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English in Mind 4 练习册答案 Unit 4

4.In and out of fashion(四单元)


1.a: 2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 ✓

b: (possible answers) 2 use electricity 3 buy toys from shops 4 travel in cars and planes 5 write emails / use the phone 6 wear jeans, T-shirts, short skirts, shorts 7 listen to CDs/MP3 players 8 have only one or two children

c: (possible answers)

2 In the past, people used to use candles, but now they use electricity. 3 In the past, children used to make their own toys, but now they buy toys from shops. 4 In the past, people used to travel in carriages, but now they travel in cars and planes. 5 In the past, people used to write letters, but now they write emails / use the phone. 6 In the past, women used to wear long skirts and dresses, but now they wear jeans, T-shirts, short skirts and shorts. 7 In the past, people used to listen to records, but now they listen to CDs or MP3 players. 8 In the past, people used to have lots of children, but now they have only one or two children.

d: 2 would spend 3 used to find 4 used to be 5 wouldn’t go 6 used to drive

2. 2 craze 3 catch on 4 spread 5 overwhelming 6 hooked

3. a: 2 The dog barked at us in a horrible way. 3 He teaches English in a fun way. 4 They listened to her with enthusiasm. 5 We found the house with difficulty. 6 He said hello to me in a friendly way. 7 We need to do this again in a different way. 8 The children waited with excitement for the clown to arrive.

b: 2 with enthusiasm 3 in public 4 in a different way 5 in a fun way

4. 2 He reads as slowly as he talks. 3 Frank doesn’t work as hard as he plays. 4 She plays the guitar as nicely as she sings. 5 We arrived as soon as we could. 6 I don’t speak French as well as I speak Spanish.

5. a: 2 in private 3 in a hurry 4 in secret 5 in a panic 6 in public 7 on purpose 8 by accident

b:1 public 2 hurry 3 private 4 panic 5 row 6 secret 7 accident 8 purpose

c: 2 out 3 wrong 4 back 5 toe 6 down

6. a: 1 He lost his bat. 2 Have you got my pen? 3 It’s Dad! 4 There’s a bend in the road. 5 The cat sat by the fire. 6 The man can stay.

7. a: 2 like 3 broke 4 influence 5 important 6 level 7 clothes 8 attempt 9 time

10 have

b: Host: So, good morning everyone. Welcome to the show and today we’re inviting you to call us and tell us your favourite song, or songs, about fashion. Songs about fashion. OK? Well I bet I know what some of the answers will be, but let’s see … and wow, that was quick, we have a caller already and it’s Janine. Hi Janine, where are you calling from?

Speaker 1: Hi Mike. I’m in Manchester.

Host: OK, Janine and your song is …?

Speaker 1: Well there’s only one choice really, isn’t there? It has to be ‘Vogue’ by Madonna.

Host: Well there’s a surprise! I’d never have guessed that anyone would choose a Madonna song!

Speaker 1: Well right, but isn’t it a great song?

Host: I’m not going to answer that, Janine! Thanks anyway for your call and next we have Andy from …?

Speaker 2: From Scotland. Dundee, Scotland.

Host: Morning Andy. So, tell us.

Speaker 2: Well I’m a huge David Bowie fan …

Host: So you’re going to choose ‘Fashion’ – right?

Speaker 2: That’s the one. ‘Fashion’ by Bowie. Brilliant stuff. It reminds me of my days at university …

Host: Thanks, Andy. No time for all that kind of stuff! University days – pah! Next please – and it’s Phyllis. Hi Phyllis.

Speaker 3: Hi Mike.

Host: Where are you, Phyllis?

Speaker 3: I’m in Brighton.

Host: And what’s your song?

Speaker 3: Well, Mike, as you can probably tell I’m a bit older than your other callers so I’m going with a 60s classic. It’s The Kinks …

Host: ‘Dedicated Follower of Fashion’?

Speaker 3: Yep! Still love it after all these years.

Host: Well, it’s good to know someone still likes it, Phyllis. Thanks for the call and next we have …

Speaker 4: Mark. Hi Mike. I’m phoning from London and I’m going to choose ‘Freedom’ by George Michael.

Host: What? That isn’t about fashion! We want songs about fashion, Mark!

Speaker 4: I know Mike – but have you seen the video? It’s full of fashion models.

Host: That’s not the point, Mark. Oh dear. Let’s forget that one. Next please! Actually, no, let’s have some music and listen to one of those songs now – we’re going to play ‘Fashion’ by Bowie.

1 ‘Vogue’, Madonna 2 ‘Fashion’, David Bowie 3 ‘Dedicated Follower of Fashion’, The Kinks 4 ‘Freedom’, George Michael

8. Presenter: Welcome to The People Show. This week we’ll be talking to Philippa Chandler. Philippa works as a forecaster for Next Big Thing, a company which predicts what the next big youth trends will be. Philippa acts as eyes and ears for some of the world’s top companies. She lets them know what their clients like and dislike and what they listen to. Her job is to keep her clients up-to-date, so she regularly interviews people on the street, goes clubbing and surfs the net. The information she gives could help her clients create the next big thing. How did she

find a job like that? Well, Philippa read an article on William Higham, the founder of Next Big Thing, Britain’s first trend forecasting agency. She sent Higham an email saying she was perfect for the job as a trend spotter because she was very sociable and she had answered questions such as ‘Why we buy things’ as part of her Cultural Studies degree. He immediately offered her a part-time job as a trainee and six months later she was part of the staff. So, Philippa tell us about your job …

Philippa: I love my job. It satisfies my curiosity but it also makes me even more curious.

Presenter: How do you start your research?

Philippa: I often start by surfing the net for new trends and fashions. I can spend an hour looking at a new website. It’s work, but it’s not really productive or useful if I spend too long on one thing.

Presenter: What’s your advice to young people looking for a job?

Philippa: First of all they should choose a course they are going to enjoy as well as something they think will be useful for work. Then they should try to get as much work experience as they can. The more experience you have, the easier it is for you to realise what you are good at and what you really like doing. If you haven’t tried something, you’ll never know. a She works as a forecaster for the Next Big Thing, a

company which predicts what the next trends for young people will be.

b: 1F 2D 3T

c: 1c 2c 3a 4b

d: (possible answers)

1 Something new and exciting that a lot of people will want. 2 It tells them what young people are interested in, and what the latest fashions are. 3 When she spends too long looking at one website. 4 Study something you enjoy, and get as much

work experience as you can.

Unit check 

1.2 popular 3 sharing 4 demand 5 group 6 are concerned 7 For a start 8 potentially

9 fashion 10 warnings

2. 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c 8c 9a

3. 2 in 3 with 4 by 5 in 6 row 7 front 8 upside 9 purpose

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