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Great writing F级别答案(7.8)

Unit 7 The Conjunction And


Activity 1, page 94 

Activity 2, page 95

1. I like apples and lemons.  2. It is a yellow and red snake.

3. I am afraid of dogs and spiders.

4. Lunch in Central America usually has rice and beans.

5. She has English and math class today. / She has English

and math classes today.

6. Make and take are verbs.  7. Snake and Spain have five letters.

8. We eat eggs and drink coffee in the morning.

9. January and October have 31 days.

Activity 3, page 96

1. France and England are in Europe.

2. Basketball and football are sports.

3. Apples and bananas are delicious.

4. Goeat, and take are simple verbs.

5. The words homework and possible have eight letters.

6. Yellow, green, and blue are pretty colors.

7. Isabella and Sophia are high school students.

8. Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir are cities in Turkey.

Activity 4, page 97

1. Lee speaks Chinese, Korean, and English.

2. I eat scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit for breakfast.

3. My children play football and video games.

4. Susan has a cat, five goldfish, and a parrot.

5. My brother cooks pasta and steak well.

6. Joy likes math, science, English, and history.

Activity 5, page 97 

1. Frank lives and works in New York.

2. Ducks swim and fly.

3. Maria buys and cooks the food.

4. Erica listens to music and reads the newspaper on the

train. / On the train, Erica listens to music and reads the newspaper.

5. I wake up, take a shower, and get dressed before 7 a.m. /

Before 7 a.m., I wake up, take a shower, and get dressed.

6. Students in this class read several books, write two long

reports, and take three big exams.

7. The professor teaches, has office hours, reads student

papers, and gives grades.

8. Norah writes new English words in her notebook, says

them five times, and thinks of an example sentence for each one.

Activity 6, page 98

Answers will vary because of list order. Possible answers:

1. The flag of the United Arab Emirates is red, green, white, and black.

2. The flag of Brazil is green, yellow, and blue.

3. The flag of Turkey is red and white.

4. The flag of Peru is red and white.

5. The flag of South Korea is white, black, red, and blue.

6. The flag of Oman is red, white, and green.

7. The flag of Thailand is red, white, and blue.

8. The flag of Colombia is yellow, blue, and red.

Activity 7, page 99

1. The main cities in Canada are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

2. Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal have very busy airports.

3. The two official languages in Canada are English and French.

4. Many people live in Ontario, Quebec, British Colombia, and Alberta.

5. Canada touches the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and

the Arctic Ocean.

6. The flag of Canada is red and white.

7. Four common names for girls in Canada are Emily, Emma,

Olivia, and Sophia.

8. Four common names for boys in Canada are Liam, Ethan,

Jackson, and Jacob.


Activity 8, page 100

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 101

1. cheese  2. beans  3. baby  4. key  5. tree  6. sheep

Activity 10, page 101

1. eo; people  2. y; ninety  3. i; pizza  4. ea; year

5. ea; leave  6. ee; nineteen  7. ey; money  8. ea; dream

9. ea; beans  10. ea; mean

Activity 11, page 102

1. baby  2. necessary  3. university  4. only

5. clean  6. receive  7. city  8. cheap

9. really  10. speak  11. believe  12. beach

Activity 12, page 102

1. speak  2. tree  3. story  4. city  5. tea  6. team

7. baby  8. teach  9. university  10. cheap  11. believe  12. people

Activity 13, page 102

1. A. year  2. B. dream  3. B. sleep  4. A. beans  5. B. finally

6. A. eat  7. A. nineteen  8. A. leave  9. B. between  10. A. clean

11. B. free  12. B. coffee  13. A. company  14. A. easy  15. A. early

16. B. green  17. B. need  18. A. teach  19. B. Chinese 20. B. receive

Activity 14, page 103

1. A. clean  2. C. table  3. D. near  4. B. grade  5. A. money

6. D. family  7. C. beans  8. C. cheap  9. D. sleep  10. A. easy

11. B. minute  12. C. afraid  13. D. example  14. B. together

15. C. company 16. A. bottle  17. D. salad  18. B. travel

19. D. impossible  20. D. taxi



Activity 15, page 104 

1. Flight number 228 goes to Paris.

2. This flight starts in New York.

3. Possible answer: It flies on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

4. This flight takes about seven hours.

5. Possible answer: Passengers can eat dinner, a snack, and breakfast.

6. Flight number 226 goes to New York.

7. This flight stops in London for three hours. / This flight

stops for three hours in London.

8. Possible answer: Flight number 226 flies on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Activity 16, page 104 

Activity 17 page 105

1. teach; Miss Jones and Mr. Mills teach at Washington High School.

2. ninety; My grandfather is ninety years old.

3. three; My brother is only three years old.

4. people; How many people are in your family?

5. pizza; I like pizza with a lot of cheese and vegetables.

6. year; There are 365 days in one year.

7. leave; What time does the bus leave?

8. mean; The words begin and start mean the same thing.

9. dream; All students dream of a life without tests.

10. country; Germany is a country in Europe.


Activity 18, page 106

Our Busy Schedules

My roommate and I do not have much free time. Our

schedules are really busy. We have classes on Mondays,

Wednesdays, and Fridays. We have soccer practice on those

days, too. We work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We work at the

same job. We have soccer games on Saturday mornings. We do

our homework, shop for food, and call our families on Sundays.

We always have something to do. We are not bored.

Activity 19, page 107

Their Busy Schedules

My roommate and his cousin do not have much free time.

Their schedule is really busy. They have classes on Mondays,

Wednesdays, and Fridays. They have soccer practice on those

days, too. They work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

They work at different jobsThey have soccer games on

Saturday nightsThey do their homework, shop for food, and

call their families on Sundays. They always have something to

do. They are not bored.

Activity 20, page 107

Answers will vary.

Unit 8 Articles


Activity 1, page 110 

Activity 2, page 111

1. C  2. NC  3. NC  4. C  5. NC  6. C

7. C  8. NC  9. NC  10. C  11. NC  12. C

Activity 3, pages 112

1. a  2. a  3. an  4. Ø  5. Ø  6. Ø  7. an  8. Ø

9. a  10. Ø  11. Ø  12. a  13. Ø  14. Ø  15. an  16. a

Activity 4, page 113

1. e  2. d  3. c  4. g  5. a  6. h  7. f  8. i  9. b  10. j

Activity 5, page 113

1. An apple is a delicious fruit.  2. An email is an electronic message.

3. An onion is a vegetable.  4. A dictionary is a useful book.

5. A zebra is an animal with stripes.  6. A nickel is a coin.

7. A rose is a pretty flower.  8. A bee is an insect with wings.

9. A parrot is a colorful bird.  10. A park is a great place.

Activity 6, pages 114–115

Activity 7, page 115

1. Ø  2. a  3. Ø  4. a  5. a

6. a; Ø  7. the  8. the; Ø  9. the; the  10. the

Activity 8, page 116

1. Ø; the; False  2. Ø; the; True  3. The; Ø; Ø; True

4. The; Ø; False  5. Ø; Ø; the; False  6. Ø; Ø; True

7. Ø; Ø; Ø; True  8. The; Ø; False  9. Ø; Ø; False

10. Ø; Ø; True  11. Ø; the; True  12. The; Ø; Ø; False

Activity 9, page 117

1. Washington, DC, is the capital of the United States. / London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

2. The Nile River is in Egypt.

3. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are in Vietnam.

4. The Andes Mountains are in South America.

5. Berlin is the capital of Germany. / Ankara is the capital of Turkey.

6. The Atacama Desert is in Chile.

Activity 10, page 117

1. My best friend is Maria Garcia.

2. Maria wants to teach Spanish one day.

3. She and I study Spanish in the same class.

4. Maria is from the Philippines.

5. The Philippines is a country in Asia.

6. It is in the Pacific Ocean.

7. It is near Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

8. Maria is a great student.

9. She is the best student in our Spanish class.

10. She will be a great Spanish teacher in her school in the Philippines.


Activity 11, page 118

Answers will vary.

Activity 12, page 119

1. price  2. fire  3. cry  4. knife  5. light  6. bike

Activity 13, page 119

1. i; like  2. igh; high  3. igh; flight  4. y; dry  5. i; time

6. i; ride  7. i; idea  8. u; buy  9. y; by / bye  10. i; drive

Activity 14, page 120

1. times  2. mine  3. white  4. right  5. July  6. silent

7. inside  8. kind  9. quiet / quite  10. high  11. behind  12. size

Activity 15, page 120

1. like  2. kind  3. white  4. why  5. times  6. my

7. night  8. dry  9. find  10. pilot  11. quiet  12. right / write / rite

Activity 16, page 120

1. B. buy  2. A. die  3. B. behind  4. B. light  5. B. why

6. A. July  7. B. arrive  8. B. rice  9. B. eye  10. B. size

11. B. night  12. A. like  13. B. high  14. B. times  15. B. ice

16. A. right  17. A. quiet  18. B. white  19. A. knife  20. B. silent

Activity 17, page 121

1. B. why  2. A. inside  3. D. money  4. D. usually  5. C. behind

6. D. knife  7. A. grade  8. D. smile  9. D. said  10. B. July

11. A. breakfast  12. C. everything  13. A. tonight  14. A. idea

15. A. again  16. C. they  17. C. decide  18. B. study  19. B. socks

20. B. drive



Activity 18, page 122

1. I want to make scrambled eggs.

2. I need two eggs and a little milk. / I need a little milk and two eggs.

3. Answers will vary because of list order. Possible answer: I also need some salt, some oil, and some pepper.

4. I mix the eggs and the milk in a bowl. / I mix the milk and the eggs in a bowl.

5. I add the salt and the pepper. / I add the pepper and the salt.

6. I mix everything one more time.  7. I put the oil in a pan.

8. I put the eggs in the pan.  9. I cook the eggs for a few minutes.

10. Now I can eat my delicious breakfast. / I can eat my delicious breakfast now.

Activity 20, pages 123–124

1. find; I cannot find my keys.

2. flight; When does the flight for London leave?

3. why; Why did you quit your old job?

4. by; My family and I stay in touch by email.

5. buy; We want to buy a new car this year.

6. idea; We have an idea for our class project.

7. time; What time does the movie start?

8. dry; The opposite of wet is dry.

9. ride; Do you ride your bike to school every day?

10. high; The price of a new car is high.


Activity 21, page 124 

Making Tuna Salad

My favorite thing to eat is tuna salad. It is easy to make tuna

salad. You need a can of tuna, some mayonnaise, some mustard,

a little salt, and a little pepper. You can also use some chopped

onions and a chopped hard-boiled egg. Put the tuna in a bowl.

Then add the mayonnaise and the mustard to the tuna. Now add

the onions and the egg. Now add the salt and the pepper. Next,

mix everything together. The tuna salad is now ready to eat.

Activity 22, pages 124–125

Making Potato Salad

My favorite thing to eat is potato salad. It is easy to

make potato salad. You need some boiled potatoes, some

mayonnaise, some mustard, a little salt, and a little pepper.

You can also use some chopped onions and a chopped

hard-boiled egg. Put the boiled potatoes in a bowl. Then

add the mayonnaise and the mustard to the potatoes. Now

add the onions, the egg, the salt, and the pepper. Next, mix

everything together. The potato salad is now ready to eat.

Activity 23, page 125

Answers will vary.

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