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Unit 5

page 103

1 snowboarding 2-5 Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page104

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3page 105

1oldest 2 dangerous 3three 4windy 5was not

Exercise 4 page 105

1 216 2 back neck in any order 3 88 4 likes 5experience 6 96

Exercise 5page 105

1 F: The Bloukrans Bridge is one of the highest bungee jumps.

2 F; Bungee ropes don't often break.


4 F: Mohr didn't know about the world record when he jumped./He did not know he was going to break the world record


6 F;Mohr didn't think (about anything)before he jumped Exercise 6 page 105

Answers will vary

Exercise 1 page 106

1take place 2compete 3ancient 4strange 5throw 6competition 7 swimming

Exercises 2-3page107

16 2b 3bd

Exercise 4 page 109

a Paragraph 5 b Paragraph3 c Paragraph6 d Paragraph4 e Paragraph2

Exercise 5 page 109

1lndonesia 2Singapore China Malaysia.Indonesia 3Turkey 4Scotland 5theUSA

Exercise 6 page109

1The Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge takes place every Sunday from October to April and on New Year'sDay

2 The Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge began in 1903.

3 A dragon boat has a dragon's head painted on it

4 There are 22 people in each dragon boat team.

5 A caber is a large piece of wood

6 A caber is usually the size of a small tree

7 in fireball football the ball is made from coconut shells.

8 The ball is on fire throughout a game of fireball football

9 The Ephesus camel wrestling competition happens once a year.

10 In camel wrestling two male camels fight each other.

Exercises 7-8 page110

1a 2b 3b

Exercise 9 page 110

Answers will vary.


1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6b

Exercise 2 page 111 a magazine article

Exercises 3-4 page 111

Answers will vary Possible answers:a competition. a difficult race

Exercise 5 page 111

1difficult 2cold 3countries 4get hurt 5strong 6different

Exercise 6 page 111

1d 2f 3e 4b 5a 6c

Exercise 7 page 113

1the UK 2January 315 kilometres 4all year

5 Because it is exciting and challenging and it is a different course every year.

Exercise 8 page 113

1c;e 2b; d 3a;f

Exercise 9 page 113

1a 2a

Exercise 1 page 114

1f 2g 3c 4b 5e 6d 7a

Exercise 2 page 115

1along 2past 3over/across 4through/across 5under 6through 7across 8around/along

Exercise 1page 116

1bridge 2swimming route 3tunnel 4cycle route 5central library 6running route

Exercise 2 page117

1 10 kilometres 2 1500 metres 3 40 kilometres

Exercise 3 page 117

a over/across b through c along d across e past

Exercise 4 page 117

a4 b3 c5 d1e2

Exercise 1 page 119 

1b 2d 3c 4a

Exercise 2 page 119

1 First,the weightlifter lifts the weight onto his shoulders

2 Next/Then/After that,the weightlifter lifts the weight above his head.

3 Then/Next /After that the weightlifter holds the weight above his head for as long as he can.

4 Finally, the weightlifter drops the weight to the ground

Exercises 3-4 page120

Answers will vary Possible answer

First the tennis players walk onto the court Next they pick up their racquets.Then one player hits the ball over the net. After that, the other player hits the ball back.

Exercises 5-6 page120

The high jump is an Olympic sport that is practised in many countries. Athletes competed in over 30 venues during the 2012 London Olympic Games.First the high jumper runs towards the bar.It is important to run very fast.The high jump is the most popular sport in Russia.Next, the high jumper jumps. I was on the track and field team at school.The high jumper must jump from the right foot and keep their arms close to their sides.Then the high jumper twists their body so their back is to the bar. They must lift their head and feet and keep them high above the bar.The high jump is a really interesting sport. After that, the high jumper lands.They must be careful to land safely on the mat.Derek Drouin from Canada wen the geld medal in the men's high um at the 2016-Rie.Olvmpie Games.and Ruth Beitia from Spain wen the gold for the women's high jump.Finally.the high jumper stand up,takes a bow and leaves the mat.

Exercise 1 page 121

Answers will vary

B 1swim across the bay 2cycle a bike past the library 3cycle a bike through the tunnel 4cycle a bike over/ across the bridge 5run along the road

Exercises 2-8 pages 121-122

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1ancient 2competition 3course 4throw5take place 6challenging 7strange 8ft

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1past 2through 3across 4under5 around 6 over 7 along

Exercise 5

1a bridge 2a city 3a lake 4a tree 5a tunnel

Exercise 6

[1] Underwater hockey is a popular but strange sport.

[2] First two teams of six players get into a swimming


[3]Next,the puck must be dropped in the middle of the pool

[4]The nall the players can swim around and try to put the puck in the correct goal

[5]Finally. the game ends and the winner is the team with the most goals.

[X]The first underwater hockey game took place in 1954 in England.

Unit 6

page 125

1a top: Bill Gates:bottom:Oprah Winfrey b Bill Gates- Microsoft;Oprah Winfrey-The Oprah Winfrey Show. O Magazine.OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network c Answers will vary

2-3 Answers will vary.

Exercises 1-2 page 126 Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 126

1T 2F;An Amazon worker walks through the warehouse to find the item you ordered. 3F: Amazon does sell kitchen items.

Exercise 4 page 126


Exercise 5 page127

1 Seattle 2100 3website 4 large 5fulflment

Exercise 6 page 127

1T 2F:The first warehouse was a basement. 3F:Only the central computer knows where everything is. 4F; An Amazon worker finds your item after you pay for it5T

Exercise 7 page127

 a5 b3 c2 d1 e4

Exercise 8 page 127


Exercise 9 page 127

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 128

1a 2b 3a 4b5b 6a

Exercises 2-3 page128

1b 2a

Exercise 4 page 130

There are three four main kinds of jobs-jobs with animals people. jobs with information jobs with machines things and jobs with ideas.The quiz helps you to find out about the kind of people jobs you might like.After doing the quiz, read the advice to find universities jobs you might like.

Exercises 5-6 page 130 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 8 page 130

1b 2a 3a 4b

Exercise 9 page131

 b; c

Exercise 10 page 131

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 131

a set up b office c run d partner e goal f employ g introduce h advertise

Exercise 2 page132

 Possible answers:

Google online business;entrepreneurs

Exercise 4 page 132 

a3 b1 c2

Exercise 5 page 132

1b 2a 3a 4a

Exercise 6 page 134

1F; Google has three main focuses: to make its search

engine fast and smart to develop products that can work on different devices and in different places and to help new businesses advertise and find new customers.

2T 3T

4 F; Google released a program which enabled people to see famous works of art.

Exercise 7 page 134

Exercise 8 page 134


Exercise 9 page 134


Exercise 10 page 134

 Answers will vary

Exercise 1page135

b N c V d e V f V

 Exercise 2 page135

1plan 2Expand 3partner 4Run 5set up 6contact

Exercise 3 page 135

1before 2after

Exercise 4 page 136

1c 2g 3f 4h 5e 6d 7b 8a

Exercise 5 page 136

1employees 2offce 3software 4employ 5products 6department 7colleagues 8manager

Exercises 1-2page 137

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 137

c1997 b1998 g2000 a2005 f2006 e2008 h2011

Exercise 6 page 141

1 when Lei finished her master's degree she started a 


2 The owners opened a second cafe when the first one was one year old.

3 When Samir wanted to get more customers, he advertised his business online

4 Anika loved to learn about computers when she was a child.

5 When Yoko became CEO,she moved to a bigger office

Exercise 1 page 142

1a 2d 3b 4c

Exercise 2 page 142

1a 2d 3b 4e 5c 6g 7h 8f

Exercises1-9 pages 143-144

Answers will vary.



Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1customers 2set up 3goal 4introduce 5occupation 6applied 7organize 8results

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1expand the business 2be your business partner 3make business contacts 4write a business plan 5develop both skills

Exercise 5

1offce 2software 3departments 4colleague 5products

Exercise 6

1Her new business was a food truck

2She didn't want people to have to wait in traffic to get to a restaurant.

3She believes in giving women the opportunity to be independent by earning their own money.

Exercise 1 page 142

1a 2d 3b 4c

Exercise 2 page 142

1a 2d 3b 4e 5c 6g 7h 8f

Exercises1-9 pages 143-144

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1customers 2set up 3goal 4introduce 5occupation 6applied 7 organize 8results

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1expand the business 2be your business partner 3make business contacts 4write a business plan 5develop both skills

Exercise 5

1office 2software 3departments 4colleague 5products

Exercise 6

1Her new business was a food truck

2She didn't want people to have to wait in traffic to get to a restaurant.

3She believes in giving women the opportunity to be independent by earning their own money.

Unit 7

page 147

1 Barack Obama Diana,Princess of Wales;Mahatma Gandhi. 2Barack Obama (196-was the first African American

President of the USA He was the PresidentfromJanuar2009 to January 2017He attended Harvard Law School and he won the Nobel Peace Prizein2009

Diana,Princess of Wales 11961-1997was married to Prince Charles. She was known for her work for various charities She divorced Prince Charles in 1996 and died in a car crash in Paris the following year.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was a leader of the Indian independence movement.He led protests against British rule, using non-violent methods of civil disobedience(Le breaking rules without hurting people)He is known in India as the Father of the Nation He was assassinatedin1948,shortly after India declared independence.


Exercises1-2 page 148

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 149

1F:Vince's job is finding gold 2T 3T4F;Looking for gold is not easy.5T 6F;Vince doesn't ean a lot of money from finding gold 7T

Exercise 4 page 149

1another prospector/a man he met

2in anoffice

3a plastic or metal dish .


5about £200 worth

6 E50,000 a year

7about E12.000 a year

Exercise 5 page 149 

Possible answers:

1 he was bored with it;he was excited about finding gold

2 gold is very heavy and rivers can't move it far

3 the pieces are very small.

4 happy, because he is doing his dream job.

Exercise 6 page 149

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 150

1operation 2incredible 3blind 4talent 5respect 6inspire

Exercise 2 page 150


Exercise 3 page 152

 a 3 b1 c4 d2

Exercise 4 page 152

1T 2F:He was different from most other teenagers.3 F: He learnt to see with his ears. 4F;Ben loved cycling his bike 5T6T

Exercise 5 page 152

1b 2e 3a 4c 5g 6d 7f

Exercise 6 page 153


Exercises 7-8page153

1b 2b

Exercise 9 page 153

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 154

a dream b look after c brave d former e intelligent f train g honest h achieve

Exercise 2 page 156

1c 2a 3d 4b

Exercise 3 page 156

1 In 2009,the Singapore Women's Everest team climbed

Everest after seven years of training

2 Malala Yousafzai donated S1.1 million to build a school in Pakistan.

3 Steve Jobs died in October 2011

4 Mark's mother looks after Mark's nephew in hospital

Exercise 4 page 156

Answers will vary Suggested answers:

Explorer-most likely Li Chan

Teacher-most likely Jane Kloster

IT technician-most likely Ahmed Aziz

University student-most likely Mark Evans

Exercise 5 page 156

 Answers will vary.


1c 2d 3g 4e 5f 6a 7b

Exercise 2page 157

1 She is the new leader of the country

2 l met a friend of my brother's

3 My mother gave me a piece of cake4 A dentist is a kind of doctor

5 He is the former director of technology6 Jules is one of my best friends.

7 I always feel tired in the middle of the day

8 Our son has a good group of friends at his school

Exercise 3 page 158

Positive: calm,clever,confident,friendly,honest


Negative: difficult,lazy,selfish,shy,stupid

Note: Shy can be both positive and negative depending on the context.

Exercise 4 page 158

1honest 2calm 3friendly 4shy 5lazy 6reliable 7sensible 8talented 9selfsh 10clever;intelligent

Exercise 1page 159

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 160

a Singapore Women's Everest Team b Mary Evans Malala You safzai c Steve Jobs,Malala Yousafzai d Steve jobs

Exercises 3-7page160

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 161

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

1 Good role models should/must/have to work hard.2 Good role models don't have to be/should be/must be famous.

3 Good role models should/must/have to ask others what they need.

4 Good role models should/must/have to be patient.5 Good role models should not/must not be unfriendly to others.

6 Good role models don't have to be/should be/must be clever.

Exercise 2 page162

It is important to be patient.

It is important to spend time with your family.

3 It is important to learn about other people.

It is important to get a good education.

5ltis important to be reliable.

Exercise 3 page 162

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4 page 162

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2 Maria has to study hard and go to medical school.3 Jun should read lots of different authors books.

4 Thomas should not spend money on clothes or games.

5 Jamila must not spend too much time with her friends.

It is important for Helen to learn different languages

Exercise 1page 163


Exercise 2page 163

 In summary

Exercise 3 page 163 


Exercise 4 page163

1d 2c 3b 4a

Exercise 5 page 164


Exercise 6 page 164

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

In conclusion Chan worked hard and invented something that could help a lot of people.

2 In summary,da Vinci was very talented and had a lot of different interests during his life.

3 In short it takes a lot of hard work and patience to get the job that you want.

Exercises 1-9 pages 165-166

Answers will vary.


Exercises 1-2

Answers will vary

Exercise 3

1incredible 2talent 3honest 4look after 5former 6inspired 7trains 8intelligent

Exercise 4

1saw a photo of your sister

2We hiked to the top of the mountain.

3The history of my country is very interesting

4The education of children is necessary in every country

5Experts agree that there are many benefits of exercise

Exercise 5

1patient 2lazy 3clever 4reliable 5intelligent 6selfish

Exercise 6

1In short. he is one of the smartest kids in the world

2 In summary,Olivia has many different interests.

3 In short, yoga has helped her remain active all her life.

4 In short, Curie achieved great things in her life

Unit 8

page 169

1The person is doing a spacewalk/repairing a space station

2-3 Answers will vary.


Answers will vary.

Exercise 2 page 170

Possible answers:Adjectives:weightless, exciting dangerous, amazing difficult.

Nouns: space suit,space shuttle,gravity,astronaut rocket

Exercise 3 page 171

1she is an astronaut.2The International Space Station 3She got there in a rocket.4Traffc 5Her drive to work.

Exercise 4 page 171

115-20 2two 3four 4250 5nine

Exercise 5 page 171

1 The rocket is American Russian

2 The trip took double half the time it takes her to drive to work

3 She travelled in a big tiny capsule.

She went with a Russian cosmonaut and a Korean Japanese astronaut.

5 They rode the lift to the bottom top.

Exercise 6 page 171

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 172

a entrepreneur b advance c private d explore e beyond f crash g public

Exercise 2 page 172 

Answers will vary.

Exercise 3 page 174

1The era when governments began sending spacecraft into space.It continues,as several countries still send astronauts,cosmonauts and spacecraft into space.

2To make new discoveries in space especially on Mars.

3To take people to the moon and back to take people to Mars.

4Private companies don't need money from the government.

Exercise 4page 174

1 F;The Soviet Union sent Sputnik into space and it was the first successful spacecraft to orbit the Earth.

2 F:Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Sir Richard Branson

don't have to wait for government money in order to build new spacecraft.

3 F n 2014,a Space X spacecraft crashed in the Moave

Desert and killed its pilot.4T 5T

Exercise 5 page 174

1b 2a 3b

Exercise 6 page 175

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1page 175

1a 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a

Exercise 2 page 176


Exercise 3 page 176

a2 b4 c1 d3

Exercise 4 page 176

1Thousands 2The Kepler telescope 3A planet (that is similar to Earth) 4Princeton University 5Scientifc evidence

Exercise 5 page 178

 Answers will vary.Possible answers: because the telescope that discovered it is called Kepler because it is the 22nd system that was discovered: because it orbits a star that is called 22a.

Exercise 6 page 178

1O 2F 34F

Exercise 7 page 178

1b 2b 3a

Exercises 8-9 page 178

Answers will vary.

Exercise 1 page 179

1expert 2report/study 3research

Exercise 2 page 179

1think/believe 2show/suggest 3think/believe 4show/suggest 5shows/suggests

Exercise 1page 180

The author does not believe that there is life on other planets.

Exercise 2page180

Paragraph 2: Although it has the right conditions,experts with the best technology can see no signs of life on Kepler 22B. Until there is hard evidence,we cannot use Kepler 22b to support the idea of life on other planets.

Paragraph 3: Earth has the perfect conditions for life, and it is highly unlikely that another planet has exactly the same environment as Earth in additional though scientists believe that life might exist on other planets, they have never found evidence to prove it.

Exercise 3 page180

a Governments around the world should spend more

money on space programmes.

b More money should be spent on people who need clean water and foodon access to education and on medical research,Governments should spend more money on ocean exploration than on space exploration

Uncovering the mysteries of space is a huge task that should continue to be funded Governments should absolutely spend more money on space programmes.

Exercise 4 page 182

For: brings many countries together a astronauts

take part in important experiments (a);is necessary for long-term space journeys (to Mars)(a): proves countries can work together(a);makes technological advances c):encourages young people to study Science and

Engineering(c);results in medical advances(c);improves life on Earth by doing research in space(c)

Against:expensive(b]:dangerous(b):wastes natural

resources (b); spends money that should be used on other things that people need(clean water and food, access to education,medical research)(b)

Exercises 5-7 page 182

Answers will vary

Exercise 1page 184

1Scientists believe that we could live on the moon by 2050.

2Reports show that Pluto is not a planet.

3Some people think that TV programmes are a good way to learn about science

4Studies suggest that life could exist on other planets.

Exercise 2 page 184

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

2 Sir Richard Branson thinks that regular people should have the opportunity to travel in space.

3 Researchers at Princeton University doubt that alien life exists.

4 NASA stated that the Kepler telescope looks for liveable planets beyond Earth.

Exercise 3 page 184

1b 2c 3a

Exercise 4page184

Answers will vary.

Exercise 5 page 185

2d 3a4b5c

Exercise 6 page 185

A results B reasons

Exercise 7 page 185

1 Result: I'm studying Maths and Physics;Reason:because want to be an engineer 2 Reason: want to bean engineer.Result: so I'm studying Maths and Physics

Exercise 8 page 185

2 I'm studying Mars because I want to explore new places want to explore new places so m studying Mars.3 l want to design spaceships,so study Engineering I study Engineering because l want to design spaceships.4 I bought a telescope because I like to look at the stars and planets

I like to look at the stars and planets, so I bought a telescope.

I want to be an entrepreneur so I study Business. I study Business because want to be an entrepreneur.

Exercise 1 page 186

1first 2middle 3one 4last

Exercise 2 page 186

1Background information: For many years, people have wondered whether we are the only living things in the universe. Some scientists believe that there must be life on other planets because the universe is so big.However it is unlikely that there is life on other planets because planets need a very specific environment for life to start Thesis statement: In the end there are no facts that support the idea of life on other planets.

2Facts.reasons and examples:one of these planets named Kepler 22b, has the right conditions-the right atmosphere and temperature-to support life a planet needs very particular conditions to have life it is very unlikely that another planet has exactly the same

environment as Earth: although scientists believe that life might exist on other planets they have never found evidence to prove it.a recent report from Princeton University suggests that it is very unlikely that there is life on other planets we don't have enough scientific evidence to decide if there is if another planets:just because similar conditions to Earth exist on other planets it doesn’t mean that life could exist

3 Phrases that retell the main points in the essay

Although the universe is very big a planet with life needs very special conditions;I do not think that any one planets could have exactly the same conditions as Earth.

The writer's opinion: In conclusion I do not believe that there is life on other planets./Therefore I do not think that there could be life on other planets

Exercise 1 page 187

a2and3 b4 c1and4 d Answers will vary

Exercises 2-7 pages 187-188

Answers will vary.


Exercise 1

Answers will vary.

Exercise 2

1crashed 2 wonder 3beyond 4unlikely 5explore 6conditions 7proved 8support

Exercise 3

Answers will vary.

Exercise 4

1Research shows that water exists on the moon's surface.

2Experts believe that vegetables can successfully grow in space.

3Studies suggest that astronauts may grow taller or shorter in space.

4Scientists think that there are more than 100 billion galaxies in our universe.

5Reports show that the body temperature of astronauts rises in space.

Exercise 5

1that they are 2she loves 3that you didn't 4that they must 5he was

Exercise 6

1main body 2introductory 3main body 4concluding 

5introductory 6introductory

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