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Great writing F级别答案(11,12,13,14单元)

Unit 11 The Simple Past


Activity 1, page 162

1. wanted  2. asked  3. started  4. seemed  5. used

6. played  7. looked  8. appeared  9. helped  10. moved

11. showed  12. reported  13. turned  14. died  15. worked

16. included  17. received  18. decided  19. tried  20. called

21. happened  22. added  23. learned  24. continued  25. opened

26. lived  27. created  28. believed  29. suggested  30. liked

Activity 2, page 164

Answers will vary.

Activity 3, page 164

Answers will vary.

Activity 4, page 165

1. was; were  2. had  3. did  4. said  5. came

6. got  7. went  8. made  9. took  10. thought

11. knew  12. told  13. saw  n14. found  15. began

16. felt  17. became  18. gave  19. left  20. wrote

21. heard  22. sat  23. stood  24. put  25. ran

26. kept  27. held  28. brought  29. lost

Activity 5, page 166

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, pages 166–167

1. I got a cold two or three days ago.

2. Last night, I felt a little sick.

3. I took aspirin, and then I went to bed.

4. I usually get up at 8 a.m., but I got up at 6:30 a.m. today.

5. I was very sick, so I went to see my doctor.

6. He said I had a very high fever.

7. He told me to go home and rest.

8. On the way home, I saw a drugstore.

9. I found some strong medicine there.

10. At home, I took the medicine, and I feel better now.

Activity 7, page 168

1. My vacation to Florida was not fun.

2. My flight did not leave on time.

3. I did not catch my connecting flight.

4. My suitcase did not arrive in Florida.

5. The hotel did not have my reservation. / My hotel did not

have the reservation.

6. I did not like the room they gave me.

7. The weather was not good.

8. I did not have fun.


Activity 8, page 169

Answers will vary.

Activity 9, page 170

1. sauce  2. automobile  3. laundry  4. wall  5. cough  6. salt

Activity 10, page 170

1. Au; August  2. a; tall  3. aw; raw  4. au; sauce  5. o; wrong

6. aw; awful  7. au; daughter  8. a; always  9. ou; thought

10. aw; drawer

Activity 11, page 171

1. autumn  2. also  3. sauce  4. almost  5. law  6. draw

7. ball  8. long  9. fall  10. taught  11. author  12. call

Activity 12, page 171

1. call  2. walk  3. tall  4. raw  5. fall  6. talk

7. almost  8. law  9. always  10. sauce  11. cough

12. thought

Activity 13, page 171

1. B. bought  2. A. fall  3. A. small  4. A. all  5. B. also

6. B. wrong  7. A. sauce  8. B. cause  9. B. raw  10. A. caught

11. B. author  12. A. almost  13. A. straw  14. B. salt 15. A. daughter

16. B. strong  17. A. draw  18. B. cough  19. B. tall  20. B. walk

Activity 14, page 172

1. B. caught  2. D. almost  3. C. practice  4. D. daughter  5. B. school

6. D. sometimes  7. B. important  8. C. laundry  9. A. study

10. A. future  11. C. continue  12. A. smoke  13. D. juice

14. B. cousin  15. C. amazing  16. B. pick  17. C. after

18. A. problem  19. C. trouble  20. A. little  21. D. reason

22. B. Wednesday  23. A. famous  24. D. usually  25. B. Chinese



Activity 15, page 173

1. Omar studies English at the community college.

2. The final test for his class was yesterday. / Yesterday was

the final test for his class.

3. The test was very difficult.

4. The exam was long, and it took Omar two hours.

5. The test did not have any short questions.

6. Omar did not know the answers to three questions.

7. He just learned his score.

8. He got a score of 81.

Activity 16, page 174 

Activity 17, page 175

1. sauce; Maria ate her pasta with tomato sauce.

2. wrong; Ling had only one wrong answer on the test, so her

score was 95.

3. tall; My brother is very tall, but my sister and I are short.

4. thought; My sister thought about the problem for a long time.

5. always; We really like tennis, so we always play tennis on

Mondays and Thursdays.

6. August; The month before September is August.

7. awful; The food is awful, and I cannot finish it.

8. daughter; My wife and I have three sons and one daughter.

9. draw; It is very difficult to draw people.

10. raw; Sushi uses raw fish.


Activity 18, page 176 

A Special Event

Last year, my birthday was very special. My friend Nadia

came to visit. She cooked a delicious birthday dinner for me.

She knows how to cook well. A meal by Nadia is always a special

event. This meal was extra special. Nadia surprised me. We went

to school together and have the same friends. She invited these

friends to celebrate, too. It was the best birthday ever.

Activity 19, pages 176–177

A Special Event

Last year, my graduation was very special. My Aunt Nadia

came to visit. She cooked a delicious graduation dinner for me

and my family. She knows how to cook well. A meal by Aunt

Nadia is always a special event, but this meal was extra special.

Aunt Nadia surprised usShe baked a huge cake. She invited

all my friends to come over for cake, too. It was the best

graduation celebration ever.

Activity 20, page 177

Answers will vary.

Unit 12 Complex Sentences


Activity 1, pages 180–181 

Activity 2, page 182

1. Because tomorrow is Lim’s birthday, I want to bake a cake for him.

2. Because chocolate is Lim’s favorite kind of cake, I want to make a chocolate cake.

3. Before I can make Lim’s cake, I need to go to the store.

4. If I want to make a very big cake, I have to buy a lot of flour and sugar.

5. After the cake cools down, I can put frosting on it.

6. When Lim sees his birthday cake, he will be so happy.

7. Because Lim will be 26 years old, my brother bought 26 candles for his cake.

8. When the cake is ready, my brother will put the candles on it.

9. Because Lim’s sister has a great voice, she will sing “Happy Birthday.”

10. If Lim is happy, everyone will be happy.

Activity 3, page 182

1. a. No comma necessary

b. Because it is sunny today, you should wear a hat.

2. a. No comma necessary

b. Because my language uses a different alphabetChinese is difficult for me.

3. a. No comma necessary

b. Because that book has 300 pages, it took me two

weeks to read it.

4. a. Because Marie is from France, she speaks French.

b. No comma necessary

5. a. Because it was so cold outside, Ryan closed the

window in his bedroom.

b. No comma necessary

6. a. No comma necessary

b. Because we want to learn Japanesewe plan to live in

Japan for one month.

7. a. No comma necessary

b. Because some people cannot have any milk products,

they cannot eat cheese.

8. a. No comma necessary

b. Because giraffes are very interesting, they are my

favorite animal.

Activity 4, page 183

1. My sister will study tonight because she has a test tomorrow.

Because my sister has a test tomorrow, she will study tonight.

2. You need an umbrella because it is raining now.

Because it is raining now, you need an umbrella.

3. The class understood the professor easily because she

spoke clearly.

Because the professor spoke clearly, the class understood

her easily.

4. I am going to take my car to the repair shop because it is

making a noise.

Because my car is making a noise, I am going to take it to

the repair shop.

5. Many Irish families moved to America in the 1800s because

life in Ireland was difficult.

Because life in Ireland was difficult, many Irish families

moved to America in the 1800s.

6. The word get is difficult to use correctly because it has

many different meanings.

Because the word get has many different meanings, it is

difficult to use correctly.

Activity 5, page 184

1.  a. No comma necessary

b. Before most children go to school, they learn the

names of the colors.

2. a. No comma necessary

b. After Jason finished his breakfast, he went to work.

3. a. When my father drives to work, he listens to news on the radio.

b. No comma necessary

4. a. No comma necessary

b. After I added one cup of flour, I added two cups of sugar.

5. a. When Jeff turned on the computer, nothing happened.

b. No comma necessary

6. a. No comma necessary

b. When I could not start my car, my friends pushed it.

7. a. No comma necessary

b. Before I left the office, I wrote ten emails.

8. a. When we flew to Alaska, the airline gave us lunch and a snack.

b. No comma necessary

Activity 6, page 185

1. I was so happy when I heard your good news.

When I heard your good news, I was so happy.

2. You should read the bill carefully before you pay it.

Before you pay the bill, you should read it carefully.

3. We watched that long movie before we went to bed.

Before we went to bed, we watched that long movie.

4. I washed my dish and put it in the cabinet after I ate lunch.

After I ate lunch, I washed my dish and put it in the cabinet.

5. Natalia did not speak any English before she went to England.

Before Natalia went to England, she did not speak any English.

6. My sister decided to buy those shoes when she saw the low price.

When my sister saw the low price, she decided to buy those shoes.

Activity 7, page 186

1. a. If you eat more vegetables and less red meat, you may

be healthier.

b. No comma necessary

2. a. No comma necessary

b. If you multiply the two numbersthe answer is 116.

3. a. If a hurricane comes near our area, you should leave.

b. No comma necessary

4. a. No comma necessary

b. If there is meat in this soup, Linda cannot eat it.

5. a. If you have any problems, you should call me immediately.

b. No comma necessary

6. a. If the weather is cold tomorrow, everyone will need a

heavy sweater.

b. No comma necessary

5. a. If you have any problems, you should call me immediately.

b. No comma necessary

6. a. If the weather is cold tomorrow, everyone will need a

heavy sweater.

b. No comma necessary

Activity 8, pages 186–187

1. My sister studies with her friends if she has an important test.

If my sister has an important test, she studies with her friends.

2. You will laugh a lot if you read this book.

If you read this book, you will laugh a lot.

3. The lake will freeze tonight if the weather is really cold.

If the weather is really cold, the lake will freeze tonight.

4. You need to buy a new computer if your computer is broken.

If your computer is broken, you need to buy a new computer.

5. The ticket will be expensive if Sarah travels to China in November.

If Sarah travels to China in November, the ticket will be expensive.

6. I look up the meaning of a word in a dictionary if I do not know it.

If I do not know the meaning of a word, I look it up in a dictionary.

Activity 9, page 187

Possible Answers:

1. Because I need to learn English to get a better job, I

selected this school. / I selected this school because I need

to learn English to get a better job.

2. When my family takes a trip, our dog stays at my friend’s

house. / Our dog stays at my friend’s house when my family

takes a trip.

3. Before everyone entered the office, they took their coats

off. / Everyone took their coats off before they entered the


4. If you work very hard this year, you will learn a lot. / You will

learn a lot if you work very hard this year.

5. After you add the onions and the other vegetables to the

pan, you need to cover it. / You need to cover the pan after

you add the onions and the other vegetables to it.

6. Because we do not have an Internet connection, we cannot

use social media. / We cannot use social media because we

do not have an Internet connection.

7. When the weather in our area is very hot, no one wants

to go outside. / No one wants to go outside when the

weather in our area is very hot.

8. Because my new phone takes beautiful photos, I do not

need my camera anymore. / I do not need my camera

anymore because my new phone takes beautiful photos.


Activity 10, page 188

Answers will vary.

Activity 11, page 189

1. bull  2. cookie  3. woman  4. book  5. sugar  6. push

Activity 12, page 189

1. oo; book  2. u; sugar  3. u; full  4. oo; look  5. oo; wool

6. u; pull  7. oo; understood  8. oo; good  9. oo; foot  10. u; put

Activity 13, page 190

1. cook  2. push  3. should  4. bush  5. cookie  6. stood

7. could  8. wood  9. woman  10. book  11. took  12. would

Activity 14, page 190

1. good  2. book  3. put  4. foot  5. could  6. full

7. push  8. wool  9. bush  10. pull  11. woman  12. should

Activity 15, page 190

1. A. book  2. B. cookie  3. A. bull  4. B. could  5. B. woman

6. B. cook  7. B. put  8. B. took  9. B. pull  10. B. foot

11. A. full  12. A. should  13. A. good  14. A. look  15. B. stood

16. B. wood  17. B. bull  18. B. would  19. B. sugar  20. A. wool

Activity 16, page 191

1. B. box  2. D. language  3. C. many  4. D. said  5. A. funny

6. C. lemon  7. C. stop  8. D. awful  9. D. please  10. B. sugar

11. A. everything  12. D. women  13. A. never  14. A. happen

15. A. could  16. D. famous  17. C. practice  18. D. student

19. D. because  20. D. took



Activity 17, page 192

1. My favorite food is pizza.

2. I like pizza because it has a lot of cheese.

3. I wanted a pizza yesterday, so I went to a pizza restaurant.

4. The name of the restaurant was Pizza Country. / Pizza

Country was the name of the restaurant.

5. I went to this restaurant because a friend told me about it.

6. When I walked inside, I had a good feeling about the place.

7. The restaurant looked nice, and the pizza menu was long.

8. After I read the menu, I decided to order the chicken pizza.

9. When I tried my pizza, I was happy with my choice.

10. If you want to eat a really delicious pizza, I recommend this


Activity 18, page 193 

Activity 19, page 194

1. foot; The plural of foot is feet.

2. put; After you wash the dishes, you need to put them away.

3. sugar; My friend likes a little sugar in her coffee.

4. full; Our new boss is full of new ideas for the company.

5. book; Remember to return the book to the library.

6. pull; You have to pull the door really hard to close it.

7. wool; When the weather is cold, many people wear a heavy

wool sweater.

8. should; You should do the homework for every class.

9. understood; Maria, Thomas, and Amina understood

everything on the test yesterday, so their scores were very high.

10. look; Zebras look like horses with stripes.


Activity 20, pages 194–195

My First Job as a Teacher

This story is about my first job as a teacher. In May 2009,

I finished college. I got a degree in education, and I wanted to

become a teacher. I really wanted to teach in another country.

I looked on the Internet for information about a job in Brazil.

When I found a really good job posting, I wrote an email to the

school. Soon I received a job offer from the school. After I got

that letter, I asked my family for advice. My parents liked the

job, so I accepted it. I taught English in Brazil for three years.

I will never forget my teaching experience in Brazil. It was the

beginning of my career as a teacher.

Activity 21, page 195

My First Job as a Chef

This story is about my first job as a chef. In May 2009,

I finished college. I got a degree in culinary arts, and I wanted

to become a chef. I really wanted to cook in another country,

so I looked on the Internet for information about a job in

France. When I found a really good job posting, I wrote an

email to the restaurant. Soon I received a job offer from the

restaurant. After I got that letter, I asked my family for advice.

My parents liked the job, so I accepted it. I cooked in France for

three years. I will never forget my cooking experience in France

because it was the beginning of my career as a chef.

Activity 22, page 195

Answers will vary.

Unit 13 Adverbs


Activity 1, pages 198–199 

Activity 2, pages 199–200

1. My brother and sister are in their classrooms at 8 a.m.

At 8 a.m., my brother and sister are in their classrooms.

2. We were in Madrid in 2011.

In 2011, we were in Madrid.

3. Jose Martinez came to the United States five years ago.

Five years ago, Jose Martinez came to the United States.

4. Jonathan bought a new pair of shoes at the mall yesterday.

Yesterday Jonathan bought a new pair of shoes at the mall.

5. Lucas and I are going to eat lunch at a steak restaurant tomorrow.

Tomorrow Lucas and I are going to eat lunch at a steak restaurant.

6. I play tennis with Maria at the park on Saturday mornings.

On Saturday mornings, I play tennis with Maria at the park.

Activity 3, page 201

1. quick; quickly  2. slow; slowly  3. good; well

4. easy; easily  5. carefully; careful

Activity 4, page 202

Answers will vary.

Activity 5, page 202

Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 203

1. I like bananas. They are very healthy.

2. I like this chocolate cake a lot. It is so good.

3. The math test was very difficult. Matt did not pass it.

4. Jenna wants to play tennis today, but it is too hot. Maybe

she will play tomorrow.

5. The problems with our car are very serious. We need to buy a new one.

6. Everyone should exercise. It is an extremely important thing to do.


Activity 7, page 204

Answers will vary.

Activity 8, page 205

1. cow  2. crowded  3. bow  4. mouse  5. cloud  6. mountain

Activity 9, page 205

1. ow; town  2. ou; around  3. ow; now  4. ou; round  5. ow; allow

6. ou; south  7. ou; about  8. ou; loud  9. ou; out  10. ow; cow

Activity 10, page 206

1. sour  2. house  3. flower  4. sound  5. pound  6. down

7. loud  8. flour  9. mouse  10. towel  11. now  12. ground

Activity 11, page 206

1. out  2. how  3. about  4. house  5. sound  6. mouse

7. count  8. down  9. allow  10. towel  11. ground  12. crowded

Activity 12, page 206

1. A. house  2. A. pound  3. A. our  4. B. down  5. A. mouth

6. A. mouse  7. B. cow  8. A. about  9. B. shower  10. A. hour

11. A. sour  12. B. allow  13. A. found  14. A. south  15. B. power

16. B. towel  17. B. how  18. A. shout  19. B. crowded  20. A. cloud

Activity 13, page 207

1. D. flower  2. C. famous  3. C. kitchen  4. C. possible  5. C. contain

6. B. should  7. D. family  8. B. pepper  9. B. minutes  10. C. student

11. A. money  12. C. house  13. D. towel  14. D. because

15. A. clothes  16. B. finally  17. C. sauce  18. A. reason

19. D. around  20. D. everybody



Activity 14, page 208

1. Hokkaido is a large island in northern Japan.

2. Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido. / The capital of

Hokkaido is Sapporo.

3. People visit Hokkaido in the winter because they want to

see the snow and ice. / People visit Hokkaido because they

want to see the snow and ice in the winter.

4. Because Hokkaido is so far north, it has very long winters. /

Because it is so far north, Hokkaido has very long winters.

5. In January, the temperature is around –8 degrees Celsius.

6. There is a snow festival every February.

7. People build huge sculptures with the snow and ice.

8. The Sapporo Snow Festival is very popular.

Activity 15, page 209 

Activity 16, page 210

1. south; Mexico is located south of the United States.

2. sound; When my car makes a strange sound, I take it to a mechanic.

3. hour; There are 60 minutes in an hour.

4. about; That movie is about two people from Korea.

5. town; I live in New York City, but I was born in a small town.

6. around; My little brother loves to run around the tree in our backyard.

7. allow; When I was younger, my parents did not allow me to

watch scary movies.

8. loud; Susan does not like that music because it is so loud.

9. out; The opposite of in is out.

10. round; Oranges, balls, and coins are examples of round things.


Activity 17, pages 210–211 

My Neighbor

I have an elderly neighbor. His name is Mr. Taylor. He is 80

years old, but he drives his car every day. He drives to the coffee

shop every morning. He always goes there. He usually drives to

the supermarket twice a week. He also drives to the post office

twice a week. He is old, so he drives very slowly. Because he is

a slow driver, he has a line of cars behind him. I do not like to

drive on the road with Mr. Taylor because he drives too slowly.

Activity 18, page 211

My Neighbor

I have a teenage neighbor. His name is Tom. He is 18 years

old, and he drives his car every day. He drives to the coffee shop

every morning. He always goes there. He usually drives to the

gym and the mall twice a week. He is young, so he drives very

fast. Because he is a fast driver, he passes many cars. I do not

like to drive on the road with Tom because he drives too fast.

Activity 19, page 211

Answers will vary.

UNIT 14 The Present Progressive


Activity 1, page 215

Jacob is a passenger on Flight 873. He is flying to California.

He is going there because his company is doing business there.

Right now, Jacob is not talking to anyone. He is not eating 

anything. He is not drinking anything. Jacob is looking at his

phone. He is listening to his favorite music. He is a very happy

passenger right now.


1. He               is                      flying

2. He               is                      going

3. His company       is                      doing

4. Jacob             is not                   talking

5. He               is not                   eating

6. He               is not                   drinking

7. Jacob             is                      looking

8. He               is                      listening

Activity 2, pages 216–217

1. going  2. trying  3. looking  4. making  5. getting

6. using  7. saying  8. coming  9. working  10. talking

11. taking  12. running  13. playing  14. watching  15. giving

16. sitting  17. waiting  18. living  19. seeing  20. leaving

21. standing  22. holding  23. telling  24. asking  25. thinking

26. moving  27. deciding  28. trying  29. putting  30. following

Activity 3, page 218

Possible answers:

1. She is living in Canada now.

2. I am trying to find a new job right now.

3. They are sitting on a bench at this moment.

4. She is trying to find a new job.

5. They are living in Canada right now.

Activity 4, page 218

Answers may vary.

Activity 5 page 218

1. The Johnson family is taking a trip today.

2. They are going to California.

3. Mr. Johnson is driving.

4. The children are listening to the radio.

5. They are enjoying this trip very much.


Activity 6, page 219

Answers may vary.

Activity 7, page 220

1. toy  2. boil  3. point  4. coin  5. oil  6. noise

Activity 8, page 220

1. oy; enjoy  2. oi; point  3. oy; employer  4. oy; destroy

5. oi; oil  6. oi; choice  7. oi; voice  8. oi; boil

9. oi; coin  10. oy; employee

Activity 9, page 221

1. choice  2. voice  3. joy  4. oil  5. employee  6. noise

7. boil  8. join  9. destroy  10. enjoy  11. poison  12. point

Activity 10, page 221

1. boy  2. boil  3. coin  4. enjoy  5. point  6. employee

7. poison  8. toy  9. choice  10. destroy  11. employer  12. voice

Activity 11, page 221

1. B. boil  2. A. boy  3. B. oil  4. A. destroy

5. B. poison  6. B. point  7. A. employee  8. B. join

9. B. choice  10. B. voice  11. A. joy  12. A. enjoy

13. B. coin  14. B. noise  15. A. employer  16. B. toy

Activity 12, page 222

1. B. choice  2. C. next  3. B. goals  4. D. sugar

5. D. because  6. A. reason  7. A. with  8. C. people

9. A. tomorrow  10. D. family  11. D. destroy  12. C. spend

13. B. include  14. D. shower  15. B. doctor  16. C. right

17. C. noise  18. D. always  19. D. daughter  20. A. hungry



Activity 13, pages 222–223

1. Lucas is shopping at the supermarket right now. / Right

now, Lucas is shopping at the supermarket.

2. He is buying many things.

3. Lucas is planning a big dinner for his cousin’s birthday.

4. He is getting some delicious food for tonight’s big dinner.

5. Lucas is waiting in line right now. / Right now, Lucas is

waiting in line.

6. The cashier is working very hard, but she is a little slow. /

The cashier is a little slow, but she is working very hard.

7. Lucas is looking at his watch because he is thinking about

the time. / Because Lucas is thinking about the time, he is

looking at his watch.

8. Lucas wants to have a great dinner with his cousin.

Activity 14, page 223 

Activity 15, page 224

1. coin; A penny is a coin worth $0.01.

2. employer; My company is a really big employer in our town.

3. destroy; A strong storm can destroy houses and buildings.

4. boil; It takes about four or five minutes to boil an egg.

5. points; The arrow points to the location of the exit.

6. choice; For the main course of your dinner, you have a

choice of chicken, fish, or beef.

7. enjoy; Most people do not enjoy movies with sad endings.

8. voice; People want to listen to her songs because she has

an incredible voice.

9. join; I really want to join the basketball team.

10. oil; Many people like oil and vinegar on their salads.


Activity 16, page 224–225 


Mr. and Mrs. Hill and their four children live in a very

big house. Their house has five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a

kitchen, a dining room, a huge living room, and a garage.They

do a big cleaning every fall. Mr. Hill cleans the yard. He rakes

the leaves, and he puts them in trash bags.Mrs. Hill cleans all

the outdoor furniture, and their son puts it in the basement.

The oldest daughter mops all the floors in the house, and

the middle daughter washes all the windows. Their youngest

daughter puts away all the summer toys. It is difficult to clean

this big house, so everyone helps.Because everyone does their

job well, the Hill family cleans their house quickly.

Activity 17, page 225


Mr. and Mrs. Hill and their four children live in a very

big house. Their house has five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a

kitchen, a dining room, a huge living room, and a garage.They

Xare doing a big cleaning today. Mr. Hill is cleaning the yard.

He is raking the leaves, and he is putting them in trash bags.

Mrs. Hill is cleaning all the outdoor furniture, and their son is

putting it in the basement. The oldest daughter is mopping all

the floors in the house, and the middle daughter is washing all

the windows. Their youngest daughter is putting away all the

summer toys. It is difficult to clean this big house, so everyone

is helping.Because everyone is doing their job well, the Hill

family is cleaning their house quickly.

Activity 18, page 225

Answers will vary.


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