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English in Mind 5 练习册答案 Unit 13

13.Those were the days(十三单元)

1.a:2 exhibit 3 revolutionised 4 .gloomy 5 unique 6 artefacts 7 luxury 8 meteorologist

2.a:2 those 3 so did 4 that 5 neither did 6 did so

b:2 so am I 3 neither are those in Italy 4 hope so 5 do so 6 did so

3.a:2 It's 3 We're 4 I 5 It's 6 Go 7 Turn 8 Take the 9 That's 10 It's a

b:2 Have you got 3 Have you 4 Is it 5 It's

1 Did you have a 2 it was 3 Did you 4 Do you 5 I've

c:1 B: Yes, I'd like one.

2 A: Nice weekend? B: No! Worst one ever.

3 A: This OK to eat? B: Not sure, it might be.

4 A: Mike- got a minute? B: Sorry, busy at the moment.

5 A: Come on, please help. B: I would if I could, but I can't.

4.a:2 update 3 restored 4 contemporary 5 obsolete 6 outdated 7 renovated 8 renew 9 old-fashioned

b:2 current 3 state-of-the-art 4 cutting edge 5 decrepit 6 antique

5.a:1 The woman has returned a piece of sculpted marble to Athens.

2 She heard about Greece's Elgin Marbles campaign.

3 She thinks the Museum should return all the original Elgin Marbles.

4 Heidelberg University

5 Because they were legally obtained.

b:1 B 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 not used 6 C

c:1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F

6.a:1. 1971 2. 19 3. 78,000 4. Spanish conquest 5. 15th 6. calendar 7. wind 8. floods 9. 1011 AD

b:1 Mexican 2 a large area of the museum is in the open air 3 Room 7 on the ground floor 4 It has a diameter of about four metres (or weighs around 25 tons) 5 The Aztec sun god

OK, everyone, OK, everyone, please listen up now. Well, here we are. This is one of the really special highlights of our trip here in Mexico City. We're outside the National Museum of Anthropology, which is one of the most wonderful museums in the world . It's a fairly modern building, as you can see- it was opened in 1971. Erm, it was designed by the Mexican architect, Pedro Ramirez Vazquez, and built over a period of 19 months. As you can see, it's a huge building- the museum covers in total an area of about 78,000 square metres, and of those, about 36,000 are in the open air, quite unusual for a museum, I'm sure you'll agree.

OK, well, inside there are two floors, the upper floor shows more recent Mexican history and development but the lower, ground floor focuses on Mexico before the Spanish conquest- the Spanish arrived, you'll remember, in 1519. Anyway, here you'll find many wonderful artefacts from various civilisations including the Aztecs.

Now, you won't have time to see everything, that would take about three days or more, but there is one thing you cannot, must not miss on any account, and that is the Aztec Sun Stone. It's housed in Room 7, on the ground floor. Here's a picture of it, but go see the real thing, OK? This stone was carved in the late fifteenth century, it has a diameter of about four metres and weighs around 25 tons. Now, as far as we know, it appears that the sun stone is a kind of cosmological calendar- but from the Aztec world and times, not what we'd understand today.

In the centre of the stone is the Aztec sun god. The rest of the carvings illustrate Aztec cosmology -the Aztecs believed that before they existed, the world went through four periods of creation and destruction, which the Aztecs referred to as four worlds. Now, around the centre image there are four square panels, and they represent these four worlds and their destruction -they were destroyed by jaguars, wind, firestorms and floods, in that order. There's a ring around the panels that's filled with symbols representing the 20 days of the Aztec month. Finally, two snakes form an outer ring, and they point to the date when the fifth sun, the Aztecs' current world, was created. That date is 1011 AD.

Well, anyway, enough of me talking, let's go inside and see some of the wonderful exhibits. Now, if you'll just follow me ...

Unit check

1.2 that 3 those 4 restoring 5 replaced 6 restored 7 neither 8 Eventually 9 so 10 novel

2.2a 3a 4a 5c 6a 7b 8c 9b

3.2 up- 3 out-of-date 4 antique 5 state- 6 prime 7 obsolete 8 contemporary 9 decrepit

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麦凯思教育 ELTMAX