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English in Mind 4 课本答案 Unit 1

Sport with a difference(一单元)

1.a:boxing: gloves, ring

chess: queen, board, checkmate

both: round, referee

b:1 Chessboxing is a sport which combines chess and boxing. Players alternate one round of chess with one round of boxing. 2 He is German.

c:1 Because he is German and the fight is in Berlin. 2 Through checkmate or knockout. 3 It shows fighters can be smart. 4 He won the game of chess.

2.a:2 which (or that) 3which (or that) 4whose 5 where

b:who; which, that; where; whose

c:2 D 3D 4A 5A

3.a:1 The opinion that boxers aren’t very clever. 2 Winning the world championship

b:which, whose

c:2 You need to be mentally and physically tough, which is why you need to prepare well. 3 Some people have been killed in boxing matches, which is terrible. 4 Chess is quite a complicated game, which means players have to concentrate a lot. 5 Two men sit in a boxing ring and play chess, which is quite strange. 6 Chessboxing is becoming more popular, which means we might start to see it on TV soon.

4.e:1 Allison 2Fabiola 3Allison 4 Allison 5Fabiola 6Fabiola

f:1 She started playing snooker at seven years old. She became the women’s number one in her mid-twenties. 2 She wasn’t earning much money, so she moved to the USA where women players earned as much as, or more than, men. 3 She won seven championships in the USA.

g:1 She began skating aged 15 and turned professional aged 17. 2 She became famous when she started competing against men. 3 She takes what she does seriously and wants to do a good job.

5.b:2 football 3ice hockey 4boxing 5tennis 6 swimming

c:tennis: ball, net, racket; court

football: ball, net; pitch

ice hockey: skates, puck, sticks; rink

boxing: gloves, helmet; ring

surfing: board; sea

swimming: cap, costume, goggles; pool

e:2 won 3beat 4score 5get sent off 6 draw

7.a:1 In Australia, Namibia and South Africa 2 Extreme ironing

b:1 They are all a bit dangerous. They have all taken elements of one sport or tradition and mixed it with something else!

2 Wife-carrying

3 Sand boarding: standing on the board/lying on the board

Wife-carrying: piggyback/fireman’s lift/ Estonian style

4 Extreme ironing

8.The writer seems to be a girl as she says ‘… seems to me that some people, especially men, …’

b:1 for example 2 However 3 Moreover 4 To conclude

c:A Para 4  B Para 2  C Para 1  D Para 3

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