs,

abandoned boats

6. prediction

Activity 2, page 62

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, pages 63–64

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to compare relationships

with family and with friends.

2. very different

3. a, c

Activity 4, page 64

Answers will vary.

Activity 5, pages 65–66

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to classify runners.

2. In the world of track-and-field, there are three different

types of runners: sprinters, middle-distance runners, and

distance runners.

3. three; sprinters, middle-distance runners, and distance


4. distance of race and physical qualities of runners

5. restatement

Activity 6, page 67

1. In my country, most people lives live near the coast

because the interior is too dry.

2. One of the basic principles of economics are is that we

have to make choices with our resources.

3. Sometimes parents and a child does do not agree on what

is best for the child’s future.

4. People say that the airline industry is in trouble and airlines

face many economic problems, but all of the flights out of

the New York City area is are usually full.

5. Many students are not prepared for the amount of

studying they has have to do in college.

6. There is are several problems with that approach.

7. Playing sports such as soccer and basketball are is very

hard on an athlete’s knees.

8. While many large animals are still endangered, some

smaller species is are doing better.

9. Anyone with a student ID card, including part-time

students, are is allowed to use the gym.

10. The family always vacations in Europe.

Activity 7, page 68

In many countries around the world, shooting fireworks

into the sky are is a traditional way to celebrate special

occasions. Some countries use fireworks to mark their

independence. For instance, Mexicans celebrates celebrate

Independence Day on September 16th with parades, fairs,

fireworks, and rodeos. Other countries have fireworks displays

as part of an actual competition. On the last Saturday in July, the

Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival is held in Japan. It is a 300-year

old contest to see which fireworks company have has the most

beautiful display. Perhaps the most common use of fireworks

are is seen on December 31st, when many countries celebrate

the beginning of the new year at midnight. People across the

world uses use spectacular fireworks in a variety of ways.

Activity 8, page 69

Most college students hope to achievement achieve

academic success, but they are not sure how to reach this goal.

Of course, they know about the importance of note-taking skills

and reviewing information before an exam. However, there are

other strategies that can help. Juan Rodriguez discovered this

in a particularly difficult calculus class. Choosing to sit in the

front of the class was one of his strategies. When he sat there,

he paid more attentive attention to the lecture and was more

engaged. Another strategy was previewing the information that

the instructor was going to introduction introduce. Juan would

go over the new material the day before the lecture and come

to class with an idea of that day’s lecture topic. He was more

comfort comfortable with the information because it was not

new to him. Finally, Juan found a classmate who was already

good at calculus. By asking for his classmate’s help, Juan received

alternative explain explanations from those of his instructor.

Having this “expert” friend who explained difficult math concepts

allowed Juan to process calculus more easy easily. If a student

makes some adjustments to his or her academic habits, as Juan

did, he or she will likely be more succeed successful.

Activity 9, page 70

Answers will vary.

Activity 10, pages 71–72

1. The purpose of this paragraph is to describe a problem

with textbooks and propose a solution.

2. Textbooks have a negative impact on the environment.

3. Use e-books instead.

4. fewer trees cut down, less trash in landfills, less water used

Activity 11, page 72

Answers will vary.


Activity 12, page 73

1. real  2. be associated with  3. mixture  4. difficult choice

5. interesting  6. effect  7. necessary  8. communication

9. especially  10. get smaller

Activity 13, pages 73–74

1. doubtful  2. commercial  3. guarantee  4. endurance

5. abandoned  6. motivated  7. display  8. strong

9. distinct  10. consequences

Activity 14, page 75

1. abandoned  2. consequence  3. destroy, destructive/destroyed

4. region, regionally  5. fascination, fascinating/fascinated

6. doubt, doubtful  7. resident/residence, reside

Activity 15, page 75

1. additional  2. add  3. endurance  4. endure

5. interactive  6. interaction  7. motivate

8. motivated  9. strategically  10. strategize

Activity 16, page 76

Answers will vary.


Activity 17, page 76

Every four years the best athletes around the world

competes compete in the Olympics or the Paralympics.

Although both competitions feature many of the same

events and the highest level of performance. They, they are

distinct programs. The most important different difference is

between the athletes themselves. While Olympic athletes are

able-bodied, Paralympians have some form of disability. They

may been have have been born with physical problems, or

they might have experienced injuries. This often means the

athletes need special facilities. Another difference between

the two are is financial support. The Olympic Games and its

athletes get much more money and more attention. Both sets

of athletes demonstrate strength, speed, and endurance, so the

Paralympians should get the same support.

Activity 18, page 77

1. Swimming is a better exercise than running for people

over 50.

2. Grocery delivery services can be a convenient solution for

busy families.

3. Several common activities can have a negative impact on

your sleep.

4. Driverless cars have several distinct advantages over cars

driven by people.

5. Students have two choices of on-campus housing:

apartments or dorms.

Activity 19, page 78

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Although she was born in Ukraine in 1989 with severe

physical problems, Oksana Masters is now an outstanding

American athlete who competes in cross-country skiing

and cycling.

2. Alligators have wide, short, U-shaped faces while

crocodiles have slender, almost V-shaped ones.

3. Researchers plan to design a wind turbine with 650-foot

(198-meter) blades that is taller than the Eiffel Tower and

that could reduce the cost of wind power by 50 percent.


Activities 20–22, pages 79–80

Answers will vary.

UNIT 4 Classification Essays: Moving

from Paragraph to Essay


Activity 1, page 85

1. stage acting, television acting, and film acting

2. Answers will vary. Specific information about each of

the three forms of acting could be added to expand this

paragraph into an essay.

3. five: introduction, stage acting, television acting, film

acting, conclusion

Activity 2, pages 87–89

1. Hook: Did you know that as recently as a few generations

ago, one of the most common forms of entertainment was

listening to actors in radio dramas? a question

2. Interesting facts from the history of acting/details about

radio in the 1930s

3. Thesis statement: Modern acting comes in a variety of

forms and can be classified in to three types: stage acting,

television acting, and film acting.

Points of development: stage acting, television acting, and

film acting

4. The thesis statement is similar. It gives the main idea and

tells how the essay will be developed.

5. Answers will vary.

Activity 3, pages 90-91

I. Introduction

I. C. Thesis statement

II. A. 2. Range from old plays to new ones

II. B. 2. Sets stay the same

II. C. 2. Must memorize lines

II. D. 1. No editing

III. Television acting

III. A. 1. Best-known type of acting

III. B. 1. Stories change every week

III. D. 1. Teleprompters give lines

IV. Type 3

IV. A. 1. Begins with a screenplay

IV. C. 2. A lot of work for actors

Activity 4, page 92

1. Actors who perform in stage plays must be able to

memorize all their lines.

2. African elephants, which have larger ears, are bigger than

Asian elephants.

3. Movie theaters that offer reserved seats and full menus are

becoming increasingly popular.

4. Ladders, which can be used to paint a house, can be

surprisingly dangerous.

5. Saltwater aquariums, which can hold sharks, require a lot

of maintenance.

Activity 5, pages 92–93

1. Emma Watson, who has appeared in all eight Harry Potter

movies, knew she wanted to act at the age of six.

2. Movies that feature superheroes often make a lot of money.

3. George W. Bush, who was the 43rd president of the United

States, has taken up painting.

4. Teachers can reschedule exams for students who have a

good excuse.

5. Nowadays, many people use phone apps that provide

directions and traffic information.

6. Shakespeare wrote many plays that were either tragic,

humorous, or historical.

Activity 6, pages 93–95

1. The purpose of this essay is to classify vacations by who

you travel with.

2. Thesis statement: Vacations can be classified on the basis

of who vacationers choose to travel with: with family, with

friends, or alone.

Points of development: with family, with friends, or alone

3. Paragraph 2: Family travel is special and creates lasting

memories, but it can also have some challenges.

Paragraph 3: Traveling with friends can be an unforgettable

experience for several reasons.

Paragraph 4: Finally, people can choose to travel alone.

4. Paragraph 2: Regardless of the challenges families may face

when traveling, this type of vacation always creates special


Paragraph 3: All in all, traveling with friends can be a

positive experience that results in a great vacation and,

likely, a stronger friendship.

Paragraph 4: In spite of this, many solo travelers love the

adventure and say that they learn a lot about themselves

while traveling alone.

5. Answers will vary.

Activity 7, page 96

1. fighting brothers, expensive transportation, conflicting


2. similar personalities, lower expenses, positive impact on


3. advantages: flexibility with transportation, no problems

with sightseeing and scheduling, ability to meet people;

disadvantages: loneliness

4. Answers will vary.

5. an opinion

Activity 8, page 98

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 99

Answers will vary.

Possible answers:

2. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to categorize different

types of food.

Three points of development: conventionally grown,

organic, junk

3. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to classify different

kinds of airplane passengers.

Three points of development: business traveler, vacation

traveler, family traveler

4. Answers will vary.


Activity 10, page 100

1. group  2. essential  3. cause  4. type  5. bargain

6. possible  7. nearly  8. respond  9. miss  10. different

Activity 11, pages 100–101

1. flexible  2. member  3. face  4. employees  5. factor

6. generations  7. personality  8. ranging from  9. whichever

10. basis

Activity 12, pages 101–102

1. base/based  2. basis  3. classification  4. classifies/classified

5. generational  6. generation  7. personal  8. personalize

9. replacement  10. replace

Activity 13, page 102

Answers will vary.


Activity 14, page 102

1. Hippos have unusual sweat who that/which turns red

when they are upset.

2. The meteorologist's weather predict prediction turned out

to be completely wrong.

3. A research Research suggests that 95 percent of people

text things that they would never say.

4. Holding hands while they sleep keep keeps sea otters from

drifting apart.

5. Easter Island is famous for their its giant statues, which are

hundreds of years old.

Activity 15, page 103

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. African elephants have one dome on their heads, but Asian

elephants have two.

2. Although Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have

no rivers, they both have wadis, riverbeds that are often dry.

3. There is a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean that is full of

plastic that was brought there by ocean currents.

Activity 16, page 104

Answers will vary.


Activities 17–23, pages 104–107

Answers will vary. 

UNIT 5 Cause-Effect Essays


Activity 1, page 111

1. The Causes of War

2. Some Common Reasons for Quitting a Job

5. The Impact of High Gasoline Prices

Activity 2, page 112

Possible answers:

less motivation, lower grades, more distraction, wasting time,

wasting mental energy

Activity 3, page 113

I. A. Hook  I. C. Thesis statement  II. Psychological

II. B. Depression  III. B. overall health  III. C. Eye strain

IV. A–C. Answers will vary.  V. A. thesis  V. C. opinion

Activity 4, pages 114–116

1. causes

2. Hook: Most college students hope to achieve “academic

success,” but sometimes they are not sure how to reach

this goal.; an interesting observation

3. Thesis statement: There are three specific strategies that

helped him be successful: sitting in the front of the classroom,

previewing information, and talking with classmates.; the

second sentence in the concluding paragraph

4. a. sitting in the front of the class  more likely to


b. previewing information  more likely to understand

c. talking with classmates  improved understanding

5. categorically

Activity 5, page 116

1. achieve  2. addition  3. alternative  4. discover  5. habit

6. improve  7. simply  8. specific  9. strategy  10. successful

Activity 6, page 116

Answers will vary.

Activity 7, page 117

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 118

Possible answers:

1. are adding more computer engineering courses

2. social media  3. people should be prepared

4. rigorous training programs  5. smoking

6. they may not be comfortable with face to face interaction

7. people are spending more money

Activity 9, page 119

1. Zach was giving his presentation when his cell phone went

off. (past progressive for the action that was in progress;

simple past for the action that interrupted the one in


2. Dr. Silva researched the connection between stress and

health until she retired. (simple past for both verbs because

they are completed past actions)

3. The increase in housing construction has created a number

of new jobs. (present perfect for a completed action that is

important in the present)

4. The online sale had already ended by the time Emir

decided to purchase the tablet. (past perfect for an

action that happened before the action in the simple past)

5. There have been several days of record heat this year.

(present perfect for repeated states in the past that may

repeat in the future)

Activity 10, page 119

Possible answers:

1. there was a great deal of flooding

2. had checked the plane three times

3. was working on her final project

4. have migrated in the past decade

5. social media has grown dramatically

Activity 11, page 120

1. has  2. led  3. needed  4. has grown  5. has had

Activity 12, page 121

1. for  2. At  3. on  4. of  5. in  6. in

Activity 13, page 122

Answers will vary.

Activity 14, page 122

a. According to Mark Twain, "the only way to keep your

health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't

like, and do what you'd rather not."

Activity 15, page 123

1. For instance  2. also  3. so that  4. In addition

5. Another  6. Thus

Activity 16, page 124

  People who take care of themselves enjoy psychological

beneficial benefits. For example, regular exercise

produces endorphins, which are the body’s natural way to

lift one’s mood. Better nutrition means that they people are

also better equipped to deal with the stress of day-to-day life.

Because of the effects that their healthy choices has have on

their bodies, people with the a healthy lifestyle generally feel

better about themselves. Most importantly, people who takes 

take care of themselves agree that they feel better about

themselves because they have more self-confidence.

  Taking proper care of one’s health also leads to better 

a better social life. The confidence that a person gains from

feeling healthy and in shape improve improves his or her social

and business relationships. Because health-minded people

engage in a variety of physical activities, they had increased 

increase their chances of meeting other people. For example,

many people makes make friends at the locally local gym.

Similarly, someone who goes to beach the beach frequently to

play volleyball greatly increases his or her chances of meeting

people. Since people who pursue a healthy lifestyle were

feeling feel better about themselves, they are more likely to

have satisfying social lives.

Activity 17, page 125

1. makes  2. to  3. are  4. changing  5. do not

6. their  7. until  8. While  9. healthy  10. are

Activity 18, page 125

1. physical, psychological, and social benefits

2. effects

3. a. lower risk of disease, b. live longer, c. have better skin

4. categorically

5. Thesis statement: In fact, there are physical, psychological,

and social benefits to living a healthy lifestyle.; It is in the

last sentence of the concluding paragraph. (While pursuing

a healthy lifestyle may require a good deal of time and

energy, the physical, psychological, and social benefits are

well worth the effort.)


Activity 19, page 126

1. knowledgeable about  2. general idea  3. very dangerous

4. a discussion  5. work hard at

6. cause (note: effect may also be considered correct.

Result in means to cause, and result in leads to an effect.)

7. danger  8. only  9. different  10. huge

Activity 20, pages 126–127

1. go over  2. transform  3. satisfying  4. confidence

5. participate in  6. pattern  7. risk  8. specific

9. implement  10. healthy

Activity 21, page 127

1. concept  2. conceptual  3. confidence  4. confident

5. implement  6. implementation  7. participate

8. participation  9. risk  10. risky

Activity 22, page 128

Answers will vary.


Activity 23, page 128

1. Deciding on a job offer requires a great deal of careful thought.

2. People who have implemented healthy diets sometimes

go back to bad habits. / Sometimes people who have

implemented healthy diets go back to bad habits.

3. Research shows that students who use specific strategies do

better on tests. / Research shows that students who do better

on tests use specific strategies.

4. The economy was suffering because of a series of natural

disasters. / Because of a series of natural disasters, the

economy was suffering.

5. Due to the decrease in passing scores on the exam, the

college offered study sessions. / The college offered study

sessions due to the decrease in passing scores on the exam.

Activity 24, pages 128–129

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Many American adults are obese, which raises their risk of

heart disease and diabetes.

2. Because of very bad weather and a large number of

sharks, rescuers could not reach the 150 whales that were

stranded on an Australian beach.

3. In 2008 U.S. banks lost a lot of money due to the many risky

loans they had made.

Activity 25, page 129

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Few people are completely aware of the dangers of global


2. Before beginning a complex project, it is a good idea to

have a specific plan.

3. Many young people today want to pursue a career in

environmental science.

4. She has a tremendous opportunity to travel to India next


5. It is important to implement a healthy lifestyle when you

are young.


Activities 26–28, pages 129–131

Answers will vary.

UNIT 6 Comparison Essays


Activity 1, page 134

2. Laptop and Desktop Computers

4. Growing Up as an Only Child and Growing Up with Siblings

5. Male and Female Bosses

Activity 2, pages 137–138

I. Introduction  II. B. 1. Location  II. B. 2. names

III. A. Chicago  III. B. Miami  III. B. 2. temperature

IV. comparison  IV. A. 3. Effects  IV. B. 2. hurricanes

Activity 3, pages 138–140

1. The purpose of this essay is to compare weather in Chicago

and Miami.

2. point-by-point

3. Hook: What constitutes a desirable climate to live in? Type

of hook: question

4. Thesis statement: Two U.S. cities that illustrate this are

Chicago and Miami, large urban areas whose climates

could not be more different.; yes.

Thesis restated: It is clear that each city's climate is


5. Topic sentence 1: The first difference is the number of seasons.

Topic sentence 2: Another difference is the extreme

temperatures in both cities.

Topic sentence 3: Finally, Chicago and Miami have different

kinds of severe weather.

Each topic sentence states one of the differences in climate

between the two cities.

6. an opinion

Activity 4, page 141

Answers will vary.

Activity 5, pages 142–143

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Both Riyadh and Dubai have stunning architecture

2. Residents of Los Angeles rely on their cars. Conversely,

New Yorkers rely on public transportation

3. While large cities offer cultural entertainment and a variety

of shopping, small towns are often friendlier

4. Traveling by plane can be stressful. On the other hand,

traveling by ship is relaxing

5. France produces wonderful cheeses. Similarily, Italy is

known for its excellent cheeses

Activity 6, page 144

1. better  2. longer  3. more difficult  4. hottest  5. more casual

6. more quickly  7. most impressive  8. worst  9. snowiest

10. the same

Activity 7, page 145

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. transportation, hotels  2. fun activities

3. water supply, wildfires

4. temperatures fall, trees lose leaves, people stay inside

5. manage their time well, get enough sleep, limit distractions

6. Los Angeles, weather, food, attractions

Activity 8, page 145

1. office supplies  2. The sentence is correct.

3. more sharply than  4. the most important

5. healthier  6. better public transportation

Activity 9, page 146

a. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to pilot a


Activity 10, page 147

1. As  2. Both  3. For example  4. also

5. Another  6. instance  7. In addition  8. even though

Activity 11, page 148

 Both types of planes have similar parts as well. Both have

a throttle that controls the speedy speed of the plane. Both are

using use a rudder on the vertical tail fin that steers plane the

plane left and right while in the air. In addition, real airplanes

and model airplanes uses use ailerons on the wings, allowing

the planes to move to the left or to the right. In a real airplane,

a foot pedal steered steers the plane left and right while in

the air and guides the plane left and right while it is sitting on

the ground. Similarly, a remote-controlled switch accomplish 

accomplishes the same left-right motion on a model airplane.

 The average person is surprisingly surprised to find that

there are so many similarities between model airplanes and

flying real airplanes real airplanes. Just like a real plane, a

model airplane requires pre-flight procedures, how it operates 

operates on the same principles of physics, and has similar

parts and systems. Although it is not exactly the same as the

original. A , a model airplane is quite close to it. Like flying on

real planes, flying model planes will likely continue to be a

popular activity in the years to come.

Activity 12, page 148

1. The purpose of this essay is to compare model airplanes

with real airplanes.

2. pre-flight procedures, the physics of flying, and parts/


3. point-by-point

4. Thesis statement: In fact, the experience of flying a model

airplane is remarkably similar to piloting a real plane.; yes

(Although it is not exactly the same as the original, a model

airplane is quite close to it.)


Activity 13, page 149

1. succeed  2. continue  3. allowed  4. show  5. active

6. first  7. rule  8. surprising  9. strong  10. danger

Activity 14, pages 149–150

1. spin  2. constitute  3. resident  4. procedure  5. paralyzed

6. original  7. preference  8. freedom  9. illustrate  10. constant

Activity 15, pages 150–151

1. accomplishment  2. accomplished  3. constant

4. constantly  5. freedom  6. free  7. prefer  8. preference

9. threatening  10. threaten

Activity 16, page 151

Answers will vary.


Activity 17, page 152

Scientists have begun mapping three giant cave caves

in China using laser scanning technology. This expedition

marks the first time anyone attempts has attempted to use

this technology to map underground caves. The technology

is especially useful because it is difficult to see the walls and

ceilings in the large caves with traditional lights. For the

scientists, the highlight of the expedition seeing images of

50-meter-tall stalagmites. the highlight of the expedition was

seeing images of 50-meter-tall stalagmites. Stalagmites are

beautiful columns that rise from the floor of the cave. Without

the lasers, this would not have been possibility possibleLasers

can also be used for other things such as medical procedures. 

Laser scanning technology will help scientists to better

understand caves for years to come.

Activity 18, page 153

It is possible that life already exist exists on Mars. Some

scientists believe that water have existed has existed on Mars

for two or three billion years. Scientists have also discovered

methane gas on Mars. On our planet Earth, microbes, single

celled life forms, is are able to live on the bottom of the

ocean by eat eating methane. Finding any live life on Mars,

even microbes, would be one of the bigger biggest scientific

discoveries of all time.

Activity 19, page 153

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Stars, which contain a lot of extreme heat, are light years

away from Earth.

2. Coffee farming can be environmentally friendly,

sustainable, and profitable.

3. A period of heavy rain in Kenya exposed a big crack in the

earth that measures 50 feet deep and 65 feet wide.


Activity 20, page 154

Answers will vary. 

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