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English in Mind 1 课本答案 Unit 1

1.Free time(第一单元)

1.a:She's 15. Her hobby is beekeeping.

b:1 She's from Wales. 2 Her friends play volleyball and go to the cinema; they like swimming and dancing. But Claire doesn't. 3 They are scared of the bees. 4 She loves reading about bees. 5 Because she wants to buy more bee hives.


b:2 hate 3 take 4 teaches 5 flies 6 reads 7 go

c:2 I like bananas. 3 She loves ice cream. 4 They like cats. 5 She hates winter. 6 We love football.

d:don't; doesn't

e:2 We don't eat a lot of meat at home. 3 My parents speak French. 4 I don't know his phone number. 5 My brother gets up late at the weekend. 6 My father doesn't drive to work.

f:2 I don't get up early on Sunday. 3 My sister doesn't watch a lot of TV. 4 I don't buy my CDs in that shop. 5 You don't know the answer.

3.a:A 3 swimming  B 7 listening to music  C 6 dancing
D 5 playing computer games  E 1 going to the cinema  F 2 reading  G 9 running  H 4 painting
I 8 playing the guitar


b:2 playing 3 riding 4 running 5 talking 6 going

6.b:1T 2F 3F 4F

8.a:Do;don't; Does; does; does

b:2 Do 3 Do 4 Does

B responses are students' own short answers

9.a:1 English, Maths, History, Geography, PE, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), French, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Music, Technology, Drama

2 horse-riding,gymnastics,theatre,school orchestra, pottery, sailing

b:subjects: D,E,F,H,J


c:1 T 2 F(they study two or three languages)3 F(some of the clubs meet at lunchtime)4 T 5 T 6 F(some of the clubs get help from parents)7 F (all of them are free) 8 F(Sarah hopes they will start a photography club soon)

10.a:sports, painting, taking photographs, riding her bike, watching sport on TV listening to music, going to the cinema

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX