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LOOK 1 练习册答案

1 Click! Click!

3:Answers: 1. It’s a teddy.; 2. It’s a pencil.; 3. It’s a tennis racket.; 4. It’s a chair.

2 The Granny Cloud

3:Answers: 1. How are you?; 2. It’s a book.; 3. How many dogs?; 4. It’s orange and blue.

3 We’re All Superheroes!

3:Answers: 1. These are my strong arms.; 2. These are my blue eyes.; 3. These are my strong legs.; 4. This is my super body.

4 Where’s Rosie?

3:Answers: 1. There are three white ducks in the pond.; 2. There are two goats under a tree.; 3. There’s a cat in the flowers.; 4. There’s a donkey in a field.

5 The Farmer and the Rock

3:Answers: 1. Yes, they are.; 2. Yes, it is.; 3. Yes, it is.; 4. Yes, they are.

A Sandy Surprise

3:Answers: 1. Yes, there is.; 2. No, there aren’t.; 3. Yes, there are.; 4. No, there isn’t.

 Look1 Workbook 练习册答案

1 Look

1 Match.

2 Count and circle.

2 five 3 seven

3 Read and draw.


2 Look

1 Listen, read, and circle.

Hello! Hello!

What’s your name / old?

My name’s Xi.

Me / My name’s Wayne.

Hello! Hello!

How fine / old are you?

Hello, I’m six.

I’m / My six, too!

Hello, Xi.

How are you?

I’m fine, thanks.

And I’m fine, too / you.

2 Match.

3 Write about you.


3 Look

1 Color


2 Listen and color.


4 Look  

1 Match.

2 Look and color.


3 Read and color.


1 Things for School(一单元)

1 Words

1 Match.

2 Read and draw


3 Listen and number.

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle.

What’s this?

Take a / it’s look!

It’s / What’s this?

It’s a book.

What’s this?

Look again.

What’s this?

It’s / What’s a pen.

What’s it’s / this?

It’s a room.

What’s this?

Our classroom!

2 Read and draw.


3 Reading

1 Number the picture.

2 Read and circle. 

Look at the photo. What’s this? It’s a classroom.

What can you see in the classroom?

Can you see a desk / poster? It’s green.

Can you see a board / poster? It’s black.

Can you see a board / chair? It’s red.

Can you see a chair / desk?

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

1 Read and check (✓).

2 No, it isn’t. 3 Yes, it is. 4 No, it isn’t.

2 Listen and check (✓).

2 No, it isn’t. 3 No, it isn’t. 4 No, it isn’t.

5 Phonics

1 Trace and write


2 Match.

3 Write

4 Listen. Circle the first letter.

2a 3b 4b 5d 6b

6 Value

1 Who takes care of their school things? Look and circle.

2 Read and draw


2 Toys(二单元)

1 Words

1 Circle.

2 kite 3 ball 4 doll

2 Match.

3 Listen. Write a check (✓) or an ✗.

2× 3√ 4× 5√ 6×

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle. Then color the teddy bear

This is my ball.

The / This is my plane.

This a / is my bat.

This is my / one train.

This is my doll.

And / This is my kite.

This is / to my teddy bear.

It’s brown and white.

2 Read and draw.


3 Reading

1 Circle the word for a toy.


2 Read and circle.

Look at the photo. This is a game

of marbles. Marbles is my favorite

game / play. It’s fun!

A marble is small. It’s a small ball / color.

Find a blue marble. Find a red and white game / marble.

Find a yellow marble. Yellow is my favorite color / marble. Is this your favorite / fun color, too?

3 Read again. Color the marbles.


4 Grammar

1 Read and check (✓).

2 Tom: No, it isn’t.

3 Tom: Yes, it is.

4 Tom: No, it isn’t.

2 Listen and number. Then check (✓).

2 Yes, it is.

3 Yes, it is

4 No, it isn’t.

5 Phonics

1 Trace and write.


2 Match.

3 Write.

f g h

4 Listen. Circle the first letter.

2e 3g 4h 5g 6h

6 Value

1 Who shares their toys? Look and check (✓)

2 Read and draw.


Function 1: Classroom Language 1

1 Listen, read, and circle.

Knock! Knock!

Teacher: Come / Sit in, Kurt. Hello.

Kurt: Hello.

Teacher: Sit / Stand down, Kurt. Now close / open your books, boys

and girls. Let’s read.

Kurt: Oh, no! This isn’t my book!

Teacher: Kurt, open / raise your hand.

Kurt: Can I look at your book, please / thank you?

Teacher: Yes, OK.

Teacher: OK, boys and girls. Close / Open your books now. Sit / Stand 

up. Time to go home!

Kurt: Here’s your book. Goodbye!

Teacher: Please / Thank you, Kurt. Goodbye!

2 Read and check (✓).

2√ 3√ 4√

School Trip 1: The Toy Museum

1 Remember. Check (✓) the toys in the video.

2 Draw a sign for the toy museum.


3 You’re at the museum now. Draw and color your favorite toy. Circle the words.


Review 1: Units 1–2

1 Find, circle, and number.

2 Look and write.

2 pencil 3 plane 4 desk

3 Write the first letter.

2b 3f 4h 5c 6e7a 8g

4 Look and read. Write a check (✓) or an ✗.

2× 3× 4√ 5√ 6×

5 Read and match.

3 People(三单元)

1 Words

1 Number.

2 Read and draw.


3 Listen. Write a check (✓) or an ✗.

2× 3√ 4×

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle.

Who’s this?

This is Dan.

He’s / She’s a boy.

He’s / She’s a student.

He’s / She’s my classmate.

He’s / She’s my friend, too.

Who’s this?

This is Kim.

He’s / She’s a girl.

He’s / She’s a student.

He’s / She’s my classmate.

He’s / She’s my friend, too.

2 Read and check (✓). 

2 He’s a student.

3 She’s my friend.

4 He’s my classmate.

3 Reading

1 Match.

2 Read and circle.

Look at the photo. Is it a classroom?

Point to the girl. She’s a

student / teacher.

This isn’t a classroom. It’s a

board / museum. Look! A

dinosaur / classroom! It’s big!

The girl is on a school class / trip.

This museum is good / fun!

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

1 Read and match.

2 Listen and circle.

2A 3B 4A

5 Phonics

1 Trace and write.


2 Match.

3 Write.

j k l

4 Listen. Circle the first letter.

2k 3j 4i 5k 6i

6 Value

1 Who makes friends at school? Look and circle.

2 Read and draw.


4 My Family(四单元)

1 Words

1 Match.

2 Listen and number.

3 Read and draw.


2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle.

I have / I don’t have two brothers and a sister, too.

I have / I don’t have a cousin. What about you?

I have / I don’t have two grandmas and a grandpa, too.

I have / I don’t have an uncle. What about you?

2 Read. Write a check (✓) or an ✗.

3 Reading

1 Read and number the picture.

2 Read and circle.

Look at the photo. It’s a class / family.

Can you see Mom?

Count the boys / girls. One, two, three.

Look at the girl in the middle. Her name’s

Atdhetare. She’s four / five today! Her sister

Arneta is five today, too. And her sister

Agnesa…she’s five, too!

This is a birthday party. Look! A birthday

bag / cake. Happy birthday, Atdhetare,

Arneta, and Agnesa!

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

1 Read and check (✓).

2 Her name is Nicky

3 His name is Lee.

4 Her name is Pat.

2 Listen and match.

3 Read, circle, and write. Then draw.


5 Phonics

1 Trace and write.


2 Match.

3 Write.

n o p

4 Listen. Circle the first letter.

2m 3p 4n 5n 6p

6 Value

1 Who gives things to their friends? Look and check (✓)

2 Read and draw.


Game 1

1 Look, find, and color. Then point and say.


Reading Extra 1

Day and Night

1 Listen and circle.

1 yellow 2 black 3 moon

2 Write T for True or F for False.

1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T

3 Do you like reading about day and night? Think and circle.


Review 2: Units 3–4

1 Find and circle people in the family.

2 Check (✓) people at school.

3 Circle the first letter.

4 Read and match.

5 Read and circle.

2 aunt 3 grandpa 4 mom

6 Read, think, and check (✓).


5 My Body(五单元)

1 Words

1 Circle.

2 Match.

3 Listen and number.

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle.

This is / These are my mouth.

My mouth is red.

This is / These are my ears.

This is / These are my head!

This is / These are my eyes.

My eyes are blue.

This is / These are my hands.

One and two!

2 Read and draw.


3 Reading

1 Number the picture.

2 Read and circle

Look at the photo. Is it a skeleton? No! Look

again. This is a boy / girl.

He has black hair and brown arms / eyes.

He isn’t a skeleton! He doesn’t have a

skeleton body.

Look at his face / hair. He has white paint on

his face and black paint on his eyes and

hands / mouth.

Face color / paint is fun!

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

2F 3T 4F 5T

4 Grammar

1 Read and color.


2 Listen and circle.

1. Karl is a boy. He has /

doesn’t have brown hair. He

has / doesn’t have blue eyes.

His eyes are brown.

2. Louisa is a girl. She has /

doesn’t have brown hair.

Her hair is black. She has /

doesn’t have blue eyes.

She has / doesn’t have

green eyes.

3 Read and write. Then draw and color


5 Phonics

1 Trace and write.


2 Match.

3 Write.

r s t u

4 Listen. Circle the first letter.

2t 3u 4q 5s 6t

6 Value

1 Who’s active? Look and check (✓)

2 Read and draw.


6 Homes(六单元)

1 Words

1 Circle.

2 TV 3 shower 4 cabinet

2 Number.

3 Listen and number.

2 bathroom

3 bedroom

4 living room

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and circle.

Where’s / Where the bed?

Where is it?

The bed’s in / it the bedroom.

Jump on it!

Where / Where’s the sofa?

Where is it?

The sofa’s it / in the living room.

Sit on it!

2 Read and draw.


3 Reading

1 Match.

2 Read and circle.

Look at the photo. This is a bathroom /

bedroom. It isn’t in a house. It’s in an

aquarium. Can you see the table? The

table is next to the bed / chair. It’s white.

The clock is on the table. It’s big / small.

The game / train is on the bed. It’s

yellow, red, and blue. The toy fish are on

the bed / table, too.

Look at the fish in the water. This

bedroom is under the water!

3 Read again and match.

4 Grammar

1 Read and circle.

2. The clock is next to / on / under the photo.

3. The train is next to / on / under the sofa.

4. The photo is next to / on / under the table.

5. The lamp is next to / on / under the TV

2 Listen and circle.

5 Phonics

1 Trace and write.


2 Match.

3 Write.

w x y z

4 Listen. Circle the first letter

2y 3z 4v 5w 6y

6 Value

1 Who plays with their friends? Look and check (✓)

2 Read and draw.


Function 2: Classroom language 2

1 Listen, read, and circle. TR: 35

Kurt: Hi, Rosa.

Rosa: Hi, Kurt. Let’s work together / on.

Kurt: Where’s the activity?

Rosa: It’s on page 7. It’s Activity 2.

Kurt: Thank you. Let’s take / have turns. You first. What’s number 1?

Rosa: It’s a sofa. Can we write the answers in the book?

Kurt: Yes.

Rosa: Can I borrow / show a pencil?

Kurt: Yes, there / here.

Rosa: Thank you. Oh no! This isn’t correct. Please have / pass me the eraser.

Kurt: OK. It’s me / my turn. Number 2. This is a shower.

Rosa: Yes!

2 Read and check (✓).

2 OK. You first. 3 Yes, here.

School Trip 2: Animals in the Savanna, Africa

1 Remember. Check (✓) the animals in the video.

2 Look at the animals. Draw the tails.


3 You’re in Africa now. Draw and color your favorite animal. Circle the words.


Review 3: Units 5–6

1 Find, circle, and number.

2 Look. Write b (body) or h (house). 

2h 3h 4b 5b 6h 7h 8h

3 Remember the sounds. Listen and circle the one that does not belong.

2A 3A 4C

4 Look and match.

5 Read and check (✓)

1 This is my arm.  2 She has a small nose.

6 Read, think, and check (✓).


7 My Town(七单元)

1 Words

1 Match.

2 Write.

2 swimming pool  3 library  4 town center

3 Listen and number.

1 library  4 store  2 swimming pool  3 zoo

4 What’s in your town? Write five places.


1 Listen, read, and write.

There’s a street, a street, a street in the town.

There’s a store, a store, a store on the street.

There’s a girl, a girl, a girl in the store.

There’s a store, a store, a store on the street.

There’s a street, a street, a street in the town.

2 Write.

2 There’s a man in the store

3 There’s a woman in the car

4 There’s a library on the street

3 Reading

1 Write.

2 real  3 flower  4 tiny

2 Read and write.

Look at the photo. It’s a town.

Is it a real town? No, it isn’t. It’s a model.

It’s a toy town. The houses and stores are small.

They’re tiny!

Can you see the boy? He’s real.

Can you see the flowers , too?

They’re big and yellow. Are they real—or are they models?

Look at the trees. Are they big or

small? They’re models.

This model town is cool!

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

1F 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T

4 Grammar

1 Read and write.

2 There are

3 There are

4 There’s

2 Listen and circle.

1A 2B 3B 5A

3 Look around the room. What is there?


5 Phonics

1 Check (✓) the words with a.

2 Write.

2a 3a 4a

3 Listen and write the words with a.

2 man 3 jam 4 map 5 cat 6 dad

6 Value

1 Who loves their town? Write Yes or No.

2No 3No 4Yes 5Yes

2 Write and draw.


8 On the Farm(八单元)

1 Words

1 Circle.

1 cow 2 duck 3 bee 4 bird

2 Write.

1 sheep 2 dog 3 donkey 4 chicken

3 Listen and write the animal.

2 dog 3 bee 4 bird 5 sheep 6 duck 7 chicken 8 donkey

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and write.

A dog can run,

but a dog can't talk.

A cat can't swim,

but a cat can walk.

A bird can sing, and a bird can fly.

A bird can fly very, very high.

2 Read and check (✓).

3 Write.


3 Reading

1 Write.

1 food 2 pen 3 farmer

2 Read and write.

Can you play with animals at school? No! You can play with your friends at school. Can you play with animals on a farm? Yes! Look at this farm. This is a pen. But it isn’t a pen for writing. It’s a sheep pen. A pen is a sheep’s “house.” Look! Can you see the farmer? She has food for the sheep. Look at the boy! He has food for the sheep, too. Do you like this farm?

3 Read again and circle.

2 can 3 pen 4 sheep

4 Grammar

1 Read and circle.

2 Yes, it can.  3 No, it can't.  4 No, it can't.  5 Yes, it can.

2 Write. Then listen and check. 

2 Can a cow fly? No, it can't.

3 Can a cat jump? Yes, it can.

4 Can a fish swim? Yes, it can.

5 Can a sheep sing? No, it can't.

6 Can a horse run? Yes, it can.

5 Phonics

1 Check (✓) the words with e.

3 Listen and write the words with e.

1 red 2 leg 3 bed 4 ten 5 yes 6 men

6 Value

1 Who’s kind to animals? Write Yes or No.

1Yes 2Yes 3No 4Yes 5Yes

2 Write and draw.


Game 2

1 Do the crossword.

Reading Extra 2 LS_H

The Frog and the Butter

1 Listen and circle.

1 small 2 milk 3 gets out

2 Put the sentences in order. 

2 The frog can swim in the milk in the bucket.

6 The frog can stand on the butter and jump from it.

4 The frog says, “Help!”

1 The frog sees a bucket next to the cows.

5 The frog swims and kicks in the milk.

3 The frog can’t jump from the milk.

3 Do you like the story? Think and circle.


Review 4: Units 7–8

1 Find and circle. Then write.

2 Circle the one that does not belong.

2 cow 3 cat 4 playground

3 Write a or e.

2e 3a 4e

4 Read and draw.


5 Listen. Write a check (✓) or an ✗.

6 Read, think, and check (✓).


9 My Clothes(九单元)

1 Words

1 What is it? Circle.

2 dress 3 jeans 4 skirt

2 Look and write. Use words from Activity 1.

2 pants 3 shoes 4 socks

3 Listen and color.


2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and write.

Is this your shirt? Is this your shirt?

Yes, it is. This is my shirt.

Is this your hat? Is this your hat?

No, it isn’t. This isn’t my hat.

Are these your shoes? Are these your shoes?

No, they aren’t. These aren’t my shoes.

Are these your socks? Are these your socks?

Yes, they are. These are my socks.

2 Read and circle.

1 Yes, it is.  2 No, they aren't.  3 No, they aren't.  4 Yes, they are.

3 Reading

1 Match.

2 Read and write.

Look at this man. Is he real ? No, he isn’t.

He’s a scarecrow. A scarecrow is a big doll. You

can see scarecrows on farms.

This scarecrow is happy. Look at his mouth! He

has big eyes. What color is his face?

It’s orange.

What about his clothes? He has a blue and red shirt and

jeans. He doesn’t have shoes, but he has boots. They’re black.

He has a nice hat and two gloves.

Can you make a scarecrow?

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

1F 2T 3F 4F 5T

4 Grammar

1 Read and match.

2 Listen and color. Then write.

1 hat 2shoes 3 hair is 4 eyes are 5 socks are 6 His T-shirt is 7 His pants are

3 Color, read and write.

A: What color is her hat?

B: It’s /

A: What color are her eyes?

B: They’re /

A:What color are her jeans?


A:What color is her shirt?


A:What color are her boots?


5 Phonics

1 Check (✓) the words with i.

2 Write.

1i 2i 3i 4i

6 Value

1 Who wears clean clothes? Look and check (✓). 


2 Read and draw.


10 Eat and Drink(十单元)

1 Words

1 Circle.

1 lemon 2 bread 3 water 4 candy

2 Write.

1 potato 2 rice 3 milk 4 banana

3 Listen, number, and write.

3 milk 1 tomato 2 banana 4 bread

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and write.

like bananas and

like bread.

don’t like apples, green or red!

like oranges and

like rice.

like bread. Can I have a slice?

2 Read and number.

3 Draw and write.


3 Reading

1 Read and number the pictures.

2 Read and write.

Look at the photo. It’s time for lunch! These boys and girls have trays. The trays are on the table. The lunch is a school lunch. How many trays can you see? What’s on the trays? Can you see the food? I like carrots, but I don’t like potatoes. They’re terrible! Look! Is that rice? Yes, it is. I like rice. It’s great.

3 Read again. Write T for True or F for False.

1F 2F 3T 4E 5T

4 Grammar

1 Read and write.

2 They're OK. 3 It's OK. 4 No, I don't.

2 What about you? Write.


3 Listen and draw.

5 Phonics

1 Check (✓) the words with o.

2 Write.

1o 2o 3o 4o

3 Listen and write the words with o.

1 nod 2 dog 3 mop 4dot 5 box 6 not

6 Value

1 What’s good food? Look and check (✓).

2 Read and draw.


Function 3: Classroom Language 3

1 Listen, read, and circle.

Teacher: Now, look at the picture of the food.

Kurt: What book / page?

Teacher: Page eleven.

Kurt: I don't / no understand. Can you know / repeat that, please?

Teacher: Page eleven, Kurt.

Kurt: Thank you.

Kurt: How do you say / do “Milch” in English?

Teacher: It's milk, Kurt. Milk.

Kurt: How do you spell / read milk?

Teacher: It's m-i-l-k.

Kurt: What does tiny mean / say?

Teacher: It means “very small,” Kurt. Anything else?

Kurt: Yes! Can I go to the bathroom / classroom?

2 Match.

School Trip 3: Otavalo Market, Ecuador

1 Remember the video. Match.

1 bag 2 doll 3 market 4 mask

2 Draw some things in a market.


3 You’re at the market now. Draw your favorite bag. Circle the words


Review 5: Units 9–10

1 Find and circle. Then write.

2 Check (✓) or ✗

banana √

dress √

lemon √

potato ×

skirt √

T-shirt ×

3 Write i or o.

1i 2i 3o 4o

4 Match.

5 Listen and draw.

6 Read, think, and check (✓).


11 Beach Vacations(十一单元)

1 Words

1 Match.

2 Write.

1 shell 2 beach 3 sandcastle 4 sand

3 Listen and write. Then draw.

2 s h e l l 3 s h u a n t 4 o c e a n

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and write.

There’s a beach ball next to me.

There are beach balls, one, two, three!

There isn’t a sun hat on my head.

There aren’t sun hats, blue or red.

2 Read and number.

3 Reading

1 Match.

2 Read and write.

It’s vacation time. The sun is in the sky. It’s a nice day. These two children aren’t at school. They’re at the beach. Look! They’re in the ocean. But they aren’t in a boat. They’re in the water. The children can see—they have masks on their faces. They can breathe under the water, too—they have snorkels. And they have special shoes called flippers . Are there fish in the water? Yes, there are! Look! How many fish can you see?

3 Read again. Write Yes or No.

2Yes 3No 4Yes 5Yes

4 Grammar

1 Read and write.

Shiven: Is there a beach in your town?

Aliyah: No, there isn’t.

Shiven: I see. Is there an ice cream shop?

Aliyah: Yes, there is!

Shiven: Great! And are there candy shops?

Aliyah: No, there aren’t.

2 Listen and draw.

5 Phonics

1 Check (✓) the words with u.

2 Write.

1u 2u 3u 4u

3 Listen and write the words with u.

1jug 2bug 3cup 4sun 5but 6fun

6 Value

1 Who plays outside in the sun? Look and check (✓).

2 Read and draw.


12 Free Time(十二单元)

1 Words

1 Circle

1 play soccer 2 sing a song 3 read a book 4 fly a kite

2 Write.

2 make a cake  3 write a story  4 paint a picture

3 Listen and number.

3 fly a kite

1 make a cake

2 play a game

6 play soccer

4 read a book

5 sing a song

2 Grammar

1 Listen, read, and write.

Let’s make a cake!

Great idea!

Let’s fly a kite!

Great idea!

Let’s paint a picture

of a house!

No! No! A picture of a mouse!

Let’s read a book!

Great idea!

Let’s play a game!

Great idea!

Let’s write a story about a dog!

No! No! A story about a frog!

2 Look and write.

2 Let's fly a kite! No! 3 Let's play soccer! Great idea! 4 Let's sing a song!No!

3 Write about you.


3 Reading

1 Match.

2 Read and write.

It’s a nice day. The sun is in the sky and it’s hot . We aren’t at school today. We’re in the park. I don’t have a soccer ball, but I have a pencil and paper. What can we do? Let’s write a story . And let’s paint a picture, too. I like stories. Let’s think of a story. What can we see in the park? Look at that boy in the sky! Can he fly? No, he can’t! Birds can fly, but children can’t fly. The boy is on a swing . He’s high in the sky, but he can’t fly! I have an idea! Let’s write a story about a flying boy and his friend, a bird !

3 Read again. Answer the questions.

2 in the park 3no 4 on a swing 5 a bird

4 Grammar

1 Write.

2 We're 3 We're 4 We aren't

2 Listen and circle.

1B 2A 3B 4A

5 Phonics

1 Match

2 Match the pairs with the same sound

3 Listen and write.

1 dad 2 yes 3 his 4 not 5 but

6 Value

1 Who uses their time well? Look and check (✓).

2 Read and draw.


Game 3

1 Do the crossword.

Reading Extra 3 LS_H1

1 Listen and circle.

1 yellow 2 orange 3 primary

2 Write T for True or F for False.

1T 2F 3T 4F 5F

3 Do you like reading about colors? Think and circle


Review 6: Units 11–12

1 Read and draw.


2 Look and write.

3 Look and color.

4 Circle.

A: Let’s go / play to the beach!

B: Great idea! Are / Is there sand?

A: Yes, there is / are.

B: Are / Is there shells?

A: Yes / No, there are.

B: Are there boats?

A: No, there aren’t / are.

B: Is there an ice cream shop?

A: No, there isn’t / aren’t.

B: Oh!

A: But there / there’s a candy shop!

B: Great!

5 Listen and number. Then match

6 Read, think, and check (✓).


Bonus School Trip: International Kite Festivals

1 Remember the video. Match.

2 Draw an animal kite.


3 You’re at the kite festival now. Draw and write about your favorite kite. Use the words in the box.


Bonus Reading Extra LS_H

1 Listen and circle.

1 see 2 under the trees 3 answers

2 Put the sentences in order.

5 The baby mice speak to the elephant.

2 The baby mice think the elephant’s body is a wall.

4 The baby mice think the elephant’s tail is a rope.

1 Mom Mouse sees an elephant.

6 The elephant talks to the baby mice.

3 The baby mice think the elephant’s leg is a tree

3 Do you like the story? Think and circle


Starters Listening

Part 1 

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Part 2

Read the questions. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.

1. 7 2. Park 3.13 4. May 5.10

Part 3 

Listen and check (✓) the box. There is one example.

1B 2A 3C 4A 5B

Part 4

Listen and color. There is one example. 

Starters Reading & Writing

Part 1

Look and read. Put a check (✓) or an ✗ in the box. There are two examples.

1√ 2× 3× 4√ 5√

Part 2

Look and read. Write Yes or No.

1yes 2no 3no 4yes 5yes

Part 3

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

1 dog 2 bird 3 donkey 4 sheep 5 chicken

Part 4

Read. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.

(1)doll (2)head (3)eyes (4)legs (5)shoes

Part 5

Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers.

1 game 2 fish 3 head 4 beach 5 moon

Starters Speaking

Part 1

Part 2

Look at the picture. Answer the questions.

1 There are three girls.

2 He's on the sofa.

3 Yes, I can. (It's in the picture.)

4 It's next to the cupboard.

5 The violin is on the sofa.

6 Yes, I can. (It's under the sofa.)

Part 3

Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

1 It's a cow.

No, it can’t.

Sample answer: My favorite farm animal is a horse.

2 It's a park.

Sample answer: Yes, there is.

Sample answer: I can fly my kite and play soccer.

3 It's a T-shirt.

No, it isn’t.

Sample answer: It’s red and yellow.

4 It's a pencil case.

Sample answer: Yes, there is.

Sample answer: There’s a pen, a pencil, an eraser and crayons in my pencil case.

Part 4

Sample answer: I’m six.

Sample answer: My eyes are brown.

Sample answer: Yes, I can. I can run.

Workbook Grammar Reference Answer Key

Unit 1


1. What’s, a bag

2. What’s, It’s


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

Unit 2


Students’ own drawings of: a plane,

a bag


1. A

2. B

3. A

4. B

Unit 3


1. A

2. B

3. A


4, 2, 1, 3

Unit 4 


1. ✓

2. ✓

3. ✗

4. ✓

5. ✓

6. ✗


1. Her

2. Her

3. His

4. His

Unit 5 


4, 3, 2, 1


Students’ own coloring of: girl with black

hair and any color eyes except brown;

boy with any color hair except brown

and blue eyes

Unit 6 


1. Where’s, in

2. Where


3, 2, 4, 1

Unit 7


1. zoo in the park.

2. a table in the kitchen.

3. ’s a library in the town center.

4. in the store.


1. There’s, There are

2. There are, There’s

Unit 8 


1. can’t

2. can

3. can

4. can’t

5. can

6. can


1. Yes, it can.

2. Yes, I can.

3. No, it can’t.

4. No, I can’t.

Unit 9 


1. Are, are

2. these, No


1. They’re blue.

2. It’s yellow.

3. They’re yellow.

4. It’s blue.

Unit 10


1. I like

2. I like

3. I don’t like


1. student’s drawing of a smiling face

2. student’s drawing of a smiling face

3. student’s drawing of a frowning face

4. student’s drawing of a neutral face

Unit 11


2, 3, 4, 1


1. No, there isn’t.

2. Yes, there is.

3. Yes, there are.

4. No, there aren’t.

Unit 12 


1. Let / Great

2. ’s / No / idea


1. A

2. B

3. A

4. B

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